Adding to that
According to Meline Plus, (the trust health information for you)(3), certain artificial ingredients, added to our foods may be harmful to your health and increase risk of chronic illness, including
1. Antibiotics given to food producing animals
2. Antioxidants in oily or fatty foods
3. Artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, saccharine, and sodium cyclamate
4. Benzoic acid in fruit juices
5. Lecithin, gelatins, corn starch, waxes, gums, and propylene glycol in food stabilizers and emulsifiers Many different dyes and coloring substances
6. Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
7. Nitrates and nitrites in hot dogs and other meat products
8. Sulfites in beer, wine, and packaged vegetables
Environment toxin(4), including
Asbestos, 1,1,1-Trichloroethane, Benzene, Fuel containing toxic substances that are dangerous goods within the meaning of section 2 of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992, Lead, Mercury, Methyl Bromide,Carbon Tetrachloride, Vinyl Chloride(4), etc.
Unhealthy life style living. such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, non exercising, little sleep etc..... also add more burden and pressure to our body inner organs.
Epidemiological studies have linked all of above in inducing risks not only metabolic syndrome but also promoting chronic illness and it's deadly complications, causing many dead in the elders.
The book of "How To Prevent and Manage The Most Common Diseases of Ages of 50 Plus" have been written to provide you with precise information through references of clinical trials, studies by many renown institutions. It is one of the kind that you have never seen before. Some information which you have found online may not be included in this book, if they are not proven to be effective through published studies of research.
If you are healthy, the book will provide you the information how to maintain good health, diseases free in your 50 plus years through its "what to do and not to do list"," How to prevention" and ","How to avoid" the diseases from starting.
If you have been affected by one or more chronic illness, the "what to do and not to do list" will show you how to manage your illness effectively, so you can re enjoy your quality of life and prevent the disease's complications which have been more deadly in causing high percentage of mortality than the diseases themselves. We also present you information of many cases of misdiagnosis, through renown institutions which have been proven to cause diminished quality of life and disability and dead to many.
Here is the content of the book
I. Cardiovascular Disease
Types of cardiovascular disease
A. Coronary heart disease -
1. The Symptoms
2. The Causes and Risk Factors
3. The Diagnosis and tests
4. Preventions
4.1. Coronary heart disease Preventions: The Do`s and Do not`s list
4.2. Coronary heart disease Preventions: Diet to prevent Coronary heart disease
4.3. Antioxidants to prevent Coronary heart disease
45. Phytochemicals to prevent Coronary heart disease
5. Treatments
5.1. Coronary heart disease treatments In conventional medicine perspective
5.2. Coronary heart disease Treatments In Herbal medicine perspective
5.3. Coronary artery disease Treatments In Traditional Chinese medicine perspective
B. Ischemic heart disease -
1. The Symptoms
2. Ischemic heart disease - The Causes and Risk Factors
3. Ischemic heart disease: Diagnosis and tests
4. Preventions
4.1. Ischemic heart disease - The Do's and Do not's list
4.2. Diet to prevent Ischemic heart disease
4.3. Antioxidants and Phytochemicals to prevent Ischemic heart disease
5. Treatments
5.1. Ischemic heart disease Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
5.2. Ischemic heart disease Treatments in Herbal medicine perspective
5.3. Ischemic heart disease Treatments In traditional Chinese medicine perspective
II. Urinary Incontinence
1. The symptoms, Causes and Risk Factors
2. Complications and Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence
3. Prevention
3.1. Urinary Incontinence Preventions - The do's and do not's list
4. Treatments
4.1. Urinary Incontinence Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
4.2. Urinary Incontinence Treatment in herbal medicine perspective
4.3. Urinary Incontinence In traditional Chinese medicine perspective
III. Musculo-Skeletal Disorders -
Types of Musculo-Skeletal disorders in elder(2)
1. Osteoarthritis
2. Gout
3. Rheumatoid Arthritis
4. Polymalagia Arthritis
5. Cervical myleopathy and spinal canal stenosis
6. Osteoporosis
7. Low back pain
8. Fibromyalgia
A. Osteoarthritis
1. The symptoms, Causes and Risk Factors
2. Diseases associated with Osteoarthritis
3. Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis
4. Osteoarthritis Preventions -
4.1. The Do and do not's list
4.2. Diet to prevent Osteoarthritis
4.3. Antioxidants to prevent osteoarthritis
4.5. Phytochemicals to prevent Osteoarthritis
5. Treatments
5.1. In Conventional Medicine Perspective
5.2. Osteoarthritis In Herhal Medicine Perspective
5.3. Treatments In traditional Chinese medicine perspective
B. Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA)
