Sunday, 17 November 2013

Fibroids and Uterine Bleeding - Diagnosis, Causes and Risk Factors

Fibroids, also known as Fibromyoma uteri or leiomyoma uteri, are benign tumors originated from the muscle tissue that adhere to either the inner or outer of the uterine wall. According to the statistic from National Uterine Fibroid Foundations approximately 80% of all women have uterine fibroids with the majority usually have no symptoms. Every 10 minutes, 12 hysterectomies are performed in the United States alone.
If you are experience certain symptoms of the above, it is advised that you should check with your doctor for fibroids. After taking the family history and physical exam, including
1. Pelvic examination
Pelvic examination taken when there is no menstruation and advised not to have sex for at least 24 hours, is type of complete physical exam of a woman pelvic organ by a medical instrument to detect any infection, abnormal cells growth such as cysts, fibroid, Etc. The pap test usually is also taken. If your doctor found any abnormal cells growth or suspected uterine cancer, further tests may be suggested, icluding

2. Pelvic ultrasound
Ultrasound allows your doctor to visualize the kidneys and around structures and to assess blood flow to the uterus as well as looking for any abnormal cells growth mass, including fibroids.

3. Pelvic MRI
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is one of many advanced technology used to visualize internal structures cross sectional imaging of your body used effectively in providing the better details of the fibroids in the uterus and surrounding areas.
4. Etc.

Causes and risk factors
1. Recurrent miscarriage
Women who have family history of miscarriage with fibroids are at higher riks of recurrent miscarriages.

2. Age and before menopause
Women who are over the age of 30 are at increased risks of fibroids.
3. Hormone estrogen
According to the article of "Fibroid Research Update from the American Society of Reproductive Medicine Conference" posted on fibroids-a gynecologist's second opinion, the author indicated that Women with fibroids have normal blood levels of estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen dominance does not cause fibroids. Fibroid cells can make their own estrogen, so the level of estrogen inside fibroids is higher than in blood or other tissues.

4. Hormone progesterone
in a study of "Progesterone Is Essential for Maintenance and Growth of Uterine Leiomyoma" by Ishikawa H, Ishi K, Serna VA, Kakazu R, Bulun SE, Kurita T. Endocrinology. 2010 Apr 7, researchers found that found that estrogen plus progesterone stimulated growth of fibroid cells, and this growth was blocked with anti-progesterones. Withdrawal of progestrone caused fibroid tissue to shrink. Interestingly, estradiol (estrogen) without progesterone had no effect in this study.

5. Xanoestrogen
According to the study of "Xenoestrogens the cause of Uterine Fibroid Tumors ( Myomas ) by Elizabeth Smith, M.D.

6. Heridity
Women who have a family history of fibroid are at greater risk of developing fibriod.

7. Etc.

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