Kyle J. Norton
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(719) Comparison of the effects of chlormadinone acetate versus
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(722) Comparative analysis of the effects of nomegestrol
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(727) Correlation of age at oral
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(728) Cerebral vein thrombosis in women using short course oral contraceptive consumption by Sasannejad P1,
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(729) Phase 3 study of desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol combined oral contraceptive for pregnancy prevention by Kroll R1,
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(730)Oral contraceptives use
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(731) Weight and body composition changes during oral contraceptive
use in obese and normal weight women by Mayeda ER1, Torgal AH, Westhoff CL.(PubMed)
(732) An exploratory analysis of associations between eating
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(733) [Treatment of PCOS without IVF: weight loss, insulin-sensitizing
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(734) A 12-week treatment with the long-acting glucagon-like
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(735) Body mass index and gonadotropin hormones (LH & FSH)
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(736) Obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome by Naderpoor N1,
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(737) Polycystic ovary syndrome: a complex condition with
psychological, reproductive and metabolic manifestations that impacts on health
across the lifespan by Teede H1, Deeks A, Moran L.(PubMed)
(738) A retrospective study of the pregnancy, delivery and neonatal
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(739) Carbohydrate(CDC)
(740) Effect of simple and complex carbohydrates on plasma
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(741) Carbohydrates and health: Not that simple...or that complex. Taking
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(746) Fat(Wikipedia)
(749) Dietary fats in your pregnancy diet(BabyCenter)
(750) Potatoes, glycemic index,
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(751) No difference in body weight decrease between a low-glycemic-index and a high-glycemic-index diet but reduced LDL cholesterol after
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(753) The potential of cinnamon to reduce blood glucose levels in
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(754) Effect of an energy-restricted, high-protein, low-fat diet relative
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cardiovascular health in obese women by Noakes M1, Keogh JB, Foster
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(755) Diet and lifestyle in the prevention of
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Rosner BA, Willett WC.(PubMed)
(756) Beneficial effects of a high-protein, low-glycemic-load hypocaloric diet in
overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized
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Z, Farahani SJ, Meyer BJ, Tahbaz F.(PubMed)
(758) Effect of a physical exercise program during pregnancy on
uteroplacental and fetal blood flow and
fetal growth: a randomized controlled trial by de Oliveria Melo AS1,
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(759) Foods,
nutrients or whole diets: effects of targeting fish and LCn3PUFA consumption in
a 12mo weight loss trial by Tapsell LC1, Batterham MJ, Charlton KE, Neale
EP, Probst YC, O'Shea JE, Thorne RL, Zhang Q, Louie JC.(PubMed)
(760) Inclusion of fish or fish oil in weight-loss diets for young adults: effects on
blood lipids by Gunnarsdottir I1,
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(761)Randomized trial of weight-loss-diets
for young adults varying in fish and fish oil content by Thorsdottir I1, Tomasson H, Gunnarsdottir I,
Gisladottir E, Kiely M, Parra MD, Bandarra NM, Schaafsma G, Martinéz JA.(PubMed)
(762) Association between mood and diet quality
in subjects with metabolic syndrome participating in a behavioural weight-loss programme: A cross-sectional
assessment by Perez-Cornago A, Zulet MA, Martinez JA.(PubMed)
(763) #Healthy #Foods - Oats ((Avena sativa) (Health
tips for better living and living health)
(764) Oat prevents obesity and abdominal fat distribution, and
improves liver function in humans by Chang HC1, Huang CN, Yeh DM,
Wang SJ, Peng CH, Wang CJ.(PubMed)
(765) Whole-grain ready-to-eat oat cereal, as part of a dietary
program for weight loss, reduces
low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in adults with overweight and obesity more
than a dietary program including low-fiber control foods by Maki KC1,
Beiseigel JM, Jonnalagadda SS, Gugger CK, Reeves MS, Farmer MV, Kaden VN, Rains
(766) Oat-derived beta-glucan significantly improves HDLC and
diminishes LDLC and non-HDL cholesterol in overweight individuals with mild
hypercholesterolemia, Reyna-Villasmil N1, Bermúdez-Pirela V,
Mengual-Moreno E, Arias N, Cano-Ponce C, Leal-Gonzalez E, Souki A, Inglett GE,
Israili ZH, Hernández-Hernández R, Valasco M, Arraiz N.(PubMed)
(767) #Healthy #Foods - Seafoods - Salmon (Healthy
tips for better living and living health)
(768) Genetically determined body weight loss in mice fed diets containing salmon oil by LeBoeuf RC1, Veldee
(769) Oral salmon calcitonin improves fasting and
postprandial glycemic control in lean healthy rats by Feigh M1,
Nielsen RH, Hansen C, Henriksen K, Christiansen C, Karsdal MA.(PubMed)
(770) A novel oral form of salmon calcitonin improves glucose
homeostasis and reduces body weight in diet-induced obese rats by Feigh M1,
Henriksen K, Andreassen KV, Hansen C, Henriksen JE, Beck-Nielsen H, Christiansen
C, Karsdal MA.(PubMed)
(771) #Healthy #Foods - Whole Grain - Brown rice or Hulled rice's(Health
tips for beter living and living health)
(772) Intake of brown rice lees
reduces waist circumference and improves metabolic parameters in type 2
diabetes by Kim TH1, Kim EK, Lee MS, Lee HK, Hwang WS, Choe SJ, Kim
TY, Han SJ, Kim HJ, Kim DJ, Lee KW.(PubMed)
(773) Meal replacement with mixed rice is
more effective than white rice in weight control, while improving antioxidant
enzyme activity in obese women by Kim JY1, Kim JH, Lee da H, Kim SH,
Lee SS.(PubMed)
(774) #Healthy #Foods - Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)(Health
tips for btter living and living health)
(775) Weight loss and total lipid profile changes in
overweight women consuming beef or chicken as the primary protein source by
Melanson K1, Gootman J, Myrdal A, Kline G, Rippe JM.(PubMed)
(776) Frequent consumption of selenium-enriched chicken meat by adults causes weight loss and maintains their antioxidant status
by Navas-Carretero S1, Cuervo M, Abete I, Zulet MA, Martínez JA.(PubMed)
(777) Water consumption increases weight loss during a hypocaloric diet intervention
in middle-aged and older adults by Dennis EA1, Dengo AL, Comber DL,
Flack KD, Savla J, Davy KP, Davy BM(PubMed)
(778) Pre-meal water consumption reduces meal energy intake
in older but not younger subjects by
Van Walleghen EL1, Orr JS, Gentile CL, Davy BM.(PubMed)
(779) Replacing caloric beverages with water or diet beverages for weight loss in adults: main results of the Choose
Healthy Options Consciously Everyday (CHOICE) randomized clinical trial
by Tate DF1, Turner-McGrievy G, Lyons E, Stevens J, Erickson K, Polzien K, Diamond M, Wang X, Popkin B.(PubMed)
(780) Influence of a combination of herbs on appetite suppression and weight loss in rats by Talpur NA1,
Echard BW, Manohar V, Preuss HG.(PubMed)
(781) [Hepatotoxicity induced by herbs and medicines used to induce weight loss].[Article in Spanish]by
Herrera S1, Bruguera M.(PubMed)
(782) A case report of adult lead toxicity following use of
Ayurvedic herbal medication by Breeher L1, Gerr F, Fuortes L.(PubMed)
(783) [Chronic lead intoxication associated with Ayurvedic
medication].[Article in Dutch] by Kanen BL1, Perenboom RM.(PubMed)
(784) Potential toxicity of caffeine when used as a dietary
supplement for weight loss by Pendleton M1, Brown S,
Thomas C, Odle B.(PubMed)
(785) Multinutrient supplement containing ephedra and caffeine
causes weight loss and improves metabolic risk factors in
obese women: a randomized controlled trial by Hackman RM1, Havel PJ,
Schwartz HJ, Rutledge JC, Watnik MR, Noceti EM, Stohs SJ, Stern JS, Keen CL.(PubMed)
(786) Ma Huang(Popular
Chinese herbs)
(787) Prameha in Ayurveda: correlation with obesity, metabolic syndrome, and
diabetes mellitus. Part 2--management of Prameha by Sharma H1,
Chandola HM.(PubMed)
(788) Effect of herbal Ephedra sinica and Evodia rutaecarpa on body
composition and resting metabolic rate: a randomized, double-blind clinical
trial in Korean premenopausal women by Kim HJ1, Park JM, Kim JA, Ko
(789) The herbal composition GGEx18 from Laminaria japonica, Rheum
palmatum, and Ephedra sinica reduces obesity via skeletal
muscle AMPK and PPARα by Shin SS1, Park D, Lee HY, Hong Y, Choi J,
Oh J, Lee H, Lee HR, Kim MR, Shen ZB, Cui HH, Yoon M.(PubMed) (780) Nut
consumption and body weight by Sabaté J.(PubMed)
(780b) Nut consumption and body weight
by Sabaté J.(PubMed)(781a)
[Hepatotoxicity induced by herbs and medicines used to induce weight loss].[Article in Spanish]by
Herrera S1, Bruguera M.(PubMed)
(781b) Pistachio nuts reduce triglycerides and body weight by comparison to refined carbohydrate
snack in obese subjects on a 12-week weight
loss program by Li Z1,
Song R, Nguyen C, Zerlin A, Karp H, Naowamondhol K, Thames G, Gao K, Li L,
Tseng CH, Henning SM, Heber(PubMed)
(782b) Impact of peanuts and tree nuts on
body weight and healthy weight loss in adults by Mattes RD1,
Kris-Etherton PM, Foster GD.(PubMed)
(783b) Body weight
loss and weight maintenance in relation to habitual
caffeine intake and green tea supplementation
by Westerterp-Plantenga MS1, Lejeune MP, Kovacs EM.(PubMed)
(784b) The effects of green tea on weight loss and weight maintenance: a meta-analysis by Hursel
R1, Viechtbauer W, Westerterp-Plantenga MS.(PubMed)
(785b) Green tea catechin
plus caffeine supplementation to a high-protein diet has no additional effect
on body weight maintenance after weight loss by Hursel R1,
Westerterp-Plantenga MS.(PubMed)
(786b) Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, linear dose,
crossover study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a green coffee bean extract in overweight subjects by
Vinson JA1, Burnham BR, Nagendran MV.(PubMed)
(787b) A weight-loss diet including coffee-derived mannooligosaccharides
enhances adipose tissue loss in overweight men but not women, by
St-Onge MP1, Salinardi T, Herron-Rubin K, Black RM.(PubMed)
(788b) The use of green coffee extract as a weight loss supplement: a systematic review and
meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials by Onakpoya I1, Terry R,
Ernst E.(PubMed)
(789b) [Life-threatening psychosis caused by using
sibutramine-contaminated weight-loss coffee].
