By Kyle J. Norton
Honey may have a profound effect in reducing the risk and treatment of HIV-1, some scientists suggested.
Human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 is the most widespread type worldwide that can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a chronic condition caused by the infection of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
According to epidemiological studies, people who serval sexual partners are the most at risk of HIV infection.
However, the virus can also transmit through infected blood transfusion, and infected mother to children.
Most people infected by the HIV virus may experience symptoms of fever, muscle aches, and joint pain similar to those of influenza in the early stage of the viral attacks.
At the final stage of the infection, the virus can weaken the immune system to the point that causes the onset of AIDS and induces more severe symptoms including the general symptoms of cancers accompanied by soaking night sweats, recurring fever, and persistent white spots or unusual lesions on your tongue or in your mouth.
Dr. Seth C Kalichman and colleagues in the infectious team, in the concern of the risk of HIV in people with multiple sexual partners in the examining the 209 HIV-positive men and 291 HIV-positive women recruited conveniently from HIV/AIDS support groups and antiretroviral clinics found that 63% and 309 (62%) participants were currently sexually active, of whom 247 (80%) reported only one sex partner in the previous 3 months and 62 (20%) reported two or more partners during that time".
Although the use of a condom may have some protective effects in the prevention of HIV transmitting disease, however, the team said, "Steady sex partners of participants with multiple partnerships were significantly less likely to be protected by condoms than steady partners of individuals with only one sex partner".
Dangerously, in the final report, the team wrote, "Individuals with multiple sex partners were also significantly less likely to have disclosed their HIV status".
Honey is a miraculous product made by bees using nectar from flowers.
The rich golden liquid is considered healthy sweet food for replacing the use of white sugar and artificial sweetener.
On finding a natural ingredient or whole food for the inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 before they can cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), researchers evaluated the anti-HIV-1 activity of eight different kinds of honey.
The tested Monofloral Iranian honey from eight floral sources was analyzed to determine their anti-HIV-1 activities as well as their effects on lymphocyte proliferation.
According to the quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay and high pure viral nucleic acid kit, 6 out of 8 monofloral kinds of honey from Petro selenium sativum, Nigella sativa, Citrus sinensis, Zataria multiflora, Citrus aurantium, and Zizyphus mauritiana flowers exerted a significantly inhibitory HIV-1 activity at different doses.
The half-maximal effective concentration (EC50) values of 6 out of 8 monofloral kinds of honey are 37.5, 88, 70, 88, 105, and 5 µg/ml respectively.
The monofloral Iranian kinds of honey from Astragalus gummifer and Chamaemelum Nobile flowers had a weak anti-HIV-1 activity, compared to others.
The frequency and intensity of cluster of differentiation CD4 expression on Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) increased in the presence of all honey types, an indication of immune activity.
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) are round nucleus peripheral blood cells consisting of lymphocytes (T cells, B cells, NK cells), and CD4 cells or T4 helpers play critical roles to send signals to other types of immune cells with a function to destroy invasive pathogens.
Treatment with monofloral kinds of honey from Z. multiflora and N. sativa also increased the CD19 markers for normal and neoplastic B cells
According to the spectroscopic analysis, monofloral kinds of honey from P. sativum, N. sativa, Z. multiflora, and Z. mauritiana flowers processed a potency to be anti-HIV-1 agents.
In in-depth differentiation, researchers showed that the inhibitory effect of methylglyoxal is higher in the late stage of HIV-1 infection.
The chemical compound found to exert the anti-HIV-1 activity was methylglyoxal.
Taken altogether, monofloral kinds of honey containing high amounts of the bioactive compound methylglyoxal may be considered a functional food for the prevention of HIV-1 infection and combined with the primary therapy for the treatment of AIDs.
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Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the Karate GB Daily, etc.,.
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Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as the international journal Pharma ISSN 0975-6299.
(1) Anti-HIV-1 activity of eight monofloral Iranian honey types by Behbahani M1. (PubMed)
(2) Recent multiple sexual partners and HIV transmission risks among people living with HIV/AIDS in Botswana by Seth C Kalichman, Dolly Ntseane, Keitseope Nthomang, Mosarwa Segwabe, Odireleng Phorano, and Leickness C Simbayi. (PMC)
Health Researcher and Article Writer. Expert in Health Benefits of Foods, Herbs, and Phytochemicals. Master in Mathematics & Nutrition and BA in World Literature and Literary criticism. All articles written by Kyle J. Norton are for information & education only.
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