In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of 44 hospital out-patients with ulcerative colitis randomly given oral aloe vera gel or placebo, 100 mL twice daily for 4 weeks(171), the oral administrated group showed an improvement and response in nine (30%), viewed by the Simple Clinical Colitis Activity Index and histological scores(171).
Dr. Langmead, the lead researcher said, "Oral aloe vera taken for 4 weeks produced a clinical response more often than placebo; it also reduced the histological disease activity and appeared to be safe"(171).
Furthermore, in the study of male Sprague Dawley rats fed experimental diets for 2 weeks before and during the induction of colitis, dietary aloe vera gel significantly ameliorated intestinal inflammatory responses in a dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) induced ulcerative colitis group(172).
In fact, the efficacy is also found to associate with the abundant bioactivity of the herbs(174).
Other researchers suggested that the anti ulcerative colitis activity of Aloe vera gel may be associated with healing properties of antioxidants, scavengers, chelators as well as strongly inhibited inflammation, electrical/mechanical impairment in the gut, and a great majority of oxidative stress(173).
By searching the relevant studies in MEDLINE, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, HealthSTAR, DARE, South-East Asia Databased associated with burn healing, researchers identified only 4 studies with a total of 371 patients(180).
According to the meta-analysis using the duration of wound healing as an outcome measure, the healing time of the Aloe vera group was 8.79 days shorter than those in the control group(180). Aloe vera can be an effective intervention used in burn wound healing for first to second-degree burns(180).
Another study suggested, the formulates that optimize a herbal gel of Aloe vera extract containing Carbopol 934 as a gelling agent, exert an 80.14% healing up to 14(th) day, compared to the untreated group I (control) animals that show 52.68%(181).
Treated group animals also showed a significantly lower inflammation comapred to none in the treatment group, evidenced by pus formation up to 5(th) day of study. These results supported the use of topical application of Carbopol 934 gel containing Aloe vera extract on the healing of skin wounds(181).
Based on the findings, herbal Aloe vera may be used for the treatment of the aforementioned health problems, pending to the large sample and multicenter human study.
(2) Aloe vera for human nutrition, health, and cosmetic use - A review by Urvashi Nandal and Raju Lal Bhardwaj. (
International Research Journal of Plant Science)
(3) Nine health benefits and medical uses of Aloe vera By Christian Nordqvist. (
Medical News Today)
(4) Aloe Vera Gel (Lu Hui) by
Chinese Herbs Healing
(5) Obesity and systemic oxidative stress: clinical correlates of oxidative stress in the Framingham Study by Keaney JF Jr1, Larson MG, Vasan RS, Wilson PW, Lipinska I, Corey D, Massaro JM, Sutherland P, Vita JA, Benjamin EJ; Framingham Study. (
(6) What Are Free Radicals? By Jessie Szalay, Live Science Contributor. (
Liver Science)
(7) Free radicals, antioxidants, and functional foods: Impact on human health by V. Lobo, A. Patil, A. Phatak, and N. Chandra. (
(8) Fighting Free Radicals: Do You Need Antioxidants? by Charles H. Brown, MSPharm, RPh, CACP. (
Pharmacy Time)
(9) Free radicals and antioxidants: a personal view by Halliwell B. (
(10) Oxidative Stress in Obesity: A Critical Component in Human Diseases by Lucia Marseglia, Sara Manti, Gabriella D’Angelo, Antonio Nicotera, Eleonora Parisi,3Gabriella Di Rosa, Eloisa Gitto, and Teresa Arrigo. (
(11) Diversity, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of culturable bacterial endophyte communities in Aloe vera by Akinsanya MA1, Goh JK2, Lim SP2, Ting AS3.(
(12) Effect of climate change on phytochemical diversity, total phenolic content and in vitro antioxidant activity of Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f by Kumar S1, Yadav A1, Yadav M1, Yadav JP2.(
(13) Burns and Electric Shock by
BC Health link
(14) More Skin, More Sun, More Tan, More Melanoma
Caroline Chang, MD, Era Caterina Murzaku, BS, Lauren Penn, MD, Naheed R. Abbasi, MD, MPH, Paula D. Davis, MFA, Marianne Berwick, Ph.D., MPH, and David Polsky, MD, Ph.D.