[Article in Dutch] by Bertholee D1, ter Horst PG,
Wieringa A, Smit JP.(PubMed)
(790) [Ephedrine and ephedra in weight
loss products and other
preparations].[Article in Dutch] by van der Hooft CS1, Stricker BH.(PubMed)
(791) Ginseng, Asian (Panax ginseng) and Ginseng, North America(Popular
Chinese Herbs)
(792) Influence of Panax ginseng on obesity and gut microbiota in obese
middle-aged Korean women by Song MY1, Kim BS2, Kim H(PubMed)
(793) Lipid metabolic effect of Korean red ginseng extract in mice fed on a high-fat diet
by Song YB1, An YR, Kim SJ, Park HW, Jung JW, Kyung JS, Hwang SY,
Kim YS.(PubMed)
(794) Popular #Herbs - #Ginger (Zingiber officinale)(Popular
Chinese herbs)
(795) A systematic review of the efficacy and safety of herbal
medicines used in the treatment of obesity by Hasani-Ranjbar S1,
Nayebi N, Larijani B, Abdollahi M.(PubMed)
(796) Eight weeks of supplementation with a multi-ingredient weight loss product enhances body composition,
reduces hip and waist girth, and increases energy levels in overweight men and
women by Lopez HL1, Ziegenfuss TN, Hofheins JE, Habowski SM, Arent
SM, Weir JP, Ferrando AA.(PubMed)
(797) Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of ginger and orlistat on obesity management,
pancreatic lipase and liver peroxisomal catalase enzyme in male albino rats by Mahmoud
RH1, Elnour WA.(PubMed)
(798) The use of a Cissus quadrangularis formulation in the management of weight loss and metabolic syndrome by Oben J1,
Kuate D, Agbor G, Momo C, Talla X.(PubMed)
(799) The use of a Cissus quadrangularis/Irvingia gabonensis
combination in the management of weight
loss: a double-blind placebo-controlled study. by Oben JE1, Ngondi
JL, Momo CN, Agbor GA, Sobgui CS.(PubMed)
(800) The effect of Cissus quadrangularis (CQR-300) and a Cissus formulation (CORE) on obesity and
obesity-induced oxidative stress by Oben JE1, Enyegue DM, Fomekong
GI, Soukontoua YB, Agbor GA.(PubMed)
(801) An observational study and quantification of the actives in
a supplement with Sambucus nigra and Asparagus officinalis used for weight reduction by Chrubasik C1,
Maier T, Dawid C, Torda T, Schieber A, Hofmann T, Chrubasik S.(PubMed)
(802) A systematic review of the efficacy and safety of herbal
medicines used in the treatment of obesity by Hasani-Ranjbar S1,
Nayebi N, Larijani B, Abdollahi M(PubMed)
(803) #Healthy #Foods - Vegetables - Asparagus (Asparagus
tips for better living and living health)
(804) An observational study and quantification of the actives in
a supplement with Sambucus nigra and Asparagus
officinalis used for weight reduction by Chrubasik C1,
Maier T, Dawid C, Torda T, Schieber A, Hofmann T, Chrubasik S.(PubMed)
(805) Efficacy of 12 weeks supplementation of a botanical
extract-based weight loss formula on body weight, body composition and blood
chemistry in healthy, overweight subjects--a randomised double-blind
placebo-controlled clinical trial by Opala T1, Rzymski P, Pischel I,
Wilczak M, Wozniak J.(PubMed)
(806) A systematic review of the efficacy and safety of herbal
medicines used in the treatment of obesity by Hasani-Ranjbar S1,
Nayebi N, Larijani B, Abdollahi M.(PubMed)
(807) High-fat feeding increases hepatic vitamin C synthesis and its circulatory
mobilization in mice by Tranberg B1, Hansen AK, Lykkesfeldt J.(PubMed)
(808) Zinc, iron and vitamins A, C and e are associated with obesity, inflammation, lipid profile and
insulin resistance in mexican school-aged children by García OP1,
Ronquillo D, del Carmen Caamaño M, Martínez G, Camacho M, López V, Rosado JL.(PubMed)
(809) Zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin
C status are associated with
leptin concentrations and obesity in Mexican women: results from a
cross-sectional study by García OP1, Ronquillo D, Caamaño Mdel C,
Camacho M, Long KZ, Rosado JL.(PubMed)
(810) Strategies for healthy weight
loss: from vitamin C to the glycemic response by Johnston
(811) Mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction in obesity(Science
(812) Obesity and body fat distribution induce
endothelial dysfunction by oxidative stress: protective effect of vitamin C. by Perticone F1,
Ceravolo R, Candigliota M, Ventura G, Iacopino S, Sinopoli F, Mattioli PL.(PubMed)
(813) Phytochemistry and biological activity of Spanish Citrus
fruits by Gironés-Vilaplana A1, Moreno DA, García-Viguera C.(PubMed)
(814) Anti-obesity effects
of chitosan and psyllium husk with L-ascorbic acid in guinea pigs by Jun SC1,
Jung EY, Hong YH, Park Y, Kang Dh, Chang UJ, Suh HJ.(PubMed)
(816) Ascorbic acid overdosing: a risk factor for calcium
oxalate nephrolithiasis by Urivetzky M, Kessaris D, Smith AD.(PubMed)
(817) The association of vitamin
D status with cardiometabolic
risk factors, obesity and puberty in children by Aypak C1, Türedi O, Yüce
(818) Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OH-D) in obese adolescents by
Garanty-Bogacka B1, Syrenicz M, Goral J, Krupa B, Syrenicz J,
Walczak M, Syrenicz A.(PubMed)
(819) Prevalence and Correlates of Suspected Nonalcoholic Fatty
Liver Disease in Chinese American Children
by Malespin M1,
Sleesman B, Lau A, Wong SS, Cotler SJ.(PubMed)
(820) Vitamin D deficiency & childhood obesity: a tale of two epidemics by
Peterson CA, Belenchia AM.(PubMed)
(821) Correcting vitamin
D insufficiency improves insulin
sensitivity in obese adolescents: a randomized controlled trial by Belenchia AM1,
Tosh AK, Hillman LS, Peterson CA.(PubMed)
(823) Cardiometabolic risk factors related to vitamin d and adiponectin in obese children and adolescents by
Kardas F1, Kendirci M, Kurtoglu S.(PubMed)
(824) Pediatric obesity and vitamin D deficiency: a proteomic approach identifies multimeric adiponectin as a key link between these conditions by Walker GE1, Ricotti R2, Roccio M1, Moia S1, Bellone S2, Prodam F2, Bona G2.(PubMed)
(825) Differences in insulin sensitivity, pancreatic beta cell function and circulating adiponectin across glucose tolerance status in Thai obese and non-obese women by Chailurkit LO1, Chanprasertyothin S, Jongjaroenprasert W, Ongphiphadhanakul B.(PubMed)
(826) Differential effects of 1α,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol on MCP-1 and adiponectin production in human white adipocytes by Lorente-Cebrián S1, Eriksson A, Dunlop T, Mejhert N, Dahlman I, Aström G, Sjölin E, Wåhlén K, Carlberg C, Laurencikiene J, Hedén P, Arner P, Rydén M.(PubMed)
(824) Pediatric obesity and vitamin D deficiency: a proteomic approach identifies multimeric adiponectin as a key link between these conditions by Walker GE1, Ricotti R2, Roccio M1, Moia S1, Bellone S2, Prodam F2, Bona G2.(PubMed)
(825) Differences in insulin sensitivity, pancreatic beta cell function and circulating adiponectin across glucose tolerance status in Thai obese and non-obese women by Chailurkit LO1, Chanprasertyothin S, Jongjaroenprasert W, Ongphiphadhanakul B.(PubMed)
(826) Differential effects of 1α,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol on MCP-1 and adiponectin production in human white adipocytes by Lorente-Cebrián S1, Eriksson A, Dunlop T, Mejhert N, Dahlman I, Aström G, Sjölin E, Wåhlén K, Carlberg C, Laurencikiene J, Hedén P, Arner P, Rydén M.(PubMed)
(827) Diet and nutrition in polycystic ovary
syndrome (PCOS): pointers for nutritional management by Farshchi H, Rane A,
Love A, Kennedy RL(PubMed)
PCOs Herbs
(827a) Diet and nutrition in polycystic ovary
syndrome (PCOS): pointers for nutritional management by Farshchi H, Rane A,
Love A, Kennedy RL(PubMed)
(828) The optimal diet for women with polycystic ovary
syndrome? by Marsh K, Brand-Miller J.(PubMed)
(829) A clinical study on the short-term effect of berberine in
comparison to metformin on the metabolic characteristics of women with polycystic ovary syndrome by Wei W, Zhao H, Wang A, Sui M, Liang
K, Deng H, Ma Y, Zhang Y, Zhang H, Guan Y.(PubMed).
(830) Effect of Korean red ginseng extract in a steroid-induced
polycystic ovary murine model by Pak SC, Kim SE, Oh DM, Shim KM, Jeong MJ, Lim
SC, Nah SY, Park SH, Kang SS, Moon CJ, Kim JC, Kim SH, Bae CS.(PubMed)
(831) [Effects of ginseng total saponins on nerve growth factor
expression in rat with estradiol valerate-induced polycystic ovaries].[Article
in Chinese] by Kuang HY, Shao H, Hou LH, Wu XK.(PubMed)
(832) Cryptotanshinone reverses reproductive and metabolic
disturbances in prenatally androgenized rats via regulation of ovarian
signaling mechanisms and androgen synthesis by
Xinming Yang , Yuehui Zhang , Xiaoke Wu , Chun Sik Bae , Lihui Hou , Haixue Kuang , Yongyan Wang , Elisabet Stener-Victorin(American society
(833) Aloe barbadensis Mill. formulation restores
lipid profile to normal in a letrozole-induced polycystic ovarian syndrome rat model
by Desai BN, Maharjan RH, Nampoothiri LP.(PubMed)
(834) Effect of Aloe barbadensis Mill. formulation on
Letrozole induced polycystic ovarian syndrome rat model by Maharjan R, Nagar
PS, Nampoothiri L.(PubMed)
(835) Effect of aloe
vera gel to healing of burn wound a clinical and histologic study by
Visuthikosol V1, Chowchuen B, Sukwanarat Y, Sriurairatana S,
Boonpucknavig V.(PubMed)
(836) Therapeutic effects of Aloe
vera on cutaneous
microcirculation and wound
healing in second degree burn
model in rats by Somboonwong J1, Thanamittramanee S, Jariyapongskul
A, Patumraj S.(PubMed)
(837) A comparative study of three Aloe species
used to treat skin diseases in South African rural communities by
Coopoosamy RM1, Naidoo KK.(PubMed)
(838) How to Treat an Infected Sebaceous Cyst(WikiHow)
(839) Oral aloe vera for treatment of diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia by Ngo MQ1,
Nguyen NN, Shah SA.(PubMed)
(840) Antioxidant effect of Aloe
vera gel extract in
streptozotocin-induced diabetes in rats by Rajasekaran S1,
Sivagnanam K, Subramanian S.(PubMed)
(841) Antihyperlipidemic Activity of Aloe succotrina
in Rats: Possibly Mediated by Inhibition of HMG-CoA Reductase by Dhingra D1,
Lamba D1, Kumar R2, Nath P2, Gauttam S3.(PubMed)
(842) Topical Aloe
Vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) Extract Does Not
Accelerate the Oral Wound Healing in Rats by Coelho FH1,
Salvadori G, Rados PV, Magnusson A, Danilevicz CK, Meurer L, Martins MD.(PubMed)
(843) Traditional beliefs and practices among Mexican American
immigrants with type II diabetes:
A case study by Lemley M1,
Spies LA.(PubMed)
(844) Antidiarrhoeal, antisecretory and antispasmodic activities of Matricaria chamomilla
are mediated predominantly through K+-channels activation by Mehmood MH1,
Munir S2, Khalid UA3, Asrar M4, Gilani AH5.(PubMed)
