Friday, 9 June 2023

#Healthyfood #NavyBeans Directly Reduces Risk of #BreastCancer Depending on Amount Intakes, Researchers Say

By Kyle J. Norton

The breast is the tissue overlying the chest muscles. in women, breasts are made of specialized tissue that produces milk (glandular tissue) and fatty tissue. The size of the women's breasts is totally determined by the amount of fat.

Breast cancer is a medical condition associated with an alternation of cell DNA located either in the inner lining of milk ducts (Ductal carcinoma) or the lobules (Lobular carcinoma) that supply the ducts with milk.

Most cases of breast cancer start in the cells on the surface of the inner lining tissues of the breast before penetrating into deeper layers to form a tumor through cell cycle division.

According to the statistics provided by the American Cancer Society, in the U.S. approximately, 1 in 8 U.S. women (about 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of their lifetime.

In 2019, approximately 268,600 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women in the U.S., along with 62,930 new cases of non-invasive (in situ) breast cancer.

The most common symptoms of the early stage of breast cancer are a lump (mass) in the breast, a lump in the armpit (lymph nodes), nipple discharge (clear or bloody), an inverted or retracted nipple, scaly or pitted skin on the nipple persistent tenderness of the breast and unusual breast pain or discomfort.

If you experience some of the aforementioned symptoms, please check with your doctor to rule out the possibility.

The 5 years survival rate of breast cancer diagnosed at the early stage is close to 100%.

At the advanced stage, patients may also experience additional symptoms of bone pain (Secondary tumors in the bone), shortness of breath (Secondary tumors in the lung), unintentional weight loss and drop in appetite (Secondary tumors in the liver), and headaches, neurological pain or weakness (Secondary tumors in the nervous system).

The small, white navy bean, also called pea bean or haricot, popular in both dry and green forms, is very popular in Britain and the US, native to Peru. It is now grown and consumed across the world, due to its numerous health benefits.

In finding a potential compound for the treatment of breast cancer, researchers evaluated the high dietary fiber intake and breast cancer risk, particularly in hormone receptor‐negative breast cancer.

According to the returned food frequency data of a population‐based case-control study, including 2135 breast cancer cases (1070 Hispanics, 493 African Americans, and 572 non‐Hispanic Whites (NHWs)) and 2571 controls (1391 Hispanics, 557 African Americans, and 623 NHWs), high intake of bean fiber and total bean, including the navy bean reduced risk of breast cancer by 20% compared to those in the low quartile.

Furthermore, a high intake of bean fiber and total bean has a strong inverse association with ER‐PR‐ breast cancer. More precisely, the reduced risk of ER-PR breast cancer associated with high intake were ranging from 28 to 36%.

Believe it or not, fiber intake from vegetables and fruits or total intake of vegetables and fruits showed no effects on the reduced risk of the diseases.

In other words, adding a portion or 2 of the navy bean into your daily diet may have a significant effect on the prevention of breast cancer, particularly in hormone-related breast cancer

Based on the finding, researchers wrote in the final report, "A high dietary intake of bean fiber and fiber‐rich foods such as beans and grains may lower the risk of ER‐PR‐ breast cancer, an aggressive breast cancer subtype for which few risk factors have been identified".

Taken altogether, navy beans containing a high amount of fiber may be considered a remedy for the prevention and treatment of hormone-related breast cancer pending the confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.

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Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) Intake of bean fiber, beans, and grains and reduced risk of hormone receptor‐negative breast cancer: the San Francisco Bay Area Breast Cancer Study by Meera Sangaramoorthy, 1 Jocelyn Koo, 1 and Esther M. John. (PMC)
(2) Breast Cancer by Kyle J. Norton

#Healthyfood #Beet Exhibits Cellular Protection Against Oxidativestress and Toxins, Researchers Find

By Kyle J. Norton

Beet or beetroot may be considered a functional food in protecting the body against the onset of diseases caused by oxidative stress, some scientists suggested.
Oxidative stress is the result of the imbalance of the ratio of free radicals and antioxidants in the body.

In other words, it is caused either by overexpression of free radicals or depletion of antioxidant enzymes produced by the host body.

A free radical is an unstable molecule with unpaired electrons in the outer ring formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules. The highly reactive radicals once formed can start a chain reaction, like dominoes that may not stop until they are inhibited by antioxidants.

According to the free radical theory, organisms' age and sick are associated with the accumulation of free radicals that cause damage to the cells over time.

An antioxidant is a stable molecule that inhibits oxidation.

