Sunday, 17 November 2013

Menstrual Disorders - Oligomenorrhea - The Symptoms and Causes

Oligomenorrhea is an irregular menstruation and defined as a condition of infrequent period or a woman menstrual period does not occur at a interval of greater than 35 days.

1. Menstrual bleeding
Menstrual bleeding for women with irregular menstruation is last more tham 7 days.

2. Length of period
Woman menstrual period does not occur at a interval of greater than 35 days

3. Menstruation
Women with oligomenorrhea may be experience very light menstruation with with only four to nine periods in a year.

4. Infertility
Women who are experience irregular menstruation are st higher risk of infertility. According to the article of "Irregular Periods and Getting Pregnant" posted at WebMD, Reviewed by Mikio A. Nihira, MD. the author stated that irregular or abnormal ovulation and menstruation accounts for 30% to 40% of all cases of infertility.

5. Irregular menstrual periods with unpredictable flow
It is a result of hormone imbalance. It can happen to women in the perimenopause as well as 2 years after puberty.

6. Etc.

1. Perimenopause
As a woman approaches the perimenopause stage, menstrual cycle is disturbed due to lower production of sex hormones as a result of irregular response of ovaries to the higher amount FSH produced by pituitary gland.

2. Benign tumor
Adenomas grows at the anterior pituitary gland can affect the function of the gland in secretion of either FSH or LH that can lead to loss of normal menstrual cycles including oligomenorrhea.

3. Certain diseases
a. Hyperthyroidist can cause Oligomenorrhea as a result of over production of thyroid hormone, leading to lightening less often of menstrual flow.
b. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
According to the article of Oligomenorrhea posted at the free dictionary by Farlex, the author wrote that Women with PCOS show menstrual irregularities that range from oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea on the one hand to very heavy, irregular periods on the other. The condition affects about 6% of premenopausal women and is related to excess androgen production.
Due to to excess androgen production.
c. Graves disease
Graves disease is an autoimmune disease with overactive the thyroid gland causing production an excessive amount of thyroid hormones, that leads to oligomenorrhea.

4. Intensive exercise
Intensive exercise can affect the women reproductive physiology, that can lead to irregular menstruation including Oligomenorrhea. In study of Reproductive system function in women cross-country runners." by Wakat DK, Sweeney KA, Rogol AD., researchers found that Evaluation of seven runners from one school who qualified for the national meet (1 amenorrheic, 5 oligomenorrheic, and 1 normal) revealed that the basal estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, and thyroid hormone levels were normal and that there were normal luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone responses to synthetic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). These data are consistent with an alteration of hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian function above the level of the pituitary.

6. Breast feeding
Breast feeding can increase the risk of oligomenorrhea, due to delay of ovulation as a result of hormonal change.

7. Eating disorders
Eating disorder that can affect your monthly cycle as a result of irregular menstruation. According to the article of "Eating disorders may disrupt menstruation" By Anne Harding, posted in Reuters, the author wrote that any type of eating disorder can boost a woman's likelihood of having irregular menstrual periods, a new study confirms in a survey of 1,705 women participating in a genetic study who met strict diagnostic criteria for eating disorders, Bulik and her team found menstrual irregularities including absence of periods, skipping periods, and very light periods among women with every subtype of eating disorder, including bulimia nervosa.

8. Etc.
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