(845) Chamomile: an anti-inflammatory agent inhibits inducible nitric oxide
synthase expression by blocking RelA/p65 activity by Bhaskaran N1,
Shukla S, Srivastava JK, Gupta S.(PubMed)
(846) Effects of chamomile extract on biochemical and clinical
parameters in a rat model of polycystic ovary syndrome by Farideh ZZ1,
Bagher M, Ashraf A, Akram A, Kazem M.(PubMed)
(847) Efficacy and safety of herbal stimulants and sedatives in sleep disorders by Gyllenhaal C1, Merritt
SL, Peterson SD, Block KI, Gochenour T.(PubMed)
(848) Dan shen(Complementary
and Alternative Healing University)
(849)Effects of chamomile extract on biochemical and clinical
parameters in a rat model of polycystic ovary syndrome by Farideh ZZ, Bagher M,
Ashraf A, Akram A, Kazem M.(PubMed)
(850) High-rosmarinic acid spearmint tea in
the management of knee osteoarthritis symptoms by Connelly AE1,
Tucker AJ, Tulk H, Catapang M, Chapman L, Sheikh N, Yurchenko S, Fletcher R,
Kott LS, Duncan AM, Wright AJ.(PubMed)
(851) Investigation of biochemical and histopathological effects
of Mentha piperita L. and Mentha spicata L. on kidney tissue in rats by Akdogan
M1, Kilinç I, Oncu M, Karaoz E, Delibas N.(PubMed)
(853) Spearmint herbal tea has
significant anti-androgen effects in polycystic ovarian syndrome. A randomized
controlled trial by Grant P.(PubMed)
(854) Effect of spearmint (Mentha spicata Labiatae) teas on androgen levels in
women with hirsutism. by Akdoğan M, Tamer MN, Cüre E, Cüre MC, Köroğlu BK,
Delibaş N.(PubMed)
(855) Anti-inflammatory
effects of the chinese herbal formula sini tang in myocardial infarction rats
by Liu J1, Peter K2, Shi D1, Zhang L1,
Dong G1, Zhang D1, Breiteneder H2, Bauer R3,
Jakowitsch J4, Ma Y2.(PubMed)
(856) Interaction of gypsum and the rhizome of Anemarrhena
asphodeloides plays an important role in anti-allergic
effects of byakkokakeishito in mice by Makino T1, Shiraki Y,
Mizukami H.(PubMed)
(857) Anti-ulcer and antioxidant activity of GutGard by
Mukherjee M1, Bhaskaran N, Srinath R, Shivaprasad HN, Allan JJ,
Shekhar D, Agarwal A.(PubMed)
(858) Anti-convulsant
action and amelioration of oxidative stress by Glycyrrhiza glabra root extract in
pentylenetetrazole- induced seizure in albino rats by Chowdhury B1,
Bhattamisra SK, Das MC.(PubMed)
(859) Gan Cao(Complementary
and Alternative Healing University)
(860) Treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome with spironolactone
plus licorice by Armanini D, Castello R, Scaroni C,
Bonanni G, Faccini G, Pellati D, Bertoldo A, Fiore C, Moghetti P(PubMed)
(861) [Effects of compound ganshao paste on the levels of sex
hormones and hepatic transaminases in polycystic ovarian syndrome rat
model].[Article in Chinese] by Wang YH, Wang HL, Zhang YL.(PubMed)
(863) Immunomodulatory and Antidiabetic Effects of a New Herbal
Preparation (HemoHIM) on Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mice by Kim JJ1,
Choi J1, Lee MK2, Kang KY3, Paik MJ3,
Jo SK4, Jung U4, Park HR4, Yee ST5.(PubMed)
(864) Preventative effect of an herbal preparation (HemoHIM) on
development of airway inflammation in mice via modulation of Th1/2 cells differentiation
by Kim JJ1, Cho HW, Park HR, Jung U, Jo SK, Yee ST.(PubMed)
(865) [Effects of compound ganshao paste on the levels of sex
hormones and hepatic transaminases in polycystic ovarian syndrome rat
model].[Article in Chinese] by Wang YH, Wang HL, Zhang YL.(PubMed)
(864) HemoHIM improves ovarian morphology and
decreases expression of nerve growth factor in rats with steroid-induced
polycystic ovaries by Kim SH, Lee HJ, Kim JS, Moon C, Kim JC, Bae CS, Park HR,
Jung U, Jo SK.(PubMed)
(865) Evaluating therapeutic effect in symptoms of
moderate-to-severe premenstrual syndrome with Vitex
agnus castus (BNO 1095) in
Chinese women" by Ma L, Lin S, Chen R, Zhang Y, Chen F, Wang X.(PubMed)
(866) "Effects of a combination of Hypericum perforatum and
Vitex agnus-castus on PMS-like symptoms in late-perimenopausal women: findings
from a subpopulation analysis" by van Die MD, Bone KM, Burger HG, Reece
JE, Teede HJ.(PubMed)
(867) Vitex agnus-castus (Chaste-Tree/Berry) in the treatment of
menopause-related complaints" by van Die MD, Burger HG, Teede HJ, Bone
(868) "[Herbal medicine in womens' life cycle].[Article
in Hebrew]" by Ben-Arye E, Oren A, Ben-Arie A.(PubMed)
(869) Herbs of special interest to women by Hardy ML1.(PubMed)
(870) Chaste tree(Happyherbcompany)
(871) Devlin, edited
by Thomas M. (2010). Textbook
of biochemistry : with clinical correlations (7th ed. ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley
& Sons. p. 432. ISBN 0470281731.
(872) "Partial
agonist/antagonist properties of androstenedione and
4-androsten-3β,17β-diol" published on The
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Volume 91, Issues
4–5, August 2004, Pages 247–257
(873) Effects of androstenedione, insulin and luteinizing hormone
on steroidogenesis in human granulosa luteal cells by S. Greisen, T. Ledet3 and P.
(874) Elevated serum androstenedione is associated with a more severe
phenotype in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) by Georgopoulos NA1,
Papadakis E2, Armeni AK1, Katsikis I2, Roupas
ND1, Panidis D2.(PubMed)
(875) The influence of obesity on androstenedione to testosterone ratio in women with
polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and hyperandrogenemia by Misichronis G1,
Georgopoulos NA, Marioli DJ, Armeni AK, Katsikis I, Piouka AD, Saltamavros AD,
Roupas ND, Panidis D.(PubMed)
(876) Evaluation of testosterone/epitestosterone ratio influential factors as
determined in doping analysis by van de Kerkhof DH1, de Boer D, Thijssen JH, Maes
(877) Increased urinary testosterone/epitestosterone ratios found in Swedish athletes in
connection with a national control program. Evaluation of 28 cases by Garle M1,
Ocka R, Palonek E, Björkhem I.(PubMed)
(878) Sex, drugs and sports: prostaglandins, epitestosterone and sexual development by Sanders BK1.(PubMed)
(879) The Relation of Plasma Androgen Levels to Sexual Behaviors
and Attitudes of Women1. by Persky, Harold PhD; Dreisbach, Lorraine MS; Miller,
William R. PhD; O'Brien, Charles P. MD, PhD; Khan, Miftah A. MSc; Lief, Harold
I. MD; Charney, Natalie; Strauss, Dorothy PhD(The
Journal of biobehavior medicine)
(881) 17 - Hydroxyprogesterone(Wikepieda)
(882) Agonistic and antagonistic properties of progesterone metabolites at the human
mineralocorticoid receptor by Quinkler M1, Meyer B, Bumke-Vogt C,
Grossmann C, Gruber U, Oelkers W, Diederich S, Bahr V.(PubMed)
(883) In vitro and in vivo immunomodulatory activities of iridoids fraction from Barleria prionitis Linn
by Ghule BV1, Yeole PG.(PubMed)
(884) [Specific mucosal immunity in the female reproductive tract: protection against
infectious diseases and regulation of fertility (part 2)].[Article in Czech] by Zivný
J1, Sterzl I.(PubMed)
(885) New chalcanonol glycoside from the seeds of saw palmetto:
antiproliferative and antioxidant effects by Abdel Bar FM1.(PubMed)
(886) Antioxidant properties, radical scavenging
activity and biomolecule protection capacity of flavonoid naringenin and its glycoside naringin: a comparative study by
Cavia-Saiz M1, Busto MD, Pilar-Izquierdo MC, Ortega N, Perez-Mateos
M, Muñiz P.(PubMed)
(887) chaste tree(, know more, be sure)
(888) Ma Huang(Popular
Chinese herbs)
(889) Inhibitory effects of Angelica
sinensis ethyl acetate extract
and major compounds on NF-kappaB trans-activation activity and LPS-induced
inflammation by Chao WW, Hong YH, Chen ML, Lin BF.(PubMed)
(890) Dang Qui(Complementary
and Alternative Healing University)
(891) Angelica sinensis / Dong Quai(Golden
Lotus Botanicals)
(892 Danggui to Angelica
sinensis root: are potential
benefits to European women lost in translation? A review by Hook IL1.(PubMed)
(893) Metabolomics study of hematopoietic function of Angelica sinensis on blood deficiency mice model by Li
PL1, Sun HG1, Hua YL1, Ji P1, Zhang
L1, Li JX1, Wei Y2(PubMed)
(894) Molecular screening of Chinese medicinal plants for
progestogenic and anti-progestogenic
activity by Ahmed HM1, Yeh JY, Tang YC, Cheng WT, Ou BR.(PubMed)
(895) Estrogenic activity of herbs commonly used as remedies for
menopausal symptoms by Amato, Paula MD1; Christophe, Sylvie PhD2;
Mellon, Pamela L. PhD(Menopause)
(896) Integrated standardization concept for Angelica botanicals using quantitative NM by
Received 9 July 2011, Revised 17 August 2011, Accepted 20 August 2011,
Available online 1 September 2011(Sience
(894) [Experimental study on effects of 18 kinds of Chinese herbal
medicine for synthesis of thromboxane A2 and PGI2].[Article in Chinese] by Wang
SR1, Guo ZQ, Liao JZ.(PubMed)
(895) Polysaccharide isolated from Angelica sinensis inhibits hepcidin expression in rats
with iron deficiency anemia by Liu JY1, Zhang Y, You RX, Zeng F, Guo
D, Wang KP.(PubMed)
(896) [Hematopoietic effect of siwu decoction in the mice with
blood deficiency induced by compound method of
bleeding, starved feeding and exhausting].[Article in Chinese] by Tan W1,
Song CS, Tan HL, Liu LL, Ma ZC, Wang YG, Gao Y.(PubMed)
(897) Chemical fingerprinting and quantitative constituent
analysis of Siwu decoction categorized formulae by UPLC-QTOF/MS/MS and HPLC-DAD by Shulan Su1, Wenxia Cui12, Wei Zhou1, Jin-ao Duan1*, Erxin Shang1 and Yuping Tang(Chinese medicine)
Study of the gastrointestinal protective effects of polysaccharides from Angelica sinensis in rats.
Cho CH1, Mei QB, Shang P, Lee SS, So HL, Guo X, Li Y.(PubMed)
(899) Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases II: Celiac sprue and
gluten intolerance by Samsel A1, Seneff S2.(PubMed)
(901) The antitumor
effects of Angelica sinensis on malignant brain tumors in vitro and in vivo. by Tsai NM1,
Lin SZ, Lee CC, Chen SP, Su HC, Chang WL, Harn HJ.(PubMed)
(902) A novel
polysaccharide, isolated from Angelica
sinensis (Oliv.) Diels induces
the apoptosis of cervical cancer HeLa cells through an intrinsic apoptotic
pathway. by Cao W1, Li XQ, Wang X, Fan HT, Zhang XN, Hou Y, Liu SB,
Mei QB.(PubMed)
(903) Effects of a Chinese medical herbs complex on cellular
immunity and toxicity-related conditions of breast
cancer patients by Zhuang SR1,
Chiu HF, Chen SL, Tsai JH, Lee MY, Lee HS, Shen YC, Yan YY, Shane GT, Wang CK.(PubMed)
(904) Dong Quai (the University of
Marryland medical center)
(905) Predny ML, De
Angelis P, Chamberlain JL (2006). Black cohosh (Actaea
racemosa): An annotated Bibliography. General
Technical Report SRS–97 (Department
of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station). p. 99.
Retrieved 2009-08-24.