Long-term expression of oxidative stress in the body can induce aging and chronic diseases.

Dr. the lead author in the concerns of overexpression of free radicals in the risk of aging and illness launched an investigation to examine the negative effect of ROS in the risk of the depletion of antioxidant defenses.

The differentiation found that oxidative stress is involved in several age-related conditions (ie, cardiovascular diseases [CVDs], chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer).

There is a significant association between ox-LDL and higher arterial stiffness, independent of other traditional CVD risk factors, and link atherosclerosis with oxidized LDL-cholesterol (ox-LDL) as the compound mainly responsible for its production in the elderly.

In diabetes mellitus (type 1 and 2), there is an association between an increased formation of free radicals and decreased antioxidant potential, leading to macro- and microvascular complications.

And, oxidative stress plays a pivotal role in the progression of CKD, through glomerular damage and renal ischemia and, indirectly, with inflammation, hypertension, and endothelial dysfunction.

All these results found in the differentiation suggested that by identifying different types of oxidative stress biomarkers in the facilitation of chronic illness may provide important information about the efficacy of the type of treatment, the guiding selection of the most effective drugs/dose regimens for patients.

Beet is best known as the beetroot or garden beet and belongs to the Amaranth family. It is a perennial plant with leafy stems growing to 1–2 m tall.

The widespread of oxidative stress-related chronic diseases has been a burden to health care systems such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer and concerns of the many scientists.

Particularly, the medication used for the treatment of these diseases have been found to induce a number of serious side effects.

Researchers at the Poznań University of Medical Sciences in the finding the natural ingredient which processes a potential for the treatment without inducing any adverse effects launched an evaluation to analyze the effect of beetroot juice against N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDEA)-induced liver injury.

In two hepatic cell lines: non-tumor THLE-2 and hepatoma-derived HepG2 cell lines, treatment with 2, 10, and 20 μm of BET resulted in the translocation of Nrf2 from the cytosol to the nucleus., thus inhibiting the Nrf2 function that regulates the expression of antioxidant proteins that protect against oxidative damage triggered by injury and inflammation.

These initiation caused by beet juice was the application of accompanied by the phosphorylation of serine/threonine kinase (AKT) in the mediation of carcinogenesis, JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase) in the regulation of that regulates the biological processes implicated in tumorigenesis, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in the mediation of cancer cell stages of division.

Additionally, beet juice also increased the expression of antioxidants in the gastric cell lines through significantly increased the mRNA and protein levels of GSTP, GSTT, GSTM, and NQO1, the groups of protein which play an important role in cellular protection against oxidative stress and toxic foreign chemicals, in these cells.

Interestingly, BET did not modulate any of the other parameters measured in the HepG2 cells and did not change the methylation of GSTP1 in these cells either.

The finding led us to believe that BET through the activation of Nrf2 and subsequent induction of the expression of genes controlled by this factor may exert its hepatoprotective and anticarcinogenic effects.

In other words, BET increased the levels of antioxidants by reducing the oxidative stress triggered by injury and inflammation through the protection of cell DNA against cancer initiation and the liver against the expression of chemical toxins.

Taken altogether beet juice may be considered a functional liquid for the inhibition of oxidative stress and adjunct therapy for the treatment of oxidative stress-related diseases, depending on the confirmation of large sample size and multi-center study in human

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Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB Daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as the international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) What is NRF2?
(2) Betanin, a beetroot component, induces nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2-mediated expression of detoxifying/antioxidant enzymes in human liver cell lines by Krajka-Kuźniak V, Paluszczak J, Szaefer H, Baer-Dubowska W.(PubMed)

#Antioxidant #Curcumin Found in #Turmeric Inhibits All Parameters Against the Risk of #CardiovascularDiseases, According to Studies

By Kyle J. Norton

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) refers to any conditions caused by the underlying damage of blood vessels and the heart.
In other words, depending on the location of the blockage or disruption, CVD can be coronary artery disease (CAD) such as angina, myocardial infarction (commonly known as a heart attack), or stroke.

According to the statistics provided by the American Heart Association, approximately 84 million people in the US suffer from some form of cardiovascular disease, leading to the death of about 2,200 people a day.

The exact causes of CVD are not identified. however, the most prevalent factors that cause CVD are aging, family history, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, being overweight, and smoking.

Epidemiological studies suggested that most people with CVD are also associated with atherosclerosis, a condition caused by long-term plaque buildup on artery walls, which can narrow the arteries and reduce blood flow through the arteries to the heart.

