1. Pancreatin, the Mixture that Improves the Absorption of Fat, Protein, and Energy In Patients with Pancreatic Insufficiency
2. Phytosterols, the Anti Hypercholesterolemic Phytochemicals
* 11 Health Benefits of Tocopherols
* 6 Health Benefits of Beta-Sitosterol
* 19 Health Benefits of Omega-3, 6,9 Fatty Acids
* 10 Health Benefits of Gamma-linolenic Acid
3,3'-Diindolylmethane or DIM
3,3'-Diindolylmethane or DIM may have a profound and positive effect in reducing the risk and treatment of colon cancer, according to studies.
1. 3,3'-Diindolylmethane, the Potential Anti Colon Cancer Bioactive Compound, According to Researchers
2. 3,3'-Diindolylmethane May Be the Potent Anti Breast Cancer Bioactive Ingredients, According to Studies
3. Phytochemical 3,3'-Diindolylmethane, May Be A Potent Anti Malignant Mesothelioma Bioactive Compound, Scientists Show
4. 3,3'-Diindolylmethane, The Potential Melanoma Inhibitor, According to Studies
5. 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Inhibits Pancreatic Cancer Cells
6. 3,3'-Diindolylmethane, the Potential Anti Prostate Cancer Bioactive Compound, According to Researchers
7. Phytochemical 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Kills Pancreatic Cancer Cells in Vitro
8. Phytochemical 3,3'-Diindolylmethane, the Potential Anti-Colorectal Cancer Phytochemicals With No Side Effects, Researchers Find
9. 3,3'-Diindolylmethane, the Natural Ingredient for the Treatment of Chronic Diseases
10. 3,3'-Diindolylmethane, May Be Potent Against Glioblastoma, Scientists Say
11. 3,3'-Diindolylmethane, the Phytochemical Which Gobbles Up Liver Cancer Cells
12. Phytochemical 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Ameliorates Renal Fibrosis
13. Phytochemical 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Prevents the Onset of Hypoxia
14. Bioactive Compound 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Protects the Neurons Integrity and Viability Against Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis
15. Plant-Based Bioactive Compound 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Kills Lung Cancer Cells in Vivo
16. Bioactive Ingredient 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Gobbles Up Colorectal Cancer Cells in Vitro
17. 3,3'-Diindolylmethane, the Natural Treatment for Arthritis
18. Phytochemical 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Protects the Heart Muscle Against the Onset of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
19. Phytochemical 3,3'-Diindolylmethane, The Potential Anti Cancers Bioactive Compound with No Side Effects, Scientists Say
20. Phytochemical 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Protects the Process of Hematopoiesis
21. 3,3'-Diindolylmethane, the Best Anti-inflammatory Bioactive Compound
22. Phytochemical 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Processes Hepatic Protective Activity
23. Phytochemical 3,3'-Diindolylmethane, the Natural Treatment for Breast cancer, According to Human and Viivo Studies
24. Phytochemical 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Kills 86% of Glioblastoma Cells in Vitro After 12 Hours
25. Phytochemical 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Kills Bladder Cancer Cells
26. 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Eradicates Ovarian Cancer in Vitro
27. The Effect of Phytochemical 3,3'-Diindolylmethane on Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity
28. 3,3'-Diindolylmethane, the Anti Colitis Bioactive, and Natural Ingredient, According to Studies
29. Plant-Based 3,3'-Diindolylmethane (DIM), the Best for the Treatment of Radiation-Induced Intestinal Injury in Vivo
30. Phytochemical 3,3'-Diindolylmethane kills Gastrointestinal Cancer Cells In Vivo and Vitro
31. 3,3'-Diindolylmethane, the Best for the treatment of Colitis with No Side Effects
32. Phytochemical 3,3'-Diindolylmethane, Protects Your Bone Against Osteoporosis
33. 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Suppresses the Progression of Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)
34. Phytochemical 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Kills Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells in Vivo and Vitro
35. Phytochemical 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Inhibits Parameters Associated with the Onset of Hyperglycemia
36. Phytochemical 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Protects the Liver Against Hepatic Fibrosis Developing
37. Phytochemical 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Suppresses Oxidative Stress in the Initiation of Chronic Illness
38. Phytochemical 3,3'-Diindolylmethane, the Anti Nasopharyngeal Cancer Functional Supplement
39. 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Protects the Integrity of Liver Against Chronic Liver Disease
40. Phytochemical 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Speeds Up Wound Healing
41. 3,3'-Diindolylmethane May Induce immune-Toxicity if Overdosed
Alliin (S-allyl-L-cysteine-S-oxide)
Alliin (S-allyl-L-cysteine-S-oxide) is a phytochemical compound sulfoxide, a derivative of the amino acid cysteine, belonging to the class of sulfur compounds, found abundantly in fresh garlic and onion.
1. Phytochemical Alliin Protects the Heart Muscles Against Cardiotoxicity
2. Bioactive Compound Alliin, Inhibits Chronic Parameters Associated with Cardiovascular Diseases
3. Phytochemical Alliin Balances the Gut Microbiota for Optimal Health
4. Phytochemical Alliin, Inhibits Parameters Associated with the Onset of Diabetes in Vivo
5. Phytochemical Alliin Gobbles Up Cancer Cells in Vivo with No Side Effects
6. Bioactive Ingredient Alliin Protects the Heart Against Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy
7. Phytochemical Alliin Suppresses the Onset of Hypercholesterolemia
8. Plant-Based Alliin, the Potential Anti-Ovarian Cancer Phytochemical
9. Phytochemical Alliin Isolated from Garlic Gobbles Up Breast Cancer Cells in Vitro
10. Bioactive Compound Alliin Protects Liver Cells Integrity and Viability Against Liver cancer
11. Phytochemical Alliin, Processes Anti-Angiogenesis in Cancer
12. Phytochemical Alliin, Protects the Body Against the Increase Levels of Triglyceride(TG) and Total Cholesterol(TC)
13. Phytochemical Alliin Eradicates Ovarian Cancer Cells in Vitro and Vivo
14. Phytochemical Alliin Strengthens the Gut immunity
15. Phytochemical Alliin Gobbles Up Plagues Against the Onset of Atherosclerosis
16. Phytochemical Alliin, A Natural and Potential Treatment of Colo-rectal Cancer
17. Phytochemical Alliin Protects the Heart and Blood Vessels Against Hypertension
18. Phytochemical Alliin Inhibits the Parameters Associated with the Onset of Diabetic Complications
19. Phytochemical Alliin, the Best Anti Metabolic Syndrome Remedy
20. Phytochemical Alliin, the Best for Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury
21. Phytochemical Alliin Inhibits the Onset of Hypercholesterolemia
22. Phytochemical Alliin Protects the Heart Against Cardiotoxicity in Vivo
23. Phytochemical Alliin Protects the Liver Cell Integrity and Viability Against Liver cancer
24. Phytochemical Alliin Reduced Metabolic Risk Factors Against Heart Disease, Stroke, and Diabetes in Vivos
25. Phytochemical Alliin Inhibits the Onset of High Blood Pressure
26. Antioxidants Alliin Inhibits Disease Associated with Chronic Inflammation
27. Phytochemicals Alliin Inhibits the Onset of Neuro-Degenerative Diseases in Vitro
28. Antioxidant Alliin, The Natural Cardio-Protective Compound
29. Antioxidant Alliin Suppresses Hyperglycemia in Vivo, Scientists Found
30. Phytochemical Alliin the Anti Liver Cancer Bioactive Ingredient
31. Phytochemical Alliin Kills Colorectal Cancer Cells In Vitro
32. Phytochemical Alliin, the Potent Antioxidant
33. Phytochemical Alliin Processes the Immunomodulatory Effect
34. Phytochemical Alliin Promotes The Balanced Ratio Gut Microbiota
35. Phytochemical Alliin Balances the Ratio of Free Radicals and Antioxidants Levels
36. Phytochemical Alliin Suppresses the Onset of Hyperlipidemia in Vivo
37. Phytochemical Alliin, The Best Natural Antioxidants
38. Phytochemical Alliin Inhibits Parameters Involved in the Onset of Metabolic Syndrome
39. Phytochemical Alliin Protects The Heart Against the Risk Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)
Allicin is phytochemical containing sulfur in the class of organosulfur compound, found abundantly in onion and garlic.
The 14 Health Benefits of Phytochemical Allicin
1.1. Phytochemical Allicin, the Potential Natural Antibiotic Alternative
1.2. Phytochemical Allicin, Protects the Cardiovascular System With NO Side Effects, Scientists Find
3. Allicin, the Potent and Powerful Anti Cognitive Impairment Functional Phytochemical
4. Bioactive Compound Allicin, the Best in Normalizing High Blood Pressure
5. Phytochemical Allicin, the Novel Dietary Antioxidants
6. Phytochemical Allicin, The Natural Anti High Blood Pressure Bioactive Ingredient
7. Phytochemical Allicin, the Natural Anti Hyper Cholesterol Bioactive Compound
8. Phytochemical Allicin, the Anti Malaria bioactive Compound, Scientists Say
9. Phytochemical Allicin, the Anti Colon Cancer Bioactive compound
10. Phytochemical Allicin, the Potent Anti-Osteosarcoma Bioactive Supplement
Phytochemical Allicin, the Potent Anti Pancreatic Cancer Supplement
12. Phytochemical Allicin Gobbles Up Endometrial Cancer Cells in Vitro
13. Phytochemical Allicin, the Potent Anti Liver Cancer Bioactive Compound, According to Scientists
14. Phytochemical Allicin, the Bioactive Compound with Anti Gastric Cancer Potential
15. Phytochemical Alliin, the Best Free Radical Scavenger Against the Onset of Oxidative Stress
16. Phytochemical Alliin Protects The Heart Muscle Against Heart Attacks (Myocardial Infarction)
Allyl isothiocyanate
Allyl isothiocyanate is phytochemical containing sulfur in the class of organosulfur compound, found abundantly in horseradish mustard, wasabi, etc.
