Saturday 23 November 2013

Hepatitis---The Diet(1)

Hepatitis is characterized by the destruction of a number of liver cells and the presence of inflammatory cells in the liver tissue caused by excessive alcohol drinking, disorders of the gall bladder or pancreas, medication side effects, and infections. Therefore strengthening your immune system and cleansing your body of toxins become the most important factor in avoiding being infected by hepatitis virus. Here are some foods containing antioxidant and liver cleansing powers:

1. Fresh water algae
Fresh water algae contains high amounts of antioxidant-chlorophyll that has the power in strengthening the immune system to fight any bacteria and virus infection. It also helps in cleansing liver toxins as well as fat build-up in liver.

2. Whole grain products
Whole grain product stimulates the liver to rid the body of toxins, supports the heart and is rich in protein, B vitamins, and fiber. It also helps lower blood cholesterol, reduce tumors, strengthens the immune and treats hepatitis.

3. Green vegetable juices
The fresh raw vegetable juices are vitally important in the nutritional treatment of hepatitis. Green Vegetable juice contains high amounts of vitamin C, bioflavonoids, carotenoids, living plant enzymes to aid digestion & vitamin K resulting in cleansing of liver toxins as well as strengthening the immune system, helping to fight against hepatitis infection.

4. Legumes
Legumes contain the nutrients and good sources of water-soluble fibers that your body needs to produce and activate the dozens of enzymes involved in the various phases of detoxification.

5. Cold water fish
Cold water fish contain high amounts of essential fatty acids that helps to support the detoxification pathways in the liver, break down toxic chemicals and toxins from the blood stream. A healthy liver filter will keep your blood stream clean and free of dangerous toxins and microorganisms. The regular use of a liver tonic such as essential fatty acids support the repair of liver cells.

6. Limit daily intake of alcohol
Alcohol is a potent toxin to the liver. Excessive alcohol drinking can lead to cirrhosis and its complications, including liver cancer.

Be sure to stop Smoking
Cigarette fumes contain high amounts of cadmium, a toxic chemical that causes not only blood clots but also weakens the immune system functioning by fighting against harmful viruses and detoxifying the liver.

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