1. The Signs and Symptoms
2. The Causes and Risk Factors
3. The Complications of Rheumatoid Arthritis
4. Rheumatoid Arthritis Preventions
4.1. The do's and do not's list
4.2. Foods to prevent Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
4.3. Phytochemicals to prevent Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA)
4.4. Antioxidants to prevent Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA)
5. Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments
5.1. In conventional medicine perspective
5.2. Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments In herbal medicine perspective
5.3. Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments In traditional Chinese medicine perspective
For common types of diseases of Ages of 50+, please visit
For other health article, visit
C. Gout
1. The symptoms, Causes and Risk Factors
2. Gout - The Diagnosis
3. Prevention
3.1. The Do's and Do not's list
3.2. Phytochemicals to prevent Gout
4. Treatment
4.1. Gout Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
4.2. Gout Treatments In Herbal Medicine perspective
4.3. Gout Treatments In Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective
D. Polymalagia Arthritis
1. The Signs and Symptoms
2. The Causes and Rick factors
3. Polymalagia Arthritis -The Complications
4. Polymalagia Arthritis - The Diagnosis
5. Preventions
5.1. Polymalagia Arthritis Prevention - The do's and do not's list
5.2. Foods to prevent Polymalagia Arthritis(PMR)
5.3. Phytochemicals to prevent Polymalagia Arthritis (PMR)
6. Treatments
6.1. Polymalagia Arthritis Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
6.2. Polymalagia Arthritis In Herbal medicine perspective
6.3. Polymalagia Arthritis In traditional Chinese medicine
E. Cervical Stenosis with Myleopathy
1. Cervical Stenosis with Myleopathy -The Symptoms, Causes and Risk Factors
2. Cervical Stenosis with Myleopathy - The Complications
3. Cervical Stenosis with Myleopathy - The Diagnosis
4. Preventions
4.1. The do's and do not's list
4.2. Cervical Stenosis with Myleopathy Preventions - Foods to prevent Cervical Stenosis
4.3. Antioxidants to prevent Cervical Stenosis with Myleopathy
5. Treatments
5.1. Treatments In conventional Medicine perspective
5.2. Treatments In herbal medicine perspective
5.3. Treatments In Chinese medicine perspective
F. Osteoporosis
1. The Symptoms
2. The Causes
3. The Risk factors
4. The Diagnosis and Complications
5. Prevention
5.1. Foods and Phytochemicals to prevent Osteoporosis
5.2. Antioxidant vitamins and minerals to prevent Osteoporosis
6. Treatments
6.1. Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
6.2. Treatments In herbal medicine perspective
6.3. Treatments In traditional Chinese medicine perspective
G. Chronic Low Back Pain
1. The Signs and Symptoms
2. The Causes
3. The Risk factors
4. The Diagnosis and Complications
5. The Prevention
6. Treatment In conventional medicine perspective
7. Treatment In Herbal and TCM medicine perspective
H. Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia, according to the American College of Rheumatology 1990 Criteria for the Classification of Fibromyalgia in the newly proposed criteria for the classification of fibromyalgia are 1) widespread pain in combination with 2) tenderness at 11 or more of the 18 specific tender point sites(a) as a result in responding to pressure.
1.The Symptoms
2. The Causes and Risk factors
3. The Complications
4. The Diagnosis and Preventions
5. Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
6. Treatments In traditional Chinese medicine perspective
7. Treatments In Herbal medicine perspective
IV. Upper gastrointestinal disorders
A. Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD)
1. The Symptoms
2. The Causes
3. The Complications
4. The Diagnosis and tests
5. Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD)- The Preventions
6. Treatments In Conventional medicine perspective
7. In Herbal Medicine Perspective
8. In Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective
B. Gastric Ulcer
1. The Symptoms
2. The Causes and Risk factors
3. The Complications
4. Gastric Ulcers: Preventions
4.1. The do and do not's list
4.2. Foods to prevent gastric ulcer
4.3. Phytochemcals to prevent gastric ulcer
5. GastrIc Ulcers: The Diagnosis
6. Treatments
6.1. Gastric Ulcers: Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
6.2. Gastric Ulcers: Treatments In Herbal medicine perspective
6.3. Gastric Ulcers: Treatments In traditional Chinese medicine perspective
C. Duodenal ulcers
1. Duodenal ulcers : The Symptoms
2. Duodenal ulcers : The Causes
3. Duodenal ulcers : The Risk factors
4. Duodenal ulcers : The Complications
5. Preventions
5.1. Duodenal ulcers Preventions: The do and do not's list
5.2. Foods to prevent Duodenal ulcers
5.3. Phytochemicals to prevent Duodenal ulcers
6. Duodenal ulcers - The Diagnosis
7. Treatments
7.1. Duodenal ulcers Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
7.2. Duodenal ulcers Treatments In herbal medicine perspective
7.3. Duodenal ulcers Treatments In traditional Chinese medicine perspective
D. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding
1. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding - The Causes
2. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding - The Symptoms and Diagnosis
3. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding - The Prevention
4. Treatments
4.1. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding - Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
4.2. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding - Treatments In herbal medicine perspective
4.3. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding - Treatments In TCM perspective
V. Diabetes
1. The Symptoms
2. The Causes
3. The Risk Factors
4. The Complications
5. Diseases associated with diabetes
6. Diagnosis and Management
6.1. Diagnosis and Management(1)
6.2. Management (2)
6.3. Diabetes - Management (3)
6.4. Diabetes - Management (4)
6.5. Diabetes - Management (5)
7. Preventions
7.1. Diet to prevent diabetes
7.2. Phytochemicals to prevent diabetes
7.3. Antioxidants to prevent diabetes
8. Treatments
8.1. Diabetes Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
8.2. Diabetes Treatments In Herbal medicine perspective
8.3. Diabetes Treatments In traditional Chinese medicine perspective
VI. Respiratory Disease
A. Asthma
1. The Symptoms
2. The Causes
3. The Risk factors
4. The Complications
5. Misdiagnosis
6. Preventions
6.1. Antioxidants and Phytochemicals to prevent asthma
6.2. Foods to prevent asthma
7. Treatments
7.1. Asthma Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
7.2. Asthma Treatments In herbal medicine perspective
7.3. Asthma Treatments In traditional Chinese medicine perspective
B. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
1. The Symptoms
2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) - The Causes
3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)(Respiratory Disease) - The Risk factors
4. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)(Respiratory Disease) - The Diagnosis and Misdiagnosis
5. The Complications
6. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)(Respiratory Disease) - The Preventions
7. Treatments
7.1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
7.2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)Treatments In herbal medicine perspective
7.3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)Treatments In traditional Chinese medicine perspective
C. Bronchiectasis
1. Bronchiectasis (Respiratory Disease) - The Symptoms
2. Bronchiectasis (Respiratory Disease) - The Causes
3. Bronchiectasis (Respiratory Disease) - The Risk factors
4. Bronchiectasis (Respiratory Disease) - Complications
5. Bronchiectasis (Respiratory Disease) - Diseases associated to Bronchiectasis
6. Bronchiectasis (Respiratory Disease) - The Diagnosis
7. Bronchiectasis Preventions
7.1. Bronchiectasis (Respiratory Disease)Preventions - The do and do not's list
7.2. Antioxidants to prevent broncholithiasis
8. Treatments
8.1. Bronchiectasis Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
8.2. Treatments In herbal medicine perspective
8.3. Bronchiectasis Treatments In traditional Chinese medicine perspective
D. Restrictive lung diseases or restrictive ventilatory defects
1. Restrictive lung diseases (Respiratory Disease) - The Symptoms
2. Restrictive lung diseases (Respiratory Disease) - The Causes
3. Restrictive lung diseases (Respiratory Disease) - The risk factors
4. Diseases associated with restrictive lung diseases
5. The Diagnosis
6. Restrictive lung diseases (Respiratory Disease) - The Preventions
7. Treatments
7.1. Restrictive lung diseases Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
7.2. Treatments In herbal medicine perspective
7.3. Treatments In traditional Chinese medicine perspective
F. Respiratory tract infection
F.1. Upper respiratory tract infection
1. Upper respiratory tract infection - The Symptoms
2. The Causes and Risk Factors
3. Types of Upper respiratory infection
4. Diseases associated with Upper respiratory tract infection
5. Preventions
5.1. The do and do not's list
5.2. Diet to prevent upper respiratory track infection
5.3. Phytochemicals and antioxidants to prevent upper respiratory track infection
6. The Diagnosis and tests
7. Treatments
7.1. Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
7.2. Treatments In herbal medicine perspective
7.3. Treatments In TCM perspective
F.2. Lower respiratory tract infection
1. The Symptoms
2. The Classification
F.2.1. Bronchitis
Bronchitis is defined as a condition of an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi, the larger and medium-sized airways that carry airflow from the trachea into the lung parenchyma(7). Most cases of Bronchitis are as a result of recurrent injure to the airways caused by inhaled irritants and cigarette smoking(6). There are 2 types of bronchitis
1. Bronchitis - The Causes
2. The Risk factors
3. Misdiagnosis and diseases associated with Bronchitis
3.1. The Misdiagnosis
3.2. Diseases associated with Bronchitis
4. Bronchitis - The complications
5. Bronchitis - The Diagnosis
6. Preventions
6.1. Bronchitis Preventions - The do and do not's list
6.2. Bronchitis Preventions - Diet to prevent bronchitis
