Saturday, 24 June 2023

#Malvidin Found in #Herbal #Bilberry Extract Processes Anti-#ColonCancer Properties by Repressing #Cancercell Proliferation, According to Researchers

Kyle J. Norton

Colon cancer is a medical and chronic condition characterized by the growth of cells disorderly and uncontrollably in the colon tissue.
Most cases of colon cancers begin in the cells on the surface of the inner lining due to the alternation of DNA.

Colon cancer is one most slow groslow-growingwing cancer. It may take years before patients experience the symptoms.

At the later stage, the larger size of the tumor may suppress the nearby blood vessels and nerve cells, leading to localized severe pain and bleeding.

The most common symptoms of colon cancer in the advanced stage, besides the general symptom of cancer such as reduced appetite, and unintended weight loss include a change of bowel movement, rectal bleeding, and persistent abdominal pain and cramp.

If you experience some of the above symptoms, please check with your doctor to rule out the possibility of colon cancer.

According to the statistics, in 2017, approximately 26,800 Canadians were diagnosed with colorectal cancer, representing 13% of all new cancer cases.

Depending on the stage, early diagnosis of localized colon cancer has a 5-year relative survival rate of over 90%.

Out of a number of the risk factors, obesity may be one which causes the majority of colon cancer in the Western world, particularly in North America.

Dr. E E Frezza, the lead scientist in the assessment of obesity on the risk of developing colon cancer, said, "Visceral abdominal fat has been identified as the essential fat depot for pathogenetic theories that relate obesity and colon cancer".

And, "Obesity imposes a greater risk of colon cancer for men of all ages and for premenopausal women than it does for postmenopausal women. Regular exercise reduces the risk of developing colon cancer and the risk of death from colon cancer should it develop. We believe that a combination of waist circumference (WC) and body mass index (BMI) measurements is recommended to assess the obesity-related risk of developing colon cancer".

The results suggested that if you are obese, your risk of colon cancer is increased much fold compared to healthy-weight individuals.
Bilberry is a species of low-growing shrub in the genus Vaccinium, belonging to the family Ericaceae, native to Northern Europe.

The herbal plant has been used as foods and herbs in traditional medicine for the treatment of acute and chronic diarrhea, gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, enterocolitis, ulcerative colitis, anemia, cystitis, kidney disease, psoriasis, diabetes, etc.

Researchers on finding a natural compound for the treatment of colon cancer examined the bilberry-derived Anthocyanin's chemopreventive properties.

The study included 50 female Balb/c mice induced colonic carcinogenesis by AOM and DSS 3 or 5%, respectively, Mice then are given either normal food (controls) or a diet containing either 10 or 1% anthocyanin-rich bilberry extract.

According to the colonoscopy taken place at weeks 4 and 9 after initiation of carcinogenesis, mice receiving 10% anthocyanins showed significantly (p < 0.004) less reduced colon length (12.1 cm [8.5-14.4 cm]) as compared to controls (11.2 cm [9.8-12.3]) indicating less inflammation.

Furthermore, mice fed with 10% anthocyanin-rich extract revealed significantly less mean tumor numbers, compared to control (n = 14) and anthocyanin 1% treated mice.

The results suggested that anthocyanins inhibited the formation and growth of colorectal cancer in an animal model.
In order to reveal more information about anthocyanins anti-colon cancer activity, researchers examined the compound on human colon and colorectal cancer cells (DLD-1 and COLO205).

Using the optimum process of A(V.uli) extraction involved conditions of temperature 20°C, pH 2.0, and diatomaceous earth 1.0 g/50 g of fruit weight. A(V.uli), 5 main components: delphinidin (40.70 ± 1.72)%, cyanidin (3.40 ± 0.68)%, petunidin (17.70 ± 0.54)%, peonidin (2.90 ± 0.63)% and malvidin (35.50 ± 1.11)% were found in the anthocyanins extract.

Malvidin, the derivatives found in the extracts exerted the strongest anti-colon cancer cell properties with dose-dependent repression of cancer cell proliferation with an IC(50) (50% inhibitory concentration) value of 50 µg/ml, compared to other derivatives.

Dr. Zu XY and colleagues wrote in the final report, "The extraction protocol and conditions we used were effective for anthocyanin extraction. A(V.uli) could be a feasible practical research tool and a promising therapeutic source to suppress human colon or colorectal cancers".

Taken altogether, bilberry-processed abundantly bioactive compounds anthocyanin and malvidin may be considered a functional remedy for the prevention and treatment of colon cancer, pending the confirmation of a larger sample size and multicenter human study.

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Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the Karate GB Daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as the international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) Anthocyanins Prevent Colorectal Cancer Development in a Mouse Model by Lippert E1, Ruemmele P, Obermeier F, Goelder S, Kunst C, Rogler G, Dunger N, Messmann H, Hartmann A, Endlicher E. (PubMed)
(2) Anthocyanins extracted from Chinese blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum L.) and its anticancer effects on DLD-1 and COLO205 cells by Zu XY1, Zhang ZY, Zhang XW, Yoshioka M, Yang YN, Li J. (PubMed)
(3) Influence of obesity on the risk of developing colon cancer by E E Frezza, M S Wachtel, and M Chiriva‐Internati. (PMC)

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