Saturday, 17 June 2023

#Phytochemical #Betanin Protects the Kidney's Damage by Inhibting #Inflammatorycytokines in Vivos

By Kyle J. Norton

Acute inflammation is a condition that lasts in the short term caused by an immune system response to the injury.

Symptoms of pain, redness, immobility (loss of function), swelling, and heat may occur within minutes or hours, depending on the size and penetration of the wound.

Overproduction of proinflammatory cytokines induced by the immune response may cause damage or death of the nearby healthy cell, leading to the formation of scars.

The symptoms may disappear sooner in people with a stronger immune system compared to the elderly and the wound is covered quickly in a few days.

However, if the wound is quite large, then some stitches may be needed and the wound recovery will go through 4 overlapped stages, including

* The stage of hemostasis is the process of the wound being closed by clotting.
* The second stage is involved in the production of inflammatory cytokines in the prevention of infection.
* The third stage is proliferation in which the wound is rebuilt with new tissues made up of collagen and extracellular matrix.
* The masturbating stage in which collagens are converted, the recovery is completed, and the wound is fully closed.

Any interruption of the overlapped stage may induce the formation of scars similar to those of overproduction of inflammatory cytokines.

Unfortunately, if the immune system can not kill off all invaders over a short period of time normally between 3 to 8 weeks, it will compromise, leading to chronic inflammation in facilitating several chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Betanin is phytochemical in the class of red and yellow indole-derived pigments of Betacyanins, belonging to the group of Betalains, found abundantly in beets, chard, etc.

With an aim to discover a potential ingredient for the treatment of diseases associated with inflammation, researchers investigated the effects of the natural pigment betanin on oxidative stress and inflammation in the kidney of paraquat-treated rats.

Selected rats were injected with Paraquat intraperitoneally to induce renal damage, then randomly divided into four groups: a control group, a paraquat group, and two paraquat groups that were treated with betanin at 25 and 100 mg/kg/d three days before and two days after paraquat administration.

The betanin-treated group showed a significant effect in alleviating the paraquat-incurred acute kidney injury, evidenced by histological improvement, reducing serum and urine markers for kidney injury compared to the untreated group.

The bioactive compound also attenuated the inflammation induced by the injection of Paraquat observed by the reduced expression of inflammatory proteins.

Furthermore, betanin also inhibited the kidney's oxidative stress through its antioxidant activity.

Based on the finding, researchers said, "betanin may have a protective effect against paraquat-induced acute kidney damage. The mechanisms of the protection appear to be the inhibition of oxidative stress and inflammation".

Taken altogether, betanin may be considered a supplement for the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with inflammation, pending the confirmation of a larger sample size and multicenter human study.

Intake of betanin in the form of a supplement should be taken with extreme care to prevent overdose acute liver toxicity.

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Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the Karate GB Daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been referenced in medical research, such as the international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) Betanin attenuates oxidative stress and inflammatory reaction in kidneys of paraquat-treated rats by Tan D1, Wang Y2, Bai B1, Yang X2, Han J. (PubMed)
(2) Mechanism of interaction of betanin and indicaxanthin with human myeloperoxidase and hypochlorous acid by Allegra M1, Furtmüller PG, Jantschko W, Zederbauer M, Tesoriere L, Livrea MA, Obinger C. (PubMed)

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