Saturday, 14 October 2017

Food Therapy: Green Tea may Serve as Functional Food in Reduced early Onset and Treatment of Hypercholesterolemia

Kyle J. Norton, Master of Nutrients
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.

The use of plants for healing purposes has been predated long before the existence of modern medicine. Herbal plants have formed a fundamental source for conventional medicine in discovery of single ingredient medication, including aspirin (from willow bark), quinine (from cinchona bark), and morphine (from the opium poppy)......

Green tea may be next potential functional food used in reduced risk of early onset and treatment of high blood cholesterol, a renowned institute study suggested.

Hypercholesterolemia is condition of abnormal high levels of cholesterol in the blood stream.

Green tea, a precious drink processes numbers of health benefit known to almost everyone in Asia and Western world. However, as yin in nature herbal medicine ,or food, long term injection of large amounts may obstruct the balance of yin-yang, induced "yin excessive syndrome" or "yang vacuity syndrome" including weaken immunity and painful case of GERD,... according to traditional Chinese medicine's Yin-Yang theory.

According to the University of Agriculture, ethanolic extracts of green tea fed mice in 8 weeks in vivo model expressed a significant effects in normalized levels of cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic rats up to 15.45% in compared control.

The study also revealed that administration of green tea does not adversely affect the red blood cell, white blood cell and platelet count of the tested rats.

Additionally, in compared efficacy of black tea (BT) and green tea (GT) in serum and hepatic oxidative abnormalities in hypercholesterolemic rats, after 8 weeks, green and black tea fed groups displayed a significantly lower levels of serum and hepatic cholesterol, triglycerides, serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and increased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels.

More importantly, in compared to control group, fed group with hypercholesterolemic also expressed lower levels in the serum and hepatic lipid peroxidation, body weight gain, and food efficiency.

Furthermore, in-support of green tea in lower levels of high blood cholesterol, Dr. Nomura S, the lead author at the NARO Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science postulated, the efficacy of green tea with significantly decreased the plasma oxidized low-density lipoprotein level in mice fed a high-cholesterol diet is depending to the flavonol-rich tea cultivars.

Taking together, green tea with tons of phytochemicals may be served as functional found with purpose in reduced risk of early onset and treatment of  high blood cholesterol in adult population.

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(1) The role of green tea extract and powder in mitigating metabolic syndromes with special reference to hyperglycemia and hypercholesterolemia by Yousaf S1, Butt MS, Suleria HA, Iqbal MJ.(PubMed)
(2) Black and green tea improves lipid profile and lipid peroxidation parameters in Wistar rats fed a high-cholesterol diet by Alshatwi AA1, Al Obaaid MA, Al Sedairy SA, Ramesh E, Lei KY.(PubMed)
(3) Effects of flavonol-rich green tea cultivar (Camellia sinensis L.) on plasma oxidized LDL levels in hypercholesterolemic mice by Nomura S1, Monobe M1, Ema K1, Matsunaga A1, Maeda-Yamamoto M2, Horie H1.(PubMed)

Food Therapy: Beet, in Prevention and Treatment of Colon Cancer

Kyle J. Norton(Scholar, Master of Nutrients), all right reserved.
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.

Recent study suggested that people consuming beet regularly have a reduced risk of early onset of colon cancer. and may be considered as a functional food for treatment of colon cancer.

Colon cancer is a chronic condition characterized by uncontrollable cell growth in colon tissue. depending to the grade, colon cancer cells might spread a distant away from the original tissues to other organs.

Beet, best known as the beetroot or garden beet, belonging to the amaranth family, is a perennial plant with leafy stems growing to 1–2 m tall.

Dr. Ninfali P, the lead author in above study showed that, betaxanthins and betacyanins isolated from red beetroot exerted considerable antioxidant, antiinflammatory and antiproliferative activity may have a profound effect in blocking the spread of colon cancer and inducing cell death.

In fact, when used combination with Vitexin-2-O-xyloside, these 3 chemical compounds not only enhanced the conventional anticancer drugs treatment through regulating gene in expression of cell pro apoptosis but also reduced adverse effect of chemotherapy induced toxicity and overcome the multidrug resistance of cancer cells.

Further to the study of the efficacy of phytochemicals isolated from beet root against colon cancer, the University of Urbino "Carlo Bo" demonstrated that Vitexin-2-O-xyloside (XVX) and avenanthramides (AVNs)used in the testing of CaCo-2 colon cancer cells, exhibited a strong pro-apoptotic effects and modulation of the pro-survival factor against the tumor, through antioxidant activity.