Some researchers suggested the promotion of the Western diet over the past few decades may have a strong implication on the rise of CVD.

Dr. Mirmiran P, the lead scientist, in the examination of the diet pattern and the risk of CVD in Iran, said, "During a mean 4.7 ± 1.4 years of follow-up, 57 participants experienced CVD-related events. In the fully adjusted model, we observed an increased risk of CVD-related events in the highest compared to the lowest tertile category of Western dietary pattern score (HR = 2.07, 95% CI = 1.03-4.18, P for trend = 0.01)".

And "the Western dietary pattern, characterized by higher loads of processed meats, salty snacks, sweets, and soft drinks, is a dietary risk factor for CVD in the Iranian population".

The results strongly indicated the increased risk of CVD in people who follow the Western diet pattern.

Turmeric is a perennial plant in the genus Curcuma, belonging to the family Zingiberaceae, native to tropical South Asia.

The herb has been used in traditional medicine as an anti-oxidant, hypoglycemic, colorant, antiseptic, wound healing agent, and to treat flatulence, bloating, appetite loss, ulcers, eczema, inflammations, etc.
In the urgency to discover a potential compound for the treatment of cardiovascular disease (CVD) associated with the largest mortality worldwide, scientists examined the cardiovascular protective properties of curcumin in CVDs.

According to the review, curcumin showed significant activity against the onset of CVDs, including cardiac hypertrophy, heart failure, drug-induced cardiotoxicity, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, abdominal aortic aneurysm, stroke, and diabetic cardiovascular complications.

In dyslipidemia, an important and common cardiovascular risk factor in the general population, researchers assessed the efficacy and safety of turmeric and curcumin in lowering blood lipids in patients at risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), through searching the database of medical literature.

The comprehensive literature search conducted on PubMed, Embase, Ovid, Medline, and Cochrane Library databases was to identify randomized controlled trials (published as of November 2016).

Based on the results of 7 eligible studies (649 patients) that satisfied the guideline and criteria, researchers found that
* Turmeric and curcumin significantly reduced serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels as compared to those in the control group.

* Turmeric and curcumin also were effective in lowering serum total cholesterol (TC), levels in patients with metabolic syndrome.

* Turmeric extract has a greater effect on reducing serum TC levels compared to curcumin.

* Both turmeric and curcumin did not improve the serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C).

* More importantly, turmeric and curcumin are safe, and no serious adverse events were reported in any of the included studies.

Dr. Qin S, the lead researcher wrote, "Turmeric and curcumin may protect patients at risk of CVD through improving serum lipid levels. Curcumin may be used as a well-tolerated dietary adjunct to conventional drugs".

Taken altogether, turmeric and its bioactive compound curcumin may be considered supplements for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease, pending the confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.

Intake of curcumin in the form of supplements should be taken with extreme care to prevent overdose acute liver toxicity.

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Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the Karate GB Daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as the international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) Curcumin, the golden spice in treating cardiovascular diseases by Li H1, Sureda A2, Devkota HP3, Pittalà V4, Barreca D5, Silva AS6, Tewari D7, Xu S8, Nabavi SM. (PubMed)
(2) Efficacy and safety of turmeric and curcumin in lowering blood lipid levels in patients with cardiovascular risk factors: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials by Qin S1, Huang L1, Gong J1,2, Shen S1,2, Huang J1,2, Ren H2, Hu H. (PubMed)
(3) Western dietary pattern increases the risk of cardiovascular disease in Iranian adults: a prospective population-based study by Mirmiran P1, Bahadoran Z2, Vakili AZ3, Azizi F. (PubMed)

#GreenteaExtract #EGCG Inhibits the Expression of #Melanin That Causes #AgeSpots, According to Studies

By Kyle J. Norton

Green tea may have a therapeutic and positive effect in reduced age spots caused by overexpression of melanin, some scientists suggested.

People with a light complexion and lots of sun exposure over the years are found to associate with higher prevalent risk.

The results of this investigation were carried out by some worldwide institutes, including the Chongqing Institute of Forensic Science.

You can view the publication through some online medical literature if you want to know more about these subjects.

An age spot is the overexpression of skin pigment on the surface of the skin, probably caused by Skin aging, sun exposure, or other forms of ultraviolet (UV) light exposure,...

Age spots may also be caused by a hormone imbalance in the induction of increased production of melanin, which is responsible for darkening the skin.