1. Phytochemical Allyl isothiocyanate, the Potential Anti Brain Cancer Bioactive Compound
2. Phytochemical Allyl isothiocyanate and Bladder Cancer
3. Phytochemical Allyl isothiocyanate, the Potential Anti-Liver Cancer Bioactive Compound
4. Phytochemical Allyl isothiocyanate, the Anti Prostate Cancer Bioactive Ingredient
5. Bioactive Isothiocyanates, The Potential Anti Cancers Phytochemicals
6. Phytochemical Isothiocyanates as Antioxidants
Anacardic acids are phenolic lipids, phytochemicals of the organic acid found abundantly in cashews, mangoes, etc.
1. Anacardic Acids, The Potential Anti-Breast Cancer Phytochemical
2. Phytochemical Anacardic Acids, Kills Prostate Cancer Cells in Vivo and Vitro
3. Anacardic Acid, A Bioactive Ingredient Which Processes Anti Lung Cancer Potential
4. Phytochemical Anacardic Acid, the Natural Antibiotic Alternative with No Side Effects
5. Anacardic acids, the Anti Pituitary Adenomas Bioactive Ingredient
Berberine is a phytochemical found in the group of protoberberine groups of isoquinoline alkaloids, in many herbal plants including Oregon grape, barberry, turmeric, goldenseal, etc.
1. The Secondary Metabolites Berberine Reverses Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOs), Human Studies Show
β-Carotene is a phytochemical in the class of Carotenes, belonging to the group of Carotenoids (tetraterpenoids), found abundantly in dark, leafy greens and red, orange and yellow fruits and vegetable.
1. Beta Carotene Inhibits the Stress Markers in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
2. Phytochemical β-Carotene Reduces the Risk of ER Breast Cancer
Betacyanins are phytochemicals in the class of red and yellow indole-derived pigments, belonging to the group of Betalains, found abundantly in beets, chard, etc.
1, Phytochemical Betacyanins, the Best Chemo-Drugs Enhancer
2. Phytochemical Betacyanins, the Natural Free Radical Scavengers
3. Phytochemical Betacyanins Protects the Cell Integrity Against Cancers
4. Phytochemical Betacyanins Kills Bladder Cancer Cells In Vitro
5. Phytochemical Betacyanins Protects the Liver Against Injury in Vivo
6. Betacyanins, the Anti Liver Steatosis Phytochemical
7. Phytochemical Betacyanins, the Anti Cancer Natural Remedy In Vitro
8. Betacyanins Inhibits Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in Vitro
9. Phytochemical Betacyanins Inhibits Proliferation of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Cell in Vitro
10. Phytochemical Betacyanins Protects the Lipid, Protein and Cell DNA Damage Caused by Oxidative Stress
11. Phytochemical Betacyanins Inhibits Breast Cancer Cells Initiation and Progression
12. Phytochemical Betacyanins, the Best Free Radical Scavenger
13. Phytochemical Betacyanins Might Process Anti Prostate Cancer Potency
14. Phytochemical Betacyanins Reduces Risk of Insulin Resistance
15. Phytochemical Betacyanins Protects the Bladder Cell Integrity Against DNA Alternation
16. 1468. Phytochemical Betacyanins Inhibits the Parameters Which Cause the Onset of Cognitive Deficit
17. Phytochemical Betacyanins Processes Cytotoxic Effect Against Cancer
18. Phytochemical Betacyanins Inhibits Fat Accumulation in Obesity
19. Phytochemical Betacyanins, the Best Antioxidants
20. Phytochemical Betacyanins the Natural Free Radical Scavengers
21. Betacyanins protects the Proteins, Lipid, and Cells Against Oxidative Stress
1. Phytochemical Betalains, the Anti-Lipid Oxidation Bioactive Compound
Betanin is Phytochemical in the class of red and yellow indole-derived pigments of Betacyanins, belonging to the group of Betalains, found abundantly in beets, chard, etc.
1. Phytochemical Betanin, Protects the Liver Against Toxicity in Vivo, Scientists Found
2. Phytochemical Betanin Gobbles Up Breast Cancer Cells in Vitro
3. Bioactive Plant-based Betanin Protects the Liver Against Injury Naturally
4. Plant-based Chemical Betanin Kills Cancer Cells in Vitro
5. Betanin, the Bioactive Compound Isolated from Beetroot Enhances the Effects of Chemotherapy In Vitro
6. Phytochemical Betanin, Isolated from Beetroot May Be a Potential Anti Skin Cancer Bioactive Compound
7. Betanin, the Potential Anti-Liver Cancer Bioactive Compound
8. Phytochemical Betanin Protects the Integrity of Cells Against Intestinal Mucosal Inflammation in the Formation of Colitis
9. Phytochemical Betanin Inhibits Lung Cancer in Vitro and Vivo
10. Phytochemical Betanin Protects your Liver Against Liver Toxicity
11. Phytochemical Betanin Inhibits Lung Cancer in Vitro and Vivo
12. Phytochemical Betanin and Prostate cancer
13. Phytochemical Betanin Protects the Kidney Against Renal Fibrosis
14. Plant-Based Betanin Kills Colon Cancer Cells by Toxicity
15. Plant-Based Betanin Protects Liver Injury Against Toxicity
16. Phytochemical Betanin, a Natural Plant-Based Antioxidant that Prevents Oxidative Stress Developing
17. Phytochemical Betanin Normalizes Your High Blood Pressure
18. Phytochemical Betanin, the Anti-Inflammatory Natural Compound
19. Phytochemical Betanin Modulates the Production of Reactive Oxidative Species (ROS)
20. Phytochemical Betanin, the Potent Antioxidant
21. Phytochemical Betanin Isolated From Beetroot, the Potential Anti-Hyperglycemia Remedy
22. Bioactive Compound Betanin Kills Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Cells in Vitro\
23. Phytochemical Betanin, the Best Free Radical Scavenger
24. Antioxidants Betanin Protect the Digestive Tract Against the Onset of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
25. Phytochemical Betanin, the Chemo Prevention and Treatment of Cancer
Beta-Sitosterol is a phytochemical in the class of Phytosterols, belongings to the group of Lipids, found abundantly in avocados, rice bran, wheat germ, corn oils, fennel, peanuts, soybeans, hawthorn, basil, buckwheat. etc.
1. Phytochemical Beta-Sitosterol Inhibits the Stomach Cancer Risk and Progression in Vitro and Vivo
2. Phytochemical Beta-Sitosterol, the Anti-Bacterial Remedy
3. Beta-Sitosterol, the Potential Anti-Skin Cancer Supplement
4. Beta-Sitosterol inhibits Oxidative Stress by Promoting Antioxidant Activity
5. Phytochemical Beta-Sitosterol Promotes the Smooth Muscle Functioning
6. Beta-sitosterol Oxidation Products (SOPs) Exerts the Similar Side Effects as of Cholesterol Oxidation
7. Beta-Sitosterol, Shows a Strong Anti-Liver Fibrosis Development in Vitro and Vivo
8. Beta-Sitosterol May Alleviates the Progression of Fatty Liver
9. Beta-Sitosterol Protects the Pancreatic Islets functioning Against the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
10. Beta-Sitosterol Reduces Cholesterol Levels in Patients with cystic fibrosis
11. Beta-Sitosterol Inhibits the Melanoma Brain Metastasis
12. Beta-Sitosterol Inhibits the Obesity-Related Chronic Inflammation
13. Beta-Sitosterol, A Promising Natural Hormone Estrogen Therapy Alternative
14. Beta-Sitosterol Improves The Liver and Kidney Functioning in Hypertensive Rats in Vivo
15. Beta-Sitosterol, a Natural Free Radical Scavenging Antioxidant
16. Beta-Sitosterol Demonstrates Anti-Hyperuricemic Effects in Vivo
17. Beta-Sitosterol Protects the Kidney Against Acute Nephrotoxicity
18. Beta-Sitosterol Inhibits the Parameters Associated with the Risk of Diabetes
19. Beta-Sitosterol Reduces the Onset of Gouty Arthritis in Vivo
20. Beta-Sitosterol Reduces the Risk and Onset of Tuberculosis
25. Beta-Sitosterol Inhibits the Risk of Chronic Inflammation in Vivo
26. Beta-Sitosterol, A Potential Adjunct Therapy for the Treatment of Liver Cancer
26. Beta-Sitosterol, A Potential Adjunct Therapy for the Treatment of Liver Cancer
51. Phytochemical Beta-Sitosterol Processes Anti-Hyperglycemia and Anti-Diabetes Activity
1. Betaxanthins, the Potential Anti-Cancer Phytochemical
2. Betaxanthins, the Natural Free Radical Scavenger
3. Antioxidants Betaxanthins Blocks the Gene Associated with Colon Cancer Developing
4. Betaxanthins, the Potential Anti-Cancer Phytochemical
5. Betaxanthins, the Antioxidant Phytochemicals
6. Betaxanthins Inhibits Lipid Peroxidation Against atherosclerosis Developing
7. Phytochemical Betaxanthins, the Best Antioxidants
8. Phytochemical Betaxanthins Processes Anti-Cancer Activity in Vitro
9. Betaxanthins the Anti Dyslipidemia-Related Diseases Functional Phytochemical
10. Phytochemical Betaxanthins the Potential Scavenger of Reactive Oxygen Species
Carotenoids are a class of mainly yellow, orange, or red fat-soluble pigments, including lycopene and carotene, found abundantly in ripe tomato, pumpkins, carrots, corn, and daffodils.