Other study suggested that the inhibition of colon cancer cell line of phytochemical isolated from beet, namely betaxanthin (R1) and betacyanin (R2) fractions is a result of cytotoxicity mediated by the intrinsic apoptotic activity as well as increasing cancer cell death through pro apototic and anti inflammatory mediation.

Dr. Farabegoli F, the lead researcher said, "the use of a cocktail of R1, R2 and XVX as a chemopreventive tool against colon cancer".

Taking altogether, beet with abundant anti tumor phytochemicals used alone or combined with conventional medicine may serve as functional food in prevention and treatment of colon cancer.

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(1) C-Glycosyl Flavonoids from Beta vulgaris Cicla and Betalains from Beta vulgaris rubra: Antioxidant, Anticancer and Antiinflammatory Activities-A Review by Ninfali P1, Antonini E1, Frati A1, Scarpa ES1.(PubMed)
(2) Antiproliferative activity of vitexin-2-O-xyloside and avenanthramides on CaCo-2 and HepG2 cancer cells occurs through apoptosis induction and reduction of pro-survival mechanisms by Scarpa ES1, Antonini E1, Palma F1, Mari M1, Ninfali P2.(PubMed)

Food Therapy: Dried Peas and Beans Fibers In Reduced Risk and Treatment of Obesity

Kyle J. Norton(Scholar, Master of Nutrients), all right reserved.
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.

Whole food ingredients in herbal plant have been found to process some significant effects in reduced risk and treatment of certain diseases, but single ingredient isolated from such plants may induce opposite outcomes.

Dried peas fiber may have a profound and positive effect in induced weight loss in obese subjects, the University of Calgary study suggested.

Dried pea is a small but nutritionally mighty member of the legume family, genus Pisum belongings to the family Fabaceae with healthy source of proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals.

In a double blind, placebo controlled, parallel group study, overweight and obese (BMI = 25-38) adults will be randomized to either a 15 g/d yellow pea fibre supplemented group or isocaloric placebo group for 12 weeks (n = 30/group), researchers found that peas fibers display a significant effect in weight reduction through various mechanisms, including improvement of metabolic syndrome and gut microbiota expression.

Dr. Jennifer E Lambert, the lead author said, " feeding the prebiotic fibre oligofructose for 12 weeks reduced levels of the orexigenic hormone ghrelin and increased levels of the anorexigenic hormone PYY in overweight adults which corresponded with lower self-reported energy intake [13]. In the long-term, these changes in postprandial peptide secretion may promote weight loss through reductions in ad libitum food intake", and "Both bacterial abundance and composition can be altered with lifestyle changes. Indeed, part of the role of intestinal bacteria in weight control has been elucidated through study of patients receiving bariatric surgery".

Additionally, in the examined the nutritional effects and acceptability of two high-fiber hypocaloric diets differing in sources of fiber: (a) beans or (b) fruits, vegetables, and whole grains of 2 men, 18 women, mean age = 46.9, and mean BMI = 30.6.with participants completed 3-day food diaries in each of the two baseline weeks, researchers indicated that
1. There are no difference in outcome of fiber intake of all groups. Both diets increased fiber intake from 16.6 in compared to baseline
2. Fiber in take showed a consistent effect in reduced weight status over treatment in both groups with mean weight loss was 1.4 kg
3. Returned questionnaire also exerted a hunger decreased and fullness increased during the testing period in both groups
4. Both diets were rated as potentially acceptable as long as six months.

The findings evidences suggested that bean and fruits, vegetables, and whole grains fiber demonstrated a similar efficacy in increased satiation, and reduced hunger in induced weight loss.

Interestingly, in a total of 173 women and men, with a mean body mass index of approximately 36 kg m(-2) (one-fifth with diabetes type 2) randomised to a high-fibre bean-rich diet with fibre intakes of 35.5 (18.6) g day(-1) for women and 42.5 (30.3) g day(-1) for men, or a low-carbohydrate diet, researchers found that in 123 (71.1%) completers at 16 weeks
1. The m mean (SD) weight loss of both groups was 4.1 (4.0) kg
2, Fiber dietary group expressed a higher weight loss of 5.2 in compared to 4.5 kg in low-carbohydrate group
3. High-fibre diet showed a better decreased low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol and total cholesterol levels in compared to low-carbohydrate diet.

Dr. Tonstad S, the led author said."After 52 weeks, the low-carbohydrate (n = 24) group tended to retain weight loss better than the high-fibre group (P = 0.06), although total cholesterol remained lower with the bean-rich diet (P = 0.049)."