(906) Black cohosh (Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa): review of the clinical data
for safety and efficacy in menopausal symptoms. by Mahady GB1.(PubMed)
(907) Research
highlights from the UIC/NIH Center for Botanical Dietary Supplements Research
for Women’s Health: Black cohosh from the field to the clinic by Norman R
Farnsworth1 and Gail
B. Mahady(PubMed)
(908) A phytoestrogen diarylheptanoid mediates estrogen receptor/Akt/glycogen
synthase kinase 3β protein-dependent activation of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling
pathway. by Bhukhai K1, Suksen K, Bhummaphan N, Janjorn K, Thongon
N, Tantikanlayaporn D, Piyachaturawat P, Suksamrarn A, Chairoungdua A.(PubMed)
(909) Isoflavones:
chemistry, analysis, functions and effects on health and cancer by Ko KP1.(PubMed)
(910) Adding the phytoestrogen Cimicifugae Racemosae to clomiphene
induction cycles with timed intercourse in polycystic ovary syndrome improves
cycle outcomes and pregnancy rates - a randomized trial by Shahin AY1,
Mohammed SA.(PubMed)
(911) Supplementation of clomiphene citrate cycles with Cimicifuga racemosa or ethinyl oestradiol--a
randomized trial by Shahin AY1, Ismail AM, Shaaban OM.(PubMed)
(912) Pharmacological actions of sodium ferulate in cardiovascular
system by Wang BH1, Ou-Yang JP.(PubMed)
(913) Aqueous extracts of Cimicifuga racemosa and phenolcarboxylic
constituents inhibit production of proinflammatory cytokines in
LPS-stimulated human whole blood by Schmid D1, Woehs F,
Svoboda M, Thalhammer T, Chiba P, Moeslinger T.(PubMed)
(914) Inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthesis by Cimicifuga racemosa (Actaea racemosa, black cohosh) extracts in
LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages by Schmid D1, Gruber M, Woehs
F, Prinz S, Etzlstorfer B, Prucker C, Fuzzati N, Kopp B, Moeslinger T.(PubMed)
(915) Triterpenoid glycoside from Cimicifuga racemosa by Lai GF1, Wang
YF, Fan LM, Cao JX, Luo SD.(PubMed)
(916) Extracts of Canadian first nations medicinal plants, used as
natural products, inhibit neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates with different
antibiotic resistance profiles by Cybulska P1, Thakur SD, Foster BC,
Scott IM, Leduc RI, Arnason JT, Dillon JA.(PubMed)
(917) Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa [L.] Nutt.): safety and
efficacy for cancer patients by Walji R1, Boon
H, Guns E, Oneschuk D, Younus J.(PubMed)
(919) Cimicifuga racemosa and its triterpene-saponins
prevent the Metabolic Syndrome and deterioration of cartilage in the knee joint
of ovariectomized rats by similar mechanisms by Seidlova-Wuttke D1,
Eder N, Stahnke V, Kammann M, Stecher G, Haunschild J, Wessels JT, Wuttke W.(PubMed)
(920) Effects of black
cohosh extract on body weight
gain, intra-abdominal fat accumulation, plasma lipids and glucose tolerance in
ovariectomized Sprague-Dawley rats by Rachoń D1, Vortherms T,
Seidlová-Wuttke D, Wuttke W.(PubMed)
(921) Adding phytoestrogens to clomiphene induction in unexplained infertility patients--a randomized trial by Shahin
AY1, Ismail AM, Zahran KM, Makhlouf AM.(PubMed)
(922) Supplementation of clomiphene citrate cycles with Cimicifuga racemosa or ethinyl oestradiol--a
randomized trial by Shahin AY1,
Ismail AM, Shaaban OM.(PubMed)
(923) Adding the phytoestrogen Cimicifugae Racemosae to clomiphene
induction cycles with timed intercourse in polycystic ovary syndrome improves
cycle outcomes and pregnancy rates - a randomized trial by Shahin AY1,
Mohammed SA.(PubMed)
(924) Influence of grape seed proanthocyanidin extract in broiler chickens: effect on
chicken coccidiosis and antioxidant status by Wang ML1, Suo X,
Gu JH, Zhang WW, Fang Q, Wang X.(PubMed)
(925) The fruit extract of Berberis crataegina DC: exerts potent antioxidant activity and protects DNA integrity by
Charehsaz M1, Sipahi H2, Celep E3, Üstündağ A4,
Cemiloğlu Ülker Ö5, Duydu Y6, Aydın A7,
Yesilada E8.(PubMed)
(927) Effect of proanthocyanidin-rich
extract from Pinus radiata bark on immune response of specific-pathogen-free
White Leghorn chickens by Park IJ1, Cha SY, Kang M, So YS, Go HG,
Mun SP, Ryu KS, Jang HK.(PubMed)
(928) Synergistic effect of proanthocyanidin on the bactericidal action of the
photolysis of H2O2 ,by Ikai H1, Nakamura K, Kanno T, Shirato M,
Meirelles L, Sasaki K, Niwano Y.(PubMed)
(929) Proanthocyanidin-rich
extracts from cranberry fruit (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) selectively inhibit
the growth of human pathogenic fungi Candida spp. and Cryptococcus neoformans
by Patel KD1, Scarano FJ, Kondo M, Hurta RA, Neto CC.(PubMed)
(930) Oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPC) exert
anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects on prostate cancer cells by Neuwirt H1, Arias
MC, Puhr M, Hobisch A, Culig Z.(PubMed)
(931) The cytotoxic effects of a novel IH636 grape seed proanthocyanidin extract on cultured human cancer cells by Ye X1, Krohn RL,
Liu W, Joshi SS, Kuszynski CA, McGinn TR, Bagchi M, Preuss HG, Stohs SJ, Bagchi
(933) Immune infertility:
towards a better understanding of sperm (auto)-immunity. The value of proteomic
analysis by Bohring C1, Krause W.(PubMed)
(934) Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of Cimicifuga racemosa (black cohosh) in women with anxiety disorder due to menopause by Amsterdam
JD1, Yao Y, Mao JJ, Soeller I, Rockwell K, Shults J.(PubMed)
(935) Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) in tamoxifen-treated breast
cancer patients with climacteric complaints - a prospective observational study
by Rostock M1, Fischer J, Mumm A, Stammwitz U, Saller R, Bartsch
(936) Black cohosh and fluoxetine in the treatment of
postmenopausal symptoms: a prospective, randomized trial by Oktem M1,
Eroglu D, Karahan HB, Taskintuna N, Kuscu E, Zeyneloglu HB.(PubMed)
(937) Black Cohosh and Chasteberry: Herbs Valued by Women for
Centuries B Y J OSEPH L. M
(938) Is infertility really associated with higher levels
of mental distress in the female population? Results from the North-Trøndelag
Health Study and the Medical Birth Registry of Norway by Biringer E1,
Howard LM, Kessler U, Stewart R, Mykletun A.(PubMed)
(939) Metabolism of Nω -methylserotonin, a serotonergic
constituent of black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa, L. (Nutt.)), by human liver
microsomes by Nikolić D1, Li J, van Breemen RB.(PubMed)
(940) Mechanism of hepatotoxicity due to black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa): histological,
immunohistochemical and electron microscopy analysis of two liver biopsies with clinical correlation by
Enbom ET1, Le MD2, Oesterich L3, Rutgers J4,
French SW2.(PubMed)
(941)University of Maryland Medical Center((PubMed)
(942) [Efficacy and safety of Black
cohosh (Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa) in the treatment of
vasomotor symptoms--review of clinical trials].[Article in Polish] by Kanadys
WM1, Leszczyńska-Gorzelak B, Oleszczuk J.(PubMed)
(943) Black cohosh:
an alternative therapy for menopause? by Mahady GB1, Fabricant D,
Chadwick LR, Dietz B.(PubMed)
(944) Red clover extract: a source for substances that
activate peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha and ameliorate the
cytokine secretion profile of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages by
Mueller M1, Hobiger S, Jungbauer A.(PubMed)
(946) Effectiveness of red
clover in alleviating menopausal symptoms: a 12-week randomized,
controlled trial by Shakeri F1, Taavoni S, Goushegir A, Haghani H.(PubMed)
(949) [Estrogen-effective isoflavones in Trifolium pratense (red clover). Distribution in
superterranean parts of plants and occurrence as "bound" isoflavones].[Article in German]by
Schultz G.(PubMed)
(950) Effect of soy isoflavones on endometriosis: interaction with estrogen receptor 2 gene polymorphism. by Tsuchiya M1,
Miura T, Hanaoka T, Iwasaki M, Sasaki H, Tanaka T, Nakao H, Katoh T, Ikenoue T,
Kabuto M, Tsugane S.(PubMed)
(951) Isoflavones: estrogenic activity, biological effect and bioavailability by Vitale DC1, Piazza C,
Melilli B, Drago F, Salomone S.(PubMed)
(952) Phytochemistry and biological properties of glabridin by
Simmler C1, Pauli GF, Chen SN.(PubMed)
(953) Recovery of normal fertility after grazing on oestrogenic red clover by Morley FH, Axelsen A, Bennett D.(PubMed)
(954) Neuroprotective
effects of formononetin against
NMDA-induced apoptosis in cortical neurons by Tian Z1, Liu SB, Wang
YC, Li XQ, Zheng LH, Zhao MG.(PubMed)
(955) Improvement of postmenopausal depressive and anxiety symptoms after treatment with
isoflavones derived from red
clover extracts by Lipovac M1,
Chedraui P, Gruenhut C, Gocan A, Stammler M, Imhof M.(PubMed)
(956) A review of non-hormonal options for the relief of
menopausal symptoms by Albertazzi P1.(PubMed)
(957) [Feminorm good night to treat the menopause].[Article in
Bulgarian] by Malinova M.(PubMed)
(958) The isoflavones mixture from Trifolium pratense L. protects HCN 1-A neurons
from oxidative stress by Occhiuto F1, Palumbo DR, Samperi S, Zangla
G, Pino A, De Pasquale R, Circosta C.(PubMed)
(959) The phytoestrogenic isoflavones from Trifolium pratense L. (Red clover) protects
human cortical neurons from glutamate toxicity by Occhiuto F1,
Zangla G, Samperi S, Palumbo DR, Pino A, De Pasquale R, Circosta C.(PubMed)
(960) Influence of red
clover-derived isoflavones on serum lipid profile in postmenopausal women by
Terzic MM1, Dotlic J, Maricic S, Mihailovic T, Tosic-Race B.(PubMed)
(961) Effect of Trifolium pratense-derived isoflavones on the
lipid profile of postmenopausal women with increased body mass index by
Chedraui P1, San Miguel G, Hidalgo L, Morocho N, Ross S.(PubMed)
(962) Isoflavones from red
clover improve systemic arterial
compliance but not plasma lipids in menopausal women by Nestel PJ1,
Pomeroy S, Kay S, Komesaroff P, Behrsing J, Cameron JD, West L.(PubMed)
(963) Isoflavones reduce arterial stiffness: a placebo-controlled
study in men and postmenopausal women by Teede HJ1, McGrath BP,
DeSilva L, Cehun M, Fassoulakis A, Nestel PJ.(PubMed)
(964) Dried Pomegranate Potentiates Anti-Osteoporotic and
Anti-Obesity Activities of Red Clover Dry Extracts in Ovariectomized Rats by
Kang SJ1,2, Choi BR3, Kim SH4, Yi HY5,
Park HR6, Kim DC7, Choi SH8, Han CH9,