(15) Violence and Injury Prevention by
(16) The efficacy of aloe vera used for burn wound healing: a systematic review by Maenthaisong R1, Chaiyakunapruk N, Niruntraporn S, Kongkaew C.(
(17) The therapeutic efficacy and properties of topical Aloe vera in thermal burns by Somboonwong J1, Duansak N.(
(18) Therapeutic effects of Aloe vera on cutaneous microcirculation and wound healing in second-degree burn model in the rat by Somboonwong J1, Thanamittramanee S, Jariyapongskul A, Patumraj S.(
(19) ALOE VERA: A SHORT REVIEW by Amar Surjushe, Resham Vasani, and D G Saple. (
Gertrude Baldwin
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(22) Genetic Alterations in Colorectal Cancer by Tannaz Armaghany,

Jon D. Wilson, Quyen Chu, and Glenn Mills. (
(23) How cancer can spread by
Cancer Research UK
(24) How cancer starts, grows and spreads by
the Canadian Cancer Society
(25) Cancer Statistics by the National Cancer Institute. (
(26) Clinical testing with a panel of 25 genes associated with increased cancer risk results in a significant increase in clinically significant findings across a broad range of cancer histories by (
Research Gate)
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the Canadian Cancer Society
(28) Breast cancer statistics by
the Canadian Cancer Society
(29) Emodin and Aloe-Emodin Suppress Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation through ER α Inhibition.
Huang PH, Huang CY, Chen MC, Lee YT, Yue CH, Wang HY, Lin H.(
(30) Estrogen receptor alpha gene expression in breast cancer tissues from the Iranian population--a pilot study by Hosseini A1, Gopalan V, Nassiri M, Ghaffarzadehgan K, Aslaminejad A, Ghovvati S, Smith RA, Lam AK. (
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Canadian Cancer Society
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American Cancer Society
(33) Cervical Cancer: Statistics by
Cancer Net
(34) Precancerous conditions of the cervix by
the Canadian Cancer Society
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National Cancer Institute
(36) Anticancer effect of aloe-emodin on cervical cancer cells involves G2/M arrest and induction of differentiation. by Guo JM, Xiao BX, Liu Q, Zhang S, Liu DH, Gong ZH.(
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Canadian Cancer Society
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American Cancer Society
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American Cancer Society
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American Cancer Society
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the World Health Net
(42) Dietary Patterns and Colon Cancer Risk in Whites and African Americans in the North Carolina Colon Cancer Study by Jessie A. Satia, Marilyn Tseng, Joseph A. Galanko, Christopher Martin, and Robert S. Sandler.
(43) Western diet increases colorectal cancer risk in Japanese women: Cohort study by 25-Jul-2017 By Gary Scattergood. (
(44) Aloe-emodin induces G2/M cell cycle arrest and apoptosis via activation of caspase-6 in human colon cancer cells by Suboj P, Babykutty S, Srinivas P, Gopala S.(
(45) Aloe-emodin inhibits colon cancer cell migration/angiogenesis by downregulating MMP-2/9, RhoB, and VEGF via reduced DNA binding activity of NF-κB by Suboj P, Babykutty S, Valiyaparambil Gopi DR, Nair RS, Srinivas P, Gopala S.(
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American Brain Tumor Association
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University of Leeds
(49) A population-based description of glioblastoma multiforme in Los Angeles County, 1974-1999 by Chakrabarti I1, Cockburn M, Cozen W, Wang YP, Preston-Martin S.