6.3. Bronchitis Preventions - Phytochemicals to prevent bronchitis
6.4. Antioxidants to prevent bronchitis
7. Treatments
7.1. Bronchitis Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
7.2. Bronchitis Treatments In Herbal medicine perspective(1)
7.3. Bronchitis Treatments In TCMl medicine perspective(1)
7.4. Bronchitis Treatments In Herbal medicine perspective(2)
F.2.2. Pneumonia
1. Pneumonia - Viral causes of Pneumonia
2. Pneumonia - Bacterial causes of Pneumonia
3. Fungi and parasites causes of Pneumonia
4. Pneumonia - The Risk factors
5. Pneumonia - The Misdiagnosis
6. Pneumonia - Diseased associated to pneumonia
7. Pneumonia - The Complications
8. Pneumonia - The Diagnosis
9. Preventions
9.1. Pneumonia Preventions- The do and do not's list
9.2. Diet to prevent pneumonia
9. 3. Phytochemicals to prevent pneumonia
9.4. Antioxidants to prevent pneumonia
10. Treatments
10.1. Pneumonia Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
10.2. Pneumonia Treatments In Herbal medicine perspective
10.3. Pneumonia Treatments In traditional Chinese medicine perspective
G. Pleural diseases
Types of Pleural diseases
G.1. Pneumothorax
1. The Symptoms
2. Pneumothorax - The Causes
3. Pleural disease - Pneumothorax - The Risk factors
4. Pneumothorax - The Complications
5. Diseases associated to Pneumothorax
6. Pneumothorax - Misdiagnosis
7. Pneumothorax - The Diagnosis
8. Antioxidants to prevent pneumothorax (PSP)
9. Treatments
9.1. In conventional medicine perspective
9.2. Treatments In traditional Chinese medicine perspective
9.3. Ulcerative proctitis Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
G.2. Pleural effusion
1. Types of Pleural effusion
2. Pleural effusion - The Symptoms
3. The Causes
4. Pleural effusion - The Risk factors
5. The Complications
6. Diseases associated to Pleural effusion
7. Pleural effusion - The Misdiagnosis
8. The Diagnosis
9. Prevention
9.1. Diet to prevent pleural effusions
9.2. Phytochemicals to prevent pleural effusion
9.3. Antioxidants to prevent pleural effusion
10. Treatments
10.1. In conventional medicine perspective
10.1.1. Pleural effusion Treatments Caused by Congestive heart failure
10.1.2. Pleural effusion Treatments Caused by Pneumonia
10.1.3. Pleural effusion Treatments Caused by Liver disease
10.1.4. Pleural effusion Treatments Caused by Liver disease
10.1.5. Pleural effusion Treatments Caused by Tumors
10.1.6. Pleural effusion Treatments Caused by Lupus
10.2. Pleural effusion Treatments; Treatments in Herbal medicine perspective
10.3. Pleural effusion Treatments in traditional Chinese medicine perspective
G.3. Pleural plaques
1. Pleural plaques - The Symptoms
2. The Causes and Risk factors
3. The Complications
4. Pleural plaques - Misdiagnosis
5. Pleural plaques - The Diagnosis
6. Prevention
6.1. Diet to prevent pleural plague
6.2. Phytochemicals to prevent pleural plague
6.3. Antioxidants to prevent pleural plague
7. Treatments
7.1. Conventional and Herbal Treatments
7.2. Pleural plaques Treatments In TCM Perspective
H. Pulmonary vascular disease
H.1. Pulmonary embolism
Pulmonary embolism (PE) is defined as a condition of blockage of blood flow due to a blood clot of either in main artery of the lung or somewhere else in the body. In most cases, it is in the deep veins of the legs or pelvic. The disease is a common and affect as many as 500,000 persons annually in the United States
1. The Symptoms
2. Pulmonary embolism - The Causes
3. Pulmonary embolism - The Risk Factors
4. Pulmonary embolism - The Complications and Diseases associated
5. Pulmonary embolism - The Misdiagnosis
6. Pulmonary embolism - The Diagnosis
7. Preventions
7.1. Diet to prevent pulmonary embolism
7.2. Phytochemicals and antioxidants to prevent pulmonary embolism
8. Treatments
8.1. Pulmonary embolism - Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
8.2. Pulmonary embolism - Treatments In Herbal and TCM medicine perspective
H.2. Pulmonary arterial hypertension
1. Pulmonary arterial hypertension - The Symptoms
2. The Causes
3. The Risk factors
4. The Complications
5. Diseases associated to pulmonary arterial hypertension
6. Pulmonary arterial hypertension- The Misdiagnosis
7. Pulmonary arterial hypertension- The Diagnosis
8. Preventions
8.1. Diet to prevent pulmonary arterial hypertension
8.2. Phytochemicals and Antioxidants to prevent pulmonary arterial hypertension
9. Treatments
9.1. Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
9.2. Treatments In Herbal medicine perspective
9.3. Pulmonary arterial hypertension Treatments In TCM perspective
H.3. Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease
1. The Symptoms
2. The Causes
3. The Risk factors
4. The Complications
5. Diseases associated to Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease
6. The Misdiagnosis
7. The Diagnosis
8. The Preventions
9. The Treatments
H.4. Pulmonary vascular disease is defined as a condition of blood flow to the lung's artery is blocked suddenly due to a blood clot somewhere in the body, including pulmonary embolism, chronic thromboembolic disease, pulmonary arterial hypertension, pulmonary veno-occlusive disease, pulmonary arteriovenous malformations, pulmonary edema, etc.