Park SJ10,8, Song CH10,8, Ku SK11,12, Lee YJ13,14.(PubMed)
(965) Effect of oral phytoestrogen on androgenicity and insulin
sensitivity in postmenopausal women by Lee CC1, Bloem CJ, Kasa-Vubu
JZ, Liang LJ.(PubMed)
(966) Effects of supplementation with purified red clover
(Trifolium pratense) isoflavones on plasma lipids and insulin resistance in
healthy premenopausal women by Blakesmith SJ1, Lyons-Wall PM, George
C, Joannou GE, Petocz P, Samman S.(PubMed)
(967) Phytoestrogens and the metabolic syndrome by Jungbauer A1,
Medjakovic S.(PubMed)
(968) Effect of red
clover-derived isoflavone supplementation on insulin-like growth factor, lipid
and antioxidant status in healthy female volunteers: a
pilot study by Campbell MJ1, Woodside JV, Honour JW, Morton MS,
Leathem AJ.(PubMed)
(969) Research on antioxidant effects and estrogenic effect of
formononetin from Trifolium pratense (red clover) by Mu H1,
Bai YH, Wang ST, Zhu ZM, Zhang YW.(PubMed)
(970) Trifolium species-derived substances and
extracts--biological activity and prospects for medicinal applicationsby
Kolodziejczyk-Czepas J1.(PubMed)
(971) Biochanin-A, an isoflavon, showed anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory activities through the inhibition of
iNOS expression, p38-MAPK and ATF-2 phosphorylation and blocking NFκB nuclear
translocation by Kole L1, Giri B, Manna SK, Pal B, Ghosh S.(PubMed)
(972) Trifolium pratense L. as a potential natural
antioxidant by Vlaisavljevic S1, Kaurinovic B2, Popovic M3,
Djurendic-Brenesel M4, Vasiljevic B5, Cvetkovic D6,
Vasiljevic S7.(PubMed)
(973) Antibacterial activity of leaves extracts of Trifolium alexandrinum Linn. against pathogenic
bacteria causing tropical diseases by Khan AV1, Ahmed QU, Shukla I,
Khan AA.(PubMed)
(974) Anti-HIV, anti-poxvirus, and anti-SARS activity of a nontoxic,
acidic plant extract from the Trifollium species Secomet-V/anti-vac suggests
that it contains a novel broad-spectrum antiviral by Kotwal GJ1,
Kaczmarek JN, Leivers S, Ghebremariam YT, Kulkarni AP, Bauer G, De Beer C,
Preiser W, Mohamed AR.(PubMed)
(975) Free radical scavenging actions of three Trifolium species in the protection of blood
plasma antioxidant capacity in vitro by Kolodziejczyk-Czepas J1,
Nowak P, Moniuszko-Szajwaj B, Kowalska I, Stochmal A.(PubMed)
(976) Biological activity of clovers - free radical scavenging ability and antioxidant
action of six Trifolium species by Kolodziejczyk-Czepas J1,
Nowak P, Kowalska I, Stochmal A.(PubMed)
(977) Ester and carbamate ester derivatives of Biochanin A:
synthesis and in vitro evaluation of estrogenic and antiproliferative
activities by Fokialakis N1, Alexi X, Aligiannis N, Siriani D,
Meligova AK, Pratsinis H, Mitakou S, Alexis MN.(PubMed)
(978) Formononetin induces apoptosis in PC-3 prostate cancer cells through enhancing the Bax/Bcl-2
ratios and regulating the p38/Akt pathway by Zhang X1, Bi L, Ye Y,
Chen J.(PubMed)
(979) The red clover (Trifolium pratense) isoflavone biochanin A
modulates the biotransformation pathways of 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene by
Chan HY1, Wang H, Leung LK.(PubMed)
(980) Red clover(WebMD)
(981) Fertility and growth of nulliparous ewes after feeding red clover silage with high phyto-oestrogen concentrations by Mustonen E1,
Taponen S1, Andersson M1, Sukura A2, Katila T1,
Taponen J1.(PubMed)
(982) [Oral anticoagulants and medicinal plants. An emerging
interaction].[Article in Italian] by Argento A1, Tiraferri E,
Marzaloni M.(PubMed)
(983) Antithrombotic effect of Glycyrrhizin, a plant-derived
thrombin inhibitor by Mendes-Silva W1, Assafim M, Ruta B, Monteiro
RQ, Guimarães JA, Zingali RB.(PubMed)
(984) Hypocholesterolaemic and antioxidant effects of Glycyrrhiza glabra (Linn) in rats by Visavadiya NP1,
Narasimhacharya AV.(PubMed)
(985) Antiatherosclerotic effects of licorice extract supplementation on
hypercholesterolemic patients: increased resistance of LDL to atherogenic
modifications, reduced plasma lipid levels, and decreased systolic blood pressure by Fuhrman B1, Volkova N, Kaplan
M, Presser D, Attias J, Hayek T, Aviram M.(PubMed)
(986) [Exploration into rules of combined Chinese and Western
medical treatment on immune infertility].[Article
in Chinese] by Yao DN1, Chen WY, Xiao Y.(PubMed)
(987) [Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome by Chinese medicine
and pharmacy: an analysis of data mining on experiences of experts].[Article in
Chinese] by Zhang BH1, Gao R, Li ZH, Li BS, Wang FY, Tang XD.(PubMed)
(988) [Pharmacological study of the anti-inflammatory agent
glyderinine].[Article in Russian] by Azimov MM, Zakirov UB, Radzhapova ShD.(PubMed)
(989) Glycyrrhizin protects mice against renal
ischemia-reperfusion injury through inhibition of apoptosis and inflammation by downregulating p38
mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling by Ye S1, Zhu Y1,
Ming Y1, She X1, Liu H1, Ye Q1.(PubMed)
(990) Protective effect of glycyrrhizin,
a direct HMGB1 inhibitor, on focal cerebral ischemia/reperfusion-induced inflammation, oxidative stress, and
apoptosis in rats by Gong G1, Xiang L2, Yuan L3,
Hu L1, Wu W1, Cai L1, Yin L1, Dong
(991) [Effect of shakuyaku-kanzo-to, shakuyaku, kanzo,
paeoniflorin, glycyrrhetinic acid and glycyrrhizin on ovarian function in rats].[Article in
Japanese] by Takeuchi T1.(PubMed)
(992) Glycyrrhizin induces apoptosis in prostate cancer cell lines DU-145 and LNCaP by
Thirugnanam S1, Xu L, Ramaswamy K, Gnanasekar M.(PubMed)
(993) Glycyrrhetic acid (a metabolic substance and aglycon of glycyrrhizin) induces apoptosis in
human hepatoma, promyelotic leukemia and stomach cancer cells by Hibasami H1, Iwase
H, Yoshioka K, Takahashi H.(PubMed)
(994) Glycyrrhizin,
an active component of licorice roots, reduces morbidity and mortality of mice
infected with lethal doses of influenza virus by Utsunomiya T1,
Kobayashi M, Pollard RB, Suzuki F.(PubMed)
(995) Glycyrrhizin stimulates growth of Eubacterium sp.
strain GLH, a human intestinal anaerobe by Akao T1, Akao T, Kobashi
(996) [Involvement of striatal serotonin in fluoxetine effects on
adrenocortical function and behaviour].[Article in Russian] by Shishkina GT,
Bulygina VV, Iudina AM, Tolstikova TG, Dygalo NN.(PubMed)
(997) Relationships between androgens, serotonin gene expression and innervation in
male macaques by Bethea CL1, Coleman K2, Phu K3,
Reddy AP3, Phu A3.(PubMed)
(998) Phospholipid transfer protein is expressed in
cerebrovascular endothelial cells and involved in high density lipoprotein
biogenesis and remodeling at the blood-brain barrier by Chirackal Manavalan AP1,
Kober A, Metso J, Lang I, Becker T, Hasslitzer K, Zandl M, Fanaee-Danesh E,
Pippal JB, Sachdev V, Kratky D, Stefulj J, Jauhiainen M, Panzenboeck U.(PubMed)
(999) Alterations in phospholipidomic profile in the brain of mouse model of depression induced
by chronic unpredictable stress by Faria R1, Santana MM2,
Aveleira CA3, Simões C1, Maciel E1, Melo T1,
Santinha D1, Oliveira MM4, Peixoto F5,
Domingues P1, Cavadas C2, Domingues MR6.(PubMed)
(1000) Effects of soy lecithin phosphatidic acid and
phosphatidylserine complex (PAS) on the endocrine and psychological responses
to mental stress by Hellhammer J1, Fries E,
Buss C, Engert V, Tuch A, Rutenberg D, Hellhammer D.(PubMed)
(1001) Lecithin:cholesterol
acyltransferase deficiency protects against cholesterol-induced hepatic
endoplasmic reticulum stress in mice by Hager L1, Li L,
Pun H, Liu L, Hossain MA, Maguire GF, Naples M, Baker C, Magomedova L, Tam J,
Adeli K, Cummins CL, Connelly PW, Ng DS.(PubMed)
(1002) Altered phospholipid metabolism in schizophrenia: a
phosphorus 31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy study by Weber-Fahr W1,
Englisch S, Esser A, Tunc-Skarka N, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Ende G, Zink M.(PubMed)
(1003) Licorice-induced hypertension and syndromes of apparent mineralocorticoid
excess by Walker BR1, Edwards CR.(PubMed)
(1004) Gan Cao(Chinese(Complementary and Alternative
Healing University)
(1006) Glycyrrhizic acid toxicity caused by consumption of licorice candy cigars by Johns C1.(PubMed)
(1007) Prameha in Ayurveda: correlation with obesity, metabolic syndrome, and
diabetes mellitus. Part 2--management of Prameha by Sharma H1,
Chandola HM.(PubMed)
(1008) (788a) Effect of herbal Ephedra sinica and Evodia rutaecarpa on body
composition and resting metabolic rate: a randomized, double-blind clinical
trial in Korean premenopausal women by Kim HJ1, Park JM, Kim JA, Ko
(1009) In vitro anti-proliferative effects of the willow bark
extract STW 33-I by Bonaterra GA1, Kelber O, Weiser D, Metz J, Kinscherf
(1010) Willow leaves' extracts contain anti-tumor agents
effective against three cell types by El-Shemy HA1, Aboul-Enein AM, Aboul-Enein
KM, Fujita K.(PubMed)
(1011) Mechanisms involved in the anti-inflammatory effect of a standardized
willow bark extract by Khayyal MT1, El-Ghazaly MA, Abdallah DM, Okpanyi SN,
Kelber O, Weiser D.(PubMed)
(1012) Amelioration of collagen-induced arthritis by Salix
nigra bark extract via suppression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative
stress by Sharma S1, Sahu D, Das HR, Sharma D.(PubMed)
(1013) Antimicrobial effects of Finnish plant extracts
containing flavonoids and other phenolic compounds by Rauha JP1, Remes S,
Heinonen M, Hopia A, Kähkönen M, Kujala T, Pihlaja K, Vuorela H, Vuorela P.(PubMed)
(1014) The study of interactions between active compounds of
coffee and willow (Salix sp.) bark by water extract. Durak A1, Gawlik-Dziki
(1015) Willow bark extract increases antioxidant enzymes and
reduces oxidative stress through activation of Nrf2 in vascular endothelial
cells and Caenorhabditis elegans by Ishikado A1, Sono Y, Matsumoto M,
Robida-Stubbs S, Okuno A, Goto M, King GL, Blackwell TK, Makino T.(PubMed)
(1016) What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About(TM) Getting
Pregnant: Boost Your ... By Raymond
Chang, Elena Oumano
(1017) antiestrigenic effectsof bee pollen from Cystus
incanus and Salix alba as evaluated by the yeast estrogen screen and the
micronucleus assay in human lymphocytes by Pinto B1, Caciagli F, Riccio E,
Reali D, Sarić A, Balog T, Likić S, Scarpato R.(PubMed)
(1018) Adaptive hypersensitivity to estrogen: mechanisms and