1. Phytochemical Carotenoids Ameliorates the Risk of Breast Cancer, According to Study
2. Phytochemical Carotenoids Blocks the Liver cancer Onset and Progression
3. Phytochemical Carotenoids Ameliorates the Risk of /Stomach Cancer
4. Carotenoids, Inhibits the Risk and Progression of Prostate Cancer
5. Phytochemical Carotenoids Protects the Eyes of Elderly Against Age-Related Macular Degeneration
6. Phytochemical Carotenoids Protect the Eyes Against Age-Related Eye Disease
7. Phytochemical Carotenoids Inhibits the Risk of Cataract
8. Antioxidants Carotenoids Protects the Eyes Against Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
9. Phytochemical Carotenoids Block the Onset of Colorectal Cancer in Patients with DICER1 rs3742330 Genotypeancer
10. Antioxidants Carotenoids, the Best in the Promotion of Eye Health
11. Carotenoids Reduce Risk of Lung Cancer
12. Carotenoids in Different Etiologies of Chronic Liver Diseases
13. Carotenoids Reduce the Risk of Pancreatic Cancer
14. Carotenoids do not cause Skin Cancer
15. Carotenoids Process the Strong Impact In the Prevention and Treatment of Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
16. Carotenoids Inhibit the Risk and Progression of Chronic Low-Grade Systemic Inflammation
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are phytochemicals in the class of lipids, found abundantly in dark-green leafy vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, deepsea fish, etc.
1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Lower Blood Pressure in Children Born with Reduced Birth Weight
2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Processes Antimicrobial Activities
3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Reduce the Risk Breast Cancer
4. Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Process Anti Chronic Diseases and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Activity
5. Omega 3 Fatty Acids Improve the Immune Functioning in Vivo
6. Omega 3 Fatty Acids Protect the Heart Against Abnormal Rate or Rhythm of the Heartbeat
7. The Health Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids
8. Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Be Used for the Treatment of Crohn's disease (CD)
9. Omega 3 Fatty Acids in the Prevention, Treatment, and Management of Obesity
10. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Exerts Anti- Neoplastic Activities in Vitro
11. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Demonstrates a Neuro-Protective Effect in Vivo
12. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Process a Strong Impact on the Parameters Associated with Endocrine Disorder
13. Omega-3 Fatty Acids, the Promising Remedy for the Treatment of Advanced Esophagogastric Cancer
14. Omega 3 Fatty Acids Ameliorates the Symptoms of Anxiety
15. Omega 3 Fatty Acid Inhibits the Onset of Acute Steatohepatitis in Vivo
16. Omega -3 Fatty Acids Induce Weight Loss Naturally in Obese with Type 2 Diabetes
17. Omega-3 Fatty Shows to Reduce Cancer-Related Complications
18. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Kills Myeloid Leukemia Cells in Vivo
19. Omega-3 Fatty Acids, A potential Treatment for Cardiovascular Diseases
20. Omega-3 Fatty Acids, A Potential, and Natural Anti Gastrointestinal Cancer Antioxidant
21. Omega 3 Fatty Acid Inhibits the Onset of Fatal Coronary Disease in Cohosts
22. Omega 3 Fatty Acids Decrease the Risk of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases
23. Omega 3 Fatty Acid Inhibits the Onset of Diabetic Dyslipidemia
24. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Promotes Neuro-Functioning After Ischemic Stroke
25. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Improve Patients with Heart Failure
26. Omega 3 Fatty Acid Promotes Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion in Vivo
27. Omega 3 Fatty Acids Process Cardio-Protective Activity in Vivo
28. Omega 3 Fatty Acid Inhibits the Onset of Acute Dyslipidemia
29. Omega -3 Fatty Acids Inhibits the Prevalent Factors Involved in the Onset of Colorectal Cancer
30. Omega -3 Fatty Acids Inhibits the Risk of Breast Density Induced Breast Cancer in Obese
31. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Has NO Effects on Chronic Kidney Diseases
32. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Result in Death of Ovarian Cancer Cells In Vitro
33. Low Levels of Omega-3 Fatty Acids Are Associated with Increased Risk of Atherosclerosis
34. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Induce Apoptosis in Mammary Cancer Cells in Vitro
35. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Improve the Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis
36. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Process Anti Non-Melanoma Activity in Vitro
37. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Improve Oral Mucositis and Body Weight Loss in Chemoradiotherapy Patients with Head and Neck Cancer
38. Omega-3 Fatty Acids, the Healthy Fat for the Treatment of Myocardial Infarction
39. Omega 3 Fatty Acids Suppress Cancer Cachexia in Patients with Pancreatic Cancer
40. Omega-3 Fatty Acids, the Potent Lipid Inflammatory Mediators in Vitro and Vivo
41. Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Be Used for the Treatment of Acids Sickle Cell Anemia
42. Omega -3 Fatty Acids Reduces the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Overweight or Obese
43. Antioxidants Omega -3 Fatty Acids in Reducing the Risk of Chronic Kidney Diseases in Females
44. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Inhibit the Chain Reaction of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)
45. Omega -3 Fatty Acids Lowers the Risk of Oral Cancer in Vivo
46. Omega -3 Fatty Acids May Be Effective Against Psoriasis, Some Studies Show
47. Omega -3 Fatty Acids Inhibits the Risk Of Biliary Tract Cancer
48. Omega -3 Fatty Acids DO NOT Exert Anti-Inflammatory Activity on Colon Cancer Surgery
49. Omega -3 Fatty Acids, the Anti-Prostate Cancer Antioxidants
50. Omega -3 Fatty Acids, the Anti Hyperlipidemiv Supplements
51. Omega -3 Fatty Acids Might Block the Onset of Breast Cancer
Ursolic acid
1. Ursolic acid Protects Diabetes Against Kidney Injury in Vivo
2. Ursolic Acid, An Adjunct Therapy for the Treatment of Liver Cancer
3. Ursolic Acid, The Promised Anti-Bacterial, and Anti-Biofilm Phytochemical
4. Ursolic Acid, A Potential Breast Cancer Therapy
5. Ursolic Acid, The Potential Cancer Immunotherapy
6. Ursolic Acid as A CETP Inhibitor for the Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol7. Ursolic Acid, A Potential Adjunct Therapy for the Treatment of Lung Cancer
1. Betaxanthins, the Potential Anti-Cancer Phytochemical
2. Betaxanthins, the Natural Free Radical Scavenger
3. Antioxidants Betaxanthins Blocks the Gene Associated with Colon Cancer Developing
4. Betaxanthins, the Potential Anti-Cancer Phytochemical
5. Betaxanthins, the Antioxidant Phytochemicals
6. Betaxanthins Inhibits Lipid Peroxidation Against atherosclerosis Developing
7. Phytochemical Betaxanthins, the Best Antioxidants
8. Phytochemical Betaxanthins Processes Anti-Cancer Activity in Vitro
9. Betaxanthins the Anti Dyslipidemia-Related Diseases Functional Phytochemical
10. Phytochemical Betaxanthins the Potential Scavenger of Reactive Oxygen Species
Carotenoids are a class of mainly yellow, orange, or red fat-soluble pigments, including lycopene and carotene, found abundantly in ripe tomato, pumpkins, carrots, corn, and daffodils.
1. Phytochemical Carotenoids Ameliorates the Risk of Breast Cancer, According to Study
2. Phytochemical Carotenoids Blocks the Liver cancer Onset and Progression
3. Phytochemical Carotenoids Ameliorates the Risk of /Stomach Cancer
4. Carotenoids, Inhibits the Risk and Progression of Prostate Cancer
5. Phytochemical Carotenoids Protects the Eyes of Elderly Against Age-Related Macular Degeneration
6. Phytochemical Carotenoids Protect the Eyes Against Age-Related Eye Disease
7. Phytochemical Carotenoids Inhibits the Risk of Cataract
8. Antioxidants Carotenoids Protects the Eyes Against Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
9. Phytochemical Carotenoids Block the Onset of Colorectal Cancer in Patients with DICER1 rs3742330 Genotypeancer
10. Antioxidants Carotenoids, the Best in the Promotion of Eye Health
11. Carotenoids Reduce Risk of Lung Cancer
12. Carotenoids in Different Etiologies of Chronic Liver Diseases
13. Carotenoids Reduce the Risk of Pancreatic Cancer
14. Carotenoids do not cause Skin Cancer
15. Carotenoids Process the Strong Impact In the Prevention and Treatment of Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
16. Carotenoids Inhibit the Risk and Progression of Chronic Low-Grade Systemic Inflammation
Dithiolthiones are phytochemicals in the class of Organosulfides, found abundantly in cruciferous vegetables, garden sorrel, horseradish, etc.
