Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Cranberry Processes Antibiotic Activity

By Kyle J. Norton

Antibiotics are a group of conventional medicines used for the treatment of bacterial, fungal parasitic,... infection.

The medications have no effects on viral infection.

Infection is a disease caused by microorganism invasion.

After entering the body, the organisms selectively find a specific tissue or organ to start their multiplication.

Most infectious diseases can be passed from infected person to person or transmitted by bites from insects or animals.

However, the acquired infectious diseases can also be caused by ingesting contaminated food or water or being exposed to organisms in the environment.

Most organisms before having a chance to induce infection are killed off by the immune system response in the acute phase of infection, by stimulating the production of a proinflammatory cytokine.

Unfortunately, if the immune system fails to destroy the invasive organism within a set period of time, normally in a few weeks, it will adapt to the change, causing chronic infection.

Antibiotics have been found to cause digestive discomforts such as nausea, indigestion. vomiting, diarrhea, bloating. the feeling of fullness, and loss of appetite and stomach cramping or pain, acutely.

Chronic use of antibiotics also induces more serious adverse effects, including skin rash, skin allergic reactions, upset stomach, and fungal (yeast) vaginal infections or oral thrush by weakening the immune system.

Cranberry is an evergreen dwarf shrub, genus Vaccinium, belongings to the family Ericaceae, native to Northern America and Southern Asia. Because of its health benefits, cranberry has been cultivated in some parts of the world for commercial profit and used in traditional and herbal medicine to treat wounds, urinary disorders, diarrhea, diabetes, stomach ailments, and liver problems.

On finding a potential compound for the treatment of infectious diseases, researchers investigated the antibacterial activity of cranberry proanthocyanidin (cPAC) on resistance to tetracycline in Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

According to the tested assays, cPAC exerted a potentiating effect, both in vitro and in vivo, on a broad range of antibiotic classes against pathogenic E. coli, Proteus mirabilis, and P. aeruginosa.

cPAC demonstrated the antibacterial effect through two antibiotic resistance mechanisms, namely, selective membrane permeability, and multidrug efflux pumps.

Based on the evidence, researchers said, " The use of cPAC to potentiate antibiotics and mitigate the development of resistance could improve treatment outcomes and help combat the growing threat of antibiotic resistance".

Taken altogether, cranberry may be considered an adjunct therapy as an antibiotic against bacterial pathogens, pending to the confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.

Natural Medicine for Fatty Liver And Obesity Reversal - The Revolutionary Findings To Achieve Optimal Health And Lose Weight

How To Get Rid Of Eye Floaters 
Contrary To Professionals Prediction, Floaters Can Be Cured Naturally 

Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Elimination
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Permanently Eliminate All Types of Ovarian Cysts Within 2 Months

Back to Kyle J. Norton Homepage http://kylejnorton.blogspot.ca

Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)

Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Disilgold.com Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) Proanthocyanidin Interferes with Intrinsic Antibiotic Resistance Mechanisms of Gram-Negative Bacteria by Maisuria VB1, Okshevsky M1, Déziel E2, Tufenkji N. (PubMed)

Moronic acid, the Anti-Herpes Simplex Virus Supplement

By Kyle J. Norton

Infectious diseases are a medical condition caused by pathogenic microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi.

Most cases of infectious diseases are contagious by spreading directly or indirectly, from one person to another.

In other words, if you kiss, or are coughed or sneezed on by an infectious person, you are at risk of developing the same infectious disease.

According to the statistic provided by the World Health Organization, 3 infectious diseases were ranked in the top ten causes of death worldwide in 2016.

More precisely, lower respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, and tuberculosis induced 3.0 million, 1.4 million, and 1.3 million deaths, respectively.

A viral infection is a disease caused by the successful entering and multiplying of a virus in the body.

Anti-viral effects are an act of certain substances to cause the destruction of a virus.

Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2, the 2 members of the herpesvirus family, also are best known as human herpesvirus 1 and 2.

The classification of the virus is based on their likelihood to cause infection. According to WHO(5), in the expression of conventional medicine, there is no cure for the diseases and both HSV-1 and HSV-2 infections are lifelong.

* HSV-1 is mainly transmitted by oral-to-oral contact such as oral herpes.

* HSV-2 is a sexually transmitted infection.

However, both HSV-1 and HSV-2 can cause genital herpes.

According to statistics, approximately 3.7 billion people under age 50 (67%) are infected by HSV-1 and 417 million people aged 15-49 (11%) are infected by HSV-2 globally.

