In compared to herbal medicine, food therapy even takes longer to ease symptoms, depending to stages of the treatment which directly address to the cause of disease.
Coffee, becoming a popular and social beverage all over the world, particular in the West, is a drink made from roast bean from the Coffea plant, native to tropical Africa and Madagascar.
In the review of data from 36,689 adult (age range 25-64 years) men and women, participated in the population surveys between 1972 and 1992 yielded 169 a mean of 14.4 years, researchers found that
1. In compared to no heavy user, heavy user of coffee showed a relative ratio of 1.55
2. The adjusted relative risk of suicide increased substantially in heavy coffee user if combined to increasing level of joint heavy use of alcohol and cigarettes.
In other words, heavy coffee intake of participants showed a significant increased risk of suicide if accompanied with heavy use of alcohol and cigarettes.
Dr. Tanskanen A, the led author said, " Clustering of the heavy use of could serve as a new marker for increased risk of suicide".
Center for Health Sciences, SRI International conducted a study of a multivariate structural equation modeling in a large cohort of male twins (N = 2,220 monozygotic and 2,373 dizygotic twin pairs; mean age = 62.1 years) from the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council's World War II Twin Registry, strongly agreed that although genetic and environmental factors may account for the independent cluster risks, heavy coffee user displayed a enormous risk of suicide.
Other, in a 10-year follow-up study (1980 to 1990) in an ongoing cohort of 86 626 US female registered nurses aged 34 to 59 years in 1980, with free of diagnosed coronary heart disease, stroke, or cancer and Information on coffee and caffeine intake collected by a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire in 1980, researchers filed the following reports
1. There was 56 cases of suicide occurred during 832 704 person-years.
2. In compared to non drinker, coffee drinkers expressed a relative odd risk ratio of 0.34 women who consumed two to three cups per day
3. For women consumed four or more cups per day, the relative suicide risk was .42
4. After adjusting to other risk factors, the relative odd ratio remain constant
The finding showed a importantly correlated association of light and moderate coffee intake in reduced risk of suicide.
The efficacy in ameliorated risk of suicide among these women may be attributed to coffee activity in reduced incidence of depression as seen in other studies.
1. There was 56 cases of suicide occurred during 832 704 person-years.
2. In compared to non drinker, coffee drinkers expressed a relative odd risk ratio of 0.34 women who consumed two to three cups per day
3. For women consumed four or more cups per day, the relative suicide risk was .42
4. After adjusting to other risk factors, the relative odd ratio remain constant
The efficacy in ameliorated risk of suicide among these women may be attributed to coffee activity in reduced incidence of depression as seen in other studies.
Taking altogether, There is no doubt that regular light and moderate coffee intake daily have a strong effect in reduced suicide risk excluding heavy coffee users in exhibited a opposite outcome
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FOOD HACK for Weight Loss
A Simple Cooking Technique That Cuts The Calories & Glycemic
Impact In Rice, Pasta, And Potatoes In Half
Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton, Master of Nutrients
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.
(1) Joint heavy use of alcohol, cigarettes and coffee and the risk of suicide by Tanskanen A1, Tuomilehto J, Viinamäki H, Vartiainen E, Lehtonen J, Puska P.(PubMed)
(2) A prospective study of coffee drinking and suicide in women by Kawachi I1, Willett WC, Colditz GA, Stampfer MJ, Speizer FE.(PubMed)
(3) Heavy consumption of cigarettes, alcohol and coffee in male twins by Swan GE1, Carmelli D, Cardon LR.(PubMed)
You Can Eliminate Osteoarthritis
By addressing the Underlying Causes through Clinical Trials and Studies
Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Elimination
Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You How To
Permanently Eliminate All Types of Ovarian Cysts Within 2 Months
FOOD HACK for Weight Loss
A Simple Cooking Technique That Cuts The Calories & Glycemic
Impact In Rice, Pasta, And Potatoes In Half
Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton, Master of Nutrients
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.
(1) Joint heavy use of alcohol, cigarettes and coffee and the risk of suicide by Tanskanen A1, Tuomilehto J, Viinamäki H, Vartiainen E, Lehtonen J, Puska P.(PubMed)
(2) A prospective study of coffee drinking and suicide in women by Kawachi I1, Willett WC, Colditz GA, Stampfer MJ, Speizer FE.(PubMed)
(3) Heavy consumption of cigarettes, alcohol and coffee in male twins by Swan GE1, Carmelli D, Cardon LR.(PubMed)