1. Phytochemical Dithiolthiones Protect the Liver Against Liver Toxicity
2. Phytochemical Isothiocyanates and Cancers
3. Phytochemical Isothiocyanates as Antioxidants
4. Phytochemical Isothiocyanates, the Cardio-Protective Organic Agent
5. Sulforaphane (Isothiocyanates), the Neuroprotective Plant Base Bioactive Compound
6. Bioactive Sulforaphane (Isothiocyanates), the Anti-Obesity Plant Based Compound
7. Phytochemical Sulforaphane (Dithiolthiones), the Best for the Prevention and Treatment of Lung Diseases
8. Phytochemical Sulforaphane (Dithiolthiones), the Potent Anti-Liver Disease Bioactive Compound, According to Studies
9. Phytochemical Sulforaphane (Dithiolthiones) and Breast cancer, According to Studies
10. Phytochemical Sulforaphane (Dithiolthiones) inhibits the Onset of Prostate cancer
11. Phytochemical Sulforaphane, The Potential Anti Colon cancer Bioactive Compound, Scientists Say
12. Phytochemical Sulforaphane (Dithiolthiones) Kills Cervical Cancer Cells, According to Studies
13. Diallyl trisulfide (DATS), the Bioactive compound isolated from Garlic May Be A Potential Anti
Skin Cancer Agent
Gamma-linolenic Acid
1. Gamma-linolenic Acid Ameliorates the Symptoms of Diabetic Neuropathy
2. Gamma-Linolenic Acid, The Potential Anti-Atherosclerotic Lesions in Vivo
3. Gamma-Linolenic Acid, A Potential Treatment of Dermatitis in Vitro
4. Gamma-linolenic Acid Reduces the Risk of Non-Ischemic Heart Failure
5. Gamma-Linolenic Acid Inhibits of Colonic Inflammation in Vivo
6. Gamma-linolenic Acid, the Bacterial Infection Remedy
1. Phytochemical Indicaxanthin Blocks the Formation of Plague Against the Onset of Atherosclerosis
2. Phytochemical indicaxanthin, the Best Natural Promotion of Myeloperoxidase Function Against Microbial Infection
3. Indicaxanthin a chemo-active Phytochemical
4. Indicaxanthin Kills Colorectal Cancer Cells In Vitro
5. Indicaxanthin Prevent the Risk of Atheromas
6. Phytochemical Indicaxanthin processes A Potent Anti-Inflammatory Property
7. Indicaxanthin, the Free Radical-Scavenger
8. Indicaxanthin Processes Redox Status Property
9. Indicaxanthin Inhibits the Gene Associated with Colon Cancer Developing
10. Indicaxanthin Might Protect the Skin Against Melanoma
11. Phytochemical Indicaxanthin Inhibits Factors Associated with Beta-Thalassemia Anemia
12. Phytochemical Indicaxanthin Inhibits The Risk of Intestinal Motility Disorders
13. Phytochemicals Betaxanthins Reduce the Risk of Stenosis of the Arteries
14. Phytochemical Indicaxanthin Blocks the Onset of Oxidative Stress
15. Antioxidant Indicaxanthin Processes Cytoprotective Effects
16. Antioxidant Indicaxanthin Inhibits Hypercholesterolemia and Hypercholesterolemic Complications
17. Indicaxanthin, the Free Radical Scavenging Antioxidant
18. Phytochemical Indicaxanthin Exerts a Strong Vascular Protective Effect
19. Phytochemical indicaxanthin in the Prevention and Treatment of Intestinal Motility Disorders
20. Indicaxanthin Processes a Significant Prooxidant Activity
1. Phytochemical Indole-3-carbinol In the Prevention and Treatment of Breast cancer
2. Plantbase Bioactive Indole-3-Carbinol, in the Prevention and Treatment of Lung Cancer
3. Phytochemical Indole-3-carbinol, the Anti Pancreatic Cancer Cells Plant-Based Bioactive Compound
4. Phytochemical Indole-3-carbinol, the Potent Anti Prostate Cancer Plant Base Compound
5. Phytochemical Indole-3-carbinol (I3C), the Potent Anti Cervical Cancer Plant Base Agent
1. Phytochemical isobetanin Protects the Breast Cell integrity and Viability Against Breast Cancer
2. Phytochemical isobetanin, the Powerful Antioxidant In Beetroot
1458. Herbal Turmeric Inhibits Hyperglycemia
Phytic acid (Inositol hexaphosphate) are phytochemicals of the organic acid found abundantly in nuts, sesame seeds, soybeans, wheat, pumpkin, beans, almonds, etc.
1. Phytochemicals Phytic Acid, Inhibits the Risk and Progression of Alzheimer's disease (AD)
2. Phytochemicals Phytic Acid Which Reduces Risk and Treatment of Colorectal Cancer
3. Phytochemicals Phytic Acid Anti Cancers Potency
4. Phytochemicals Phytic Acid, the Anti Prostate cancers Bioactive Compound
5. Phytochemical Phytic acid, the Potential Anti-Diabetes Bioactive Compound, Scientists Find
Lycopene is a phytochemical in the class of carotenoid, a natural pigment with no vitamin A activity found abundantly in tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables, such as red carrots, watermelons, and papayas.
Tomatoes provide about 80% of the lycopene in the world diet. In plants, lycopene protects the host against excessive photodamage and performs various functions in photosynthesis.1. Phytochemical Lycopene Inhibits Cancer Metastasis in Vitro and Vivo
2. Phytochemical Lycopene Kills Head and Neck Cancer Cells, According to Study
3. Phytochemical Lycopene Inhibits Hyperproliferation In Gastric Epithelial Cells
4. Phytochemical Lycopene Protects the Kidneys Against Renal/Kidney Cancer
5. Phytochemical Lycopene Protects the Prostate Gland Against Prostate Cancer
6. Phytochemical Lycopenes Gobbles Up Breast Cancer Cells in Vitro
7. Phytochemical Lycopene Exhibits Anti Cancer Angiogenesis
8. Lycopene Inhibits Skin Cancer Cells Spreading in Vitro
9. Phytochemical Lycopene Protects the Bone Density Against Osteoporotic Fractures
10. Lycopene Inhibits Cholestasis.in Pregnancy
11. Phytochemicals Lycopene Inhibits Cancer Caused by NADPH Oxidase Induced Overexpression of Free Radicals
12. Lycopene Ameliorates Liver Oxidative Stress Against Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
13. Antioxidants Lycopene Protects the Neurons Integrity Against Cognitive Deficits
14. Lycopene Isolated from Tomatoes, the Natural Remedy in the Promotion of Insulin Sensitivity
15. Lycopene, the Best Anti-Inflammatory Phytochemical
16. Lycopene the Best Anti Cardiovascular Disease Phytochemical
17. Lycopene Processes A Strong Cardio Protective Activity
18. Phytochemicals Lycopene Suppresses the Onset of Colorectal Cancer
19. Lycopene Prevents the Onset of Metabolic Syndrome
20. Lycopene Inhibits Parameters Induced Post Myocardial Infarction Complication
21. Lycopene Protects Protein, Lipid and Cell Damage Against Oxidative Stress in Human Studies
22. Lycopene Protects the Arteries Against Atherosclerosis
23. Lycopene, Protects the Liver Cells Against the Risk of Hepatic Steatosis
24. Phytochemical Lycopene Protects the Bone Density Against Osteoclastogenesis (Bone Resorption)
25. Lycopene Protects the Ovarian Function in Diabetes
26. Antioxidants Lycopene In reducing Risk of In Rectal Cancer in Women
27. Bioactive Compound Lycopene Inhibits the Onset and Progression of Esophageal Cancer in Vitro
28. Lycopene Protects the Heart Failure Against the Risk of Cardio Events
29. Tomato/Lycopene the Anti Cancers Functional Food
30. Antioxidant Lycopene Protects Your Arteries Against Hypertension
31. Lycopene Protects the Kidney Cell Integrity Against Damage
33. Lycopene, the Phytochemical that Protects Us Against Chemical and Natural Toxins
34. Phytochemical Lycopene Protects the Liver Cells Against the Risk of Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