Green tea is a precious drink that processed a number of health benefits and is known to almost everyone in Asia and the Western world.

In the investigation of Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), used as a constituent of cosmetic products, researchers found that the application of EGCG exerts a significant effect as an antioxidant in exhibited anti-pigmentation properties.

Through measuring hyaluronic acid synthase (HAS) and hyaluronidase (HYAL) gene expression, EGCG also promoted skin hydration, through increased expression of the natural moisturizing factor-related gene, including Hyaluronan synthase (HAS)-1, and (HAS)-2.

HA, synthase enzymes (HAS) a molecule with the function of synthesized hyaluronan (HA) plays an essential role in protecting skin fibroblasts against apoptosis, due to environmental stress exposure.

Hyaluronidase ((HYAL) is an enzyme that cleaves HA.

In UVB irradiation conditions, the application of EGCG protected the expression of decreased levels of HYAL found in all tissues with 50% present in skin, thus reducing HaCaT cell's information of free radicals and decreased cell viability.

Melanin is produced in melanocytes, underexposure UVB irradiation with an aim to protect skin cells against UVB radiation damage.

Years of frequent and prolonged sun exposure and overexpression of melanin may induce aging spot

In other words, EGCG not only exhibited a strong effect in reduced over-secretion of melanin but also enhanced cells integrity against forming of the aging spots due to exposure to UVB irradiation

HaCaT widely used in scientific research of the epidermis is a spontaneously immortalized human keratinocyte cell line isolated from adult human skin.

Dr. Kim E, the lead author said, "EGCG might be used as a cosmetic ingredient with positive effects on skin hydration, moisture retention, and wrinkle formation, in addition to radical scavenging activity and reduction of melanin generation".

Furthermore, in confirmation of green tea efficacy in reduced overexpression of skin pigment by evaluating the fatty acids contents in the green tea oil, researchers indicated that all 3 major fatty acids isolated from the oil were oleic acid (87.93±0.19%), stearic (5.14±0.06%) and palmitic (5.08±0.12%) acids.

A single application of each fatty acid demonstrated strong protection of the cell viability through their antioxidant activity.

Moreover, the antioxidant activity of 3% tea seed oil exerted greater cellular protection with cell viability of 90.38±7.77% in comparison to other concentrations.

Some researchers suggested that green tea polyphenols and theophylline as polyphenol nanoparticles (PNs) may reduce skin aging through the nanoparticle formation process involving copolymerization of monomers through exhibiting its free radicals scavenging activities.

Taking all together, green tea and its bioactive compound such as EGCG may be used as a natural and functional food for reduced overexpression of melanin and skin pigment in the induction of age spots.

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Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrients, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the Karate GB Daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as the international journal Pharma and Bio Science, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) Skin Protective Effect of Epigallocatechin Gallate by Kim E1, Hwang K2, Lee J3, Han SY4, Kim EM5, Park J6, Cho JY7.(PubMed)
(2) Green Tea Makes Polyphenol Nanoparticles with Radical-Scavenging Activities by Xiang S1, Yang P1, Guo H2, Zhang S1, Zhang X1, Zhu F1, Li Y1.(PubMed)
(3) Melanogenesis Inhibitory and Antioxidant Effects of Camellia oleifera Seed Oil by Chaikul P1,2, Sripisut T1,2, Chanpirom S1,2, Sathirachawan K1, Ditthawuthikul N1,2.(PubMed)

#Greentea Processes Anti Antihistamine Activities AgIainst the Risk of Acute and Chronic #Skindiseases, Researchers Suggest

By Kyle J. Norton

Green tea may have a therapeutic and positive effect on reducing the risk of the sudden appearance of hives, some scientists suggested.
Hives, also known as Urticaria, is a condition characterized by a sudden outbreak of swollen, pale red bumps or plaques on the skin.

The exact causes of hives are unknown, However, epidemiological studies all agreed that a set of conditions such as allergic reactions, chemicals in foods, insect stings, sunlight exposure, or medications can all cause histamine release initiated the onset of hives.

Certain diseases such as thyroid disease, hepatitis, infection,.... and cancer are also associated with the onset of chronic hives.

Acute conditions of Hives are diseases that last less than six weeks.

The most common symptoms of chronic hives include red, itchy, or skin color welts on the skin that appear in varying shapes and sizes and anywhere in the body that last no longer than six to 12 hours.

In severe cases, chronic hives may induce symptoms of dizziness. wheezing. difficulty breathing,........ and swelling of the tongue, lips, or face.

