The aim of prevention of floater is to
enhance the immune function to fight inflammation causes and strengthen
the eye connective tissues and blood circulation to prevent leaking
causes of floater.
A. Diet to prevent floater
1. Pineapple
a. Connective tissues
In the study to investigate pineapple plant which contains the enzyme bromelain acclaimed
to reduce pain and swellings following acute muscle injurie showed that
the flesh and bark extract induced a proliferation of tenoblasts which
however was not significantly different from that of the untreated
tendon while the leaves and core extracts reduced the population of the
tenocytes. The flesh extract significantly (p < 0.05) reduced the MDA
level while the leaves and core extract significantly (p < 0.001)
increased it. The bark extract had no significant impact on the MDA
level compared with the untreated tendon(7).
b. Immune function
Bromelain also increases the
immune function in fighting the invasion of foreign substances such as
bacteria and virus, thus decreasing the risk of inflammation and
infection according to the study of "Bromelain treatment reduces CD25 expression on activated CD4+ T cells in vitro" by Secor ER Jr, Singh A, Guernsey LA, McNamara JT, Zhan L, Maulik N, Thrall RS., posted in PubMed(8)
c. Small blood vessel wall protectionThe high amount
of vitamin C also increase the flexibility of small vessel, thus
decreasing the risk of internal bleeding, heart diseases and stroke,
according to the study of "Effects of benfluorex-vitamin C supplementation on cutaneous capillaries of diabetic rats" by Sari Kiliçaslan SM, Ozer C., posted in PubMed(9)
d. Manganese
Manganese beside
is a mineral essential for energy production and metabolism of foods,
it also helps to improve immune-system functioning that reduces the
risk of inflammation, according to the study of "The effects of 3, 4
or 5 amino salicylic acids on manganese-induced neuronal death: ER stress and mitochondrial complexes" by Yoon H, Lee GH, Kim DS, Kim KW, Kim HR, Chae HJ(10)
2. Ginger
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) or ginger root is the
genus Zingiber, belonging to the family Zingiberaceae, native to Tamil.
It has been used in traditional and Chinese medicine to treat
dyspepsia, gastroparesis, constipation, edema, difficult urination,
colic, etc.
a. Anti-Inflammatory effects
In the
classification of the effect of ginger extract on the expression of
NFκB and TNF-α in liver cancer-induced rats found that ginger extract
significantly reduced the elevated expression of NFκB and TNF-α in rats
with liver cancer. Ginger may act as an anti-cancer and
anti-inflammatory agent by inactivating NFκB through the suppression of
the pro-inflammatory TNF-α, according to "Ginger Extract (Zingiber Officinale) has Anti-Cancer and Anti-Inflammatory Effects on Ethionine-Induced Hepatoma Rats"
by Shafina Hanim Mohd Habib,I Suzana Makpol, Noor Aini Abdul Hamid,
Srijit Das, Wan Zurinah Wan Ngah, and Yasmin Anum Mohd Yusof 11)
b. Delay of diabetic cataract
In the
demonstration of antiglycating activity and ginger (Zingiber
officinalis) found that ginger was effective against the development of
diabetic cataract in rats mainly through its antiglycating potential
and to a lesser extent by inhibition of the polyol pathway. Thus,
ingredients of dietary sources, such as ginger, may be explored for the
prevention or delay of diabetic complications, according to "Antiglycating potential of Zingiber officinalis and delay of diabetic cataract in rats"
by Megha Saraswat, Palla Suryanarayana, Paduru Yadagiri Reddy,
Madhoosudan A. Patil, Nagalla Balakrishna, and Geereddy Bhanuprakash
c. GINGER for EYE disorders: Taking Ginger will increase blood circulation so that more nutrition can reach your eye.(13)
3. Brussels sprouts
Brussels sprout is a spcies of wild cabbage (Brassica oleracea), belong
to the family of Brassicaceae and was cultivated since ancient Rome.
