Dietary Minerals are the group of minerals essential for our body to sustain normal functions and physical health.
In General, potassium is a very essential mineral to the human
body for maintaining to build proteins and muscle, break down
carbohydrates, maintain normal body growth and normal heart electricity,
Metabolic syndrome
According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, insulin resistance often goes along with other health problems, such as
diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. These problems are
all risk factors for heart disease. When a person has many of these
problems at the same time, doctors commonly call it “metabolic
syndrome.” It is sometimes called “insulin resistance syndrome” or
“syndrome X.” Many people who have type 2 diabetes also have metabolic
Other defined it as a disorder of energy utilization and
storage, diagnosed by a co-occurrence of 3 out of five of the following
medical conditions: abdominal (central) obesity, elevated blood
pressure, elevated fasting plasma glucose, high serum triglycerides, and
low high-density cholesterol (HDL) levels. The metabolic syndrome
increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, particularly heart failure, and diabetes.
The benefits
Lower potassium intake may be associated
to increased risk of diabetes. The Korean National Health and
Nutritional Examination Survey (2008-2010, The incidence was more
prominent in postmenopausal women, but not among men. Diet higher potassium
is significantly associated with reduced risk of Metabolic syndrome in
women, as well as insulin resistance (IR). In a cross-sectional study
in 10,341 participants aged 40 years or older also supported the
prevalence of metabolic syndrome in middle-aged and elderly Chinese with
low serum potassium level. Nordic diet
containing important potassium sources with intake in potatoes, fruit
and berries, vegetables and milk products, is found to decreased
diastolic ambulatory BP and mean arterial pressure as well as metabolic
syndrome, may be attributed to higher intake of potassium products.
The Side effects
Overdose of potassium, also known as
hyperkalemia may result of symptoms of hypotension, stomach cramps,
diarrhea, vomiting, irritability, fatigue, etc., and in some cases, it
can be life-threatening due to electrolyte abnormality.
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Back to Dietary Minerals Herbal Therapy
1. Metabolic syndrome (Wikipedia)
2. Metabolic syndrome, (American Academy of Family Physicians)
3. Potassium intake and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome: the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2008-2010 by Lee H, Lee J, Hwang SS, Kim S, Chin HJ, Han JS, Heo NJ.(PubMed)
4. Effects of an isocaloric healthy Nordic diet on ambulatory blood pressure in metabolic syndrome: a randomized SYSDIET sub-study by Brader L , Uusitupa M, Dragsted LO, Hermansen K.(PubMed)
5. Serum potassium level is associated
with metabolic syndrome: A population-based study by Sun K, Su T, Li M,
Xu B, Xu M, Lu J, Liu J, Bi Y, Ning G.(PubMed)
Health Researcher and Article Writer. Expert in Health Benefits of Foods, Herbs, and Phytochemicals. Master in Mathematics & Nutrition and BA in World Literature and Literary criticism. All articles written by Kyle J. Norton are for information & education only.
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