According to statistics, approximately, 20 percent of people may develop hives at some time in their life.

According to the return of 437 response rate (95%) questionnaires from the fourth to sixth-grade students at an elementary school in Yongin conducted by the J Dankook University to examine the food allergy that affects between 10.9% to 12.6% general population(2).* The prevalence of food allergy among respondents was 19.7%.
* The the most common food allergy-related symptoms were urticaria

These results suggested that food allergens are one of the leading causes of the onset of hives among children between ages 9 - 12.

The study also suggested that green tea inhibits hives onset through its antihistamine effect.

Furthermore, Green tea also processes anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe swelling and reduce skin discomfort.

According to the Universidad de Málaga and CIBER de Enfermedades Raras (CIBERER), green tea bioactive compound epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), exerted anti-allergen caused by histamine-producing cells through alterations in their behavior such as their proliferative, adhesion, migration, and invasion potentials.

By exhibiting the anti antihistamine effect, green tea may have potency in reduced risk of acute and chronic skin diseases caused by food allergens, including hives(2).

Dr. Melgarejo E, the lead author said, "Green tea EGCG has been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory, anti-tumoral, and anti-angiogenic effects and to be a potent inhibitor of the histamine-producing enzyme, histidine decarboxylase"(2).

Taken together, green tea and its bioactive phytochemical EGCG may be considered as a functional food in inhibit hives caused by overexpression of histamine.

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Kyle J. Norton(Scholar, Master of Nutrition, all right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB Daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.
(1) Diet in dermatology: Part II. Melanoma, chronic urticaria, and psoriasis by Murzaku EC1, Bronsnick T2, Rao BK1(PubMed)
(2) Targeting of histamine producing cells by EGCG: a green dart against inflammation? by Melgarejo E1, Medina MA, Sánchez-Jiménez F, Urdiales JL(PubMed)
(3) Food allergy knowledge, perception of food allergy labeling, and level of dietary practice: A comparison between children with and without food allergy experience by Choi Y1, Ju S2, Chang H2.(PubMed)

The Coffee Intake Effects on #GastricUlcer (GU), #DuodenalUlcer (DU),... Caused by Helicobacter Pylori (HP) Infection, According to Studies

By Kyle J. Norton

Epidemiological studies, linking coffee consumption daily and regularly associated to risk of gastritis developing caused by overproduction of bacteria Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) in induced infection, have been inclusive.
Coffee, a popular and social beverage all over the world, particularly in the West, is a drink made from roasted bean from the Coffea plant, native to tropical Africa and Madagascar.

Gastritis is a condition of inflammation, irritation, or erosion of stomach lining caused by bacteria Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) overexpression located at the lining of the stomach.

In a study of a total of 447 patients aged 15-79 had not had peptic ulcer disease or treatment for H pylori infection. researchers found that coffee consumption showed a positive dose-response relation in reduced active stomach lining infection and after adjusted odds ratios, patients who drank < 3 cups and > or = 3 cups of coffee per day displayed the relative risk ratio of 1.49 and 2.49 respectively, in compared to nondrinkers.

The result suggested that coffee intake showed negative effects attenuated in the course of H pylori-induced active infection. In other words, coffee intake may elevate active infection caused by bacterial H pylori.
Others, in the study of a sample of 238 subjects (hospital employees) initially (in 1994) seronegative to H. pylori tested again 5 years later (1999), in two different periods (1994 and 1999). returned questionnaire from patients showed a neutral effect between coffee consumption and risk of infection caused by H. pylori regardless of numbers of cup intake daily and after taking into account other factors.
More importantly, in the investigation of the effect of coffee consumption on four major acid-related diseases: gastric ulcer (GU), a serve case of gastric infection, duodenal ulcer (DU), reflux esophagitis (RE), and non-erosive reflux disease (NERD) based on the large-scale multivariate analysis of the 9,517 healthy adults, researchers filed the following results in related to coffee intake and risk of Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection
1. Coffee consumption expressed a relatively low ratio of pepsinogen I/II
2. Coffee intake expressed a positively related risk of Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection by multiple logistic regression analysis,
3. Coffee intake was not associated with either GU or DU

But after taking into account other risk factors, researchers exemplified that " There is no significant relationship between coffee consumption and the four major acid-related upper gastrointestinal disorders".

