Monday, 18 November 2013

Post Menopause - The Preventions (Delays)

Post menopause is defined as a condition in which women have not had a menstrual period in a minimum of 12 months period as a result of the inactive ovaries, assuming the women are not pregnant and experience the ease of visible symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and night sweats but not the invisible effects of menopause. During post menopause, any bleeding or spotting should be reported to your doctor immediately, it may be caused by tumors rarely but it is possible.

No woman can prevent post menopause but reduce the symptoms. Some researchers believe post menopause stage can be delayed by a healthy diet and live style.
A. How to prevent
1. Healthy diet
By providing your body with maximum nutrients is the best way to a optimal health and reducing the symptoms of menopause.

2. Moderate exercise
Frequent moderate exercise can increase the blood flow to the body that can stimulate the production of energy by increase the function in metabolism and get rid of waste. It also tire you out and therefore improve sleep and mood.

3. Avoid Alcohol
Acccording to the article of Alcohol - Menopause- Alcohol's Effect on Menopause by June Russell's Health Facts, the author wrote "Approximately 30 percent of American women are older than age 50, the average age of menopause, and approximately 50 percent of these women consume at least moderate quantities of alcohol. Therefore any adverse effects of alcohol among this population could have a significant effect on public health. Approximately 25 percent of postmenopausal women take supplemental estrogens to alleviate unpleasant symptoms of menopause. Even moderate alcohol consumption may increase estrogen levels in postmenopausal women receiving HRT, potentially affecting their risk for various adverse health effects." {Alcohol, Hormones and Postmenopausal Women," NIAAA, 1998}.

4. Avoid Smoking
According to Dr. Jeanne Morrison in answering the question of How does smoking affect health during menopause? posted at sharecare, smoking can trigger symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes. Also, smoking increases your chance of cancer, heart disease, stroke, and other serious illnesses.

5. Mediation and yoga
Mediation and yoga can help a woman to calm and relax, thus reducing or lessening the occurrence of the symptoms.

6. Avoid Sugar and artificial sweetener
According to Foods to Avoid or Limit," excerpted from "The Women's Health Companion," Susan Lark, MD, - Feb. 2002, the author indicated that alcohol and sugar can actually intensify almost every type of menopause symptom,... No artificial sweetener is without drawbacks or potential health hazards.

7. Intake of Calcium and vitamin D
To void the bone density loss and fracture.

8. Antioxidants
Antioxidants are vital for the immune system fighting against free redical causes of cancer and virus and bacteria invasion. We don't die because of old age but diseases.

9. Etc.

B. Diet
It is important that foods should contains some amounts of phytoestrogen to relive the symptoms of post menopause and enhance the healthy body and logevity.
1. Soy Products
Soy products contain high amount of phytochemicals, that can enhance the needs of the body reduced estrogen stage due to reduced estrogen produced by the ovaries.

2. Fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables contain high amounts of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and plenty of antioxidants, that can provide the better protection due to reduced metabolism during the years of menopause.

3. Eat Calcium-Rich Food Every Day
Calcium is essential to a woman's health in the stage of menopause. the amount of calcium lost due to low levels of estrogen produced by the ovaries. Some doctors adviced that menopausal women should get at least 1,000 to 1,500 mg of calcium from food or supplements, taking together with the vitamin D to enhance the absorption.

4. Flaxseed
Flaxseed not only contains high amount of essential fatty acids which are necessary for heart and reproductive health but also is an extraordinary source of the phytoestrogen lignans, containing 75 to 800 times as much as other plant sources, helped to relieve the symptoms of menopause.

5. Beans
Due to high amount of fiber, bean can help to slow the absorption of glucose in the bloodstream, thus reducing the risk of hgih blood sugar for some menopause with disease of diabetes.Beans are also high sources of vitamin and mineral,such as calcium, folic acid and vitamin B-6. And they also contain some sources of phytoestrogen.

