Saturday, 10 June 2023

#Healthyfood #Lentils In the Inprovement of The Diet Quality, According to Studies

By Kyle J. Norton

Intake of lentils frequently and daily may have a substantial and positive effect on improved diet quality, recent recommendations and guidance suggested.

Lentil, a type of pulse or tiny legume that can be cooked quickly and rich in protein and fiber is a bushy annual plant of genus Lens to the Fabaceae family, native to the Middle East.

The differentiation of lentils in the improvement of diet quality may be observed through several different aspects and implications.

According to the review of published medical literature online of MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, and the Cochrane Library for relevant controlled trials of >or=7 days, dietary non-oil-seed pulses (chickpeas, beans, peas, lentils, etc.) are a good source of slowly digestible carbohydrate, fiber and vegetable protein and a valuable means of lowering the glycaemic-index (GI) of the diet.

Further examination of the selected trials and studies satisfied the criteria and guideline of 41 trials (39 reports), found that studies using pulses alone (11 trials demonstrated a significant effect in reduced fasting blood glucose (FBG) and improved insulin levels, in compared to pulses in low-GI diets (19 trials) in lowered glycosylated blood proteins (GP), expressed blood glucose to the red blood cells, observed by HbA(1c) in the measurement of three-month average plasma glucose concentration or fructosamine, in the measurement of glucose levels over the previous 2-3 week and pulses in high-fiber diets (11 trials) lowered FBG and GP.

Observation of the outcomes of the trials and studies obtained indicated a significant effect of pulses in high-fiber diets in reduced risk of overexpression of glucose levels in the tested subjects in comparison to the other 2 groups.

After taking into account other confounders such as high inter-study quality and unexplained outcomes, Dr. Mitchell DC, the lead author said, "Pooled analyses demonstrated that pulses, alone or in low-GI or high-fiber diets, improve markers of longer-term glycaemic control in humans, with the extent of the improvements subject to significant inter-study heterogeneity".

According to the recommendation of The US Department of Agriculture's (New) MyPyramid guidelines, doubling dietary intake for vegetables, particularly, in subgroups of vegetables, including dry beans, peas, and lentils.

Even though dry beans, peas, and lentils were found to contain a rich source of nutrients and phytochemicals that have been shown to have beneficial health effects by several respectable institutes and recommended by health advocates, consumption levels in the United States are quite low.

The review from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Study (NHANES) found that only 0.9% of adolescents, 2.2% of adult men, and 3.5% of adult women met their dietary guidelines for both fruits and vegetables, compared to the EU-28, with average a third (34.4 %) of the population aged 15 or over did not consume any fruit or vegetables in a day; half (51.4 %) the population ate daily from 1 to 4 portions of fruit and vegetables, while the residual 14.1 % consumed more than 5 portions a day.

In the study to assess nutrient and food group intakes of dry bean and pea consumers compared to nonconsumers using data of dietary intake from 1999-2002 of National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey for adults aged > or =19 years, researchers surprisingly found that only 7.9% of adults are consuming dry beans and peas every day. Dry beans or peas intake showed significant fiber, protein, folate, zinc, iron, and magnesium levels and lowered saturated fat and total fat consumption. Most Mexican Americans or other Hispanics are more likely to be consumers than nonconsumers.

After an in-depth differentiation of the data, Dr.Mitchell DC, the lead scientist said, "These data support the specific recommendation for dry beans and peas as part of the overall vegetable recommendation" and "Increased consumption of dry beans and peas-economical and nutrient-rich foods could improve the diet quality of Americans".

Taken together, there is no doubt that the diet of lentils and other dry beans and peas may substantially affect improved diet quality for the population in all nations.

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Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton, Master of Nutrients
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as the international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) Effect of non-oil-seed pulses on glycaemic control: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled experimental trials in people with and without diabetes by Sievenpiper JL1, Kendall CW, Esfahani A, Wong JM, Carleton AJ, Jiang HY, Bazinet RP, Vidgen E, Jenkins DJ.(PubMed)
(2) Consumption of dry beans, peas, and lentils could improve diet quality in the US population by Mitchell DC1, Lawrence FR, Hartman TJ, Curran JM.(PubMed)
(3) Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: Challenges and Opportunities by Sandeep Sachdeva, Tilak R Sachdev, and Ruchi Sachdeva(PMC)
(4) The fruit and vegetable sector in the EU - a statistical overview, Data extracted in July and August 2016. Most recent data: Further Eurostat information, Main tables and Database.