(50) Inherited predisposition to glioma by Athanassios P. Kyritsis, Melissa L. Bondy, Jasti S. Rao, and Chrissa Sioka. (
(51) Enhanced induction of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis via the mitochondrial membrane potential disruption in human U87 malignant glioma cells by aloe-emodin by Ismail S, Haris K, Abdul Ghani AR, Abdullah JM, Johan MF, Mohamed Yusoff AA. (
(52) Aloe-emodin modulates PKC isozymes, inhibits proliferation, and induces apoptosis in U-373MG glioma cells by Acevedo-Duncan M, Russell C, Patel S, Patel R.(
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Canadian Cancer Society
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the American Cancer Society
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American Cancer Society
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Canadian Cancer Society
(57) Dietary factors and risk for advanced prostate cancer by Gathirua-Mwangi WG1, Zhang J. (
(58) Aloe-emodin suppresses prostate cancer by targeting the mTOR complex 2 by Liu K, Park C, Li S, Lee KW, Liu H, He L, Song NK, Ahn JS, Bode AM, Dong Z, Kim BY, Dong Z.(
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Khan Academy
(60) LDL-cholesterol versus non-HDL-to-HDL-cholesterol ratio and risk for coronary heart disease in type 2 diabetes by Eliasson B1, Gudbjörnsdottir S1, Zethelius B2, Eeg-Olofsson K1, Cederholm J3; National Diabetes Register (NDR). (
(61) Hypercholesterolemia by Genetics Home Reference (
(62) Epidemiology and Management of Hyperlipidemia by Samantha Karr. (
(63) The cholesterol content of Western diets plays a major role in the paradoxical increase in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and upregulates the macrophage reverse cholesterol transport pathway by Escolà-Gil JC1, Llaverias G, Julve J, Jauhiainen M, Méndez-González J, Blanco-Vaca F. (
(64) Dietary Aloe vera improves plasma lipid profile, antioxidant, and hepatoprotective enzyme activities in GIFT-tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) after Streptococcus iniae challenge by Gabriel NN1,2, Qiang J3,4, Ma XY3, He J3,4, Xu P5,6, Liu K3,4. (
(65) Probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Aloe vera gel improve lipid profiles in hypercholesterolemic rats by Kumar M1, Rakesh S, Nagpal R, Hemalatha R, Ramakrishna A, Sudarshan V, Ramagoni R, Shujauddin M, Verma V, Kumar A, Tiwari A, Singh B, Kumar R.(
(66) Beneficial effects of aloe vera leaf gel extract on lipid profile status in rats with streptozotocin diabetes by Rajasekaran S1, Ravi K, Sivagnanam K, Subramanian S.(
(67) Chapter 77. Acute and Chronic Constipation by Vito Rocco, and Paul Krivickas. (
Acess Medicine)
(68) Constipation by Frank W. Jackson MD (
(69) Epidemiology of constipation in the United States by Sonnenberg A1, Koch TR. (
(70) Constipation in older adults by Brenda G. Schuster. (
(71) The effect of Aloe ferox Mill. in the treatment of loperamide-induced constipation in Wistar rats by Wintola OA1, Sunmonu TO, Afolayan AJ. (PubMed)
(72) A qualitative study of quality of life and the experience of complementary and alternative medicine in Korean women with constipation by Lee EJ1, Warden S.(
(73) Toxicological evaluation of aqueous extract of Aloe ferox Mill. in loperamide-induced constipated rats by Wintola OA1, Sunmonu TO, Afolayan AJ. (PubMed)
(74) Type 2, the
American Diabetes Association
(75) Junk food and diabetes: Tips for eating out By Jayne Leonard. (
Medical News Today)
(76) Metabolic syndrome, dyslipidemia, hypertension and type 2 diabetes in youth: from diagnosis to treatment by Alfredo Halpern,1 Marcio C Mancini, Maria Eliane C Magalhães, Mauro Fisberg,R sana Radominski, Marcelo C Bertolami, Adriana Bertolami, Maria Edna de Melo, Maria Teresa Zanella, Marcia S Queiroz,and Marcia Nery. (
(77) Western Diet Linked to Type 2 Diabetes by David Hefner. (
J Natl Med Assoc. 2002 May; 94(5): 287)
(78) Aloe vera: a systematic review of its clinical effectiveness. by Vogler BK, Ernst E.(
(79) Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of processed Aloe vera gel in a mouse model of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. by Kim K, Kim H, Kwon J, Lee S, Kong H, Im SA, Lee YH, Lee YR, Oh ST, Jo TH, Park YI, Lee CK, Kim K.(
(80) Effect of Aloe vera leaves on blood glucose level in type I and type II diabetic rat models.
Okyar A, Can A, Akev N, Baktir G, Sütlüpinar N.(
(81) Stomach ulcer by
(82) Helicobacter Pylori Infections by
Medline Plus
(83) [Risk factors for the adverse course of gastric and duodenal peptic ulcer].[Article in Russian] by Komar OM, Kizlova NM, Trylevych OD, Kravchenko VV. (
(84) Peptic Ulcer Disease and Helicobacter pylori infection by Mechu Narayanan. (
(85) What’s the Difference Between Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers? by
Health Line
(86) Effects of Aloe vera and sucralfate on gastric microcirculatory changes, cytokine levels and gastric ulcer healing in rats, by Eamlamnam K, Patumraj S, Visedopas N, Thong-Ngam D.(
(87) The effect of Aloe vera A. Berger (Liliaceae) on gastric acid secretion and acute gastric mucosal injury in rats by Yusuf S, Agunu A, Diana M.(
PubMed)(4) Anti-inflammatory effects of Aloe vera on leukocyte-endothelium interaction in the gastric microcirculation of Helicobacter pylori-infected rats by Prabjone R, Thong-Ngam D, Wisedopas N, Chatsuwan T, Patumraj S.(
(88) Polymer fraction of Aloe vera exhibits a protective activity on ethanol-induced gastric lesions.
