Wednesday, 14 June 2023

#Honey Inhibits the Growth of #BladderCancer in Vivos and Vitros, Scientists Find

By Kyle J. Norton

Scientists may have found a natural food source that processes the potential for the treatment of bladder cancer with no side effects, some studies suggested.
Bladder cancer is a medical condition characterized by irregular cell growth in the bladder.

Most cases of primary bladder cancer start in the cell on the surface of the inner lining of the bladder tissue.

At the early stage, most bladder cancers do not cause any symptoms. However, at the advanced stage, the prostate can cause a distant metastasis to infect other healthy tissue and organ through the circulation of blood and fluids.

At this advanced stage, patients may experience symptoms of pain and blood in the urine caused by the proliferative tumor suppressing the nerve cells and breaking the blood vessels in the bladder.

Researchers do not the exact causes of bladder cancer. But certain risk factors such as tobacco use, aging, gender, ethnicity, long-term bladder condition, and exposure to chemicals are at a higher risk of the onset of the disease.

The warning from the FDA also suggested the diabetes drug pioglitazone for more than 1 year may have a higher risk of developing bladder cancer.

In fact, most people with some of the above risk factors have never developed bladder cancer even if they are associated with the increased risk all their life.

Although most scientists agree that tobacco use is the major cause of bladder cancer, genetic preposition, according to epidemiological studies is also the substantial risk of bladder cancer, such as the genetic mutations in some chromosomal genes, such as FGFR3, RB1, HRAS, TP53, TSC1, and others, occur which form tumors in the urinary bladder.

Sadly, People with gene mutation are at a 70 % higher risk of bladder cancer compared to those who do not.

Dr. Zhang X, the lead author in the study "Bladder Cancer and Genetic Mutations" specified, "The changes in the genes of human chromosome 9 are usually responsible for the tumor in bladder cancer, but the genetic mutation of chromosome 22 can also result in bladder cancer". and "The 18 different bladder tumors were evaluated, and 11 (61 %) had genetic mutations of the p53 gene".

And, "The 18 different bladder tumors were evaluated, and 11 (61 %) had genetic mutations of p53 gene".

Honey is a miraculous product made by bees using nectar from flowers.

The rich golden liquid is considered one healthy sweet food for replacing the use of white sugar and artificial sweetener.

With an aim to find a natural ingredient for the prevention and treatment of bladder cancer without inducing any side effects, researchers at the University of Tsukuba conducted an experiment to examine the antitumor effect of bee honey against bladder cancer in vitro and in vivo.

The study included three human bladder cancer cell lines (T24, 253J, and RT4) and one murine bladder cancer cell line (MBT-2).

In vitro studies, the application of honey significantly inhibited the proliferation of T24 and MBT-2 cell lines by 1-25% honey and of RT4 and 253J cell lines by 6-25% observed by the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay.

Broodeoxyuridine (BrdU) labeling index, an indicator of early tumor response to the injection of honey was lower in vitro.

FCM showed a lower S-phase fraction, as well as the absence of aneuploidy compared with control cells.

Flow cytometry (FCM). in the measurement of cancer cells physical and chemical characteristics showed lower S-phase fraction and the absence of aneuploidy compared with control cells, an indication of inhibitory cancer cells by the application of honey.

Furthermore, In the in vivo, intralesional injection of 6 and 12% honey, as well as oral ingestion of honey, significantly inhibited tumor growth.

These results suggested that bee honey processes a significant activity for inhibiting the growth of T24, RT4, 253J, and MBT-2 bladder cancer cell lines in vitro.

And, Honey is also effective when administered intralesionally or orally in the MBT-2 bladder cancer implantation models.

Dr, Swellam T, the lead author after taking into account co and confounders wrote, " Our results are promising,,,,,, the mechanisms of the antitumor activity of honey".

Taken altogether, honey may be considered a functional food for the prevention and an adjunct therapy combined with the primary medicine for the treatment of bladder cancer.

However, further data collection large example size and multi-center studies performed with human consumption of the whole food or its bioactive compounds during the course of the disease will be necessary to complete the picture of honey anti-bladder cancer possibilities.

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Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the Karate GB Daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as the international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.
(1) Antineoplastic activity of honey in an experimental bladder cancer implantation model: in vivo and in vitro studies by Swellam T1, Miyanaga N, Onozawa M, Hattori K, Kawai K, Shimazui T, Akaza H. (PubMed)
(2) Bladder Cancer and Genetic Mutations by Zhang X1, Zhang Y. (PubMed)

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