With all the information collected, coffee intake may have a very significant and neutral link to an increased risk of Gastritis caused by a bacterial infection, therefore, clarification by large sample size and cohost studies are necessary,

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Contrary To Professionals Prediction, Floaters Can Be Cured Naturally

Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Elimination
Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You How-To
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Back to Kyle J. Norton's Homepage

Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the Karate GB Daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as the international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) Relation of smoking and alcohol and coffee consumption to active Helicobacter pylori infection: a cross-sectional study by Brenner H1, Rothenbacher D, Bode G, Adler G.(PubMed)
(2) Relationship of smoking and coffee and alcohol consumption with seroconversion to Helicobacter pylori: a longitudinal study in hospital workers by Gikas A1, Triantafillidis JK, Apostolidis N, Mallas E, Peros G, Androulakis G.(PubMed)
(3) No association of coffee consumption with gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, reflux esophagitis, and non-erosive reflux disease: a cross-sectional study of 8,013 healthy subjects in Japan by Shimamoto T1, Yamamichi N, Kodashima S, Takahashi Y, Fujishiro M, Oka M, Mitsushima T, Koike K(PubMed)

#Healthyfood #Cranberry Exhibits Plasma #Antioxidant Capacity in Clinical Trials, Researchers Suggest

By Kyle J. Norton

Free radicals are unstable molecules with unpaired electrons in the outermost ring produced daily internally including cell metabolism and externally including the air we breathe and the food we eat.
Reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen without being controlled by antioxidant can induce a domino's effect by stealing an electron from other molecules, leading to a continued reaction that cannot stop until all single electrons are paired or inhibited by the presence of antioxidant molecules.

Antioxidants are stable atoms produced either by the host body or intake of dietary antioxdant rich food.

In this cascade, free radicals overexpression induces oxidative stress. A major cause of protein, lipid, and cell damage increases the risk of the early onset of many chronic diseases.

In other words, oxidative stress is an imbalanced ratio of the free radicals and antioxidants.

Most common diseases or syndromes associated with the onset of oxidative stress are
* Aging, is a process characterized by the progressive loss of tissue and organ function due to the accumulation of RONS-induced damages.

* Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are diseases associated with involving the heart or blood vessels, including heart disease, and stroke.

* Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a class of lung disease including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Most cases of COPD are caused by smoking.

* Chronic kidney disease is a medical condition that causes the gradual loss of kidney function, affecting filter wastes and excess fluids from the blood.

* Neurodegenerative diseases is the progressive loss of structure or function of neurons, including dementia.
* Cancer is the class of diseases caused by irregular cell growth due to the alternation of cell DNA

There are many risk factors that can increase the overexpression of free radicals, including fried foods, alcohol, tobacco smoke, pesticides, and air pollutants.

Cranberry is an evergreen dwarf shrub, genus Vaccinium, belongings to the family Ericaceae, native to Northern America and Southern Asia. Because of its health benefits, cranberry has been cultivated in some parts of the world for commercial profit and used in traditional and herbal medicine to treat wounds, urinary disorders, diarrhea, diabetes, stomach ailments, and liver problems.

On finding a potential compound for the treatment of diseases associated with oxidative stress, researchers examined the effect of cranberry products and especially cranberry juice (CJ) antioxidant activity.

According to the tested analysis on the products, the order of the number of total polyphenols that exert antioxidant activity in cranberry foods on a fresh weight basis is dried > frozen > sauce > jellied sauce. in decreasing order.

Furthermore, in the comparison of the effect of the consumption of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and ascorbate with CJ antioxidants or without CJ (control) given to 10 normal individuals after an overnight fast, by recording the plasma antioxidant capacity, glucose, triglycerides, and ascorbate measured 6 times over 7 h after the consumption of a single 240 mL serving of the two different beverages, researchers found that* HFCS caused a slight decrease in plasma antioxidant capacity at all time points and thus inducing oxidative stress with or without ascorbate
*CJ produced an increase in plasma antioxidant capacity at all time points, particularly compared to

Furthermore, postprandial triglycerides-induced oxidative stress caused by HFCS was associated with the oxidative stress in HFCS treated group.

Based on the findings, researchers said, " Cranberries are an excellent source of high-quality antioxidants and should be examined in human supplementation studies".

Taken altogether, cranberry may be considered a remedy for the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with oxidative stress, pending the confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.

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Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the Karate GB Daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as the international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.

(1) Antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of bioactive phytochemicals from cranberry by Baranowska M1, Bartoszek A. (PubMed)
(2) Cranberries and cranberry products: powerful in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo sources of antioxidants by Vinson JA1, Bose P, Proch J, Al Kharrat H, Samman N. (PubMed)