Some patients infected by the virus do not experience any symptoms, however, some may affect by symptoms of painful blisters or ulcers at the site of infection.

The virus is very contagious in the presence of symptoms but they can also transmit to others from virus carriers who experience no symptoms at all.

Moronic acid is a phytochemical in the subclass of Triterpenoid, belongings to the group of Terpenes found in extracted from Rhus javanica, Mistletoe, etc.

On finding a potential phytochemical for the treatment of infectious diseases, researchers examined
anti-herpes simplex virus activity of moronic acid purified from Rhus javanica in vitro and in vivo.

According to the results from the experimental model,
* Moronic acid was quantitatively a major anti-HSV compound in the ethyl acetate-soluble fraction.

* The effective concentrations for 50% plaque reduction of moronic acid for wild-type HSV type 1 (HSV-1) were 3.9 microgram/ml.

* The oral administration of moronic acid on mice infected cutaneously with HSV-1 three times daily significantly retarded the development of skin lesions and/or prolonged the mean survival times of infected mice without inducing toxicity, compared with the control.

* Moreover, moronic acid suppressed virus yields in the brain more efficiently than those in the skin.

Based on the findings, researchers said, "Moronic acid showed oral therapeutic efficacy in HSV-infected mice and possessed novel anti-HSV activity that was consistent with that of the extract".

Taken altogether, moronic acid may be considered an anti-herpes simplex virus supplement, pending to the confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.

Intake of tocopherols in the form of supplements should be taken with extreme care to prevent overdose acute liver toxicity.

Natural Medicine for Fatty Liver And Obesity Reversal - The Revolutionary Findings To Achieve Optimal Health And Lose Weight

How To Get Rid Of Eye Floaters 
Contrary To Professionals Prediction, Floaters Can Be Cured Naturally 

Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Elimination
Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You. How-To
Permanently Eliminate All Types of Ovarian Cysts Within 2 Months

Back to Kyle J. Norton Homepage http://kylejnorton.blogspot.ca

Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Disilgold.com Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) Anti-herpes simplex virus activity of moronic acid purified from Rhus javanica in vitro and in vivo by Kurokawa M1, Basnet P, Ohsugi M, Hozumi T, Kadota S, Namba T, Kawana T, Shiraki K. (PubMed)

Omega-3 Fatty Acids, The Promising Treatment for Neoplastic Diseases

By Kyle J. Norton

Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by cell growth and multiplied disorderly and uncontrollably. In the advanced stage, cancerous cells from the originated site can travel a distance away to infect other healthy tissue via lymph or blood circulation.

Most cancers process a high survival rate if they are diagnosed early. According to the Mayo Clinic, over 56 percent of people diagnosed with early-stage lung cancer live for at least five years after diagnosis. However, the five-year survival rate for people diagnosed with late-stage of invasive lung cancer is 5 %.

According to the statistic of Canadian cancer provided by the government, in 2017, there were over 200,000 newly diagnosed cancer and 80,000 Canadian died from cancer. 1 in 2 Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer, and 1 in 4 will die from the disease, during their lifetime.

The exact cause of cancers is unknown. Researchers do not know why some people without gene mutation are susceptible to early onset of cancer while others do not

However, researchers do know that certain risk factors such as aging, tobacco, sun exposure, radiation exposure, chemicals, and other substances, some viruses and bacteria, certain hormones, family history of cancer, alcohol, poor diet, physical inactivity are associated to gene change in the initiation of cancer development.

Most cancers share the common symptoms of tiredness, unexplained weight loss, loss of appetite, fatigue. In advance stage, cancer patients may also experience additional common symptoms of dehydration, nausea and vomiting, constipation and persistent pain.

Neoplastic diseases are conditions that cause tumor growth, including benign and invasive.

Benign tumors are noncancerous. The condition mostly grows slowly and can't spread to other tissues. 

Invasive or malignant tumors are cancerous that can grow slowly or quickly.

Antineoplastics are agents that prevent, inhibit or halt the development of a neoplasm.

Omega-3 fatty acids are phytochemicals in the class of lipids, found abundantly in deepsea fisk, dark-green leafy vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, etc.

The three main components of Omega-3 fatty acids are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

On finding a potential phytochemical for the prevention of cancer, researchers developed a ω-3 PUFA-containing nanoformulations for the protection from degradation and increasing its bioavailability on target tissues.

