Monday, 18 November 2013

Overcome Infertility - Treatments of Shortened Luteal Phase Caused By Liver Qi Stagantion in The Yang Phase of Menstrual Cycle

I. Definition
Shortened luteal phase is defined as a luteal phase or yang phrase lasts less than 10 days
The Liver qi stagnation is defined as a condition of liver is no longer function normally in distributing of the flow of qi smoothly in the liver channels, leading to its inability to filter all the toxins out of the blood and handling mental and emotional stress, resulting in increasing the risk of blood stagnation and shorten yang phase, distorting the function of uterus lining in providing the suitable environment for fertilization.

II. Symptoms of shortened luteal phase caused by liver qi stagnation
1. Pain or discomfort anywhere along the sides of the body
2. Depression
3. Emotional swings
4. Anxiety
5. Easy being frustrate
6. Anger
7. Tiredness
8. Constipation

III. Causes of Liver qi stagnation
Liver is important for blood formation and the lung. It helps to regulate the movement of qi in the body. Obstruction of blood in certain organs may also cause qi stagnation, leading to menstrual cramps and pain before, during and after menstruation. Causes of blood and qi stagnation include:
1. Chronic inflammation
The prolonged period of inflammation causes blood static as a result of increasing blood flow to inflammation regions and distorting the immune system in fighting against foreign bacteria and virus function, leading to blood stagnation.
2. Liver function
Liver is vital for blood formation and waste removal. Abnormal function of liver causes old estrogen or other hormones as well as old blood remaining in the body's organs, leading to blood stagnation thus increasing the risk of menstrual irregularity and dysmenorrhrea.
3. Inability of respiratory function
If the lung is damaged for whatever reasons, it may affect the lung's ability to move qi in the pathway of the meridian, leading to blood stagnation in the reproductive region.
4. Stress and depression
Stress and depression caused by an unexpected event can affect the liver function in regulating the psychosocial symptoms of the nervous system and physical symptoms of blood formation, leading to liver qi and blood stagnation that contribute to symptoms of dysmenorrhrea.
5. Unhealthy diet
Unhealthy diet high in saturated and trans fat affect the blood and qi movement, because it causes the building up of cholesterol in the blood stream, thereby reducing the lung's function in regulating qi movement and the heart's function in blood circulation.

IV. Treatments
A. With Chinese herbs
1. Xiang Fu (nut grass rhizome)
It is one the herbs helped to regulate the qi flow by smoothing the liver and congestion of Spleen qi caused by excessive yin or yang, thus reducing qi stagnation caused by disharmonization of liver and Spleen causes of abdominal cramps and pain. It is said that xiang fu also has a function impromoting regular menstruation.

2. Zhi Ke (ripe fruit of zhi shi)
Zhi ke promote healthy liver, it promotes a strong liver qi function, thereby, increasing its function in blood formation and transportation to the heart for circulation.

3. Wu Yao (lindera root)
Wu yao is one the warm with the main function of warming the kidney caused by kidney yang defieciency. It is only used for patient with evidence of liver qi stagnation caused by prolong intake of cold foods or working in a cold environment. Since its function is to restore the liver qi flow due to cold constraint, it reduces the blood stagnation causes of menstrual pain.
B. With acupuncture
Suggested acupuncture points
1. BL18 (Gan shu)
2. CV12 (Hon guan)
3. CV17 (Shan zhong)
4. LI3 (Tai chong)
5. LV4 (Zgong feng)
5.SP4 (Gong Sun)
6.ST36 (Zu san li)
7. GB20 (Feng chi)
8. Etc.
C. With Foods
1. Sweet potato
2. Date
3. Rice
4. Spearmint
5. Mushroom
6. Red bean
7. Sweet basil
8. Etc.
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