Monday 2 December 2013

Cystitis treatments in Herbal medicine perspective

Cystitis is defined as a condition of urinary bladder inflammation.

Treatment in herbal medicine perspective
1. Bearberry
Bearberry also best known as Uva Ursi, has diuretic, astringent and antiseptic properties. and been used as tea in herbal medicine to treat urinary tract infection. In a study of "Natural approaches to prevention and treatment of infections of the lower urinary tract" by Head KA., posted in PubMed, researchers indicated that botanicals that can be effective at the first sign of an infection and for short-term prophylaxis include berberine and uva ursi. Estriol cream and vitamins A and C have also been shown to prevent UTIs, while potassium salts can alkalinize the urine and reduce dysuria.

2. Golden-seal

Gloden-seal is said contains antimicrobial properties of which can be used to treated urinary tract infection, according to the article of "Golden-seal" posted in University of Maryland Medical Center, the author wrote that It (Golden-seal root) is commonly used to treat several skin, eye, and mucous membrane inflammatory and infectious conditions (such as sinusitis, conjunctivitis, and urinary tract infections). It is also available in mouthwashes for sore throats and canker sores.
F. Treatment in traditional Chinese medicine perspective.

3. Green tea
According to the study of "Selective microbiologic effects of tea extract on certain antibiotics against Escherichia coli in vitro" by Neyestani TR, Khalaji N, Gharavi A., posted in PubMed, researchers found that the microbiologic effects of both black tea and green tea extracts on certain antibiotics against E. coli may vary, depending on the type of the tea extract (i.e., black vs. green), the amount of the extract, and the antibiotic being used.

4. Cranberry
Herbalist view cranberry as primary herbs for diuretic and in preventing and treating urinary tract infection by by inhibiting bacterial attachment to the urinary tract lining of the bladder and urethra, according to the article of "How Cranberry Juice Can Prevent Urinary Tract Infections" post in Science daily, writer wrote that Cranberry juice had no discernible effect on E. coli bacteria without fimbriae, suggesting that compounds in the juice may act directly on the molecular structure of the fimbriae themselves.
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