clinical relevance to aromatase inhibitor therapy in breast cancer treatment by
Santen RJ1, Song RX, Zhang Z, Kumar R, Jeng MH, Masamura S, Lawrence J Jr,
MacMahon LP, Yue W, Berstein L.(PubMed)
(1019) Transcriptional implications of intragenic DNA
methylation in the oestrogen receptor alpha gene in breast cancer cells and
tissues by Shenker NS1, Flower KJ2, Wilhelm-Benartzi CS3, Dai W4,5, Bell E6,
Gore E7, El Bahrawy M8, Weaver G9, Brown R10, Flanagan JM11.(PubMed)
(1020) Sex hormone imbalances and adipose tissue dysfunction
impacting on metabolic syndrome; a paradigm for the discovery of novel
adipokines by Zhang H, Sairam MR.(PubMed)
(1021) Metabolic Balance for Maximum Health 6/06 June 6, 2006
- - + Juvenon
Health Journal Vol. 5 No. 6, June 2006
(1022) [Use of organic acids in acne and skin discolorations
therapy].[Article in Polish]by Kapuścińska A1, Nowak I1.(PubMed)
(1023) Rapid treatment of mild acne with a novel skin care system
containing 1% salicylic acid, 10%
buffered glycolic acid, and
botanical ingredients by Bhatia AC, Jimenez F.(PubMed)
(1024) Do acetyl salicylic
acid and terbutaline in
combination increase the probability of a clinical pregnancy in patients undergoing IVF/ICSI by
Hanevik HI1, Friberg M, Bergh A, Haraldsen C, Kahn JA.(PubMed)
(1025) Efficacy of three different antithrombotic regimens on pregnancy outcome in pregnant women affected by
recurrent pregnancy loss by Giancotti A1, La
Torre R, Spagnuolo A, D'Ambrosio V, Cerekja A, Piazze J, Chistolini A.(PubMed)
(1026) Clinical evidence on the efficacy and safety of an antioxidant optimized 1.5% salicylic acid (SA) cream in the treatment of facial
acne: an open, baseline-controlled clinical study by Zheng Y1, Wan
M, Chen H, Ye C, Zhao Y, Yi J, Xia Y, Lai W.(PubMed)
(1027) Molecular targets of aspirin and cancer prevention by
Alfonso L1, Ai G2, Spitale RC3, Bhat GJ2.(PubMed)
(1028) Effects of salicylic
acid and putrescine on
storability, quality attributes and antioxidant activity of plum cv. 'Santa Rosa' by
Davarynejad GH1, Zarei M1,
Nasrabadi ME1, Ardakani E1.(PubMed)
(1029) Salicylic
acid promotes seed germination
under high salinity by modulating antioxidant activity in Arabidopsis by Lee S1,
Kim SG, Park CM.(PubMed)
(1030) An in vivo study examining the antiinflammatory effects of chamomile,
meadowsweet, and willow bark in
a novel functional beverage by Drummond EM1, Harbourne N, Marete E,
Jacquier JC, O'Riordan D, Gibney ER.(PubMed)
(1031) Inhibition of proinflammatory biomarkers in THP1
macrophages by polyphenols derived from chamomile, meadowsweet and willow bark by
Drummond EM1, Harbourne N, Marete E, Martyn D, Jacquier J, O'Riordan
D, Gibney ER.(PubMed)
(1032) Willow bark extract
(BNO1455) and its fractions suppress growth and induce apoptosis in human colon
and lung cancer cells by Hostanska K1,
Jürgenliemk G, Abel G, Nahrstedt A, Saller R.(PubMed)
(1033) In vitro anti-proliferative
effects of the willow bark extract
STW 33-I. by Bonaterra GA1, Kelber O, Weiser D, Metz J, Kinscherf
(1034) Comprehensive study on vitamin
C equivalent antioxidant capacity
(VCEAC) of various polyphenolics in scavenging a free radical and its structural relationship by Kim
DO1, Lee CY.(PubMed)
(1035) Structure, mechanism and regulation of an artificial microbial ecosystem for vitamin C production by Zou W1, Liu
L, Chen J.(PubMed)
(1036) Melatonin and vitamin
C increase umbilical blood flow via
nitric oxide-dependent mechanisms by Thakor AS1, Herrera EA,
Serón-Ferré M, Giussani DA.(PubMed)
(1037) Tetrahydrobiopterin, L-arginine and vitamin C act synergistically to decrease
oxidant stress and increase nitric oxide that increases blood flow recovery
after hindlimb ischemia in the rat by Yan J1, Tie G, Messina
(1038) Protective role of ascorbic
acid to enhance reproductive
performance of male rabbits treated with stannous chloride by Yousef MI1.(PubMed)
(1039) Efficacy of vitamin
C and ethanolic extract of
Sesamum indicum in promoting fertility in male Wistar rats by Ashamu E1,
Salawu E, Oyewo O, Alhassan A, Alamu O, Adegoke A.(PubMed)
(1041) Promoting extracellular matrix remodeling via ascorbic acid enhances the survival of primary
ovarian follicles encapsulated in alginate hydrogels by Tagler D1,
Makanji Y, Tu T, Bernabé BP, Lee R, Zhu J, Kniazeva E, Hornick JE, Woodruff TK,
Shea LD.(PubMed)
(1042) The herbal composition GGEx18 from Laminaria japonica,
Rheum palmatum, and Ephedra sinica reduces obesity via skeletal
muscle AMPK and PPARα by Shin SS1, Park D, Lee HY, Hong Y, Choi J,
Oh J, Lee H, Lee HR, Kim MR, Shen ZB, Cui HH, Yoon M.(PubMed)
(1043) Multinutrient supplement containing ephedra and caffeine
causes weight loss and improves metabolic risk factors in
obese women: a randomized controlled trial by Hackman RM1, Havel PJ,
Schwartz HJ, Rutledge JC, Watnik MR, Noceti EM, Stohs SJ, Stern JS, Keen CL.(PubMed)
(1044) Potential toxicity of caffeine when used as a dietary
supplement for weight loss by Pendleton M1, Brown S,
Thomas C, Odle B.(PubMed)
(1045) Huang Qi(Complementary and Alternative
Healing University)
(1046) Amelioration of insulin
resistance in rat cells by Astragalus polysaccharides and associated
mechanisms by Liu H1, Bai J2, Weng X3, Wang T3,
Li M1.(PubMed)
(1047) Astragalus polysaccharide suppresses skeletal
muscle myostatin expression in diabetes: involvement of ROS-ERK and NF-κB
pathways by Liu M1, Qin J2, Hao Y3, Liu M4,
Luo J5, Luo T4, Wei L6.(PubMed)
(1048) Astragalus polysaccharide improves insulin sensitivity in KKAy mice: regulation
of PKB/GLUT4 signaling in skeletal muscle by Liu M1, Wu K, Mao X, Wu
Y, Ouyang J.(PubMed)
(1049) A refined-JinQi-JiangTang tablet ameliorates prediabetes by
reducing insulin resistance and improving beta cell function in
mice by Gao LH1, Liu Q1, Liu SN1, Chen ZY1,
Li CN1, Lei L1, Sun SJ1, Li LY1,
Liu JL1, Shen ZF2.(PubMed)
(1050) [Effects of Astragalus membranaceus and Potentilla discolor
mixture on insulin resistance and its related mRNA expressions in
KKAy mice with type 2 diabetes].[Article in Chinese] by Zhang DM1,
Lou LX, Wu AM, Lü XY, Hu ZJ, Zhang YH, Liu HF.(PubMed)
(1051) Astragaloside IV improves homocysteine-induced acute phase
endothelial dysfunction via antioxidation by Qiu LH1, Xie XJ, Zhang BQ.(PubMed)
(1052) Effects of astragaloside IV on pathogenesis of metabolic
syndrome in vitro by Xu ME1, Xiao SZ, Sun YH, Ou-Yang Y, Zheng XX.(PubMed)
(1053) Hypoglycemic effect of Astragalus polysaccharide
and its effect on PTP1B by Wu Y1, Ou-Yang JP, Wu K, Wang Y, Zhou YF,
Wen CY.(PubMed)
(1054) [Chronic lead intoxication associated with Ayurvedic
medication].[Article in Dutch] by Kanen BL1, Perenboom RM.(PubMed)
(1055) Genistein modulation of streptozotocin diabetes in male B6C3F1 mice can be induced by
diet by Guo TL1, Wang Y2, Xiong T3, Ling X4,
Zheng J5.(PubMed)
(1056) Genistein Protects Female Nonobese Diabetic Mice from
Developing Type 1 Diabetes When Fed a Soy- and Alfalfa-free Diet by Guo TL1,
Germolec DR2, Zheng JF3, Kooistra L4,
Auttachoat W3, Smith MJ3, White KL3, Elmore SA2.(PubMed)
(1057)Pancreatic and extra-pancreatic effects of the traditional
anti-diabetic plant, Medicago
sativa (lucerne) by Gray AM1,
Flatt PR.(PubMed)
(1058) Gan Cao (Complementary
and Alternative Healing University)
(1059) Glycyrrhizin ameliorates insulin
resistance, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia and oxidative stress in
fructose-induced metabolic syndrome-X in rat model by Sil R1, Ray D,
Chakraborti AS.(PubMed)
(1060) Ameliorative effects of glycyrrhizin on
streptozotocin-induced diabetes in rats by Sen S1, Roy M,
Chakraborti AS.(PubMed)
(1063) Glycyrrhizic acid improved lipoprotein lipase expression, insulin sensitivity, serum lipid and lipid
deposition in high-fat diet-induced obese rats by Eu CH1, Lim WY,
Ton SH, bin Abdul Kadir K.(PubMed)
(1064) Lipoprotein lipase expression, serum lipid and tissue lipid
deposition in orally-administered glycyrrhizic acid-treated rats by Lim WY1,
Chia YY, Liong SY, Ton SH, Kadir KA, Husain SN.(PubMed)
(1066) The Effect of Green Tea versus
Sour Tea on Insulin
Resistance, Lipids Profiles and Oxidative Stress in Patients with Type 2
Diabetes Mellitus: A Randomized Clinical Trial by Mozaffari-Khosravi H1,
Ahadi Z1, Fallah Tafti M2.(PubMed)
(1067) Effects of green tea extract
on insulin resistance and glucagon-like peptide 1 in
patients with type 2 diabetes and lipid abnormalities: a randomized,
double-blinded, and placebo-controlled trial by Liu CY1, Huang CJ2,
Huang LH3, Chen IJ1, Chiu JP1, Hsu CH1.(PubMed)
(1068) Preventive role of green tea catechins
from obesity and related disorders especially
hypercholesterolemia and hyperglycemia by Ahmad RS1, Butt MS2,
Sultan MT3, Mushtaq Z4, Ahmad S5, Dewanjee S6,
De Feo V7, Zia-Ul-Haq M8.(PubMed)
(1069) Obesity and thermogenesis related to the
consumption of caffeine, ephedrine, capsaicin, and green tea by
Diepvens K1, Westerterp KR, Westerterp-Plantenga MS.(PubMed)
(1070) Decaffeinated green tea extract
improves hypertension and insulin resistance in a rat model
of metabolic syndrome by Ihm SH1, Jang SW, Kim OR, Chang K, Oak MH,
Lee JO, Lim DY, Kim JH.(PubMed)
(1071) Prevention of hypertension,
cardiovascular damage and endothelial dysfunction with green tea extracts
by Antonello M1, Montemurro D, Bolognesi M, Di Pascoli M, Piva A,
Grego F, Sticchi D, Giuliani L, Garbisa S, Rossi GP.(PubMed)
(1072) The role of green tea extract
and powder in mitigating metabolic syndromes with special reference to
h)yperglycemia and hypercholesterolemia by Yousaf S1, Butt MS,
Suleria HA, Iqbal MJ.(PubMed)
(1073) Preventive role of green tea catechins
from obesity and related disorders especially
hypercholesterolemia and hyperglycemia by Ahmad RS1, Butt MS2,
Sultan MT3, Mushtaq Z4, Ahmad S5, Dewanjee S6,
De Feo V7, Zia-Ul-Haq M8.(PubMed)
(1074) The effect of Ginkgo biloba and Camellia sinensis extracts
on psychological state and glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus by Lasaite L, Spadiene A, Savickiene
N, Skesters A, Silova A.(PubMed)
(1075) The relationship between green tea and
total caffeine intake and risk for self-reported type 2 diabetes among Japanese adults by Iso H1,
Date C, Wakai K, Fukui M, Tamakoshi A; JACC Study Group.(PubMed)
(1076) Epigallocatechin
gallate (EGCG) suppresses