Taking altogather, there is no doubt that fibers of bean or other sources may have strong implication in reduced risk and treatment of over weight and obese subjects. The amounts of fiber intake should be consulted with your doctors to prevent overdoses constipation.

Evaluation of yellow pea fibre supplementation on weight loss and the gut microbiota: a randomizedcontrolled trialby Jennifer E Lambert,1 Jill A Parnell,2 Jay Han,3 Troy Sturzenegger,3 Heather A Paul,4 Hans J Vogel,4,5 and Raylene A Reimer1,4(PMC)
(2) Dietary adherence and satisfaction with a bean-based high-fiber weight loss diet: a pilot study by Turner TF1, Nance LM1, Strickland WD1, Malcolm RJ1, Pechon S1, O'Neil PM1.(PubMed)
(3) A high-fibre bean-rich diet versus a low-carbohydrate diet for obesity by Tonstad S1, Malik N, Haddad E.(PubMed)

Food Therapy: Coffee and Coffee Caffeine in Risk of Mutagenesis?

By Kyle J. Norton

Coffee, second to green tea, is a popular and social beverage all over the world, particularly in the West,  made from roasted bean from the Coffea plant, native to tropical Africa and Madagascar.

Coffee and coffee caffeine may have a direct effect in mutagenicity in bacteria and fungi, but lesser in mammalian cells, a France study suggested.

According to the Université de Nancy, Coffee and caffeine showed a significant effect in gene mutation in bacteria and fungi, but in high concentrations, they expressed also a similarly mutagenic influence to mammalian cells in culture.

The mutagenic activity of caffeine can be observed through its potentiate in induced chromosomal aberrations through transforming sublethal damage of mutagenic agents into lethal damage. But conversely, intake of coffee and caffeine denostrated a protective effect in inhibit these mutagenic properties through theirs' numerous chemicals depending to the time consumption in the presence of mutagenic agent.

Furthermore, the study also revealed that chemically reactive components such as aliphatic dicarbonyls from the caffeine were some of the culprits attributed to these mutagenic exhibition.

The findings suggested the duo effect of coffee and coffee caffeine on one hand, inhibited the gene mutation but on the hand displayed a significant mutagenic DNA damage to living organisms, but less in human even with moderated drinking habit.

Also in bacterial experiments, according to the observation from bacteria mutation assays, trigonelline, found in caffeine alone or in combination with most of the single amino acids found in caffeine and mixtures of amino acids, showed a potent mutagenic activity in Salmonella typhimurium strains.

Dr. Wu X, the lead author said, "Trigonelline and amino acids are natural components in green coffee beans. Model systems mimicking coffee roasting were used to produce heated samples of trigonelline, amino acids and glucose".

Contractively, according to the coffee producing company, Nestlé Research Center, coffee intake have shown a strong effect in induced enzymes involved in xenobiotic detoxification processes and primary hepatocytes. 

In animal study, the experiment also found that coffee induce the mRNA and protein expression of enzymes involved in promotion of cellular antioxidant defenses.

More importantly, coffee also exhibited chemoprotective effects of against toxic Aflatoxin B1 in duced genotoxicity in either human liver cell line and primary hepatocytes.

Taking altogether,  coffee and coffee showed conflict results in inhibited and exhibited mutagenesis, but epidemiological studies agreed that coffee decreased risk of genetoxicity against many chronic illness through regulating AFB1-DNA and protein.

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FOOD HACK for Weight Loss
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Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton, Master of Nutrients
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) Potential genotoxic, mutagenic and antimutagenic effects of coffee: a review by Nehlig A1, Debry G.(PubMed)
(2) Trigonelline, a naturally occurring constituent of green coffee beans behind the mutagenic activity of roasted coffee? by Wu X1, Skog K, Jägerstad M.(PubMed)
(3) Induction of Nrf2-mediated cellular defenses and alteration of phase I activities as mechanisms of chemoprotective effects of coffee in the liver by Cavin C1, Marin-Kuan M, Langouët S, Bezençon C, Guignard G, Verguet C, Piguet D, Holzhäuser D, Cornaz R, Schilter B.(PubMed)

Friday, 13 October 2017

Food Therapy: Light and Moderate Coffee Intake in Attenuated Risk of Suicide

By Kyle J. Norton

In compared to herbal medicine, food therapy even takes longer to ease symptoms, depending to stages of the treatment which directly address to the cause of disease.