Pulmonary edema
Pulmonary edema is defined as a condition of fluid accumulation in the air spaces and parenchyma of the lungs of that can lead to difficult of breathing and respiratory failure.
1. Pulmonary edema- Signs and Symptoms
2. Pulmonary edema- The Causes
3. Pulmonary edema- The Risk factors
4. The Complications
5. Diseases associated to Pulmonary edema
6. The Misdiagnosis
7. Pulmonary edema - The Diagnosis
8. Preventions
8.1. Diet to prevent Pulmonary edema
8.2. Antioxidants to prevent Pulmonary edema
8.3. Phytochemicals to prevent Pulmonary edema
9. Treatments
9.1. In conventional & Herbal medicine perspective
9.2. Treatments In traditional Chinese medicine perspective
VII. Malignant tumors 9.2. Treatments In traditional Chinese medicine perspective
9.3. Ulcerative proctitis Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
G.2. Pleural effusion
1. Types of Pleural effusion
2. Pleural effusion - The Symptoms
3. The Causes
4. Pleural effusion - The Risk factors
5. The Complications
6. Diseases associated to Pleural effusion
7. Pleural effusion - The Misdiagnosis
8. The Diagnosis
9. Prevention
9.1. Diet to prevent pleural effusions
9.2. Phytochemicals to prevent pleural effusion
9.3. Antioxidants to prevent pleural effusion
10. Treatments
10.1. In conventional medicine perspective
10.1.1. Pleural effusion Treatments Caused by Congestive heart failure
10.1.2. Pleural effusion Treatments Caused by Pneumonia
10.1.3. Pleural effusion Treatments Caused by Liver disease
10.1.4. Pleural effusion Treatments Caused by Liver disease
10.1.5. Pleural effusion Treatments Caused by Tumors
10.1.6. Pleural effusion Treatments Caused by Lupus
10.2. Pleural effusion Treatments; Treatments in Herbal medicine perspective
10.3. Pleural effusion Treatments in traditional Chinese medicine perspective
G.3. Pleural plaques
1. Pleural plaques - The Symptoms
2. The Causes and Risk factors
3. The Complications
4. Pleural plaques - Misdiagnosis
5. Pleural plaques - The Diagnosis
6. Prevention
6.1. Diet to prevent pleural plague
6.2. Phytochemicals to prevent pleural plague
6.3. Antioxidants to prevent pleural plague
7. Treatments
7.1. Conventional and Herbal Treatments
7.2. Pleural plaques Treatments In TCM Perspective
H. Pulmonary vascular disease
H.1. Pulmonary embolism
Pulmonary embolism (PE) is defined as a condition of blockage of blood flow due to a blood clot of either in main artery of the lung or somewhere else in the body. In most cases, it is in the deep veins of the legs or pelvic. The disease is a common and affect as many as 500,000 persons annually in the United States
1. The Symptoms
2. Pulmonary embolism - The Causes
3. Pulmonary embolism - The Risk Factors
4. Pulmonary embolism - The Complications and Diseases associated
5. Pulmonary embolism - The Misdiagnosis
6. Pulmonary embolism - The Diagnosis
7. Preventions
7.1. Diet to prevent pulmonary embolism
7.2. Phytochemicals and antioxidants to prevent pulmonary embolism
8. Treatments
8.1. Pulmonary embolism - Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
8.2. Pulmonary embolism - Treatments In Herbal and TCM medicine perspective
H.2. Pulmonary arterial hypertension
1. Pulmonary arterial hypertension - The Symptoms
2. The Causes
3. The Risk factors
4. The Complications
5. Diseases associated to pulmonary arterial hypertension
6. Pulmonary arterial hypertension- The Misdiagnosis
7. Pulmonary arterial hypertension- The Diagnosis
8. Preventions
8.1. Diet to prevent pulmonary arterial hypertension
8.2. Phytochemicals and Antioxidants to prevent pulmonary arterial hypertension
9. Treatments
9.1. Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
9.2. Treatments In Herbal medicine perspective
9.3. Pulmonary arterial hypertension Treatments In TCM perspective
H.3. Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease
1. The Symptoms
2. The Causes
3. The Risk factors
4. The Complications
5. Diseases associated to Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease
6. The Misdiagnosis
7. The Diagnosis
8. The Preventions
9. The Treatments
H.4. Pulmonary vascular disease is defined as a condition of blood flow to the lung's artery is blocked suddenly due to a blood clot somewhere in the body, including pulmonary embolism, chronic thromboembolic disease, pulmonary arterial hypertension, pulmonary veno-occlusive disease, pulmonary arteriovenous malformations, pulmonary edema, etc.
