Here are some of the important herbs that are said to be effective in promoting pregnancy in women and enhancing normal sperm production in men.
Herbs for overcome female infertility
1. Chaste berry tree
1.1. DefinitionChaste berry tree is also known as vitex agnus castus, belongs to the Verbenaceae family. It is considered as a queen herb in treating all kinds of reproductive disorder including premenstrual symptoms and infertility as resulting of hormonal imbalance.
1.2. How Chaste berry tree effects Fertility
a. Androstenedione,
Chaste berry tree contains androstenedione which is the common precursor of male and female sex hormone by converting to estrogen through the enzyme aromatase, thereby decreasing the risks of hormone imbalance that causes infertility.
b. Epitestosterone
Epitestosterone is an inactive epimer of the hormone testosterone which has been used to enhance athletic performance for some athelic during competition. It helps to improve sexual desire and sexual performance, thereby increasing the chance of fertility as resulting of production of testosterone.
c. Hydroxyprogesterone
Chaste tree contains plant hydroxyprogesterone which is a steroid hormone produced during the synthesis of glucocorticoids and sex steroids. It helps to raise the levels of progesterone if it is loo low and reduces it when it is too high in the women body, leading to hormone balancing and increasing the chance of fertility.
d. Progesterone
It's leave also contain plant progesterone which helps to regulate the levels of progesterone body that is necessary for a natural conception as resulting of hormone balancing.
e. Iridoid
It also contains iridoid which is often intermediates in the biosynthesis of alkaloids that helps to improve the immune system in fighting against inflammation resulting in lessening the risks of immune system abnormal function in production of antibody against sperm invasion.
f. Glycoside
Glycoside is a flavonoid which acts as an antioxidant as resulting of increasing uric acid levels by expelling flavonoids from the body antioxidant, thereby increasing the immune system in fighting against forming of free radical as well as guarding our body against infection and inflammation, leading to abnormal function of immune system.
g. Essential oil
The essential oil of chaste beery tree contains cineol, pinene, monoterpenes, etc. It is said that helps to balance the hormone in the body including reproductive hormone as resulting of it's plant progesterone and ability in regulating the pituitary gland and harmonizing the endocrine system.
h. Prolactin
It is said that chaste berry tree not only helps to regulate the menstrual cycle after stopping the conceptive pill, but also balances the prolactin hormone in the women body. It raise it, if too high and low it when it is too low.
2. Black cohosh
2.1. Definition
Black cohosh is a glabrous herbaceous perennial plant, producing large, compound leaves from an underground rhizome and belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. It has been used in traditional medicine in treating symptoms of all kinds of gynaecological problems.
2.2. How black cohosh enhances female fertility
a. Phytoestrogen
It contains high amount of phytoestrogen which helps to occupy the estrogen receptor sites in our body, leading to hormone balancing resulting in increasing the chance of ovulation and fertility.
b. Blood flow
Back cohosh is blood flow enhancer, it helps to increase the blood production and increase blood flow to the pelvic region resulting in increasing the function of the reproductive organs and the chance of egg implantation into the uterine lining and lessening the risk of infertility
c. Condense Tannins
It also contains condense tannin, a type of proanthocyanidin which has been used as nutritional and therapeutic supplements in Europe in promoting the function of flavonoids that not only helps to improve blood flood, but also reduces the risk of weaken kidney, leading to yi yang imbalance resulting in increasing the risk of infertility.
d. Nervous system
Back cohost is said to contain chemical agent which helps to bind the activities to serotonin receptors, thereby decreasing the risk of depress, anxiety and emotional and physical stress
resulting in decreasing the risk of infertility.
e. ferulic acid
Ferulic acid is an antioxidant which not only helps to neutralize free radicals, but also helps to increase the immune function in fighting against bacteria and virus resulting in lessening the risk of inflammation and reducing the risks of abnormal function of immune system in production of antibody antigen in the uterine mucus.
f. Kidney function diuretic
As kidney enhancer, back cohosh helps to promote the kidney function in the urinary discharge of which not only helps to reduce the risk of water retention, but also helps to lessen the risk of qi imbalance resulting in increasing the chance of fertility.
