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Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is defined as endocrinologic diseases among reproductive-age women caused by undeveloped follicles clumping on the ovaries that interferes with the function of the normal ovaries associated with a high risk for metabolic disorder(1) as resulting of enlarged ovaries(2), leading to hormone imbalance(excessive androgen and anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) )(1)(3)(4)(5), induced Hirsutism(6)(7), reproductive disorder(10(12)), risks of type 2 diabetes(9)(10)(11), metabolic syndrome(10)(12) and early cardiovasular disease(8)(13), acne(10)(14), endometrial cance(18)(19),weight gain and obesity(15)(16)(17). The syndrome effects over 5% of women population or 1 in 20 women.
Unfortunately, according to studies, women with PCOs after the reproductive age, are associated to continuously increase risk of type II diabetes, with no increasing altered glucose tolerance(20), CVD and hypertension(21).
The prevention and management In Herbal Medicine
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is unpreventable in Western medicine. Early diagnosis and treatment may reduce risk of its complications, including infertility, metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, etc.
Reduce fat intake less than 30% of total calories with a low proportion of saturated fat and high in fiber from predominantly low-glycaemic-index-carbohydrate foods for patients with PCOs(827a). Calorie intake should be distributed between several meals per day with restricted intake of snacks and drinks(828).
The Fertility Herb: Angelica sinensis
Dang Qui (Angelica sinensis) is a herb of Genus Angelica from the family Apiaceae, indigenous to China, used as a Queen herb in traditional Chinese medicine as anti inflammatory(889), antispasmodic(890) and vasodilatory agent(891)(890), and to balance the hormones in women for a normal menstrual cycle and menstruation(890), reduce menopausal syndromes(888) and improve digestive system(890) and immunity(890).
1. Reproductive organs tonic
Traditional Chinese medicine views angelica roots as queen herb which has been used to enhance the productive system(892) for treatment of gynecological diseases(897) such as dysmenorrhea, amenorrhoea, menopause and promote menstrual health(892). It is said that angelica roots has the power to restore any deficiency caused by hormone imbalance(894)(895)(896).
2. Blood tonic
A reproductive blood tonic herb(894) not only help to increase blood production(895) to replace blood loss for women after menstruation(893), but also increases the blood flow to abdominal region(890)(891), for induction of healthy conception.
3. Digestive system
Dangqui consists a didestice system protective effects(898) against gastrointestinal damage, but also increases the digestive system function(890) in absorbing essential vitamins and minerals(890), thereby reducing the risks of infertility caused by nutrients deficiency(899).
4. Blood and qi deficiency
Blood(896) and qi(890)deficiency may lead to irregular menstrual cycle, absence of period or painful period(896). Angelica roots increase blood and qi flow(890), resulting in normalizing the function of reproductive organs(892)(897).
5. Kidney tonic
It is said that angelica root also helps to improve kidney function not only in regulating water and fluid through urinary extraction(900), but also improving kidney normal function in regulating the natural menstrual process(900) of the reproductive organs, induced fertility.
6. Immune system
Angelica root containing variety chemicals strengthens the immune system(903) in fighting against infection and inflammation(894)(889), thereby decreasing the risk of yeast infection during menstruation(891) as well as forming of irregular cell growth in the reproductive organs(901)(902)(903).
Side effects
1. It may cause skin inflammation and rashes, if it is taken in high dose(904)
2. Since angelica root causes uterus constraction, the herb should be used on pregnant(904) unless with the approval of her herbalist(904).
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Permanently Eliminate All Types of Ovarian Cysts Within 2 Months
(1) Adiposity and metabolic dysfunction in polycystic ovary syndrome by Sam S.(PubMed)
(2) A "kiss" before conception: triggering ovulation with kisspeptin-54 may improve IVF by Young SL.(PubMed)
(3.) Androgen hyperfunction and excessive heterosexual hair growth in women, with special attention to the polycystic ovarian syndrome by Lunde O1.(PubMed)
(4) Expression of anti-Müllerian hormone in letrozole rat model of polycystic ovary syndrome by Du DF1, Li XL, Fang F, Du MR.(PubMed)
(5) [Serum levels of anti-muller hormone in women with polycystic ovary syndrome and healthy women of reproductive age].[Article in Bulgarian] by Parahuleva N, Pehlivanov B, Orbecova M, Deneva T, Uchikova E.(PubMed)
(6) [Current opinions on the etiology and pathophysiology of hirsutism].[Article in Polish] by Krysiak R1, Kedzia A, Okopień B.(PubMed)
(7) The clinical evaluation of hirsutism by Somani N1, Harrison S, Bergfeld WF.(PubMed)
(8) Polycystic ovary syndrome and insulin: our understanding in the past, present and future by Mayer SB1, Evans WS, Nestler JE.(PubMed)
(9) Association of mean platelet volume with androgens and insulin resistance in nonobese patients with polycystic ovary syndrome by Dogan BA1, Arduc A2, Tuna MM1, Karakılıc E1, Dagdelen I1, Tutuncu Y1, Berker D1, Guler S1.(PubMed)
(10) Approach to the patient: contraception in women with polycystic ovary syndrome by Yildiz BO1.(PubMed)