35. Lycopene Modulates the Inflammatory Response Through Its Antioxidant Activity
36. Phytochemical Lycopene Detoxes the Liver Against Toxicity
37. Lycopene Protects the Blood Vessels Against Stroke, Particularly in Men
38. Phytochemical Lycopene Anti-Oxidative stress and Anti-Inflammation Against the Complications Type 2 Diabetes in Vivo
39. Lycopene Protects the Lung Against Cancer Developing
40. Lycopene Protects the Lung Against Chronic Obstructive Lung Diseases (COPD)
41. Lycopene Promotes Kidney Against Renal Disease
42. Antioxidant Lycopene Protects the Lung Against Pulmonary Fibrosis (PF)
42. Antioxidant Lycopene Reduces Risk and Treatment of Gastric Ulcer in Vivo
43. Lycopene Protects the Kidney and Heart Cells Against Nephrotoxicity and Cardiotoxicity
44. Lycopene, the Natural Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
45. Lycopene, the Anti-diabetic Nephropathy Phytochemical, Researchers Find
46. Lycopene Reduces the Risk of Gastric Cancer
47. Lycopene Processes Anti OverGrowth of Candida Albicans
48. Lycopene Processes Anti Ulcerative Colitis Activity
49. Antioxidant Lycopene in the Prevention and Treatment of Esophagitis
50. Lycopene, the Anti-Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Phytochemical
51. Lycopene Inhibits Asthma-COPD Overlap Syndrome (ACOS)
52. Lycopene Inhibits the Onset of Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis, According to Studies
53. Lycopene Protects the Cells of Large Intestine Against colitis
54. Lycopene Effects on Pancreas Functioning in Diabetes in Vivo
55. Lycopene Processes a Strong Hepatoprotective Effect
56. Antioxidant Lycopene in the Prevention of Acute Pancreatitis
57. Lycopene Improves the Lung Function Against Allergic Airways Disease (AAD)
58. Lycopene Protects the Bone Density Against Osteoporosis (Osteoblastogenesis)
59. Lycopene Protects the Lung Against Injury
60. Lycopene Reduces Risk and Treatment of Kidney Cancer in Vivo
61. Lycopene Inhibits the Initiation and Progression of Liver Cancer in Vitro and Vivo
62. Lycopene Inhibited the Parameters Associated with Onset of Liver
62. Lycopene Promotes Multitargeted Therapy of Cancer
63. Lycopene Inhibits the Parameters Associated with Mitochondrial Dysfunction
64. Lycopene, the Natural Antioxidants that Inhibits the Risk of Dyslipidemia
65. Lycopene Inhibits Pulmonary Emphysema in Vivo
66. Phytochemical Lycopene Reduces Risk of Obesity
67. Antioxidant Lycopene Protects Kidney Cells Against Renal Damage
68/ Lycopene Processes Anti Anti Platelet Aggression Activity
69. Lycopene in the Promotion of Lung Function Against Obstructive Lung Function.
70. Lycopene Protects The Kidney Against Nephrotoxicity
71. Lycopene Protects the Cerebral Vessels and Neurons Induced by Hyperlipidemia
Dithiolthiones are phytochemicals in the class of Organosulfides, found abundantly in cruciferous vegetables, garden sorrel, horseradish, etc.
1. Phytochemical Dithiolthiones Protect the Liver Against Liver Toxicity
2. Phytochemical Isothiocyanates and Cancers
3. Phytochemical Isothiocyanates as Antioxidants
4. Phytochemical Isothiocyanates, the Cardio-Protective Organic Agent
5. Sulforaphane (Isothiocyanates), the Neuroprotective Plant Base Bioactive Compound
6. Bioactive Sulforaphane (Isothiocyanates), the Anti-Obesity Plant Based Compound
7. Phytochemical Sulforaphane (Dithiolthiones), the Best for the Prevention and Treatment of Lung Diseases
8. Phytochemical Sulforaphane (Dithiolthiones), the Potent Anti-Liver Disease Bioactive Compound, According to Studies
9. Phytochemical Sulforaphane (Dithiolthiones) and Breast cancer, According to Studies
10. Phytochemical Sulforaphane (Dithiolthiones) inhibits the Onset of Prostate cancer
11. Phytochemical Sulforaphane, The Potential Anti Colon cancer Bioactive Compound, Scientists Say
12. Phytochemical Sulforaphane (Dithiolthiones) Kills Cervical Cancer Cells, According to Studies
13. Diallyl trisulfide (DATS), the Bioactive compound isolated from Garlic May Be A Potential Anti
Skin Cancer Agent
Gamma-linolenic Acid
1. Gamma-linolenic Acid Ameliorates the Symptoms of Diabetic Neuropathy
2. Gamma-Linolenic Acid, The Potential Anti-Atherosclerotic Lesions in Vivo
3. Gamma-Linolenic Acid, A Potential Treatment of Dermatitis in Vitro
4. Gamma-linolenic Acid Reduces the Risk of Non-Ischemic Heart Failure
5. Gamma-Linolenic Acid Inhibits of Colonic Inflammation in Vivo
6. Gamma-linolenic Acid, the Bacterial Infection Remedy
1. Phytochemical Indicaxanthin Blocks the Formation of Plague Against the Onset of Atherosclerosis
2. Phytochemical indicaxanthin, the Best Natural Promotion of Myeloperoxidase Function Against Microbial Infection
3. Indicaxanthin a chemo-active Phytochemical
4. Indicaxanthin Kills Colorectal Cancer Cells In Vitro
5. Indicaxanthin Prevent the Risk of Atheromas
6. Phytochemical Indicaxanthin processes A Potent Anti-Inflammatory Property
7. Indicaxanthin, the Free Radical-Scavenger
8. Indicaxanthin Processes Redox Status Property
9. Indicaxanthin Inhibits the Gene Associated with Colon Cancer Developing
10. Indicaxanthin Might Protect the Skin Against Melanoma
11. Phytochemical Indicaxanthin Inhibits Factors Associated with Beta-Thalassemia Anemia
12. Phytochemical Indicaxanthin Inhibits The Risk of Intestinal Motility Disorders
13. Phytochemicals Betaxanthins Reduce the Risk of Stenosis of the Arteries
14. Phytochemical Indicaxanthin Blocks the Onset of Oxidative Stress
15. Antioxidant Indicaxanthin Processes Cytoprotective Effects
16. Antioxidant Indicaxanthin Inhibits Hypercholesterolemia and Hypercholesterolemic Complications
17. Indicaxanthin, the Free Radical Scavenging Antioxidant
18. Phytochemical Indicaxanthin Exerts a Strong Vascular Protective Effect
19. Phytochemical indicaxanthin in the Prevention and Treatment of Intestinal Motility Disorders
20. Indicaxanthin Processes a Significant Prooxidant Activity
1. Phytochemical Indole-3-carbinol In the Prevention and Treatment of Breast cancer
2. Plantbase Bioactive Indole-3-Carbinol, in the Prevention and Treatment of Lung Cancer
3. Phytochemical Indole-3-carbinol, the Anti Pancreatic Cancer Cells Plant-Based Bioactive Compound
4. Phytochemical Indole-3-carbinol, the Potent Anti Prostate Cancer Plant Base Compound
5. Phytochemical Indole-3-carbinol (I3C), the Potent Anti Cervical Cancer Plant Base Agent
1. Phytochemical isobetanin Protects the Breast Cell integrity and Viability Against Breast Cancer
2. Phytochemical isobetanin, the Powerful Antioxidant In Beetroot
1458. Herbal Turmeric Inhibits Hyperglycemia
Phytic acid (Inositol hexaphosphate) are phytochemicals of the organic acid found abundantly in nuts, sesame seeds, soybeans, wheat, pumpkin, beans, almonds, etc.
1. Phytochemicals Phytic Acid, Inhibits the Risk and Progression of Alzheimer's disease (AD)
2. Phytochemicals Phytic Acid Which Reduces Risk and Treatment of Colorectal Cancer
3. Phytochemicals Phytic Acid Anti Cancers Potency
4. Phytochemicals Phytic Acid, the Anti Prostate cancers Bioactive Compound
5. Phytochemical Phytic acid, the Potential Anti-Diabetes Bioactive Compound, Scientists Find
Lycopene is a phytochemical in the class of carotenoid, a natural pigment with no vitamin A activity found abundantly in tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables, such as red carrots, watermelons, and papayas.