lipopolysaccharide-induced Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) activity via 67 kDa
laminin receptor (67LR) in 3T3-L1 adipocytes by Bao S1, Cao Y1,
Zhou H1, Sun X1, Shan Z1, Teng W1.(PubMed)
(1077) Green tea (-)-epigallocatechin gallate suppresses IGF-I and IGF-II
stimulation of 3T3-L1 adipocyte glucose uptake via the glucose transporter 4,
but not glucose transporter 1 pathway by Ku HC1, Tsuei YW2,
Kao CC2, Weng JT3, Shih LJ3, Chang HH1,
Liu CW1, Tsai SW4, Kuo YC5, Kao YH6.(PubMed)
(1078) Green tea epigallocatechin
gallate inhibits insulin stimulation of adipocyte glucose
uptake via the 67-kilodalton laminin receptor and AMP-activated protein kinase
pathways by Hsieh CF1, Tsuei YW, Liu CW, Kao CC, Shih LJ, Ho LT, Wu
LY, Wu CP, Tsai PH, Chang HH, Ku HC, Kao YH.(PubMed)
(1079) Effects of Rye Bread Enriched with Green Tea Extract on
Weight Maintenance and the Characteristics of Metabolic Syndrome Following Weight Loss: A Pilot Study
by Bajerska J1, Mildner-Szkudlarz S, Walkowiak J.(PubMed)
(1080) Vascular and metabolic actions of the green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin gallate by Keske MA, Ng HL, Premilovac D,
Rattigan S, Kim JA, Munir K, Yang P, Quon MJ1.(PubMed)
(1081) Effects of the green tea polyphenol
epigallocatechin-3-gallate on high-fat diet-induced insulin resistance and
endothelial dysfunction by Jang HJ1, Ridgeway SD, Kim JA.(PubMed)
(1082) Effects of dietary supplementation with
epigallocatechin-3-gallate on weight loss, energy homeostasis, cardiometabolic
risk factors and liver function in obese women: randomised, double-blind,
placebo-controlled clinical trial by Mielgo-Ayuso J1, Barrenechea L2,
Alcorta P3, Larrarte E4, Margareto J4, Labayen
(1083) Polyphenols: planting the seeds of treatment for the metabolic syndrome by Cherniack EP1.(PubMed)
(1084) Weight control and prevention of metabolic syndrome by green tea by Sae-tan S1,
Grove KA, Lambert JD.(PubMed)
(1085) The potential role of green tea catechins in the prevention
of the metabolic syndrome - a review by Thielecke F1, Boschmann M.(PubMed)
(1087) Rou Gui(Complementary and
Alternative Healing University)
(1089) Anti-inflammatory effect of cinnamaldehyde in Helicobacter
pylori induced gastric inflammation by Muhammad JS1, Zaidi SF,
Shaharyar S, Refaat A, Usmanghani K, Saiki I, Sugiyama T.(PubMed)
(1 090) Short-term germ-killing effect of sugar-sweetened cinnamon chewing gum on salivary anaerobes
associated with halitosis by Zhu M1, Carvalho R,
Scher A, Wu CD.(PubMed)
(1091) The potential of cinnamon to reduce blood glucose levels in
patients with type 2 diabetes and insulin
resistance by Kirkham S1,
Akilen R, Sharma S, Tsiami A.(PubMed)
(1092) Cinnamon supplementation in patients with type
2 diabetes mellitus by Pham AQ1, Kourlas H, Pham DQ.(PubMed)
(1093)Cinnamon extract
improves fasting blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin level in Chinese
patients with type 2 diabetes by Lu T1, Sheng H, Wu J, Cheng Y, Zhu
J, Chen Y.(PubMed)
(1094) Turmeric improves post-prandial working memory in
pre-diabetes independent of insulin by Lee
MS1, Wahlqvist ML, Chou YC, Fang WH, Lee JT, Kuan JC, Liu HY, Lu
TM, Xiu L, Hsu CC, Andrews ZB, Pan WH.(PubMed)
(1095) Cinnamon:
potential role in the prevention of insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes by Qin B1,
Panickar KS, Anderson RA.(PubMed)
(1096) Alternative and complementary treatments for metabolic syndrome by Power M1, Pratley R.(PubMed)
(1097) Cinnamon improves insulin sensitivity and
alters the body composition in an animal model of the metabolic syndrome by Couturier K1, Batandier
C, Awada M, Hininger-Favier I, Canini F, Anderson RA, Leverve X, Roussel AM.(PubMed)
(1098) Cinnamon extract improves insulin sensitivity in the brain and lowers
liver fat in mouse models of obesity by Sartorius T1, Peter A2,
Schulz N3, Drescher A2, Bergheim I4, Machann J5,
Schick F6, Siegel-Axel D2, Schürmann A3,
Weigert C1, Häring HU1, Hennige AM7.(PubMed)
(1099) Antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic action of
Cinnamomi Cassiae (Cinnamon bark)
extract in C57BL/Ks db/db mice by Kim SH1, Choung SY.(PubMed)
(1100) Antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic action of cinnamaldehyde in C57BLKS/J
db/db mice by Li J1, Liu T, Wang L, Guo X, Xu T, Wu L, Qin L, Sun
(1101) Steroidal lactones from Withania somnifera, an ancient plant for novel
medicine by Mirjalili MH, Moyano E, Bonfill M, Cusido RM, Palazón J.(PubMed)
(1102) An Overview on Ashwagandha: A Rasayana (Rejuvenator) of
Ayurveda by Narendra Singh, Mohit Bhalla, Prashanti de Jager, and Marilena
(1103) Antenatal maternal stress and long-term effects on child neurodevelopment: how
and why? by Talge NM1, Neal C, Glover V; Early Stress, Translational Research and
Prevention Science Network: Fetal and Neonatal Experience on Child and
Adolescent Mental Health.(PubMed)
(1104) Immediate and long-term effects of meditation on acute stress reactivity, cognitive functions, and
intelligence by Singh Y1, Sharma R, Talwar A.(PubMed)
(1105) The potential implications of a PCOS diagnosis
on a woman's long-term health using data linkage by Hart R1,
Doherty DA.(PubMed)
(1106) Simultaneous
Estimation of Withaferin A and Z-Guggulsterone in Marketed Formulation by
RP-HPLC by Agrawal P1, Vegda R2, Laddha K2.(PubMed)
(1107) Selective killing of cancer cells by leaf extract of Ashwagandha: components, activity and
pathway analyses by Widodo N1, Takagi Y, Shrestha BG, Ishii T, Kaul
SC, Wadhwa R.(PubMed)
(1108) Selective killing of cancer cells by leaf extract of Ashwagandha: identification of a
tumor-inhibitory factor and the first molecular insights to its effect by
Widodo N1, Kaur K, Shrestha BG, Takagi Y, Ishii T, Wadhwa R, Kaul
(1109) Effect of standardized aqueous extract of Withania somnifera on tests of cognitive and psychomotor performance in healthy
human participants by Pingali U1, Pilli R1, Fatima N1.(PubMed)
(1110) Randomized placebo-controlled adjunctive study of an
extract of withania somnifera for cognitive dysfunction in bipolar disorder by
Chengappa KN1, Bowie CR, Schlicht PJ, Fleet D, Brar JS, Jindal R.(PubMed)
(1111) Evaluation of the anti-ulcer activity of NR-ANX-C (a polyherbal
formulation) in aspirin & pyloric ligature induced gastric ulcers in albino rats by Nair V1,
Arjuman A, Gopalakrishna HN, Dorababu P, Mirshad PV, Bhargavan D, Chatterji D.(PubMed)
(1112) Effect of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) root extract
on amelioration of oxidative stress and autoantibodies production in
collagen-induced arthritic rats by Khan MA, Subramaneyaan M, Arora VK, Banerjee
BD, Ahmed RS.(PubMed)
(1113) Evaluation of anti-inflammatory
effect of Withania somnifera root on collagen-induced
arthritis in rats by Gupta A1, Singh S.(PubMed)
(1114) Protective effect of Withania somnifera root powder in relation to
lipid peroxidation, antioxidant status, glycoproteins and bone collagen on
adjuvant-induced arthritis in rats by Rasool M1, Varalakshmi P.(PubMed)
(1115) Withania somnifera Improves Semen Quality in Stress-Related Male Fertility by Mahdi
AA1, Shukla KK, Ahmad MK, Rajender S, Shankhwar SN, Singh V, Dalela
(1116) Withaferin A inhibits pro-inflammatory cytokine-induced damage to islets in
culture and following transplantation by SoRelle JA1, Itoh T, Peng
H, Kanak MA, Sugimoto K, Matsumoto S, Levy MF, Lawrence MC, Naziruddin B.(PubMed)
(1117) Evaluation of antioxidant potential of Rasayana drugs in healthy
human volunteers by Kuchewar VV1, Borkar MA2, Nisargandha
(1118) Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) in
neurobehavioural disorders induced by brain oxidative stress in rodents: a
systematic review and meta-analysis by Durg S1, Dhadde SB, Vandal R,
Shivakumar BS, Charan CS.(PubMed)
(1119) In vitro protective effects of Withania somnifera (L.) dunal root extract
against hydrogen peroxide and β-amyloid(1-42)-induced cytotoxicity in
differentiated PC12 cells by Kumar S1, Seal CJ, Howes MJ, Kite GC,
Okello EJ.(PubMed)
(1120) Chemotypical variations in Withania somnifera lead to differentially
modulated immune response in BALB/c mice by Kushwaha S1, Roy S,
Maity R, Mallick A, Soni VK, Singh PK, Chaurasiya ND, Sangwan RS,
Misra-Bhattacharya S, Mandal C.(PubMed)
(1121) Molecular insight into the immune up-regulatory properties
of the leaf extract of Ashwagandha and identification of Th1
immunostimulatory chemical entity by Khan S1, Malik F, Suri KA,
Singh J.(PubMed)
(1122) Evaluation of the anti-proliferative
and anti-oxidative activities of leaf extract from in
vivo and in vitro raised Ashwagandha by Kaur K1, Rani G, Widodo
N, Nagpal A, Taira K, Kaul SC, Wadhwa R.(PubMed)
(1123) Anti-oxidant
effect of Withania somnifera glycowithanolides in chronic
footshock stress-induced
perturbations of oxidative free radical scavenging enzymes and
lipid peroxidation in rat frontal cortex and striatum by Bhattacharya A1, Ghosal S, Bhattacharya SK.(PubMed)
(1124) Evaluation of Withania somnifera in a middle cerebral artery
occlusion model of stroke in rats by Chaudhary G1, Sharma U, Jagannathan NR,
Gupta YK.(PubMed)
(1125) Propoxur-induced acetylcholine esterase inhibition and
impairment of cognitive function: attenuation by Withania somnifera by Yadav CS1,
Kumar V, Suke SG, Ahmed RS, Mediratta PK, Banerjee BD.(PubMed)
(1126) Attenuation of oxidative damage-associated cognitive decline by Withania somnifera in rat model of
streptozotocin-induced cognitive impairment by Ahmed ME1, Javed H, Khan MM, Vaibhav K,
Ahmad A, Khan A, Tabassum R, Islam F, Safhi MM, Islam F.(PubMed)
(1127) An alternative treatment for anxiety: a systematic review of human
trial results reported for the Ayurvedic herb ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) by Pratte MA1,
Nanavati KB, Young V, Morley CP.(PubMed)
(1128) Plant-based medicines for anxiety disorders, part 2: a review of
clinical studies with supporting preclinical evidence by Sarris J1, McIntyre E,
Camfield DA.(PubMed)
(1129) Effect of Withania somnifera on Sleep-Wake Cycle in Sleep-Disturbed Rats: Possible
GABAergic Mechanism by Kumar A1, Kalonia H.(PubMed)
(1130) Protective effect of Withania somnifera Dunal on the behavioral and
biochemical alterations in sleep-disturbed