According to the tested analysis,
*  ω-3 PUFAs and their bioactive derivatives increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and iron found in cancer cells, as well as to the reported reduced glutathione (GSH) cellular depletion.

In other words, ω-3 PUFAs pro-oxidative activity induced the cytotoxicity in cancer cells. Furthermore, this activity of  the peroxidation of intracellular membranes lead to lysosomal, mitochondrial, and nuclear disruption, and, lastly, cell death.

* In rats, in rats bearing transplanted orthotopic hepatocarcinoma, ω-3 PUFAs markedly reduced tumor growth by altering redox balance and inducing tumor cell death.

* Additionally, DHA enclosed in these particles also induce a recently described regulated type of necrotic cell death called ferroptosis in liver cancer cells.

based on the finding, researchers said, " the co-presence of tuftsin and ω-3 PUFAs inside the same nanoliposomes is significant since ω-3 PUFAs also show... antineoplastic activities..., and their possible applications in the field of cancer immunotherapy have been recently suggested. "

Taken altogether, Omega-3 fatty acids found abundantly in fish oil and plant oil may be considered a functional food for the prevention of neoplastic diseases, pending to the confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.

Intake of Omega-3 fatty acids in the form of supplements should be taken with extreme care to prevent overdose acute liver toxicity.

Natural Medicine for Fatty Liver And Obesity Reversal - The Revolutionary Findings To Achieve Optimal Health And Lose Weight

How To Get Rid Of Eye Floaters 
Contrary To Professionals Prediction, Floaters Can Be Cured Naturally 

Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Elimination
Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You. How-To
Permanently Eliminate All Types of Ovarian Cysts Within 2 Months

Back to Kyle J. Norton Homepage http://kylejnorton.blogspot.ca

Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Disilgold.com Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) Nanomedicine-based formulations containing ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: potential application in cardiovascular and neoplastic diseases by Serini S1,2, Cassano R3, Trombino S3, Calviello G. (PubMed)
(2) Xanthan gum-based materials for omega-3 PUFA delivery: Preparation, characterization and antineoplastic activity evaluation by Trombino S1, Serini S2, Cassano R3, Calviello G. (PubMed)

Tocopherols Exhibits Cardioprotective Activity in Vivo

By Kyle J. Norton

Cardiovascular disease is defined as medical conditions affecting the cardiovascular system, including heart, blood vessels(arteries and veins).

The heart formed part of the circulatory system is a muscular organ that pumps blood through the blood vessels to nourish the body tissues and organs.

Most cases of heart dysfunction are associated with the reduced function of the heart muscle, leading to reduce blood flow that facilitates heart failure and the backup of blood into the lungs or rest of the body.

According to the statistics provided by the US government, heart disease is a leading cause of death in the US. Over 600,000 died of heart disease, every year including 370,000 people died of coronary heart disease (CHD), accounting for 1 in 4 deaths.

The most common symptoms of heart disease are poor appetite, weight loss, shortness of breath, sudden collapse, blood clots and stunted growth found in children.

Stroke is a medical condition caused by poor blood flow to the brain, leading to brain cell death in the affected region.

The most common types of stroke are ischemic stroke associated with the obstruction of a blood vessel supplying blood to the brain and hemorrhagic stroke associated with small blood vessel ruptures. The most common cause of stroke is unmanaged high blood pressure.

Cardiac toxicity is a condition in which the heart has been damage to some extent caused by harmful chemicals, including toxins induced by the treatment of chemotherapy, leading to reduced heart muscle function to pump blood and heart failure.

Long term intake of certain medication and people who are under treatment of chemotherapy have been found in most cases of cardiotoxicity.

Cardioprotection is an action that contributes to the protection of heart and blood vessels integrity against damage or injury, including heart diseases, and stroke.

In other words, cardioprotection is a process in which substances or medicines are used including an herbal remedy to protect heart muscle tissues against ischemic insult and deoxygenation injury.

Tocopherols are phytochemicals of which many have vitamin E activity, belonging to the group of Lipids, found abundantly in butter, egg yolk, milk fat, some vegetable, and seed or nut oils, etc.

On finding a potential phytochemical for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, researchers examined the effect of alpha-tocopheryl phosphate, a phosphoric acid ester of alpha-tocopherol cardioprotective activity.

According to the analysis of rats treated by 5 mg/kg body wt for a period of thirty days compared to control rats which were given water only, after thirty days before both control and experimental hearts were subjected to 30-min global ischemia followed by 2 h of reperfusion.
* The tocopheryl phosphate fed rats exhibited significant cardioprotection by improved ventricular performance and reduced myocardial infarct size and cardiomyocyte apoptosis compared to control.