3. Red clover
3.1. Definition
Red clover is an herbaceous, perennial plant, native to Europe, western Asia and northwest Africa, it has been used traditional in treating whooping cough, respiratory problems, and skin inflammations by purifying the blood and clearing mucus from the lungs.
3.2. How red clover effects women fertility
a. Vitamin C
Vitamin C besides helps to increase the strength of small veins in the reproductive organ in blood transportation, it also increases the immune system in fighting against the invasion of bacteria and virus that causes inflammation of infection to the reproductive organs.
b. B6 vitamin
Red clover contains vitamin B6 which is vital for women with luteal phase deficiency. Researchers found that intake of vitamin B6 helps to increase the luteal phase period, thereby increasing the chance of fertility.
c. Magnesium
Researchers found that women with unexplained causes of infertility are found to have low levels of magnesium in their body, leading to stress and impair the reproductive organs natural process of conception as resulting of high levels of serotonin.
d. Calcium
Besides it is necessary for formation of bone density and absorption of magnesium, it also plays an important role in triggering growth in the embryos. Deficiency pf calcium may increase the risks of early birth, miscarriage and birth defect.
e. Potassium
Red clover contains high levels of potassium, which is necessary in regulating the lymphatic function of fluid in the body. Deficiency of potassium causes water retention and increases the risk of premenstrual symptoms and lessens the chance of infertility.
f. Isoflavones
Red clover contains isoflavonoid which is one type of phytoestrogen helped to regulate the levels of estrogen in the body by occupying the estrogen receptor site, thereby, decreasing the production of bad estrogen from the body, leading to hormonal balancing and increasing the chance for fertility.
4. Licorice
4.1. DefinitionIt has been used in traditional medicine in treating liver disease and respiratory tract problem
4.2. How licorice effects women fertility
a. Digestive system
Licorice is said to improve the digestive system in absorbing vital vitamins and minerals, thereby decreasing the risks of nutrients deficiency and unexplained infertility.
b. Blow flow
It also helps to improve the blood flow in the body by inhibiting the levels of bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels resulting in reducing the risks of blood stagnation in the abdominal region and increasing the chance to get pregnant.
c. Glycyrrhizin
Glycyrrhizin helps to stimulate the activity of the adrenal glands in regulating the levels of cortisol, resulting in lessening the risks of over production of serotonin that cause hormone imbalance.
d. Phytoestrogen
It contains phytoestrogen which is important in regulating the levels of estrogen during menstrual cycle and hormone balancing, resulting in increasing the chance of regular menstrual cycle and the chance to conceive.
e.Vitamin E
As an antioxidant, it helps to improve the immune system in fighting against foreign invasion, thereby, lessening the risks of infection and inflammation to the reproductive organ and increasing the chance of fertility.
f. Lecithin
Lecithin is a fat like substance called a phospholipid, it helps to protects cells from oxidation surrounding the brain, thereby preventing the abnormal function of the brain cells in information transmitting, reducing the nervous tension such as stress, anxiety and depression and damping the chance of fertility.
5. Red raspberry
5.1. DefinitionRed raspberry also known as raspberry or rubus ideaus, is a edible fruit species belongs to genus Rubus. It has been used in many cultures in assisting pregnancy due to it's antioxidant properties.
5.2. How Red Raspberry effects fertility
a. Antioxidant
Red raspberry contains high amount of anthocyanin pigments which is one of many powerful antioxidant existed in the fruit. Beside helping to fight against infection and inflammation caused by foreign invasion, it also helps to improve immune function in regulating cell growth as well as fighting against the forming of it's antibody antigent that reduce the risk of abnormal immune function in attacking it's own tissues, including sperm.
b. Fiber
Fiber is important for the regulating the blood levels in our body. Without or not enough of it may cause fluctuation of insulin, leading to food craving, symptoms of irregular menstrual cycle that increase the risk of infertility.
c. Vitamins and minerals
Red raspberry contains high levels of important vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, B complex, folic acid, magnesium, copper and iron which is not only vitals for maintaining maintaining the regular function of our body's organs, but also helps to improve the regular menstrual cycle by providing the necessary blood flow to the reproductive organs, resulting in enhancing the chance of fertility.
d. Quercetin
Quercetin besides is a powerful natural antioxidant by inhibiting enzymes, such as lipoxygenase which cause inflammation in our body, it also helps to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood stream, leading to increasing the blood flow to the reproductive organ that are important for a regular menstrual cycle.