Coffee, becoming a popular and social beverage all over the world, particular in the West, is a drink made from roast bean from the Coffea plant, native to tropical Africa and Madagascar.

In the review of data from 36,689 adult (age range 25-64 years) men and women, participated in the population surveys between 1972 and 1992 yielded 169 a mean of 14.4 years, researchers found that
1. In compared to no heavy user, heavy user of coffee showed a relative ratio of 1.55
2. The adjusted relative risk of suicide increased substantially in heavy coffee user if combined to increasing level of joint heavy use of alcohol and cigarettes.

In other words, heavy coffee intake of participants showed a significant increased risk of suicide if accompanied with heavy use of alcohol and cigarettes.

Dr. Tanskanen A, the led author said, " Clustering of the heavy use of could serve as a new marker for increased risk of suicide".

To further support the differentiation of heavy coffee use in increased risk suicide, researchers at the
Center for Health Sciences, SRI International conducted a study of a multivariate structural equation modeling in a large cohort of male twins (N = 2,220 monozygotic and 2,373 dizygotic twin pairs; mean age = 62.1 years) from the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council's World War II Twin Registry, strongly agreed that although genetic and environmental factors may account for the independent cluster risks, heavy coffee user displayed a enormous risk of suicide.

Other, in a 10-year follow-up study (1980 to 1990) in an ongoing cohort of 86 626 US female registered nurses aged 34 to 59 years in 1980, with free of diagnosed coronary heart disease, stroke, or cancer and Information on coffee and caffeine intake collected by a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire in 1980, researchers filed the following reports
1. There was 56 cases of suicide occurred during 832 704 person-years.
2. In compared to non drinker, coffee drinkers expressed a relative odd risk ratio of 0.34 women who consumed two to three cups per day
3. For women consumed four or more cups per day, the relative suicide risk was .42
4. After adjusting to other risk factors, the relative odd ratio remain constant

The finding showed a importantly correlated association of light and moderate coffee intake in reduced risk of suicide.
The efficacy in ameliorated risk of suicide among these women may be attributed to coffee activity in reduced incidence of depression as seen in other studies.

Taking altogether, There is no doubt that regular light and moderate coffee intake daily have a strong effect in reduced suicide risk excluding heavy coffee users in exhibited a opposite outcome

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Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton, Master of Nutrients
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) Joint heavy use of alcohol, cigarettes and coffee and the risk of suicide by Tanskanen A1, Tuomilehto J, Viinamäki H, Vartiainen E, Lehtonen J, Puska P.(PubMed)
(2) A prospective study of coffee drinking and suicide in women by Kawachi I1, Willett WC, Colditz GA, Stampfer MJ, Speizer FE.(PubMed)
(3) Heavy consumption of cigarettes, alcohol and coffee in male twins by Swan GE1, Carmelli D, Cardon LR.(PubMed)

Food Therapy: Dried Peas In Reduced Risk and Treatment of Hyperlipidemia

Kyle J. Norton(Scholar, Master of Nutrients), all right reserved.
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.

Epidemiological studies suggested that intake of dried peas fiber daily and regularly may have a significant effect in reduced risk of hyperlipidemia.

Dried peas is a small but nutritionally mighty member of the legume family, genus Pisum belongings to the family Fabaceae processed healthy source of proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals.

Hyperlipidemia is a condition chareacterized by high levels of cholesterol in the blood stream.

In a study of 173 women and men, with a mean body mass index of approximately 36 kg m(-2) (one-fifth with diabetes type 2) randomizedly assigned to a high-fibre bean-rich diet that achieved mean (SD) fibre intakes of 35.5 (18.6) g day for women and 42.5 (30.3) g day for men, or a low-carbohydrate diet, researchers found that
1. High bean fiber intake showed a better weight loss and weight control in compared to low carbohydrate diet group.
2. Intake of bean fiber group expressed a significant decreased of Low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol and total cholesterol levels in compared to other group.

Dr. Tonstad S, the led author said, "A high-fibre bean-rich diet was as effective as a low-carbohydrate diet for weight loss, although only the bean-rich diet lowered atherogenic lipids".