* Supplementation with alpha-tocopheryl phosphate converted the pathway induced death signal into a survival signal by enhancing anti-apoptotic pathways by inhibiting the expression of pro-apoptotic proteins.

* These results lead to the reduction of phosphorylation of pro-apoptotic c-Src that has been found to promote cardio functioning.

* Moreover, the application of tocopheryl phosphate also increased the DNA binding of the redox-sensitive transcription factor NFkappaB associated with proinflammatory activation with and potentiated the activation of anti-death protein Bcl-2 and survival signaling protein.

After talking about other factors into account, researchers said, "tocopheryl phosphate could ameliorate myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury by converting ischemia/reperfusion-mediated death signal into a survival signal by modulating MAP kinase signaling".

Taken altogether, tocopherols may be considered an adjunct therapy that promotes cardioprotection, pending to the confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.

Intake of tocopherols in the form of supplements should be taken with extreme care to prevent overdose acute liver toxicity.

Natural Medicine for Fatty Liver And Obesity Reversal - The Revolutionary Findings To Achieve Optimal Health And Lose Weight

How To Get Rid Of Eye Floaters 
Contrary To Professionals Prediction, Floaters Can Be Cured Naturally 

Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Elimination
Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You. How-To
Permanently Eliminate All Types of Ovarian Cysts Within 2 Months

Back to Kyle J. Norton Homepage http://kylejnorton.blogspot.ca

Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Disilgold.com Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) Cardioprotection with alpha-tocopheryl phosphate: amelioration of myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury is linked with its ability to generate a survival signal through Akt activation by Mukherjee S1, Lekli I, Das M, Azzi A, Das DK. (PubMed)

Beta-Sitosterol, The Potential and Natural Anti-Liver Fibrosis Development in Vitro and Vivo

By Kyle J. Norton

The liver is the largest internal organ found in the human which plays an essential role in filtering the blood from the digestive system before passing them to other parts of the body.

The liver also produces cholesterol, a waxy substance which aids digestion, builds cell membranes and produces vitamin D and steroid hormones.

Liver disease is a class of medical conditions characterized by reducing partly or completely the function of the liver, including liver failure.

Fibrosis is the formation of excess fibrous connective tissue in an organ or tissue in a reparative or reactive process associated with responding to injury.

In some cases, the forming of scaring also caused by overproduction of proinflammatory cytokines and/or interruption in the stage of injury recovery.

Liver fibrosis is a condition characterized by overly exuberant wound healing causing excessive connective tissue builds up in the liver. In other words, hepatic fibrosis is a condition in which a portion of the liver was affected by scars formation.

The exact causes of liver fibrosis are unknown. However, certain risk factors such as repeated liver injury caused by a virus infection, and a blockage in the bile ducts are found to elaborate on the onset of liver fibrosis.

Long-term untreated liver fibrosis can lead to cirrhosis, a condition of the severe scarring of the liver and life-threatening liver disease, including liver cancer.

The most common scale to grade the stage of liver fibrosis is the METAVIR scoring system. By examing the grade and stage of liver fibrosis of patients, their doctors can now determine the degree of severity to which patients' liver is affected.

Beta-Sitosterol is a phytochemical in the class of Phytosterols, belongings to the group of Lipids, found abundantly in avocados, rice bran, wheat germ, corn oils, fennel, peanuts, soybeans, hawthorn, basil, buckwheat. etc.

On finding a potential phytochemical for the prevention and treatment of liver diseases, researchers elucidated the β-sitosterol, a cholesterol-like phytosterol, which widely distributed in the plant kingdom. the anti-fibrotic effect on human hepatic stellate cell (HSC) model and dimethylnitrosamine (DMN)-induced mouse hepatic fibrosis model.

According to the results of the analysis of the hepato-fibrotic effect of β-sitosterol, at both of the mRNA and protein level,
* β-sitosterol inhibited the scar formation by down-regulating the mRNA and protein expression levels of collagen-1 and α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), a key biomarker for liver fibrosis and in activated HSC.

* Furthermore, oral administration of the β-sitosterol successfully alleviated the DMN-induced mouse liver damage and prevented collagen accumulation. 

In other words, β-sitosterol exerted liver cell-protective effects against the liver damage and parameters associated with the onset of liver fibrosis.