Tomatoes provide about 80% of the lycopene in the world diet. In plants, lycopene protects the host against excessive photodamage and performs various functions in photosynthesis.1. Phytochemical Lycopene Inhibits Cancer Metastasis in Vitro and Vivo
2. Phytochemical Lycopene Kills Head and Neck Cancer Cells, According to Study
3. Phytochemical Lycopene Inhibits Hyperproliferation In Gastric Epithelial Cells
4. Phytochemical Lycopene Protects the Kidneys Against Renal/Kidney Cancer
5. Phytochemical Lycopene Protects the Prostate Gland Against Prostate Cancer
6. Phytochemical Lycopenes Gobbles Up Breast Cancer Cells in Vitro
7. Phytochemical Lycopene Exhibits Anti Cancer Angiogenesis
8. Lycopene Inhibits Skin Cancer Cells Spreading in Vitro
9. Phytochemical Lycopene Protects the Bone Density Against Osteoporotic Fractures
10. Lycopene Inhibits Cholestasis.in Pregnancy
11. Phytochemicals Lycopene Inhibits Cancer Caused by NADPH Oxidase Induced Overexpression of Free Radicals
12. Lycopene Ameliorates Liver Oxidative Stress Against Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
13. Antioxidants Lycopene Protects the Neurons Integrity Against Cognitive Deficits
14. Lycopene Isolated from Tomatoes, the Natural Remedy in the Promotion of Insulin Sensitivity
15. Lycopene, the Best Anti-Inflammatory Phytochemical
16. Lycopene the Best Anti Cardiovascular Disease Phytochemical
17. Lycopene Processes A Strong Cardio Protective Activity
18. Phytochemicals Lycopene Suppresses the Onset of Colorectal Cancer
19. Lycopene Prevents the Onset of Metabolic Syndrome
20. Lycopene Inhibits Parameters Induced Post Myocardial Infarction Complication
21. Lycopene Protects Protein, Lipid and Cell Damage Against Oxidative Stress in Human Studies
22. Lycopene Protects the Arteries Against Atherosclerosis
23. Lycopene, Protects the Liver Cells Against the Risk of Hepatic Steatosis
24. Phytochemical Lycopene Protects the Bone Density Against Osteoclastogenesis (Bone Resorption)
25. Lycopene Protects the Ovarian Function in Diabetes
26. Antioxidants Lycopene In reducing Risk of In Rectal Cancer in Women
27. Bioactive Compound Lycopene Inhibits the Onset and Progression of Esophageal Cancer in Vitro
28. Lycopene Protects the Heart Failure Against the Risk of Cardio Events
29. Tomato/Lycopene the Anti Cancers Functional Food
30. Antioxidant Lycopene Protects Your Arteries Against Hypertension
31. Lycopene Protects the Kidney Cell Integrity Against Damage
33. Lycopene, the Phytochemical that Protects Us Against Chemical and Natural Toxins
34. Phytochemical Lycopene Protects the Liver Cells Against the Risk of Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
35. Lycopene Modulates the Inflammatory Response Through Its Antioxidant Activity
36. Phytochemical Lycopene Detoxes the Liver Against Toxicity
37. Lycopene Protects the Blood Vessels Against Stroke, Particularly in Men
38. Phytochemical Lycopene Anti-Oxidative stress and Anti-Inflammation Against the Complications Type 2 Diabetes in Vivo
39. Lycopene Protects the Lung Against Cancer Developing
40. Lycopene Protects the Lung Against Chronic Obstructive Lung Diseases (COPD)
41. Lycopene Promotes Kidney Against Renal Disease
42. Antioxidant Lycopene Protects the Lung Against Pulmonary Fibrosis (PF)
42. Antioxidant Lycopene Reduces Risk and Treatment of Gastric Ulcer in Vivo
43. Lycopene Protects the Kidney and Heart Cells Against Nephrotoxicity and Cardiotoxicity
44. Lycopene, the Natural Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
45. Lycopene, the Anti-diabetic Nephropathy Phytochemical, Researchers Find
46. Lycopene Reduces the Risk of Gastric Cancer
47. Lycopene Processes Anti OverGrowth of Candida Albicans
48. Lycopene Processes Anti Ulcerative Colitis Activity
49. Antioxidant Lycopene in the Prevention and Treatment of Esophagitis
50. Lycopene, the Anti-Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Phytochemical
51. Lycopene Inhibits Asthma-COPD Overlap Syndrome (ACOS)
52. Lycopene Inhibits the Onset of Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis, According to Studies
53. Lycopene Protects the Cells of Large Intestine Against colitis
54. Lycopene Effects on Pancreas Functioning in Diabetes in Vivo
55. Lycopene Processes a Strong Hepatoprotective Effect
56. Antioxidant Lycopene in the Prevention of Acute Pancreatitis
57. Lycopene Improves the Lung Function Against Allergic Airways Disease (AAD)
58. Lycopene Protects the Bone Density Against Osteoporosis (Osteoblastogenesis)
59. Lycopene Protects the Lung Against Injury
60. Lycopene Reduces Risk and Treatment of Kidney Cancer in Vivo
61. Lycopene Inhibits the Initiation and Progression of Liver Cancer in Vitro and Vivo
62. Lycopene Inhibited the Parameters Associated with Onset of Liver
62. Lycopene Promotes Multitargeted Therapy of Cancer
63. Lycopene Inhibits the Parameters Associated with Mitochondrial Dysfunction
64. Lycopene, the Natural Antioxidants that Inhibits the Risk of Dyslipidemia
65. Lycopene Inhibits Pulmonary Emphysema in Vivo
66. Phytochemical Lycopene Reduces Risk of Obesity
67. Antioxidant Lycopene Protects Kidney Cells Against Renal Damage
68/ Lycopene Processes Anti Anti Platelet Aggression Activity
69. Lycopene in the Promotion of Lung Function Against Obstructive Lung Function.
70. Lycopene Protects The Kidney Against Nephrotoxicity
71. Lycopene Protects the Cerebral Vessels and Neurons Induced by Hyperlipidemia
72. Lycopene Inhibits Metabolic Diseases in Obese
Moronic acid
1. Moronic acid, the Anti-Herpes Simplex Virus Antioxidant
2. Moronic acid, A Potential Anti- Epstein-Barr Virus Infectious Remedy
3. Moronic acid, the Antihyperglycemic Antioxidant
4. Moronic Acid, A Promising Antidiabetic Antioxidant
5. Moronic Acid Inhibits Parameters Associated with Diabetes
6. Moronic Acid, a Natural and Potential Anti-HIV Agents
Moronic acid
1. Moronic acid, the Anti-Herpes Simplex Virus Antioxidant
2. Moronic acid, A Potential Anti- Epstein-Barr Virus Infectious Remedy
3. Moronic acid, the Antihyperglycemic Antioxidant
4. Moronic Acid, A Promising Antidiabetic Antioxidant
5. Moronic Acid Inhibits Parameters Associated with Diabetes
6. Moronic Acid, a Natural and Potential Anti-HIV Agents
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are phytochemicals in the class of lipids, found abundantly in dark-green leafy vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, deepsea fish, etc.
1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Lower Blood Pressure in Children Born with Reduced Birth Weight
2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Processes Antimicrobial Activities
3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Reduce the Risk Breast Cancer
4. Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Process Anti Chronic Diseases and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Activity
5. Omega 3 Fatty Acids Improve the Immune Functioning in Vivo
6. Omega 3 Fatty Acids Protect the Heart Against Abnormal Rate or Rhythm of the Heartbeat
7. The Health Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids
8. Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Be Used for the Treatment of Crohn's disease (CD)
9. Omega 3 Fatty Acids in the Prevention, Treatment, and Management of Obesity
10. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Exerts Anti- Neoplastic Activities in Vitro
11. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Demonstrates a Neuro-Protective Effect in Vivo
12. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Process a Strong Impact on the Parameters Associated with Endocrine Disorder
13. Omega-3 Fatty Acids, the Promising Remedy for the Treatment of Advanced Esophagogastric Cancer
14. Omega 3 Fatty Acids Ameliorates the Symptoms of Anxiety
15. Omega 3 Fatty Acid Inhibits the Onset of Acute Steatohepatitis in Vivo
16. Omega -3 Fatty Acids Induce Weight Loss Naturally in Obese with Type 2 Diabetes
17. Omega-3 Fatty Shows to Reduce Cancer-Related Complications
18. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Kills Myeloid Leukemia Cells in Vivo
19. Omega-3 Fatty Acids, A potential Treatment for Cardiovascular Diseases
20. Omega-3 Fatty Acids, A Potential, and Natural Anti Gastrointestinal Cancer Antioxidant
21. Omega 3 Fatty Acid Inhibits the Onset of Fatal Coronary Disease in Cohosts
22. Omega 3 Fatty Acids Decrease the Risk of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases
23. Omega 3 Fatty Acid Inhibits the Onset of Diabetic Dyslipidemia
24. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Promotes Neuro-Functioning After Ischemic Stroke
25. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Improve Patients with Heart Failure
26. Omega 3 Fatty Acid Promotes Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion in Vivo
27. Omega 3 Fatty Acids Process Cardio-Protective Activity in Vivo
28. Omega 3 Fatty Acid Inhibits the Onset of Acute Dyslipidemia
29. Omega -3 Fatty Acids Inhibits the Prevalent Factors Involved in the Onset of Colorectal Cancer
30. Omega -3 Fatty Acids Inhibits the Risk of Breast Density Induced Breast Cancer in Obese
31. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Has NO Effects on Chronic Kidney Diseases
32. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Result in Death of Ovarian Cancer Cells In Vitro
33. Low Levels of Omega-3 Fatty Acids Are Associated with Increased Risk of Atherosclerosis
34. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Induce Apoptosis in Mammary Cancer Cells in Vitro
35. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Improve the Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis
36. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Process Anti Non-Melanoma Activity in Vitro
37. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Improve Oral Mucositis and Body Weight Loss in Chemoradiotherapy Patients with Head and Neck Cancer
38. Omega-3 Fatty Acids, the Healthy Fat for the Treatment of Myocardial Infarction
39. Omega 3 Fatty Acids Suppress Cancer Cachexia in Patients with Pancreatic Cancer
40. Omega-3 Fatty Acids, the Potent Lipid Inflammatory Mediators in Vitro and Vivo
41. Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Be Used for the Treatment of Acids Sickle Cell Anemia
42. Omega -3 Fatty Acids Reduces the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Overweight or Obese
43. Antioxidants Omega -3 Fatty Acids in Reducing the Risk of Chronic Kidney Diseases in Females
44. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Inhibit the Chain Reaction of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)
45. Omega -3 Fatty Acids Lowers the Risk of Oral Cancer in Vivo
46. Omega -3 Fatty Acids May Be Effective Against Psoriasis, Some Studies Show
47. Omega -3 Fatty Acids Inhibits the Risk Of Biliary Tract Cancer
48. Omega -3 Fatty Acids DO NOT Exert Anti-Inflammatory Activity on Colon Cancer Surgery
49. Omega -3 Fatty Acids, the Anti-Prostate Cancer Antioxidants
50. Omega -3 Fatty Acids, the Anti Hyperlipidemiv Supplements
51. Omega -3 Fatty Acids Might Block the Onset of Breast Cancer
54. Omega 3 Fatty Acid Protects the Liver Against the Onset of Cirrhosis in Vivo
55. Omega 3 Fatty Acids, the Best Antioxidant for the Treatment of Hypertriglyceridemia
56. Omega 3 Fatty Acids Prevent the Onset of Fatty Liver in Vivo
57. Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Be Used for the Treatment of Eating Disorders
58. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Processes Anti-Inflammatory Effects
55. Omega 3 Fatty Acids, the Best Antioxidant for the Treatment of Hypertriglyceridemia
56. Omega 3 Fatty Acids Prevent the Onset of Fatty Liver in Vivo
57. Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Be Used for the Treatment of Eating Disorders
58. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Processes Anti-Inflammatory Effects
Oleanolic Acid
1. Oleanolic Acid, A potential Anti-Inflammatory Antioxidant
2. Oleanolic Acid, Processes Anti-Gastric Cancer In Vitro
3. Oleanolic Acid Gobbles Up Liver Cancer Cells in Vitro
4. Oleanolic Acid, The Potential Cancer Preventive Remedy
5. Oleanolic Acid, The Antioxidant That Inhibits the Onset of Diabetes in Vivo
6. Oleanolic acid Processes Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Apoptotic Activity in Vivo
7. Oleanolic Acid, The Promising Anti-Lung Cancer Phytochemical
1. Oleanolic Acid, A potential Anti-Inflammatory Antioxidant
2. Oleanolic Acid, Processes Anti-Gastric Cancer In Vitro
3. Oleanolic Acid Gobbles Up Liver Cancer Cells in Vitro
4. Oleanolic Acid, The Potential Cancer Preventive Remedy
5. Oleanolic Acid, The Antioxidant That Inhibits the Onset of Diabetes in Vivo
6. Oleanolic acid Processes Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Apoptotic Activity in Vivo
7. Oleanolic Acid, The Promising Anti-Lung Cancer Phytochemical
8. Oleanolic Acid Cures Diarrhea in Vivo
9. Oleanolic acid, the Promising Anti-Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Release and Antioxidant Defense Phytochemical
9. Oleanolic acid, the Promising Anti-Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Release and Antioxidant Defense Phytochemical
10. Oleanolic Acid, A Promising Remedy for the Treatment of Chronic Diseases
Oleic Acid
1. Oleic Acid, A Potential Remedy for the Treatment of Dry Eye
Piperine is a phytochemical alkaloid in the class of organosulfur compound, found abundantly in white and black pepper, long pepper, etc.