(11) Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS): a significant contributor to the overall burden of type 2 diabetes in women by Talbott EO1, Zborowski JV, Rager JR, Kip KE, Xu X, Orchard TJ.(PubMed)
(12) Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in Slovak women with polycystic ovary syndrome and its relation to metabolic and reproductive abnormalities by Figurová J1, Dravecká I, Javorský M, Petríková J, Lazúrová I.(PubMed)
(13) Role of Insulin Sensitizers on Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: A Meta-Analysis by Thethi TK1, Katalenich B2, Nagireddy P3, Chabbra P4, Kuhadiya N5, Fonseca V1.(PubMed)
(14) Acne in hirsute women by Lumezi BG1, Pupovci HL1, Berisha VL1, Goçi AU2, Gerqari A3.(PubMed)
(15) Obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome by Naderpoor N1, Shorakae S, Joham A, Boyle J, De Courten B, Teede HJ.(PubMed)
(16) Polycystic ovary syndrome: a complex condition with psychological, reproductive and metabolic manifestations that impacts on health across the lifespan by Teede H1, Deeks A, Moran L.(PubMed)
(17) Metabolic Evidence of Diminished Lipid Oxidation in Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. by Whigham LD1, Butz DE2, Dashti H3, Tonelli M3, Johnson LK1, Cook ME2, Porter WP4, Eghbalnia HR5, Markley JL6, Lindheim SR7, Schoeller DA8, Abbott DH9, Assadi-Porter FM10.(PubMed)
(18) Risk of endometrial, ovarian and breast cancer in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis by Barry JA1, Azizia MM1, Hardiman PJ2.(PubMed)
(19) Risk of cancer among women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a Danish cohort study by Gottschau M1, Kjaer SK2, Jensen A1, Munk C1, Mellemkjaer L3.(PubMed)
(20) Polycystic ovary syndrome: metabolic consequences and long-term management by Carmina E1.(PubMed)
(21) Arterial stiffness is increased in asymptomatic nondiabetic postmenopausal women with a polycystic ovary syndrome phenotype by Armeni E1, Stamatelopoulos K, Rizos D, Georgiopoulos G, Kazani M, Kazani A, Kolyviras A, Stellos K, Panoulis K, Alexandrou A, Creatsa M, Papamichael C, Lambrinoudaki I.(PubMed)
(827a) Diet and nutrition in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): pointers for nutritional management by Farshchi H, Rane A, Love A, Kennedy RL(PubMed)
(828) The optimal diet for women with polycystic ovary syndrome? by Marsh K, Brand-Miller J.(PubMed)
(889) Inhibitory effects of Angelica sinensis
ethyl acetate extract and major compounds on NF-kappaB trans-activation
activity and LPS-induced inflammation by Chao WW, Hong YH, Chen ML, Lin
(890) Dang Qui(Complementary and Alternative Healing University)
(891) Angelica sinensis / Dong Quai(Golden Lotus Botanicals)
(892 Danggui to Angelica sinensis root: are potential benefits to European women lost in translation? A review by Hook IL1.(PubMed)
(893) Metabolomics study of hematopoietic function of Angelica sinensis on blood deficiency mice model by Li PL1, Sun HG1, Hua YL1, Ji P1, Zhang L1, Li JX1, Wei Y2(PubMed)
(894) Molecular screening of Chinese medicinal plants for progestogenic and anti-progestogenic activity by Ahmed HM1, Yeh JY, Tang YC, Cheng WT, Ou BR.(PubMed)
(895) Estrogenic activity of herbs commonly used as remedies for menopausal symptoms by Amato, Paula MD1; Christophe, Sylvie PhD2; Mellon, Pamela L. PhD(Menopause)
(896) Integrated standardization concept for Angelica
botanicals using quantitative NM by Received 9 July 2011, Revised 17
August 2011, Accepted 20 August 2011, Available online 1 September 2011(Sience direct)(894) [Experimental study on effects of 18 kinds of Chinese herbal medicine for synthesis of thromboxane A2 and PGI2].[Article in Chinese] by Wang SR1, Guo ZQ, Liao JZ.(PubMed)
(895) Polysaccharide isolated from Angelica sinensis inhibits hepcidin expression in rats with iron deficiency anemia by Liu JY1, Zhang Y, You RX, Zeng F, Guo D, Wang KP.(PubMed)
(896) [Hematopoietic effect of siwu decoction in the mice with blood deficiency induced by compound method of bleeding, starved feeding and exhausting].[Article in Chinese] by Tan W1, Song CS, Tan HL, Liu LL, Ma ZC, Wang YG, Gao Y.(PubMed)
(897) Chemical fingerprinting and quantitative constituent analysis of Siwu decoction categorized formulae by UPLC-QTOF/MS/MS and HPLC-DAD by Shulan Su1, Wenxia Cui12, Wei Zhou1, Jin-ao Duan1*, Erxin Shang1 and Yuping Tang(Chinese medicine)
(898) Study of the gastrointestinal protective effects of polysaccharides from Angelica sinensis in rats.
Cho CH1, Mei QB, Shang P, Lee SS, So HL, Guo X, Li Y.(PubMed)
(899) Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases II: Celiac sprue and gluten intolerance by Samsel A1, Seneff S2.(PubMed)
(900) 36 Healing Herbs: The World's Best Medicinal Plants By Rebecca L. Johnson
(901) The antitumor effects of Angelica sinensis on malignant brain tumors in vitro and in vivo. by Tsai NM1, Lin SZ, Lee CC, Chen SP, Su HC, Chang WL, Harn HJ.(PubMed)
(902) A novel polysaccharide, isolated from Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels induces the apoptosis of cervical cancer HeLa cells through an intrinsic apoptotic pathway. by Cao W1, Li XQ, Wang X, Fan HT, Zhang XN, Hou Y, Liu SB, Mei QB.(PubMed)
(903) Effects of a Chinese medical herbs complex on cellular immunity and toxicity-related conditions of breast cancer patients by Zhuang SR1, Chiu HF, Chen SL, Tsai JH, Lee MY, Lee HS, Shen YC, Yan YY, Shane GT, Wang CK.(PubMed)
(904) Dong Quai (the University of Marryland medical center)
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