Pulmonary edema
Pulmonary edema is defined as a condition of fluid accumulation in the air spaces and parenchyma of the lungs of that can lead to difficult of breathing and respiratory failure.
1. Pulmonary edema- Signs and Symptoms
2. Pulmonary edema- The Causes
3. Pulmonary edema- The Risk factors
4. The Complications
5. Diseases associated to Pulmonary edema
6. The Misdiagnosis
7. Pulmonary edema - The Diagnosis
8. Preventions
8.1. Diet to prevent Pulmonary edema
8.2. Antioxidants to prevent Pulmonary edema
8.3. Phytochemicals to prevent Pulmonary edema
9. Treatments
9.1. In conventional & Herbal medicine perspective
9.2. Treatments In traditional Chinese medicine perspective
A. What is cancer?
B. Lung cancer
1. Types of Lung cancer
2. Causes and risk factors
3. Lung Cancer (Malignant tumors) - The Symptoms
4. The Diagnosis and tests
5. Lung Cancer (Malignant tumors) - Grades and Stages of lung cancer
6. Lung Cancer (Malignant tumors) - Preventions
7. Treatments
7.1. In conventional medicine Perspective
7.2. Treatments In Herbal medicine Perspective
7.3. Treatments In Traditional Chinese medicine Perspective
C. Lymphoma
1, Lymphoma - Symptoms, Causes and Risk factors
2. Lymphoma - The Grades and Stages
3. The Diagnosis and tests
4. Lymphoma - The Preventions
5. Treatments
5.1. Treatments In conventional medicine
5.2. Lymphoma - Treatments In Herbal medicine
5.3 Treatments In Traditional Chinese medicine
D. Kaposi's sarcoma
1. Types of Kaposi' sarcoma
2. Kaposi's sarcoma - Symptoms, Causes and Risk factors
3. Diagnosis and Stages of Kaposi's sarcoma
4. Preventions
4.1. Kaposi's sarcoma - The preventions(1)
4.2. Kaposi's sarcoma - The preventions (2)
VIII. Benign lung tumors
1. Benign lung tumors - The Symptoms and Types
2. Benign lung tumors - The Causes
3. Benign lung tumors - The Diagnosis
4. Preventions
4.1. Diet to prevent benign lung tumors
4.2. Phytochemicals to prevent benign lung tumors
4.3. Antioxidants to prevent benign lung tumors
5. Treatments
5.1. Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
5.2. In herbal medicine perspective
5.3. In traditional Chinese medicine perspective
IX. Glaucoma
Glaucoma is a medical condition of an eye disease as result of the damage of the nerve of eye's optic over time. If left untreated, it can lead to permanently vision impair and blindness.
1. Glaucoma - Types and Symptoms of glaucoma
2. Glaucoma - The Causes
3. The Risk Factors
4. Glaucoma - Misdiagnosis
5. The Diagnosis
6. Glaucoma - The Complications
7. Glaucoma - Diseases associated to Glaucoma
8. Preventions
8.1. Glaucoma Preventions - The do and do not's list
8.2. Diet to prevent Glaucoma
8.3. Glaucoma Preventions -Phytochemicals to prevent
8.4. Antioxidants to prevent Glaucoma
9. Treatments
9.1. Glaucoma Treatments In conventional medicine perspective
9.2. Glaucoma Treatments In herbal medicine perspective
9.3. Glaucoma Treatments In traditional Chinese medicine perspective
X. Diseases of Central Nervous system (Dementia)
Dementia About 5-8% of all people over the age of 65 have some form of dementia, and this number doubles every five years above that age. Dementia is the loss of mental ability that is severe enough to interfere with people's every life and Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia in aging people
1. Delay Dementia - Types of Dmentia
2. Delay Dementia - Causes of Dementia
a. Deficient causes of dememtia due to aging
b. Free Radical Causes of Dmentia
c. Diseases causes of Dementia
d. Diet causes of Dementia
e. Substances Abuse Causes of Cognitive Impairement induced Dementia?
f. Environment toxin causes of Dementia
g. Life Style causes of Dementia
h. Medication Causes of Dementia
i. Genetic Mutation causes of Dementia
3. Delay Dementia - Symptoms and Complications of Dementia
4. Dementia Preventions
a. Nutritional Requirements for age of 50 and Over
b. Delay Dementia - Do's and Do Not's List
c. Dementia Preventions - Antioxidants Against Dementia
d. Dementia Preventions - Phytochemicals Against Dementia
e. Dementia Preventions - Diet Against Dementia
5. Treatments
5.1. Dementia Treatments -In Herbal Medicine Perspective
5.2. Dementia Treatments -In Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective
5.3. In conventional Medicine Perspective
a. Dementia - Treatments of Alzheimer's disease and Diminished quality of acetylcholine
b. Treatments of Dementia Associated with Parkinson's Disease In Conventional Medicine Perspective
c. Dementia - Treatments of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) In Conventional Medicine Perspective
d. Dementia - Treatments of Subdural hematoma In Conventional Medicine Perspective
e. Dementia - Treatments of Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome In conventional Medicine Perspective
f. Dementia - Treatments of Multi-infarct dementia in Conventional Medicine Perspective
XI. Thyroid disease
Thyroid is one of the largest endocrine glands found in the neck, below the Adam's Apple with the function of regulating the body use of energy, make of proteins by producing its hormones as a result of the stimulation of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) produced by the anterior pituitary.