1. Phytochemical Piperine, A Natural Antibiotic Alternative
2. Phytochemical Piperine in the Prevention and Treatment of Breast Cancer
3, Phytochemical Piperine Cuts Off Energy Supply of Cancers, Scientists Find
4. Phytochemical Piperine and cognitive impairment
5. Phytochemical Piperine, the Anti Metabolic Dysfunctions in Obese Patients
6. Piperine, the Anti Hyperglycemic Plant Base Compound
7. Phytochemical Piperine, A Potent Anti Allergy Bioactive Ingredient, Researchers Say
8. Phytochemical Piperine, the Potent Immune System Enhancer, According to Studies
9. Phytochemical Piperine and allergic effect
10. Phytochemical Piperine, the Bioactive Compound May Process Anti Asthmatic Potency, Scientists Suggest
11. Piperine Plus Curcumin, the Anti Cognitive Impairment Bioactive Compounds
1. Phytochemical Polysulfides and colon cancer
2. Phytochemical Polysulfides, The Potent Anti Breast Cancer Bioactive Supplement
3. Phytochemical therapy - Polysulfides and Skin Cancer
4. Phytochemical Polysulfides and cardiovascular diseases
5. Phytochemical Polysulfides and Immunity
6. Phytochemical Polysulfides, a Plant Base Anti Bacterial, and Fungal Infection
Sinigrin is a phytochemical glucosinolate, belonging to the family of glucosides found abundantly in Brussels sprouts, broccoli, the seeds of black mustard, etc.
The 18 Health Benefits of Phytochemical Sinigrin
1. Sinigrin May Be The Potential Anti- Atherosclerosis Chemical Compound, According to Studies
2. Sinigrin, the Potential Alternative Antibiotic for Fungal Infection, Scientists Say
3. Sinigrin, Inhibits the Risk and Progress of Aberrant Crypt Foci Against Colon Cancer, Researchers Find
4. Phytochemical Sinigrin, the Potential Anti Bladder Cancer Bioactive Compound, Scientists Reveal
5. Phytochemical Sinigrin Protects Our Body Against Chronic Inflammatory Diseases, According to PubMed
6. Sinigrin, Maybe A Potent Antioxidants, Scientists Say
7. Phytochemical Sinigrin Speeds Up Wound Healing
8. Phytochemical Sinigrin, the Potential Anti Tongue Cancer Bioactive Compound, Researchers Found
9. Phytochemical Sinigrin Protects Our Body Against the Onset of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
10. Phytochemical Sinigrin, Kills Cancer Cells, Before They Can Spread, According to Studies
11. Phytochemical Sinigrin Protects the Neuron Against Toxicity
12. Phytochemical Sinigrin, the Potential Anti-Liver Cancer Proliferation Bioactive Ingredient, According to Studies
13. Plant-based Bioactive Compound Sinigrin, the Anti Fungal Infection Bioactive Compound
14. Phytochemical Sinigrin Improves the Metabolic Parameters in Patients with Types 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases
15. Phytochemical Sinigrin, The Antibacterial Functional Supplement
16. Phytochemical Sinigrin, Prevents Plaques Build-Up on the Arterial Wall Against the Onset of Atherosclerosis in Vivo
17. Bioactive Compound Sinigrin Protects Us Against Microbial Infection
18. Bioactive Compound Sinigrin, the Dietary Source of Antioxidants
1. Sulforaphane-Rich Broccoli Sprout Extracts Protects the Brain Cells Against Cognitive Deficits
2. Bioactive Compound Sulforaphane (SFN) Isolated from Collard Greens, Processes Anti-Neuropathic Pain in Vivo
Tartaric acid is a phytochemical of the organic acid found abundantly in nuts, apricots, apples, sunflower, avocado, grapes, etc.
1 Phytochemical Tartaric acid and Antibacterial activity
2. Phytochemical Tartaric acid, The Natural Alternate Antibiotic, Scientists Say
Triterpenoid is various unsaturated hydrocarbons, found in essential oils and oleoresins of plants, including Ilex, hainanensis Merr.
1. Phytochemical Triterpenoid and Nonalcoholic Fatty liver disease
2. Antioxidants Triterpenoids, a Natural Antihistamines
Tocopherols are phytochemicals of which many have vitamin E activity, belonging to the group of Lipids, found abundantly in butter, egg yolk, milk fat, some vegetable, and seed or nut oils, etc.
1. Phytochemical Tocopherols, the Renal Protective Antioxidants
2. Phytochemical Tocopherols Promotes Bone Collagen Formation Against Osteoporosis
3. Phytochemical Tocopherols Reduces the Radiotherapy Side Effect of Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) in Head and Neck Cancer Patients
4. Phytochemical Tocopherols Process Anti-Inflammatory Property
5. Phytochemical Tocopherols Kill Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells in Vitro
6, Tocopherols Inhibits the Onset of Colorectal Cancer in Men ONLY
7. Tocopherols Protect the Heart Against the Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases CVD
8. Phytochemical Tocopherols Inhibits Liver fibrosis Caused by Toxicity
9. Tocopherols Deficiency in the Association with Cognitive Impairment
10.Tocopherols Exhibits Cardioprotective Activity in Vivo
11.Tocopherols Show to Inhibits the Risk of Mammary Cancer in Female Mice
12.Tocopherols, the Natural Anti-hypercholesterolemic Phytochemicals
15. Tocopherols Protects the Liver Against Hepatotoxicity in Vivo
16. Tocopherols May be Used as An adjunct Therapy to Promote Chemo Drugs in the Treatment of Liver Cancer
17.Tocopherols Deficiency In the Risk of Age-Related Macular Degeneration
18. Tocopherols Suppress the Onset of Metabolic Syndrome
19. Tocopherols, the Promising Anti Colon Cancer Phytochemicals
20. Tocopherols Reduce the Risk and Progression of Prostate Cancer in Vivo
21. Tocopherols Inhibits the Onset of Age-Related Macular Degeneration in the Elderly
22. Tocopherols Inhibit the Onset of Seizure
22. Tocopherols inhibits the Onset of Esophageal Cancer in Vivo
23. Serum Tocopherols are Inversely Associated with the Risk of Cervical Cancer
24. Tocopherols Inhibits the Onset of Colon Cancer in Vitro
25. Tocopherols, an Effective Adjunct Therapy Against Drug-Resistant Cancer Cells
26. α-Tocopheryl succinate (α-TOS) Protects the Brain Against the Onset of Cerebral Malaria in Vivo
27. Tocopherols Inhibits the Initiation, Progression, and Treatment of Lung Cancer
28. Tocopherols Kills Oral Cancer Cells in Vitro
29. Phytochemical Tocopherols Protects the Skin Against UVB-Induced Skin Damage
30. Tocopherols Process Cytotoxicity Against Cancer Cells
Oleic Acid
1. Oleic Acid, A Potential Remedy for the Treatment of Dry Eye
Piperine is a phytochemical alkaloid in the class of organosulfur compound, found abundantly in white and black pepper, long pepper, etc.