#Healthyfood #CollardGreens Inhibits the Parameters Associated with Obese #FatAccumulation in Vivos, Researchers Suggest

By Kyle J. Norton

Obesity is a chronic condition characterized by excess body fat that has accumulated over time. People with a BMI of over 30 are considered obese.

Similarly, overweight is a condition of excess body weight relative to height. People with a BMI ranging from 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight.

According to the statistics, 68% of the American population is either overweight or obese. Obesity has been found to induce adverse effects nearly every system of the human body, leading to an increased risk of numerous diseases, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Furthermore, the rate of obesity in the US and Canada continues to climb at an alarming rate, leading to significant burdens to the country's economy and health care system.

Epidemiologically, the most common symptoms of obesity are breathlessness, increased sweating, inability to cope with physical activity, feeling very tired every day, back and joint pains, low confidence, and self-esteem, and feeling isolation

According to the CDC, the most common complications associated with obesity are coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer of breast, colon, endometrial, gallbladder, kidney, and liver and sleep apnea.

Currently, there is no effective treatment for the disease. However, some researchers suggested that combat the powerful environmental factors that influence eating and physical activity may be the best approach to reduce the risk of obesity.

Bariatric surgery is used as an option for management that causes a reduction in the amount of food you are or a reduction in the absorption of calories from the food you eat, or both.

The surgery has been proposed for patients with extreme obesity (BMI of 40 or higher) due to weight-induced a serious weight-related health problem, such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

Furthermore, this type of surgery has posed a serious risk to many patients if the commitment to making lifelong changes in their eating and exercise habits cannot be followed through.

Collard Green is a species of Brassica Oleracea, belongings to the family Brassicaceae with unknown origin. Today, the plant is cultivated commercially for its thick, slightly bitter edible leaves.

With an aim to find a natural food for the prevention and treatment of obesity, researchers examined the effect of sulforaphane found abundantly in collard greens.

In a high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity in C57BL/6N mice that were fed a normal diet (ND), HFD or HFD plus 0.1% sulforaphane (SFN) for 6 weeks, researchers found that SFN administration not only attenuated HFD-induced visceral adiposity that stored around a number of important internal organs such as the liver, pancreas and intestines, adipocyte hypertrophy associated with an enlargement of adipose tissue but also ameliorated fat accumulation in the liver.

Furthermore, SFN decreased the elevated levels of serum total cholesterol and leptin, and liver triglyceride in HFD-SFN-fed mice compared to HFD-fed mice.

SFN also inhibited the expression of a gene associated with the promotion of inflammation in the adipose tissue of HFD-SFN mice and increased the adiponectin function in regulating glucose levels and fatty acid breakdown.

Moreover, reductase expression associated with the production of cholesterol was decreased and an antibody associated with fatty acid utilization was increased in lycopene treat group compared with HFD-fed mice.

Taken altogether, collard green processed abundantly SFN may be considered supplements for the prevention and treatment of obesity, pending confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.

Intake of SFN in the form of supplements should be taken with extreme care to prevent overdose acute liver toxicity.

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Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as the international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) Potential effects of sulforaphane to fight obesity by Martins T1, Colaço B1,2, Venâncio C1,2, Pires MJ1,3, Oliveira PA1,3, Rosa E1, Antunes LM. (PubMed)
(2) Sulforaphane attenuates obesity by inhibiting adipogenesis and activating the AMPK pathway in obese mice by Kyeong-Mi Choi, Youn-Sun Lee, Wonkyun Kima, Seung Jung Kimb, Kyong-Oh Shina, Ji-YeonYuc, Mi Kyeong Lee, Yong-Moon Lee, Jin Tae Honga, Yeo-PyoYuna, Hwan-SooYooa. (Science Direct)

#Phytochemical #Betanin Processes a Strong #FreeRadicalScavenging Activities, Researchers Say

By Kyle J. Norton

Antioxidants are stable atoms that inhibit oxidation caused by free radicals.

Free radical scavengers are types of antioxidants that inhibit free radicals before they can orchestrate a chain reaction that can not be stopped until all electrons in the outermost ring are paired or inhibited by antioxidants.

Oxidative stress is associated with chronic disease due to the imbalanced ratio of free radicals and antioxidants produced by the host including heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Antioxidants besides produced by the body, they can also come into the body dietary sources.