Thyroid disease is defined as a condition of malfunction of thyroid.
A. Thyroid cancer
1. Thyroid disease: Thyroid cancer- Types of thyroid cancer
2. The Symptoms
3. The Causes and risk factors
4. Thyroid cancer- The Diagnosis, Grades and Stages
4. Preventions
4.1. What to avoid
4.2. Diet to Prevent Thyroid cancer
4.3. Phytochemicals and Antioxidants to Prevent Thyroid cancer
5. Treatments
5.1. Thyroid cancer- Treatments In conventional medicine Perspective
5.2. Treatments In Herbal medicine Perspective
5.3. Treatments In Traditional Chinese medicine perspective
B. Thyroid adenoma
1. The symptoms
2. The Causes
3. The Risk factors
4. The Complications and Disease associated to Thyroid adenoma
5. Thyroid adenoma - The Misdiagnosis
C. Hypothyroidism
1. The Symptoms
2. The Risk factors
3. The Causes
4. The Complications
5. Diseases associated to hypothyroidism
6. The Misdiagnosis and Diagnosis
7. Preventions
7.1. Hypothyroidism - Diet to prevent Hypothyroidism
7.2. Antioxidants and phytochemical to prevent Hypothyroidism
8. Treatments
8.1. In conventional medicine perspective
8.2. Treatments In Herbal medicine perspective
8.3. Treatments In traditional Chinese medicine perspective
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On top of that, you will also get the bonus of clinical trial tips for "How to look 10 - 20 years younger than the people of your same age group"and which have proven effectively in rejuvenating the skin in 400 of test subject from ages of 57 to 63, and 4 foods for diseases free and longevity
Bonus one
"How to look 10 - 20 years younger than the people of your same age group"
1. Tips 1:
Black and white heads are the result of a skin pore becoming clogged with sebum from the body's natural oil and becoming black heads if oxidized.
Tips for an Easy way to get rid of Black & white heads & Re smooth the effect areas
2. Tips 2:
Fine line is a result of effect of gravity in aging, and causes of slower process in cell rejuvenation and longer in elastic fibers replacement. Some researchers insisted that adding to the aging skin, free radicals and inflammatory molecules may degrade facial skin even quicker.
Clinical proven in Reduced Visibility of Forehead Fine Lines up to 100%
3. Tips 3:
Liver spot or aging spot is a condition of brown or black spots appearing on the surface of the skin due to aging as the the skin is less able to regenerate from sun exposure.
Tips for an Easy way to get rid of Liver or Aging spots and re smooth facial skin
4. Tips 4:
As the aging progress, the thin skin on your neck loses elasticity and sagging(Your neck is the first place aging shows up), it is a result of the loss of collagen, as well as sun damage and a natural loss of moisture. Some researcher suggested that adding to the ageing process of neck cell, gravity also lays an important role in influence of wrinkles.
Clinical Proven to Rejuvenate Your Aging Neck the Easy way
5. Tips 5:
Most people know acne is caused by dirt in oily skin pores, but little is known that acne is also caused by the system of toxins in the body. If our liver and kidney can not cleanse all toxins in the body, then our skin become the third source for cleansing the remainder of toxins. It is the internal causes of acne.
5. Tips 5:
Most people know acne is caused by dirt in oily skin pores, but little is known that acne is also caused by the system of toxins in the body. If our liver and kidney can not cleanse all toxins in the body, then our skin become the third source for cleansing the remainder of toxins. It is the internal causes of acne.
Clinical proven in getting rid of Acne & Acne Scars and re smooth Your facial skin
6. Tips 6:
Wrinkles are also associated with aging, hormonal status, smoking, and intercurrent disease according to the study by the University of California-San Francisco(a). Some researchers suggested that vitamin C may play an important role in collagen production due to its antioxidant properties(a). Another study indicated a positive anti-wrinkle effect through consumption of a mixture of soy isoflavones, lycopene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and fish oil(a).
Anti Ageing Tips(6): Clinical proven in Reduced Visibility of Eye Wrinkles up to 100%6. Tips 6:
Wrinkles are also associated with aging, hormonal status, smoking, and intercurrent disease according to the study by the University of California-San Francisco(a). Some researchers suggested that vitamin C may play an important role in collagen production due to its antioxidant properties(a). Another study indicated a positive anti-wrinkle effect through consumption of a mixture of soy isoflavones, lycopene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and fish oil(a).