Park CH, Nam DY, Son HU, Lee SR, Lee HJ, Heo JC, Cha TY, Baek JH, Lee SH. (
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Colgate Professional
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Canadian Cancer Society
(92) A randomized, double-blind clinical study to assess the antiplaque and antigingivitis efficacy of Aloe vera mouth rinse by Chandrahas B, Jayakumar A, Naveen A, Butchibabu K, Reddy PK, Muralikrishna T.(
(93) Aloe vera: It's the effect on gingivitis by Ajmera N, Chatterjee A, Goyal V.(
(94) Medical Microbiology. Chapter 68, Herpesviruses by Richard J. Whitley. (
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Merch Manual
(96) Prevalence and risk factors associated with herpes simplex virus-2 infection in a contemporary cohort of HIV-infected persons in the United States by Patel P1, Bush T, Mayer KH, Desai S, Henry K, Overton ET, Conley L, Hammer J, Brooks JT; SUN Study Investigators. (
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(99) Assessment of Anti-HSV-1 Activity of Aloe Vera Gel Extract: an In Vitro Study by Rezazadeh F1, Moshaverinia M1, Motamedifar M2, Alyaseri M3. (
(100) Acemannan, an extracted polysaccharide from Aloe vera: A literature review by Sierra-García GD, Castro-Ríos R, González-Horta A, Lara-Arias J, Chávez-Montes A.(
(101) In vitro evaluation of the synergistic antiviral effects of acemannan in combination with azidothymidine and acyclovir by Kahlon JB1, Kemp MC, Yawei N, Carpenter RH, Shannon WM, McAnalley BH. (
(102) The Metabolic Syndrome by Marc-Andre Cornier, Dana Dabelea, Teri L. Hernandez, Rachel C. Lindstrom, Amy J. Steig, Nicole R. Stob, Rachael E. Van Pelt, Hong Wang, and Robert H. Eckel. (
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Johns Hopkins Medicine
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(105) The link between diabetes and hypertension By Lana Barhum, Reviewed by Maria Prelipcean, MD. (
Medical News Today)
(107) Hypotensive effect of chemical constituents from Aloe barbadensis by Saleem R1, Faizi S, Siddiqui BS, Ahmed M, Hussain SA, Qazi A, Dar A, Ahmad SI, Qazi MH, Akhtar S, Hasnain SN.(
(108) Increased vascular smooth muscle cell stiffness: a novel mechanism for aortic stiffness in hypertension by Sehgel NL1, Zhu Y, Sun Z, Trzeciakowski JP, Hong Z, Hunter WC, Vatner DE, Meininger GA, Vatner SF. (
(109) Emodin inhibits tonic tension through suppressing PKCδ-mediated inhibition of myosin phosphatase in rat isolated thoracic aorta by Lim KM1, Kwon JH, Kim K, Noh JY, Kang S, Park JM, Lee MY, Bae ON, Chung JH. (
(110) Nutritional Modulation of Immune Function: Analysis of Evidence, Mechanisms, and Clinical Relevance by Dayong Wu1, Erin D. Lewis, Munyong Pae, and Simin Nikbin Meydani. (
Frontiers In Immunology)
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Boundless Microbiology
(112) Acute phase response in infectious disease by Gauldie J, Lamontagne L, Stadnyk A. (
(113) Chronic Inflammation by Roma Pahwa; Ishwarlal Jialal. (
(114) The immune protective effect of the Mediterranean diet against chronic low-grade inflammatory diseases by Casas R, Sacanella E, Estruch R. (
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(116) Effects of Aloe barbadensis Mill. extract (AVH200®) on human blood T cell activity in vitro by Ahluwalia B1, Magnusson MK2, Isaksson S3, Larsson F4, Öhman L5. (
(117) Aloe-emodin exerts a potent anticancer and immunomodulatory activity on BRAF-mutated human melanoma cells by Tabolacci C1, Cordella M2, Turcano L3, Rossi S2, Lentini A3, Mariotti S4, Nisini R4, Sette G5, Eramo A2, Piredda L3, De Maria R5, Facchiano F6, Beninati S3. (
(118) Immunomodulatory effects of Aloe vera and its fractions on the response of macrophages against Candida albicans by Farahnejad Z1, Ghazanfari T, Yaraee R(
(119) An anti-complementary polysaccharide with immunological adjuvant activity from the leaf parenchyma gel of Aloe vera by t' Hart LA, van den Berg AJ, Kuis L, van Dijk H, Labadie RP. (
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GI Society
(121) The epidemiology of irritable bowel syndrome by Caroline Canavan, Joe West, and Timothy Card. (
(122) A common cause of irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulitis: chronic distal colon distention from sedentary behavior and excessive dietary fiber by Robbins SE. (
(123) The benefit of Aloe vera and Matricaria recutita mixture in rat irritable bowel syndrome: Combination of antioxidant and spasmolytic effects by Asadi-Shahmirzadi A, Mozaffari S, Sanei Y, Baeeri M, Hajiaghaee R, Monsef-Esfahani HR, Abdollahi M.(
(124) Randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial of aloe vera for irritable bowel syndrome.