Based on the findings, researchers said, " the effect of β-sitosterol on the TGF-β -or DMN-induced hepatofibrosis. Hence, we demonstrate the β-sitosterol as a potential therapeutic agent for the hepatofibrosis".
Taken altogether, beta-Sitosterol may be considered a supplement for the prevention and treatment of liver fibrosis, pending to the confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.

Intake of beta-Sitosterol in the form of supplements should be taken with extreme care to prevent overdose acute liver toxicity.

Natural Medicine for Fatty Liver And Obesity Reversal - The Revolutionary Findings To Achieve Optimal Health And Lose Weight

How To Get Rid Of Eye Floaters 
Contrary To Professionals Prediction, Floaters Can Be Cured Naturally 

Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Elimination
Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You. How-To
Permanently Eliminate All Types of Ovarian Cysts Within 2 Months

Back to Kyle J. Norton Homepage http://kylejnorton.blogspot.ca

Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Disilgold.com Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) Effects of β-sitosterol derived from Artemisia capillaris on the activated human hepatic stellate cells and dimethylnitrosamine-induced mouse liver fibrosis by Kim KS, Yang HJ, Lee JY, Na YC, Kwon SY, Kim YC, Lee JH1, Jang HJ. (PubMed)

Monday, 3 February 2020

Herbal Elecampane (Inula helenium) May Be a Potent Therapeutic Agent Against Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

By Kyle J. Norton

Leukemia is a medical condition caused by an abnormal increase of white blood cells produced by the bone marrow and/or the lymphatic system. Depending on the malignant granulocytes or lymphocytes, leukemia is classified into myeloid or lymphoblastic leukemia.

Bone marrow is the soft tissue inside the hollow center of the major bone, including the spine, pelvis, underarm, leg...

Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a medical condition associated with the overgrowth of immature cells that started in the blood-forming cells of the bone marrow.

More precisely, chronic leukemia is a disease characterized by a slow but still excessive build-up of relatively immature abnormal white blood cells.

Chronic leukemia has a tendency to spread slowly to other parts of the body through the bloodstream and/or lymphatic system.

In other words, compared to normal cells that will die after a limited cell division, chronic myeloid leukemia cells continue to divide with no meaning of dying or stopping, leading to proliferation that affects other healthy cells in the bone marrow.

At the advanced stage, chronic myeloid leukemia cell can leak to the bloodstream, leading to secondary metastasis, depending on the infected tissues and organs.

According to the statistics provided by the American Cancer Society, in 2019, approximately, 8,990 new cases will be diagnosed with CML (5,250 in men and 3,740 in women. and CML is expected to cause the death of 1,140 people including 660 men and 480 women.

More precisely, CML accounts for 15% of all cases of leukemia diagnosed each year. In other words, the lifetime risk of CML in the US is 1 person in 526.

The 5-year survival rate of patients treated with chemo drug imatinib (Gleevec®) including all stages of CML is 90%.

On finding a natural ingredient for the prevention and treatment of leukemia, scientists examined the effects of Costunolide, a sesquiterpene lactone, a small molecular monomer extracted from Inula helenium on K562/ADR chronic myeloid leukemia cells.

Elecampane, also known as Horse-heal (Inula helenium) is a perennial composite plant, genus nulla, belonging to Asteraceae, native to Southern Europe, and Asia. 

The plant has been used in traditional and herbal medicine in treating bronchitis or emphysema, night sweats, pulmonary tuberculosis, irritating cough, catarrhal discharges, etc.

According to tested analysis,
* Costunolide dramatically enhanced doxorubicin-induced antiproliferative activity against K562/ADR cells through inhibition of PI3K/Akt pathway associated with cancer cell proliferation.
* Costunolide combined with doxorubicin also causes cancer cell death by activating the pro-apoptotic proteins aspases 3, cleavage of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase.

* Moreover, P-glycoprotein expression, a marker for chemotherapy resistance was also inhibited by the injection of Costunolide.

Based on the results, researchers suggest, " These results demonstrate that Costunolide may be a potent therapeutic agent against CML".

Taken altogether, Dandelion may be considered a remedy for the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia, pending to the confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.