In a healthy individual, an antioxidant produced by the body is good enough to counter the expression of free radicals induced by cell metabolism and free radicals induced by the environment such as the air we breathe and the food we eat.

However, for people with a weakened immune system, intake of antioxidants from outside sources such as fruits and vegetables can be helpful.

Believe it or not. moderate free radicals in the body are necessary for body functioning, including the promotion of heart function in blood circulation.

The most common types of free radical scavengers include
* Catalases, the very important enzyme is produced by the host that protects the cell from oxidative damage by free radicals.

*Glutathione peroxidase, is a cytosolic enzyme produced by the host that dissolves hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen and peroxide radicals to alcohols and oxygen.

*Superoxide dismutase (SOD), is also produced by the host that dissolves superoxide radicals into either ordinary molecular oxygen or hydrogen peroxide.

*Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and vitamin D.

Betanin is phytochemicals in the class of red and yellow indole-derived pigments of Betacyanins, belonging to the group of Betalains, found abundantly in beets, chard, etc.

In the urgency to find a natural compound for the treatment of diseases associated with overexpression of free radicals, researchers examined the betanin free radical scavenging activity.

According to the Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) assay, at a pH > 4, betanin is about 1.5-2.0-fold more active to scavenge free radical compared to those of anthocyanins.

More precisely, the exceptionally high antioxidant activity of betanin was associated with an increase of its H-donation and electron-donation ability, totally depending on the expression of cationic state to mono-, di- and tri-deprotonated states present at essential solutions.

In other words, the efficacy of betanin's high free radical scavenging activity was dependent on the pH levels.

Taken altogether, betanin may be considered supplements for the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with oxidative stress, pending to the confirmation of larger sample size and multicenter human study.

Intake of betanin in supplements should be taken with extreme care to prevent overdose acute liver toxicity.

Natural Medicine for Fatty Liver And Obesity Reversal - The Revolutionary Findings To Achieve Optimal Health And Lose Weight

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Back to Kyle J. Norton's Homepage

Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) Betanin, the main pigment of red beet: molecular origin of its exceptionally high free radical-scavenging activity by Gliszczyńska-Swigło A1, Szymusiak H, Malinowska P. (PubMed)
(2) Betacyanins as phenol antioxidants. Chemistry and mechanistic aspects of the lipoperoxyl radical-scavenging activity in solution and liposomes by Tesoriere L1, Allegra M, Gentile C, Livrea MA. (PubMed)

#Healthyfood #CranberrySupplement Reduces the Risk of #BladderCystitis, According to Studies

By Kyle J. Norton

The bladder-formed part of the secretary system is a muscular sac in the pelvis, just above and behind the pubic bone, playing a critical role in collecting and secret urine made by the kidneys.
Cystitis is a medical condition associated with inflammation of the bladder, leading to the symptoms of bladder irritation and swelling. Women are prone to the condition compared to men.

Bladder cystitis or bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis (BPS/IC) is a chronic syndrome associated with pelvic pain urgency and frequency. The condition is not considered a disease due to the difficulty to rule out all differential diagnoses only from history.

The most common cause of bladder cystitis is a bacterial infection involved in the urinary tract. However, radiotherapy, long-term use of certain medicines, and hygiene products have also been found to induce bladder inflammation.

The most common symptoms of cystitis are frequent urge to urinate, urge to urinate after you’ve emptied your bladder, cloudy or strong-smelling urine, pain during sexual intercourse, and sensations of pressure or bladder fullness.

In serious cases, patients may also experience fever symptoms, blood in their urine, and cramping in their abdomen or back.

Conventionally, antibiotics are the first line of treatment for bladder cystitis, if the bacteria that cause the infection has been identified.
Most cases of acute cystitis are treated by nitrofurantoin monohydrate/macro-crystals, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) accompanied by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) to reduce pain and inflammation.

Cranberry is an evergreen dwarf shrub, genus Vaccinium, belongings to the family Ericaceae, native to Northern America and Southern Asia. Because of its health benefits, cranberry has been cultivated in some parts of the world for commercial profit and used in traditional and herbal medicine to treat wounds, urinary disorders, diarrhea, diabetes, stomach ailments, and liver problems.

