Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Calendula and chronic blepharitis

Calendula is also known as pot marigold, a annual or perennial herbaceous plants of about 12–20 species of genus Calendula, belonging to the family Asteraceae, native to Southern Europe. It has been used in herbal medicine as spasmolytic, spasmogenic, inflammatory effects and to treat abdominal cramps, wound healing, skin diseases, colitis, constipation, etc.

Beside major chemical constituents of triterpenoids, flavonoids, coumarines, quinones, volatile oil,carotenoids and amino acids, the herb also contains loliolide (calendin), calendulin and n-paraffins.
Chronic blepharitis is a condition of chronic inflammation of the eyelid, depending to its severity.

The study of a total of 110 patients aged from 3 to 42 years old with chronic blepharitis treatment, 50 patients with chronic blepharitis and dry eye syndrome, moist warm pads eyelid massage with blepharolotion and calendula extraction showed to improve efficacy in patients with meibomian gland hypofunction and have no effect in blepharitis with excessive meibomian gland secretion(1)

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(1) [Efficacy of physiotherapy and hygienic procedures in treatment of adults and children with chronic blepharitis and dry eye syndrome].[Article in Russian] by Prozornaia LP, Brzhevskiĭ VV.(PubMed)

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