Davis K, Philpott S, Kumar D, Mendall M.(
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(126) Everything you need to know about infections by By Christian Nordqvist. Reviewed by Michael Charles, MD.
(Medical News Today)
(127) Evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy of Aloe vera and Meswak containing dentifrices with fluoridated dentifrice: An in vivo study by Bhati N1, Jaidka S1, Somani R1(
(128) The antimicrobial capacity of Aloe vera and propolis dentifrice against Streptococcus mutans strains in toothbrushes: an in vitro study by Bertolini PF1, Biondi Filho O, Pomilio A, Pinheiro SL, Carvalho MS.(
(129) Diversity, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of culturable bacterial endophyte communities in Aloe vera by Akinsanya MA1, Goh JK2, Lim SP2, Ting AS3.(
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American Addiction Center
(134) Neuroprotective potential of Aloe arborescens against copper-induced neurobehavioral features of Parkinson's disease in the rat by Abbaoui A1, Hiba OE2, Gamrani H3.(
(135) Protective effects of aloe-emodin on scopolamine-induced memory impairment in mice and H₂O₂-induced cytotoxicity in PC12 cells by Tao L, Xie J, Wang Y, Wang S, Wu S, Wang Q, Ding H.(
(136) Effect of aloe polysaccharide on caspase-3 expression following cerebral ischemia and reperfusion injury in rats by Lu ZQ1, Deng YJ, Lu XJ.(
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Oral Cancer Foundation
(138) Prevention And Treatment Of Oral Mucositis In Cancer Patients (
Best Practice)
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(140)) Potential prevention: Aloe vera mouthwash may reduce radiation-induced oral mucositis in head and neck cancer patients. by Ahmadi A.(
(141)) Comparative Efficacy of Aloe vera and Benzydamine Mouthwashes on Radiation-induced Oral Mucositis: A Triple-blind, Randomised, Controlled Clinical Trial by Sahebjamee M, Mansourian A, Hajimirzamohammad M, Zadeh MT, Bekhradi R, Kazemian A, Manifar S, Ashnagar S, Doroudgar K.(
(142) Comparative Efficacy of Aloe vera and Benzydamine Mouthwashes on Radiation-induced Oral Mucositis: A Triple-blind, Randomised, Controlled Clinical Trial by Sahebjamee M, Mansourian A, Hajimirzamohammad M, Zadeh MT, Bekhradi R, Kazemian A, Manifar S, Ashnagar S, Doroudgar K. (
(143) Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)(Hyperandrogenic Chronic Anovulation; Stein-Leventhal Syndrome) By JoAnn V. Pinkerton. (
Merck Manual)
(144) Polycystic ovary syndrome by
Genetics Home References
(145) Obesity and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome by Susan Sam, MD. (
(146) Evaluation and Treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome by Richard S Legro, M.D. (
(147) Effect of Aloe barbadensis Mill. the formulation of Letrozole induced polycystic ovarian syndrome rat model (
(148) Aloe barbadensis Mill. formulation restores lipid profile to normal in a letrozole-induced polycystic ovarian syndrome rat Model
(149) What to know about psoriasis By Adam Felman, Reviewed by Debra Sullivan, Ph.D. (
Medical News Today)
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American Academy Dermatology Association
(151) Psoriasis and smoking: links and risks by Luigi Naldi. (
(152) Evaluation of the antipsoriatic activity of Aloe vera leaf extract using a mouse tail model of psoriasis by Dhanabal SP, Priyanka Dwarampudi L, Muruganantham N, Vadivelan R.(
(153) A prospective, randomized clinical trial comparing topical aloe vera with 0.1% triamcinolone acetonide in mild to moderate plaque psoriasis by Choonhakarn C, Busaracome P, Sripanidkulchai B, Sarakarn P.(