On finding a potential compound for the treatment of prostate diseases, researchers examined the effect of highly standardized cranberry capsules (containing 72 mg proanthocyanidins [PACS]) compared with that placebo capsules on the incidence and severity of radiation cystitis.

A total of 41 men with prostate cancer participated in a double-blinded randomized placebo-controlled study, taking one capsule a day at breakfast during treatment and for 2 weeks after treatment completion, researchers, according to the tested analysis found that

Cranberry capsules show a significantly reduced incidence of cystitis to 65% compared to placebo capsules of 90%.

Severe cystitis is only present in 30% of men in the cranberry arm and 45% of the placebo.

Overall, the incidence of pain/burning is significantly lower in the cranberry compared to placebo.

Additionally, cranberry injection shows less pain/burning, a stronger urine stream, and used significantly fewer pads/liners, in men on the low hydration regimen comapred to those on the high hydration regimen.

Based on the findings, researchers concluded. "Men receiving radiation therapy for prostate cancer may benefit from cranberry capsules, particularly those on low hydration regimens or with baseline urinary symptoms".

Taken altogether, cranberry may be considered a remedy for the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer patients, pending the confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.

Natural Medicine for Fatty Liver And Obesity Reversal - The Revolutionary Findings To Achieve Optimal Health And Lose Weight

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Back to Kyle J. Norton's Homepage

Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's News, the Karate GB Daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as the international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) Standardized cranberry capsules for radiation cystitis in prostate cancer patients in New Zealand: a randomized double-blinded, placebo-controlled pilot study by Hamilton K1, Bennett NC, Purdie G, Herst PM. (PubMed)
(2) Cranberry and recurrent cystitis: more than marketing? by Micali S1, Isgro G, Bianchi G, Miceli N, Calapai G, Navarra M. (PubMed)

#Coffee and Coffee #Caffeine Intake is Associated with Increased Risk of Pregnancy Loss, Linearly and Correlatively, Researchers Say

By Kyle J. Norton

Bad news for pregnant women and coffee lovers, maternal caffeine intake may associate with an increased risk of pregnancy loss, a renowned institute study suggested

Coffee, becoming a popular and social beverage all over the world, particularly in the West, is a drink made from roast beans from the Coffea plant, native to tropical Africa and Madagascar.

Pregnancy loss is a natural death of an embryo or fetus before it is born, including spontaneous abortion, miscarriage, and stillbirth...

According to a joint study led by the National University of Singapore and the National University Health System, an additional intake of 1 cup of coffee in women who are regular coffee drinkers similar to 100 mg/d increment caffeine intake was associated with a 7% higher risk of pregnancy loss.

In a total of 130 456 participants and 3429 cases in fourteen included studies, researchers found that women with
1. No or very low caffeine intake, have a relative risk of pregnancy loss of 1.02
2. Moderate intake (150-349 mg/d) showed an increased relative risk of 1·16
3. High intake (350-699 mg/d) showed a relative risk of 1·40
4. Very high intake (≥ 700 mg/d) showed a relative risk of 1·72

The risks of pregnancy loss were increased linearly and correlatively to amounts of cups of coffee intake per day.

Furthermore, a case-control and cohort review study reported in English, the exposure to caffeine/coffee consumption during pregnancy, from selected 26 studies included (20 of caffeine and eight of coffee) suggested that the relative risk ratio of pregnancy loss due to caffeine consumption was 1.32

The study also found that the risk of pregnancy loss increased substantially to 19% for every increased caffeine intake of 150 mg/day and for every additional 2 cups of coffee intake, the risk of pregnancy loss increased by 8%.

Although, there are many implications associated with pregnancy loss such as the ages of women and men, greater body mass index,..... excessive coffee drinking may be one of the avoidable risk factors.

Taking it all together, there is no doubt that a higher intake of coffee during pregnancy induced a high risk of pregnancy loss but according to the statistic, North American women seldom drink more than 4 cups/day, so we may be in the safe zones.

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Back to Kyle J. Norton's Homepage

Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as the international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) Maternal caffeine intake during pregnancy and risk of pregnancy loss: a categorical and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studies by Chen LW1, Wu Y1, Neelakantan N1, Chong MF2, Pan A1, van Dam RM1.(PubMed)
(2) A meta-analysis of risk of pregnancy loss and caffeine and coffee consumption during pregnancy by Li J1, Zhao H2, Song JM3, Zhang J4, Tang YL5, Xin CM6.(PubMed)

#Antioxidant #Anthocyanins Found in #Blackbeans Process Anti #GastricCancer Activities, Scientists Suggest

By Kyle J. Norton

Scientists may have found a legume that processes the potential in reducing the risk and treatment of gastric/ stomach cancer.
Gastric cancer is a medical condition caused by irregular cell growth in the stomach.