1. Phytochemical Piperine, A Natural Antibiotic Alternative
2. Phytochemical Piperine in the Prevention and Treatment of Breast Cancer
3, Phytochemical Piperine Cuts Off Energy Supply of Cancers, Scientists Find
4. Phytochemical Piperine and cognitive impairment
5. Phytochemical Piperine, the Anti Metabolic Dysfunctions in Obese Patients
6. Piperine, the Anti Hyperglycemic Plant Base Compound
7. Phytochemical Piperine, A Potent Anti Allergy Bioactive Ingredient, Researchers Say
8. Phytochemical Piperine, the Potent Immune System Enhancer, According to Studies
9. Phytochemical Piperine and allergic effect
10. Phytochemical Piperine, the Bioactive Compound May Process Anti Asthmatic Potency, Scientists Suggest
11. Piperine Plus Curcumin, the Anti Cognitive Impairment Bioactive Compounds
1. Phytochemical Polysulfides and colon cancer
2. Phytochemical Polysulfides, The Potent Anti Breast Cancer Bioactive Supplement
3. Phytochemical therapy - Polysulfides and Skin Cancer
4. Phytochemical Polysulfides and cardiovascular diseases
5. Phytochemical Polysulfides and Immunity
6. Phytochemical Polysulfides, a Plant Base Anti Bacterial, and Fungal Infection
Sinigrin is a phytochemical glucosinolate, belonging to the family of glucosides found abundantly in Brussels sprouts, broccoli, the seeds of black mustard, etc.
The 18 Health Benefits of Phytochemical Sinigrin
1. Sinigrin May Be The Potential Anti- Atherosclerosis Chemical Compound, According to Studies
2. Sinigrin, the Potential Alternative Antibiotic for Fungal Infection, Scientists Say
3. Sinigrin, Inhibits the Risk and Progress of Aberrant Crypt Foci Against Colon Cancer, Researchers Find
4. Phytochemical Sinigrin, the Potential Anti Bladder Cancer Bioactive Compound, Scientists Reveal
5. Phytochemical Sinigrin Protects Our Body Against Chronic Inflammatory Diseases, According to PubMed
6. Sinigrin, Maybe A Potent Antioxidants, Scientists Say
7. Phytochemical Sinigrin Speeds Up Wound Healing
8. Phytochemical Sinigrin, the Potential Anti Tongue Cancer Bioactive Compound, Researchers Found
9. Phytochemical Sinigrin Protects Our Body Against the Onset of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
10. Phytochemical Sinigrin, Kills Cancer Cells, Before They Can Spread, According to Studies
11. Phytochemical Sinigrin Protects the Neuron Against Toxicity
12. Phytochemical Sinigrin, the Potential Anti-Liver Cancer Proliferation Bioactive Ingredient, According to Studies
13. Plant-based Bioactive Compound Sinigrin, the Anti Fungal Infection Bioactive Compound
14. Phytochemical Sinigrin Improves the Metabolic Parameters in Patients with Types 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases
15. Phytochemical Sinigrin, The Antibacterial Functional Supplement
16. Phytochemical Sinigrin, Prevents Plaques Build-Up on the Arterial Wall Against the Onset of Atherosclerosis in Vivo
17. Bioactive Compound Sinigrin Protects Us Against Microbial Infection
18. Bioactive Compound Sinigrin, the Dietary Source of Antioxidants
1. Sulforaphane-Rich Broccoli Sprout Extracts Protects the Brain Cells Against Cognitive Deficits
2. Bioactive Compound Sulforaphane (SFN) Isolated from Collard Greens, Processes Anti-Neuropathic Pain in Vivo
Tartaric acid is a phytochemical of the organic acid found abundantly in nuts, apricots, apples, sunflower, avocado, grapes, etc.
1 Phytochemical Tartaric acid and Antibacterial activity
2. Phytochemical Tartaric acid, The Natural Alternate Antibiotic, Scientists Say
Triterpenoid is various unsaturated hydrocarbons, found in essential oils and oleoresins of plants, including Ilex, hainanensis Merr.
1. Phytochemical Triterpenoid and Nonalcoholic Fatty liver disease
2. Antioxidants Triterpenoids, a Natural Antihistamines
Tocopherols are phytochemicals of which many have vitamin E activity, belonging to the group of Lipids, found abundantly in butter, egg yolk, milk fat, some vegetable, and seed or nut oils, etc.
1. Phytochemical Tocopherols, the Renal Protective Antioxidants
2. Phytochemical Tocopherols Promotes Bone Collagen Formation Against Osteoporosis
3. Phytochemical Tocopherols Reduces the Radiotherapy Side Effect of Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) in Head and Neck Cancer Patients
4. Phytochemical Tocopherols Process Anti-Inflammatory Property
5. Phytochemical Tocopherols Kill Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells in Vitro
6, Tocopherols Inhibits the Onset of Colorectal Cancer in Men ONLY
7. Tocopherols Protect the Heart Against the Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases CVD
8. Phytochemical Tocopherols Inhibits Liver fibrosis Caused by Toxicity
9. Tocopherols Deficiency in the Association with Cognitive Impairment
10.Tocopherols Exhibits Cardioprotective Activity in Vivo
11.Tocopherols Show to Inhibits the Risk of Mammary Cancer in Female Mice
12.Tocopherols, the Natural Anti-hypercholesterolemic Phytochemicals
15. Tocopherols Protects the Liver Against Hepatotoxicity in Vivo
16. Tocopherols May be Used as An adjunct Therapy to Promote Chemo Drugs in the Treatment of Liver Cancer
17.Tocopherols Deficiency In the Risk of Age-Related Macular Degeneration
18. Tocopherols Suppress the Onset of Metabolic Syndrome
19. Tocopherols, the Promising Anti Colon Cancer Phytochemicals
20. Tocopherols Reduce the Risk and Progression of Prostate Cancer in Vivo
21. Tocopherols Inhibits the Onset of Age-Related Macular Degeneration in the Elderly
22. Tocopherols Inhibit the Onset of Seizure
22. Tocopherols inhibits the Onset of Esophageal Cancer in Vivo
23. Serum Tocopherols are Inversely Associated with the Risk of Cervical Cancer
24. Tocopherols Inhibits the Onset of Colon Cancer in Vitro
25. Tocopherols, an Effective Adjunct Therapy Against Drug-Resistant Cancer Cells
26. α-Tocopheryl succinate (α-TOS) Protects the Brain Against the Onset of Cerebral Malaria in Vivo
27. Tocopherols Inhibits the Initiation, Progression, and Treatment of Lung Cancer
28. Tocopherols Kills Oral Cancer Cells in Vitro
29. Phytochemical Tocopherols Protects the Skin Against UVB-Induced Skin Damage
30. Tocopherols Process Cytotoxicity Against Cancer Cells
34. Tocopherols Suppresses the Onset of Oxidative Stress
35. Tocopherols Inhibits the Onset of Diabetes
36. Phytochemical Tocopherols in Reducing the Risk and treatment of Chronic Diseases
35. Tocopherols Inhibits the Onset of Diabetes
36. Phytochemical Tocopherols in Reducing the Risk and treatment of Chronic Diseases
42. Elevated Levels Alpha-Tocopherols May Be Associated with Increasing the Risk of Uterine Fibroids
Ursolic acid
1. Ursolic acid Protects Diabetes Against Kidney Injury in Vivo
2. Ursolic Acid, An Adjunct Therapy for the Treatment of Liver Cancer
3. Ursolic Acid, The Promised Anti-Bacterial, and Anti-Biofilm Phytochemical
4. Ursolic Acid, A Potential Breast Cancer Therapy
5. Ursolic Acid, The Potential Cancer Immunotherapy
6. Ursolic Acid as A CETP Inhibitor for the Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol
10. Ursolic Acid Exerts Anti-Colon Cancer in Vitro
Other posts
*Curcumin and Non alcoholic Fatty liver disease
*Phytochemical Triterpenoid and Non alcoholic Fatty liver disease
*Berberine and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOs)
*Tanshinones and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOs)
* Phytochemical therapy - Phytochemicals Dithiolthiones (isothiocyanates)
Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Elimination
Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You How To
Permanently Eliminate All Types of Ovarian Cysts Within 2 Months
Back to Phytochemical Therapy http://kylejnorton.blogspot.ca/p/phytochemical-therapy.html
Other posts
*Curcumin and Non alcoholic Fatty liver disease
*Phytochemical Triterpenoid and Non alcoholic Fatty liver disease
*Berberine and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOs)
*Tanshinones and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOs)
* Phytochemical therapy - Phytochemicals Dithiolthiones (isothiocyanates)
Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Elimination
Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You How To
Permanently Eliminate All Types of Ovarian Cysts Within 2 Months
Back to Phytochemical Therapy http://kylejnorton.blogspot.ca/p/phytochemical-therapy.html
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