6. For more information of healthy foods, visit 100+ Healthy Foods Classification

C. Nutritional supplements
1. Isoflavones
In a study of "Soy isoflavones have a favorable effect on bone loss in Chinese postmenopausal women with lower bone mass: a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial." by Chen YM, Ho SC, Lam SS, Ho SS, Woo JL. researchers found that the positive effects of soy isoflavone supplementation were observed only among women with lower initial baseline BMC (median or less). In conclusion, soy isoflavones have a mild, but significant, independent effect on the maintenance of hip BMC in postmenopausal women with low initial bone mass.

2. Soy phytoestrogens
Imn a study of "Design and baseline characteristics of the soy phytoestrogens as replacement estrogen (SPARE) study--a clinical trial of the effects of soy isoflavones in menopausal women." by Levis S, Strickman-Stein N, Doerge DR, Krischer J., researchers found that The SPARE study recruited 283 women, 66.1% were Hispanic white. With a large cohort, long duration, and large isoflavone dose, this trial will provide important, relevant, and currently unavailable information on the benefits of purified soy isoflavones in the prevention of bone loss and menopausal symptoms in the first 5 years of menopause. Given the high proportion of Hispanics participating in the study, the results of this trial will also be applicable to this minority group.

3. Phytoestrogen supplements
In a study of "Phytoestrogen supplements for the treatment of hot flashes: the Isoflavone Clover Extract (ICE) Study: a randomized controlled trial." by Tice JA, Ettinger B, Ensrud K, Wallace R, Blackwell T, Cummings SR. found that Of 252 participants, 246 (98%) completed the 12-week protocol. The reductions in mean daily hot flash count at 12 weeks were similar for the Promensil (5.1), Rimostil (5.4), and placebo (5.0) groups. In comparison with the placebo group, participants in the Promensil group (41%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 29%-51%; P =.03), but not in the Rimostil group (34%; 95% CI, 22%-46%; P =.74) reduced hot flashes more rapidly. Quality-of-life improvements and adverse events were comparable in the 3 groups. Although the study provides some evidence for a biological effect of Promensil, neither supplement had a clinically important effect on hot flashes or other symptoms of menopause.

4. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)
In a study of "Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) might reduce hot flushes: an indication from two controlled trials on soy isoflavones alone and with a PUFA supplement." by Campagnoli C, AbbĂ  C, Ambroggio S, Peris C, Perona M, Sanseverino P., researchers concluded that The reduction of hot flushes observed in the Study B might be due to the PUFA supplement. PUFAs, particularly Omega (Omega) 3-fatty acids, could reduce hot flushes through their influence on neuronal membranes and/or the modulation of the neurotransmitter function and the serotoninergic system. Studies specifically designed to document the action of PUFAs on hot flushes would be welcome.

5. Magnesium and calcium
According to the study of "The magnesium and calcium content of pre- and postmenopausal myometrium.". researchers found that significant differences of the electrolytic contents of the myometrium. In the premenopausal uteri, the magnesium levels decrease significantly (p < 0.001) from the corpus (mean = 4.14 mmol/kg) to the cervix (mean = 2.14 mmol/kg). The same scenario can be observed for the potassium levels (Corpus mean = 56.2 mmol/kg and cervix mean = 25.4 mmol/kg). In contrary, the calcium levels (Corpus mean = 1.60 mmol/kg and cervix mean = 2.26 mmol/kg) and sodium levels (Corpus mean = 69.3 mmol/kg and cervix mean = 93.0 mmol/kg) increase significantly (p < 0.001). In the postmenopausal group, we found slightly elevated concentrations of magnesium, sodium and potassium. Only the calcium content of the corpus uteri rises up to three times about 20 years after the menopause (from mean = 1.60 mmol/kg) (p < 0.001). The electrolytic contents in the myometrium were shown to be different in the corpus, isthmus and cervix uteri.

6. Soy isoflavone extract tablets
In the study of "asomotor symptom relief by soy isoflavone extract tablets in postmenopausal women: a multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study." by Upmalis DH, Lobo R, Bradley L, Warren M, Cone FL, Lamia CA., researchers found that Soy isoflavone extract was effective in reducing frequency and severity of flushes and did not stimulate the endometrium. Soy isoflavone extracts provide an attractive addition to the choices available for relief of hot flushes.
7. Etc.

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