Most cases of gastric cancer start with the DNA alternation in the cells on the surface of the inner lining of the stomach. The stage of gastric cancer depends on how far the cancer cells have penetrated the stomach's deeper tissue.

At the advanced stage, invasive cancer can leave the stomach and travel a distance away to infect other healthy tissue and organs.

Most people with primary cancer have an increased risk of thyroid and small intestine secondary cancers.

Gastric cancer affects 2.1% of male cancer patients and 1.3% of female cancer patients in Canada.

In the later stages, stomach cancer has a 5-year survival rate of only 23%, meaning that 77% of stomach cancer patients die within 5 years of diagnosis.

The most common causable risk factor of gastric cancer is infection with a common bacteria, H. pylori, which were found to cause ulcers and Inflammatory gastritis,.

Some researchers suggested that long-term untreated pernicious anemia and the growth of polyps are also associated with the increased risk of gastric cancer.

In the concerns of a poor diet in the risk of gastric cancer, Dr. Stojanovic J, the lead author of the joint study led by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore launched an investigation to examine the effects of the Mediterranean diet in gastric cancer.

By comparing the different types of diets, the Mediterranean diet consists of high consumption of fruit, vegetables, cereals, legumes, nuts, seeds, fish, other seafood, and olive oil lowers the risk of gastric cancer.

The risk of gastric cancer increased substantially in participants who follow the Western diet rich in saturated and trans fat, red meat, and processed foods.

Black bean is a Small roughly ovoid legume with glossy black shells, genus Phaseolus, belongs to the family Fabaceae and can be bought in most grocery stores all around the year in dried and canned forms.

It is believed that the black bean was the first domesticated growth in South America.

The chemical constituents of black beans include anthocyanin, (-)-epicatechin, delphinidin, petunidin, flavonols, and malvidin.

Scientists at the Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine in the findings of a natural ingredient for the prevention and treatment of gastric cancer conducted an experiment to evaluate the effect of black beans on the risk of infection associated with the onset of gastritis, peptic ulcers, and gastric cancer.

Exposed gastric mucosa to H. pylori, showed a significant increase of gastric mucosal inflammatory cytokine interleukin-8 (Il-8) and reactive oxygen species.

In the infected gastric mucosa, the application cation of Anthocyanins exerted strong anti-oxidative, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties by decreasing H. pylori-induced ROS enhancement.

Furthermore, Anthocyanins protected the gastric cells by inhibiting the phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinases, which play an important role involved in directing cellular responses to a diverse array of stimuli, translocation of nuclear factor-kappa B which promotes cell division and survival, and Iκβα which blocks the apoptosis in response to death signals activated by proinflammatory cytokines degradation.

Moreover, Anthocyanins also inhibited H. pylori-induced inducible nitric oxide synthases in the promotion of the expression of proinflammation and cyclooxygenase-2 mRNA expression in the alternation of DNA of gastric cells.

The inflammatory IL-8 expression was also found to decrease by 48% after Anthocyanins injection.

In the examine the chemopreventive effects of black soybean extract against human AGS gastric cancer cells, researchers showed that
* The black soybean extract inhibited AGS cell growth in a dose-dependent manner with an IC(50) of 3.69 mg/mL as measured by the MTT assay.

* black soybean extract dose-dependently induced apoptosis of AGS cells.

Additional differentiation found that the effects of black soybean extract in inducing apoptosis were attributed to the activation of proteins associated with programming cell deaths.

The findings suggested black beans could be used as an apoptosis inducer in AGS cells and a natural chemopreventive agent in the treatment of human gastric cancer.

However, further data collection large example size and multi-center studies performed with human consumption of whole food or its bioactive compounds during the disease will be necessary to complete the picture of black bean anti-gastric cancer possibilities.