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Harvard Medical School
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Science Direct
(156) Effect of the sun on visible clinical signs of aging in Caucasian skin by Flament F1, Bazin R, Laquieze S, Rubert V, Simonpietri E, Piot B. (
(157) Discovering the link between nutrition and skin aging by Silke K. Schagen, Vasiliki A. Zampeli, Evgenia Makrantonaki, and Christos C. Zouboulis. (
(158) Dietary Aloe Vera Supplementation Improves Facial Wrinkles and Elasticity and It Increases the Type I Procollagen Gene Expression in Human Skin in vivo. by Cho S, Lee S, Lee MJ, Lee DH, Won CH, Kim SM, Chung JH. (
(159) A Comparative Study of Baby Immature and Adult Shoots of Aloe Veraon UVB-Induced Skin Photoaging in vitro. by Hwang E, Kim SH, Lee S, Lee CH, Do SG, Kim J, Kim SY. (
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Live Science)
(161) Plants used to treat skin diseases by Nahida Tabassum and Mariya Hamdani. (
(162) Nutrition: What is it and why is it important? By Christian Nordqvist, Reviewed by Natalie Butler, RD, LD. (
Medical News Today)
the American Academy Allergy Asthma & Immunology (164) The Autoimmune Disease Edited by Noel R. Rose and Ian R. Mackay. (
Science Direct)
(165) Diet and Dermatology. The Role of Dietary Intervention in Skin Disease by Rajani Katta, MD

and Samir P. Desai, MD. (
(166) Aloe vera in dermatology: a brief review. by Feily A, Namazi MR (
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Mayo Clinic
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(170) Westernized Diet is the Most Ubiquitous Environmental Factor in Inflammatory Bowel Disease by Chiba M, Nakane K, Komatsu M. (
(171) Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of oral aloe vera gel for active ulcerative colitis by Langmead L1, Feakins RM, Goldthorpe S, Holt H, Tsironi E, De Silva A, Jewell DP, Rampton DS. (
(172) Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of oral aloe vera gel for active ulcerative colitis by Langmead L1, Feakins RM, Goldthorpe S, Holt H, Tsironi E, De Silva A, Jewell DP, Rampton DS. (
(173) Dietary aloin, aloesin, or aloe-gel exerts anti-inflammatory activity in a rat colitis model by Park MY1, Kwon HJ, Sung MK. (
(174) The protective and healing effects of a natural antioxidant formulation based on ubiquinol and Aloe vera against dextran sulfate-induced ulcerative colitis in rats by Korkina L1, Suprun M, Petrova A, Mikhal'chik E, Luci A, De Luca C.(
(175) Wound Healing and Repair by Michael Mercandetti, MD, MBA, FACS; Chief Editor: Joseph A Molnar. (
(176) Inflammatory responses and inflammation-associated diseases in organs by Linlin Chen,#1 Huidan Deng, Hengmin Cui, Jing Fang, Zhicai Zuo,Junliang Deng,Yinglun Li, Xun Wang, and Ling Zhao. (
(177) Medical Microbiology, Chapter 95Microbiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract by Sherwood L. Gorbach. (
(178) Immune Dysfunction and Bacterial Co-Infections following Influenza by Dennis W. Metzger and Keer Sun. (
(179) Skin: Anatomy, Physiology and Wound Healing Heather L. Orsted RN BN ET MSc David H. Keast BSc MSc Dip Ed MD CCFP FCFP Louise Forest-Lalande RN MEd ET Janet L. Kuhnke RN BA BScN MSc ET Deirdre O’Sullivan-Drombolis BScPT MClSc (Wound Healing) Susie Jin RPh CDE CPT CGP Jennifer Haley BMSc MSC Robyn Evans BSc MD CCFP IIWCC. (
Foundations of Best Practice for Skin and Wound Management)
(180) The efficacy of aloe vera used for burn wound healing: a systematic review by Maenthaisong R, Chaiyakunapruk N, Niruntraporn S, Kongkaew C.(
(181) Formulation development, optimization and evaluation of aloe vera gel for wound healing by Khan AW, Kotta S, Ansari SH, Sharma RK, Kumar A, Ali J.(