7. Tips 7
Aging eye bags are the result of gravity, and the weaken ligament and muscle which connect the fat of the face together due to loss of collagen. The sagging and eye bags wrinkle can be firmed removed, accordingly and effectively, according.our study(a).
Anti Ageing Tips(7): Clinical proven in Firming your Aging Eye bags and reduced Visibility of eye bags circle
8. Tips 8
Skin pigmentation disorder is a result of damage most likely caused by UV sunlight, or unhealthy cells due to aging affecting the production of melanin.
8. Tips 8
Skin pigmentation disorder is a result of damage most likely caused by UV sunlight, or unhealthy cells due to aging affecting the production of melanin.
Anti Ageing Tips(8): Clinical proven in getting rid of Photo pigments and re smoothing Your facial skin
9. Tips 9:
Fine line is a result of effect of gravity in aging, and causes of slower process in cell rejuvenation and longer in elastic fibers replacement. Some researchers insisted that adding to the aging skin, free radicals and inflammatory molecules may degrade facial skin even quicker.
Anti Ageing Tips(9): Clinical proven in Reduced Visibility of Nosy Fine Lines up to 90%
10. Tips 10:
According to Dr. Rhoda Narins, MD, professor of dermatology at the NYU School of Medicine, your hands are one of the first places where we see the signs of aging, and also the area most people neglect when it comes to skin care. According to WebMD,, The Like rings in a tree trunk, lines, creases, dark spots, and bulging veins on the back of your hands are the sneaky little tattletales that give away your age!(4).
9. Tips 9:
Fine line is a result of effect of gravity in aging, and causes of slower process in cell rejuvenation and longer in elastic fibers replacement. Some researchers insisted that adding to the aging skin, free radicals and inflammatory molecules may degrade facial skin even quicker.
Anti Ageing Tips(9): Clinical proven in Reduced Visibility of Nosy Fine Lines up to 90%
10. Tips 10:
According to Dr. Rhoda Narins, MD, professor of dermatology at the NYU School of Medicine, your hands are one of the first places where we see the signs of aging, and also the area most people neglect when it comes to skin care. According to WebMD,, The Like rings in a tree trunk, lines, creases, dark spots, and bulging veins on the back of your hands are the sneaky little tattletales that give away your age!(4).
Anti Ageing Tips(10): Clinical proven in Regain Youthfulness of Your Hand
Tips 11:
Anti Ageing Tips(11):
Clinical proven in Rejuvenating of Your Arms(From Shoulder to Wrist)
Tips 12:
Skin sagging is a result of a loss of collagen and elastin of the skin due to aging in combination with the dreaded pull of gravity.
Antiageing Tips 12: Everyone can achieve 100% in re firming, re smoothing and Increased elasticity of Facial skin.
13. Tips 13:
"Will muscles turn into fat if we stop exercising"? that is a myth. Indeed, there are no biological connection between them. Daven Hiskey in Today I found out insisted "after a person quits exercising, the muscle cells aren’t going away and somehow managing to morph into fat cells; rather, they are simply shrinking". Yes, the aging process induces the shrinking of our muscle tone if we stop exercising, causing fat accumulation and sagging skin in our body.
Antiaging Tips 13: How to reduce fat and strengthen 100% of your Muscles Without exercising effectively
Tips 11:
Anti Ageing Tips(11):
Clinical proven in Rejuvenating of Your Arms(From Shoulder to Wrist)
Tips 12:
Skin sagging is a result of a loss of collagen and elastin of the skin due to aging in combination with the dreaded pull of gravity.
Antiageing Tips 12: Everyone can achieve 100% in re firming, re smoothing and Increased elasticity of Facial skin.
13. Tips 13:
"Will muscles turn into fat if we stop exercising"? that is a myth. Indeed, there are no biological connection between them. Daven Hiskey in Today I found out insisted "after a person quits exercising, the muscle cells aren’t going away and somehow managing to morph into fat cells; rather, they are simply shrinking". Yes, the aging process induces the shrinking of our muscle tone if we stop exercising, causing fat accumulation and sagging skin in our body.
Antiaging Tips 13: How to reduce fat and strengthen 100% of your Muscles Without exercising effectively
Bonus Two
4 foods for diseases free and longevity
1. Green Tea
2. Grape Seeds and Skins
3. Turmeric
4. Organic Soy(For Asian population only, due to conflict result in Western studies)
U can preview the first chapter one free here, Cardiovascular Disease
(1) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. State Indicator Report on Fruits and Vegetables, 2013. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Dept of Health and Human Services; 2013.
(2) Chronic Diseases: The Leading Causes of Death and Disability in the United States(CDCs)
(3) Food additive(Medline Plus)
(4) Schedule 1 Substances Inherited from CEPA 1988(Environment Canada)
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