a. Antioxidants
In the evaluation of consumption of the sprouts and its antioxidant effects found that
Serum vitamin C levels were increased by 37% after sprout consumption
but no correlations were seen between prevention of DNA-damage and
individual alterations of the vitamin levels. Our study shows for the
first time that sprout consumption leads to inhibition of
sulfotransferases in humans and to protection against PhIP and oxidative
DNA-damage, according to "Consumption of Brussels sprouts
protects peripheral human lymphocytes against
2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) and oxidative
DNA-damage: results of a controlled human intervention trial"by Hoelzl
C, Glatt H, Meinl W, Sontag G, Haidinger G, Kundi M, Simic T,
Chakraborty A, Bichler J, Ferk F, Angelis K, Nersesyan A, Knasmüller
b. Type 2 diabetes
In the determination of young broccoli sprouts
improve oxidative stress status in diabetic condition found that 63
patients in three groups were included in the analysis: 10 g/d BSP
(n=21), 5 g/d (n=22) and placebo (n=20). After 4 weeks, consumption of
BSP resulted in significant decrease in malondialdehyde (MDA) (P=0.001
for treatment effect), oxidized low density lipoprotein cholesterol
(P=0.03 for treatment effect), OSI (P=0.001 for treatment effect) and
significant increase in Serum total antioxidant capacity (TAC) (P=0.001
for treatment effect), according to "Broccoli sprouts reduce oxidative stress in type 2 diabetes: a randomized double-blind clinical trial" by Bahadoran Z, Mirmiran P, Hosseinpanah F, Hedayati M, Hosseinpour-Niazi S, Azizi F.(15)
c. Vitamin C
In the study to assess, whether or not, vitamin C,
required during the collagen synthesis, would influence the Achilles
tendon healing in a healthy rat model, showed that high-dose vitamin C
supplementation once for every 2 days has stimulating effects on the
Achilles tendon healing because of early angiogenesis and increased
collagen synthesis in a healthy rat model. Further studies are needed to
make clear the mentioned encouraging effects of the vitamin C on the Achilles tendon healing(16).
4. Strawberries
Strawberries is a genius
of Fragaria × ananassa belongs to the family Roseaceae. They have been
grown all over the world with suitable climate for commercial profits
and for health benefits.
a. Antioxidant enzymes
the identification of essential nutrient and beneficial
phytochemicals of strawberry and their effects on gastrointestinal
disorders such as gastric ulcer, colorectal cancer and inflammatory
bowel disease found that Strawberry extracts prevented exogenous
ethanol-induced damage to rats' gastric mucosa. These effects seem to
be associated with the antioxidant activity and phenolic content in
the extract as well as with the capacity of promoting the action of
antioxidant enzymes. A diet rich in strawberries
might exert a beneficial effect in the prevention of gastric diseases
related to generation of reactive oxygen species, according to "Strawberry
polyphenols attenuate ethanol-induced gastric lesions in rats by
activation of antioxidant enzymes and attenuation of MDA increase"
by Alvarez-Suarez JM, Dekanski D, Ristić S, Radonjić NV, Petronijević
ND, Giampieri F, Astolfi P, González-Paramás AM, Santos-Buelga C,
Tulipani S, Quiles JL, Mezzetti B, Battino M.(17)
b. Anti inflammationIn the observation of Ethanolic extract of Fragaria vesca (EFFV) of Fragaria vesca L. and its effect on Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease (chronic recurrent inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)) found that EFFV
at 500 mg/kg showed significant amelioration of experimentally induced
IBD, which may be attributed to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
properties, according to "Effect of fruit extract of Fragaria vesca L. on experimentally induced inflammatory bowel disease in albino rats" by Kanodia L, Borgohain M, Das S.(18)
c. Human health
In the review and update of the current knowledge on the potential impact of strawberry on human health, found that the mechanisms responsible for the potential health-promoting effects of strawberry may not be necessarily searched in the activity of phytochemicals. Particularly, a greater interest should be addressed to show whether a prolonged strawberry consumption may effectively improve the folate status and reduce the incidence of folate-related pathological conditions. Furthermore, the hypouricaemic effects of cherries need to be evaluated also in respect to strawberry intake, and the mechanisms of actions and anti-gout potentialities need to be studied in detail. Future investigations involving human trials should be aimed at following these underestimated scientific tracks, according to "Impact of strawberries on human health: insight into marginally discussed bioactive compounds for the Mediterranean diet" by Tulipani S, Mezzetti B, Battino M.(19)
In the review and update of the current knowledge on the potential impact of strawberry on human health, found that the mechanisms responsible for the potential health-promoting effects of strawberry may not be necessarily searched in the activity of phytochemicals. Particularly, a greater interest should be addressed to show whether a prolonged strawberry consumption may effectively improve the folate status and reduce the incidence of folate-related pathological conditions. Furthermore, the hypouricaemic effects of cherries need to be evaluated also in respect to strawberry intake, and the mechanisms of actions and anti-gout potentialities need to be studied in detail. Future investigations involving human trials should be aimed at following these underestimated scientific tracks, according to "Impact of strawberries on human health: insight into marginally discussed bioactive compounds for the Mediterranean diet" by Tulipani S, Mezzetti B, Battino M.(19)
5. Etc.
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