Additionally, in dyslipidemia rats study to evaluate the effects of grain-bean package, dietary fiber (DF) extracted from grain-bean package, and DF from grain corn on the blood lipids and fatty acid synthase (FAS) activity in high-fat, high-cholesterol feeding by randomly assigned into normal control group, hyperlipidemia model group, grain-bean package group, grain-bean package DF group and grain corn group, researchers after adjusting to other risk factors filed the following results
1. Rats in hyperlipidemic model group showed a increased total cholesterol (TC), triglyceridaemia (TG), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), fasting blood glucose (FBG) in compared to groups
2. In compared to hyperlipidemic model group, grain-bean package group, grain-bean package DF group, expressed significantly decreased total cholesterol (TC), triglyceridaemia (TG), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), fasting blood glucose and significantly increased HDL-C levels.

The results of these findings demonstrated that dietary fiber can improve blood lipids levels indyslipidemic subject, decrease FAS activity and regulating SREBP-1c mRNA in glucose metabolic expression.

Dr. Ullrich IH. in the review literature of a high-fiber diet in hyperlipidemia suggested that fiber from sources such as bean and karaya, have a strong effect in decreased total cholesterol due primarily to a decrease in the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol fraction and adding large amounts of sucrose into fiber may offer some protection against an increase in cholesterol and triglyceride levels as both normal and elevated triglyceride levels appear to be more resistant to change with dietary fiber.

Taking altogether, just like other bean fiber, intake of dried bean fiber may have a profound effect in reduced risk and treatment of hyperlipidemia, one of major cause of heart disease and stroke.

(1) A high-fibre bean-rich diet versus a low-carbohydrate diet for obesity by Tonstad S1, Malik N, Haddad E.(PubMed)
(2) [Effect of grain-bean package, grain-bean package dietary fiber and single whole grain dietary fiber on dyslipidemia rats].[Article in Chinese] by Liu Y, Zhai C, Sun G, Zhang H, Jiang M, Zhang H, Guo J, Lan X.(PubMed)
(3) Evaluation of a high-fiber diet in hyperlipidemia: a review by Ullrich IH.(PubMed)

Food Therapy: Coffee, Moderate Consumption Is Associated to Reduced Risk of Gestational Diabetes

Kyle J. Norton, Master of Nutrients
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.

Whole food ingredients in herbal plant have been found to process some significant effects in reduced risk and treatment of certain diseases, but single ingredient isolated from such plants may induce opposite outcomes.
Coffee consumption was not only associated with a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes in healthy people, but also showed a strong effect in ameliorated diabetic risk during pregnancy, a renowned institute study suggested.

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is an exhibition of  abnormal high blood glucose during pregnancy.

Coffee, a popular and social beverage all over the world, particular in the West, is a drink made from roasted bean from the Coffea plant, native to tropical Africa and Madagascar.

In a prospective study of 1744 non-diabetic pregnant women questioned during early gestation about their coffee consumption, researchers found that according to returned report, moderate coffee intake per day exerts a significant decreased risk  of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in expected mothers in compared to non coffee intake pregnant women.

Dr. Adeney KL, the lead author said, "Moderate pre-pregnancy caffeinated coffee consumption may have a protective association with GDM".

Also, in the study of first trimester coffee and tea consumption and risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) on-diabetic women with singleton pregnancies in the Danish National Birth Cohort (n = 71,239), researchers showed that pregnant women with coffee heavy consumption showed a substantial high percentage(81.2%) of complication of GDM, in compared to only 1.5% in non drinkers.

Importantly, the incidence of GDM of this study was highest in pregnant women who drink more than 8 cups of coffee/day but without significant difference across intake in other levels.

With collective information from above study, it is safe to say, moderate coffee drinking in first trimester may have a protective effect in reduced risk of  GDM but increased risk of complication in diabetic expected mothers who drank over 8 cups of coffee per day.

The examine of the protective effect of coffee in pregnancy women, researchers performed a study included 168 pregnant women aged 18-40 years, recruited at routine 20-week ultrasound with all participants kept a 4-day weighed food record following recruitment (commencement: gestational weeks 19-24), a prudent dietary pattern including moderated coffee intake accompanied with seafood; eggs; vegetables; fruits and berries; vegetable oils; nuts and seeds; pasta; breakfast cereals; and coffee, tea and cocoa powder is associated to reduced risk of GDM in pregnancy.

The findings evidences suggested that moderated coffee consumption  with less than 8 cups/day expressed a protective effect against GDM and GDM complications.

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(1) Coffee consumption and the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus by Adeney KL1, Williams MA, Schiff MA, Qiu C, Sorensen TK.(PubMed)
(2) First trimester coffee and tea intake and risk of gestational diabetes mellitus: a study within a national birth cohort by Hinkle SN1, Laughon SK, Catov JM, Olsen J, Bech BH.(PubMed)