Gallic acid is a colourless crystalline aromatic compound, Beside helping to fight against cell oxidate damage, it also has anti-fungal and anti-viral properties that is essential for maintaining a healthy reproductive system against infection.
f. Anthocyanins
Anthocyanins is also one of the flavonoids, besides helping to strengthen the immune system, it also helps to regulate the DNA duplication of cell in the body resulting in lessoning the risk of irregular cell growth in the abdominal region.
g. Cyanidins
Study shows that cyanidins inhibits development of obesity and diabetes, thereby decreasing the risk of fertility caused by symptoms of diabetes ( fluctuation of insulin and decreasing blopd flow to the reproductive organs) and overweight ( hormonal imbalance of estrogen and progesterone and premenstrual syndrome)
6. Sarsaparilla
6.1. Definition
Sarsaparilla is also known as smilax officinalis in herbal medicine, it is a perennial trailing vine, native to Central America and has been used in traditional herbalist as a reproductive organs and glands tonic medicine.
6.2. How sarsaparilla effects fertility
a. Liver detoxification
Herbalist believes the plant contains substance which helps to remove toxins from the liver, thereby increasing the liver function in regulating hormonal production ( estrogen and prostaglandins family) and levels of insulin in the blood stream, leading to reducing the risk of irregular menstrual cycle and increasing the chance of fertility.
b. Blood purifier
It also is a blood tonic herb. Besides helping to increase the transportation of nutrients to the body cell needs, it also increases blood flow to the reproductive organs, resulting in decreasing the risk of reproductive organs blood stagnation.
c. Immune system
It also increases the immune function in fighting against infection and inflammation caused by foreign invasion, resulting in increasing the chance of fertility.
d. DNA regulating
Sarsaparilla also helps to regulate the DNA duplication in normal cell growth, thereby decreasing the risk of endometrial adhesion and implants which grow somewhere else in the reproductive region other than in the endometrium.
e. Antibody antigen
Since it helps to increase the immune function as resulting of expelling the toxins through urinary extraction and stool, it reduces the risk of immune system abnormal function in attacking it's own tissues by viewing sperm as foreign invasion.
7. White willow
7.1. Definition
White willow is also known as salix alba in herbal medicine, native to Europe and western and central Asia and has been used in traditional medicine as fertility enhancing herb. native to Europe and western and central Asia.
7.2. how to treat infertility with white willow (salix alba)
a. Blood thinner
It contains high levels of salicin which converts into salicylic acid that helps to increase blood flow to the reproductive organs as resulting of thinning of blood, thereby reducing the risk of blood stagnation in the abnormal region and increasing the chance of fertility.
b. Kidney Yin deficiency
It is one of the cool to cold herb which is used in treating infertility in women and man alike caused by kidney yin deficiency caused by over eating of spice foods or working in hot environment.
c. Immune system
It is said that white willow also contains high levels of antioxidant which helps the immune system in guarding our body against infection and inflammation by inhibiting the effect of intermediate enzyme.
d. Vitamin C
White willow contains high levels of natural vitamin polypeptide C which not only helps to improve the immune function in fighting against the forming of free radicals and foreign invasion but also increases the blood flow to the reproductive organ by strengthening the capillaries in men and women alike, resulting in lessening the risk of sexual libido and enhancing the chance of conception.
e. Liver function
It is also the liver tonic herb, thereby increasing the liver in toxins elimination resulting in increasing the liver function in regulating the levels of prostaglandins family thereby, reducing the risk of menstrual pain and cramps and enhancing normal menstrual cycle.
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