Natural Medicine for Fatty Liver And Obesity Reversal - The Revolutionary Findings To Achieve Optimal Health And Lose Weight

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Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Elimination
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Back to Kyle J. Norton's Homepage

Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the Karate GB Daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been referenced in medical research, such as the international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) Differential accumulation of polyphenolics in black bean genotypes grown in four environments by Marles MA, Balasubramanian P, Bett KE. (PubMed)
(2) Anthocyanins from black soybean inhibit Helicobacter pylori-induced inflammation in human gastric epithelial AGS cells by Kim JM, Kim KM, Park EH, Seo JH, Song JY, Shin SC, Kang HL, Lee WK, Cho MJ, Rhee KH, Youn HS, Baik SC. (PubMed)
(3) Effect of black soybean extract on the suppression of the proliferation of human AGS gastric cancer cells via the induction of apoptosis. by Zou Y, Chang SK. (PubMed)
(4) Adherence to Mediterranean diet and risk of gastric cancer: results of a case-control study in Italy. by Stojanovic J1, Giraldi L, Arzani D, Pastorino R, Biondi A, Persiani R, Boccia S, Leoncini E. (PubMed)

#Healthyfood #DriedPeas In the Inhibition of #Hyperlipidemia in Clinical Trials

By Kyle J. Norton

Epidemiological studies suggested that the intake of dried peas fiber daily and regularly may significantly affect the reduced risk of hyperlipidemia.

Dried peas are a small but nutritionally mighty member of the legume family, genus Pisum belongings to the family Fabaceae processed healthy source of proteins, fibers, vitamins, and minerals.

Hyperlipidemia is a condition characterized by high levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream.

In a study of 173 women and men, with a mean body mass index of approximately 36 kg m(-2) (one-fifth with diabetes type 2) randomized assigned to a high-fiber fiber bean-rich diet that achieved mean (SD) fiber intakes of 35.5 (18.6) g day for women and 42.5 (30.3) g day for men or a low-carbohydrate diet, researchers found that
1. High bean fiber intake showed better weight loss and weight control compared to the low carbohydrate diet group.
2. Intake of bean fiber group expressed a significant decrease of Low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol and total cholesterol levels, compared to another group.

Dr. Tonstad S, the lead author said, "A high-fiber bean-rich diet was as effective as a low-carbohydrate diet for weight loss, although only the bean-rich diet lowered atherogenic lipids".

Additionally, in dyslipidemia rats study to evaluate the effects of the grain-bean package, dietary fiber (DF) extracted from the grain-bean package, and DF from grain corn on the blood lipids and fatty acid synthase (FAS) activity in high-fat, high-cholesterol feeding by randomly assigned into normal control group, hyperlipidemia model group, grain-bean package group, grain-bean package DF group, and grain corn group, researchers after adjusting to other risk factors filed the following results
1. Rats in the hyperlipidemic model group showed increased total cholesterol (TC), triglyceridaemia (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and fasting blood glucose (FBG), compared to groups.

2. Compared to the hyperlipidemic model group, the grain-bean package group, and grain-bean package DF group, expressed significantly decreased total cholesterol (TC), triglyceridaemia (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), fasting blood glucose, and significantly increased HDL-C levels.

These findings demonstrated that dietary fiber can improve blood lipids levels in dyslipidemic subjects, decrease FAS activity and regulate SREBP-1c mRNA in glucose metabolic expression.

Dr. Ullrich IH. in the review literature of a high-fiber diet in hyperlipidemia suggested that fiber from sources such as bean and karaya have a strong effect in decreased total cholesterol due primarily to a decrease in the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol fraction and adding large amounts of sucrose into fiber may offer some protection against an increase in cholesterol and triglyceride levels as both normal and elevated triglyceride levels appear to be more resistant to change with dietary fiber.

Taking it together, just like other bean fibers, intake of dried bean fiber may have a profound effect in reduced risk and treatment of hyperlipidemia, one of the major causes of heart disease and stroke.

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Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You How To
Permanently Eliminate All Types of Ovarian Cysts Within 2 Months

(1) A high-fiber bean-rich diet versus a low-carbohydrate diet for obesity by Tonstad S1, Malik N, Haddad E.(PubMed)
(2) [Effect of the grain-bean package, grain-bean package dietary fiber, and single whole grain dietary fiber on dyslipidemia rats].[Article in Chinese] by Liu Y, Zhai C, Sun G, Zhang H, Jiang M, Zhang H, Guo J, Lan X.(PubMed)
(3) Evaluation of a high-fiber diet in hyperlipidemia: a review by Ullrich IH. (PubMed)