Natural Medicine for Fatty Liver And Obesity Reversal - The Revolutionary Findings To Achieve Optimal Health And Lose Weight

How To Get Rid Of Eye Floaters 
Contrary To Professionals Prediction, Floaters Can Be Cured Naturally 

Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Elimination
Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You. How-To
Permanently Eliminate All Types of Ovarian Cysts Within 2 Months

Back to Kyle J. Norton Homepage http://kylejnorton.blogspot.ca

Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Disilgold.com Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) Costunolide enhances sensitivity of K562/ADR chronic myeloid leukemia cells to doxorubicin through PI3K/Akt pathway by Cai H1, Li L1, Jiang J1, Zhao C1, Yang C. (PubMed)

Devil's club (Oplopanax horridus) Processes the Best Anti-Viral activity

By Kyle J. Norton

Infection occurs when the bacteria successfully invade the body and start to multiply. Most cases of infectious diseases caused by bacteria are treated with antibiotics.

Infectious diseases are a medical condition caused by pathogenic microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi.

Most cases of infectious diseases are contagious by spreading directly or indirectly, from one person to another and transmitted by airborne you can get sick if you breathe into the air that carries infectious bacteria in air particles, vector-borne if you are stunk by the insect that the bacteria and vehicle-borne if you are eating food or carrying the materials contaminated by the bacteria.

Infectious diseases share the common symptoms of fever, diarrhea, muscle aches, coughing, fatigue similar to those of influenza. Other symptoms are totally depending on the types of organisms including bacteria, and viruses.

Most cases of bacterial invasion are met with the first line of immune white blood cells. In the active division of bacteria in the acute phase of infectious, the immune response activated the production of the proinflammatory cytokine to the site of infection with an aim to kill off all bacteria.

In other words, if you kiss, or are coughed or sneezed on by an infectious person, you are at risk of developing the same infectious disease.

A viral infection is a disease caused by the successful entering and multiplying of a virus in the body.

Anti-viral effects are an act of certain substances to cause the destruction of a virus.

In the acute phase of viral infection, depending on the type of viruses, the viruses after entering the body start to attack the specific host cells. The cold and flu virus will attack the cells in the respiratory system and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS, will attack the white blood cells of the immune system,

The viral infection o\has been known to carry over some different stage, after successfully attaching to the host cell, the virus to release its mRNA into the host cell, leading to the recruit of the host cell's enzymes to accelerate the viral multiplying, then breaking free from the host cell to start the cycle all over again.

According to the statistic provided by the World Health Organization, 3 infectious diseases were ranked in the top ten causes of death worldwide in 2016.

More precisely, lower respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, and tuberculosis induced 3.0 million, 1.4 million, and 1.3 million deaths, respectively.

Devil's Club is a large shrub, genus Oplopanax, belonging to the family Aralioideae, native to the cool moist forests of western North America. 

The herb has been used in traditional and herbal medicine as Adaptogen, Antipyretic, Pain Reliever, Antitussive, Antibacterial agent and to treat Arthritis, Diabetes, Colds, Cough, Sore throat, Chest congestion, Stomach pain, Constipation, Gall stones, Influenza, Cancer, etc.

On finding a potential compound for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, researchers at the University of British Columbia.compared the antiviral activity of 100 methanolic plant extracts.

The inner bark extract of Oplopanax horridus partially inhibited the respiratory syncytial virus compared to the complete inhibition of a Sambucus racemosa branch tip extract.

An extract of Ipomopsis aggregata demonstrated very good activity against parainfluenza virus type 3 compared to the lesser effectiveness of Oplopanax horridus.

A Lomatium dissectum root extract is more effective in the exertion of cytopathic effects of rotavirus compared to Oplopanax horridus.

Compared to Oplopanax horridus, the extracts prepared from Cardamine angulata, Conocephalum conicum, Lysichiton americanum, Polypodium glycyrrhiza, and Verbascum thapsus. exhibited antiviral activity against herpesvirus type 1.

Taken altogether, coltsfoot may be considered a remedy for the prevention and treatment of viral infection, pending to the confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.

Natural Medicine for Fatty Liver And Obesity Reversal - The Revolutionary Findings To Achieve Optimal Health And Lose Weight

How To Get Rid Of Eye Floaters 
Contrary To Professionals Prediction, Floaters Can Be Cured Naturally 

Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Elimination
Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You. How-To
Permanently Eliminate All Types of Ovarian Cysts Within 2 Months

Back to Kyle J. Norton Homepage http://kylejnorton.blogspot.ca

Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)

Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Disilgold.com Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) Antiviral screening of British Columbian medicinal plants by McCutcheon AR1, Roberts TE, Gibbons E, Ellis SM, Babiuk LA, Hancock RE, Towers GH. (PubMed)