Thursday, 19 December 2013

Green Tea, High Protein Diet and Weight Maintenance (WM) After Body Weight Loss

In the investigation of the effect of a green tea-caffeine mixture added to a high-protein (HP) diet on weight maintenance (WM) after body weight loss in moderately obese subjects, conducted by Maastricht University(1) of a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind parallel trial in 80 overweight and moderately obese subjects [age (mean +/- SD): 44 +/- 2 y; body mass index (BMI; in kg/m(2)): 29.6 +/- 2.0] matched for sex, age, BMI, height, body mass, and with a habitually low caffeine intake. A very-low-energy diet intervention during 4 wk was followed by 3 mo of WM; during the WM period, the subjects received a green tea-caffeine mixture (270 mg epigallocatechin gallate + 150 mg caffeine/d) or placebo, both in addition to an adequate protein (AP) diet (50-60 g protein/d) or an HP diet (100-120 g protein/d), concluded that The green tea-caffeine mixture, as well as the HP diet, improved WM independently through thermogenesis, fat oxidation, sparing FFM, and, for the HP diet, satiety; a possible synergistic effect failed to appear.

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(1) "Green tea catechin plus caffeine supplementation to a high-protein diet has no additional effect on body weight maintenance after weight loss" by Hursel R, Westerterp-Plantenga MS., Posted in PubMed

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