Sunday 8 December 2013

Oral Contraception - The Good, Bad and Ugly of the Pill

The Pill normally is prescribed by your doctor to reduce the heavy period blood for woman as well as in treating of period pain, or for contraceptive purpose ( 21 days on and 7 days off). Oral contraception is the dominant method of contraception for women in the world wide, in Canada there is more than 43% of sexually active women use it. It is defined as medications taken by mouth to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Type of Contraception
1. The combined oral contraceptive pill contains estrogen and a progestogen
2. The progestogen-only pill contains only progestogen.

The combined oral contraceptive pill
The combined oral contraceptive pill contains estrogen and a progestogen, and is taken once per day.

How it works
a) Reduce the period blood flow
b) Reduce the bleeding by thinning the endometrial lining.
c) Reduce the period pain by inhibiting the hormone prostaglandins hormones that cause the uterine muscles spasm.
d) Reduce the bleeding of cysts and pelvic cavity because the Pill creates the pregnant-like state.
e) Suppress the estrogen that is needed to start a menstrual cycle.

Symptoms and Risks
1. Blood clots
All hormonal methods of birth control pose a threat to normal blood flow.The oral contraceptive combination pill is no exception, it increases the risk of of blood clots in your legs or on the lung caused by estrogen in the pill that makes your blood thicker in the veins.

2. Stroke
Woman who takes the oral contraceptive combination pill increases the risk of stroke caused by blockage of blood flow to the brain as resulting of high level of estrogen in the pill that reduces the oxygen transportation as the blood getting thicker.

3. Heart disease
Similar to the stroke, as our blood get thicker, our heart has to pump harder to provide oxygen for our body cells need causing hypertension. If our heart has to work that hard for a prolong period of time because of long term use of birth control pill, it will be damaged causing heart disease.

4. Skin pigment
Some woman may experience increasing of pigmentation of skin that shows up in patchy and light brown area caused by estrogen in the pill.

5. Mood swing
Some women may experience mood swing while taking the pill, it is caused by significant changes in your hormone levels affecting the chemicals that regulate mood such as level of estrogen and progesterone in the pill.

6. Bleeding and spotting
Bleeding and spotting when you are not scheduled to bleed and spotting, are very common in the first 6 months of continuous birth control pill use, because your body has to take time to adjust to the change of hormone level caused by intake of the Pill. The longer you take the pill the less bleeding and spotting will happen.

7. Infertility
Some women after coming off the birth control pill and hope to get pregnant, they may be disappointed. Not only the effects of birth control pill maybe needed sometime to wire off, our body may never be able to adjust causing lost of period permanently.

8. Increase the size of fibroids
Oral contraceptive combination pill contains estrogen that promote the growth of fibroids. If you have fibroids and you want take the oral contraceptive pill, you should talk to your doctor first.

9. Etc.

The Good, Bad and Ugly of the Pill

1. The good
a) Control unwanted pregnancy
The pill beside reducing the period pain, it also helps to protect woman against any unwanted pregnancy, because it stop or reduce period, creating a continual pregnancy like state resulting of not letting sperm near you.

b) Control menstrual cramps
It helps to inhibit the over production of prostaglandins which cause the muscles spam contraction of ovarian muscles resulting of less period pain and period flow.

c) Reducing the rate of reproductive organ diseases
Study shows that intake of oral contraceptive combination pill helps reduce the rate of ovarian and endometrial cancer, benign breast disease, benign ovarian cysts, pelvic inflammatory disease, because of stopping or reducing of period blood flow.

d) Shinking endometriosis
Endometrial implants, adhesion or cysts no longer active, because there are no substance to activate the menstrual cycle because of pregnancy like state that shrinks the endometriosis.

e) Anemia
Since anemia is a disease of iron deficiency, intake of the pill stops or reduces the period blood, there are less iron needed to be produced by the liver or other organs

2. The bad
a) Growth of fibroids
Fibroid starts from a single cell that grows abnormally. Fibroid occurs mostly in women after puberty and shrink after menopause. Growth of fibroid is caused high level of estrogen and progesterone. The intake of the pill increase the level of both hormones resulting in increase the risk of growth of fibroid.

b) Recurrent of menstrual symptoms
Some women stop taking the pill may see all the menstrual symptoms coming back.

c) Blood clots
Intake of estrogen through the pill cause the blood getting thicker resulting in blood clots in the small vessels in the leg and the lung.

d) Stroke and heart diseases
Study shows that women who have higher natural estrogen levels may have a higher risk of stroke and heart diseases caused by estrogen in the pill that blocks that hormonal action in some parts of the body, while increasing its effects in the heart and others

e) Hormonal imbalance
The pill may influence the imbalance hormones of estrogen and progestone. Normally, It requires six months for the body to adjust to the intake of oral contraceptive pill.

f) Depression and mood swing
The intake of the pill at the beginning may cause abnormal fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone elevate both physical and psychological stress, eventually resulting in both depression and mood swing. If depression and mood swing continue over six months period, it is for your own good to talk to your doctor for other pills.

g) Infertility
Prolong used of oral contraceptive combination pill may cause loss of period in some women. Some women may take months or year to get their period back. resulting of infertility.

3. The ugly
a) Bleeding and spotting
Bleeding and spotting is normal for the first six months for women starting any oral contraceptive combination pill because our body needs time to adjust to the new medication.

b) Lost interest in sex
Women who take the contraceptive pill are in danger of permanently lost their interest in sex because the oral contraceptive pill inhibits testosterone, the hormone that drives sexual desire even aftyer if they stop the pill.

c) Chloasma or melasma
It caused by hormonal changes, as in pregnancy and intake of estrogen in the oral contraceptive pill.

d) Nutritional deficiency
Oral contraceptive pill causes vitamin and mineral imbalances or deficiencies. It depletes magnesium for healthy heart, coenzyme Q10 for healthy heart muscles, folic acid for preventing cervical abnormalities, vitamin B6, B2, B3, zinc, etc.

e. Etc.
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