mice (Grid over water suspended method) by Kumar A1, Kalonia H.(PubMed)
(1131) Protective effect of Withania somnifera dunal root extract against
protracted social isolation induced behavior in rats by Gupta GL1, Rana AC.(PubMed)
(1132) An overview on ashwagandha:
a Rasayana (rejuvenator) of Ayurveda by Singh N1, Bhalla M, de Jager
P, Gilca M.(PubMed)
(1133) Effect of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) on the
development of chemotherapy-induced fatigue and quality of life in breast cancer patients by Biswal BM1,
Sulaiman SA, Ismail HC, Zakaria H, Musa KI.(PubMed)
(1134) Withania somnifera shows a protective effect in
monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension by Kaur G1, Singh N, Samuel
SS, Bora HK, Sharma S, Pachauri SD, Dwivedi AK, Siddiqui HH, Hanif K.(PubMed)
(1135) Withania somnifera Improves Ischemic Stroke Outcomes by Attenuating
PARP1-AIF-Mediated Caspase-Independent Apoptosis by Raghavan A1,
Shah ZA.(PubMed)
(1136) The aqueous extract of Withania coagulans fruit partially reverses
nicotinamide/streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus in rats by Shukla K1,
Dikshit P, Shukla R, Gambhir JK.(PubMed)
(1137) Anti-stress effects
of Ginkgo biloba and Panax
ginseng: a comparative study by Rai D1, Bhatia G, Sen T, Palit G.(PubMed)
(1138) Ginseng, Korean(The free
dictionary by Farlet)
(1139) Effects of Panax
ginseng extract on
exercise-induced oxidative stress by Kim SH1, Park KS, Chang
MJ, Sung JH.(PubMed)
(1140) Saponins from Panax japonicus attenuate D-galactose-induced
cognitive impairment through its anti-oxidative and anti-apoptotic effects in
rats by Wang T1, Di G, Yang L, Dun Y, Sun Z, Wan J, Peng B, Liu C,
Xiong G, Zhang C, Yuan D. (PubMed)
(1141) Anti-stress effects
of 20(S)-protopanaxadiol and 20(S)-protopanaxatriol in immobilized mice by Oh
HA1, Kim DE, Choi HJ, Kim NJ,
Kim DH.(PubMed)
(1142) Protective effect of panax notoginseng saponins on acute
ethanol-induced liver injury is associated with ameliorating hepatic lipid
accumulation and reducing ethanol-mediated oxidative stress by Ding RB1, Tian K, Cao
YW, Bao JL, Wang M, He C, Hu Y, Su H, Wan JB.(PubMed)
(1143) [The anti-stress effect of saponins extracted from panax ginseng fruit and the hypophyseal-adrenal
system (author's transl)].[Article in Chinese] by Zhang SC, Jiang XL.(PubMed)
(1145) Stimulation of pituitary-adrenocortical system by ginseng saponin by Hiai S, Yokoyama H, Oura H,
Yano S.(PubMed)
(1146) [Study on the mechanism of action of total saponins of Panax notoginseng in ameliorating oxidative stress and insulin resistance in rats fed
with high fat diet].[Article in Chinese] by Zhang SS1, Wu ZY2,
Chen JM3, Guo QK2, Li L2, Wang ZF2,
Gao Y4, Ma ZC4.(PubMed)
(1147) [Effects of ginsenosides on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
function and brain-derived neurotrophic factor in rats exposed to chronic unpredictable mild stress].[Article in Chinese] by Liu L1,
Luo Y, Zhang R, Guo J.(PubMed)
(1148) Modulation of nitrergic signalling pathway by American ginseng attenuates chronic unpredictable stress-induced cognitive impairment,
neuroinflammation, and biochemical alterations by Rinwa P1, Kumar
(1149) Ginsenoside Rb3 exerts antidepressant-like effects in
several animal models by Cui J1, Jiang L, Xiang H.(PubMed)
(1150) Antidepressant effects of ginseng total saponins in the forced swimming
test and chronic mild stress models of depression by Dang H1, Chen Y, Liu X, Wang Q, Wang
L, Jia W, Wang Y.(PubMed)
(1151) Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Metabolic Disease
and Other Disorders by Lale Ozcan and Ira Tabas(PubMed)
(1152) Traditional chinese medicine in treatment of metabolic syndrome by Yin J1, Zhang H, Ye J.(PubMed)
(1153) [Antidepressant activities of flavonoids from Glycyrrhiza uralensis and its neurogenesis
protective effect in rats].[Article in Chinese] by Fan ZZ1, Zhao WH,
Guo J, Cheng RF, Zhao JY, Yang WD, Wang YH, Li W, Peng XD.(PubMed)
(1154) Antidepressant-like effect of liquiritin from Glycyrrhiza uralensis in chronic variable stress induced depression model rats by Zhao
Z1, Wang W, Guo H, Zhou D.(PubMed)
(1155) Metabonomic study on chronic unpredictable mild stress and intervention effects of Xiaoyaosan
in rats using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry by Gao X1,
Zheng X, Li Z, Zhou Y, Sun H, Zhang L, Guo X, Du G, Qin X.(PubMed)
(1156) Neuroprotective effects of flavonoids extracted from licorice on kainate-induced seizure in mice
through their antioxidant properties by Zeng LH1, Zhang HD, Xu CJ,
Bian YJ, Xu XJ, Xie QM, Zhang RH.(PubMed)
(1157) An in vitro study of neuroprotective properties of traditional Chinese
herbal medicines thought to promote healthy ageing and longevity by Shen B,
Truong J, Helliwell R, Govindaraghavan S, Sucher NJ1.(PubMed)
(1158) Yokukansan, a traditional Japanese medicine, decreases
head-twitch behaviors and serotonin 2A receptors in the prefrontal cortex of
isolation-stressed mice, by Ueki T1, Mizoguchi K2,
Yamaguchi T2, Nishi A2, Sekiguchi K2, Ikarashi
Y2, Kase Y2.(PubMed)
(1159) Glabridin, an isoflavan from licorice root, downregulates iNOS expression
and activity under high-glucose stress and inflammation by Yehuda I1, Madar Z, Leikin-Frenkel A,
Tamir S.(PubMed)
(1160) Glabridin, a phytoestrogen from licorice root, up-regulates manganese
superoxide dismutase, catalase and paraoxonase 2 under glucose stress by Yehuda I1, Madar Z,
Szuchman-Sapir A, Tamir S.(PubMed)
(1161) Anti-inflammatory/Anti-oxidative stress activities and differential regulation
of Nrf2-mediated genes by non-polar fractions of tea Chrysanthemum zawadskii
and licorice Glycyrrhiza uralensis by Wu TY1, Khor
TO, Saw CL, Loh SC, Chen AI, Lim SS, Park JH, Cai L, Kong AN.(PubMed)
(1162) Licorice treatment prevents oxidative stress, restores cardiac
function, and salvages myocardium in rat model of myocardial injury by Ojha SK1,
Sharma C1, Golechha MJ1, Bhatia J1, Kumari S2,
Arya DS3.(PubMed)
(1163) Licochalcone A activates Nrf2 in vitro and contributes to licorice extract-induced lowered cutaneous oxidative stress in vivo by Kühnl J1,
Roggenkamp D, Gehrke SA, Stäb F, Wenck H, Kolbe L, Neufang G.(PubMed)
(1164) 18-β Glycyrrhetinic acid alleviates
2-acetylaminofluorene-induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar rats: Role in
hyperproliferation, inflammation and oxidative
stress by Hasan S1,
Khan R1, Ali N1, Khan A1, Rehman M1,
Tahir M1, Lateef A1, Nafees S1, Mehdi S1,
Rashid S1, Shahid A1, Sultana S2.(PubMed)
(1165) Phylogenetic and Phytochemical Characteristics of Plant
Species with Adaptogenic Properties by Robyn KLein. CHAPTER
(1166) Phytochemical characterization of an adaptogenic
preparation from Rhodiola heterodonta by Grace MH1, Yousef GG, Kurmukov AG,
Raskin I, Lila MA.(PubMed)
(1167) Rhodiola: a promising anti-aging Chinese herb. by
Jafari M1, Felgner JS, Bussel II, Hutchili T, Khodayari B, Rose MR, Vince-Cruz
C, Mueller LD.(PubMed)
(1168) Anti-Fatigue Effects of Fermented Rhodiola rosea
Extract in Mice by Kang DZ1, Hong HD2, Kim KI3, Choi SY4.(PubMed)
(1169) Rhodiola rosea for mental and physical fatigue in
nursing students: a randomized controlled trial by Punja S1, Shamseer L2, Olson
K3, Vohra S4.(PubMed)
(1170) Rhodiola rosea versus sertraline for major depressive
disorder: A randomized placebo-controlled trial by Mao JJ1, Xie SX2, Zee J2,
Soeller I3, Li QS3, Rockwell K4, Amsterdam JD5.(PubMed)
(1171) Rhodiola rosea therapy for major depressive disorder:
a study protocol for a randomized, double-blind, placebo- controlled trial by
Mao JJ1, Li QS2, Soeller I2, Xie SX3, Amsterdam JD4.(PubMed)
(1172) [Effect of salidroside on bone marrow cell cycle and
expression of apoptosis-related proteins in bone marrow cells of bone marrow
depressed anemia mice]. [Article in Chinese] by Zhang XS1, Zhu BD, Hung XQ,
Chen YF.(PubMed)
(1173) Panax ginseng, Rhodiola rosea and Schisandra chinensis
by Chan SW1.(PubMed)
(1174) Rhodiola inhibits dengue virus multiplication by
inducing innate immune response genes RIG-I, MDA5 and ISG in human monocytes by
Diwaker D1, Mishra KP, Ganju L, Singh SB.(PubMed)
(1175) Sambucus nigra extracts inhibit infectious bronchitis
virus at an early point during replication by Chen C, Zuckerman DM, Brantley S,
Sharpe M, Childress K, Hoiczyk E, Pendleton AR1.(PubMed)
(1176) [Advance in studies on pharmacological effect of
salidroside on nervous system diseases]. [Article in Chinese] by Xie H1, Zhu
(1177) Protective effects of a Rhodiola crenulata extract and
salidroside on hippocampal neurogenesis against streptozotocin-induced neural
injury in the rat by Qu ZQ1, Zhou Y, Zeng YS, Lin YK, Li Y, Zhong ZQ, Chan WY.(PubMed)
(1178) The effects of an acute dose of Rhodiola rosea on
endurance exercise performance by Noreen EE1, Buckley JG, Lewis SL, Brandauer
J, Stuempfle KJ.(PubMed)
(1179) Effects of plant extracts on the reversal of
glucose-induced impairment of stress-resistance in Caenorhabditis elegans by
Fitzenberger E1, Deusing DJ, Wittkop A, Kler A, Kriesl E, Bonnländer B, Wenzel
(1180) The adaptogens rhodiola and schizandra modify the
response to immobilization stress in rabbits by suppressing the increase of
phosphorylated stress-activated protein kinase, nitric oxide and cortisol by
Panossian A1, Hambardzumyan M, Hovhanissyan A, Wikman G.(PubMed)
(1182) [The interaction of Rhodiola rosea and
antidepressants. A case report]. [Article in German] by Maniscalco I1, Toffol
E, Giupponi G, Conca A.(PubMed)
(1183) Adaptogenic and central nervous system effects of
single doses of 3% rosavin and 1% salidroside Rhodiola rosea L. extract in mice
by Perfumi M1, Mattioli L.(PubMed)
(1184) Characterization of the anxiolytic activity of Nunavik
Rhodiola rosea by Cayer C1, Ahmed F, Filion V, Saleem A, Cuerrier A, Allard M,
Rochefort G, Merali Z, Arnason JT.(PubMed)
(1185) Synergistic interactions between the antinociceptive
effect of Rhodiola rosea extract and B vitamins in the mouse formalin test by
Montiel-Ruiz RM1, González-Trujano ME, Déciga-Campos M.(PubMed)
(1186) Pharmacological evaluation of Potentilla alba L. in
mice: adaptogenic and central nervous system effects by Shikov AN1, Lazukina
MA, Pozharitskaya ON, Makarova MN, Golubeva OV, Makarov VG, Djachuk GI.(PubMed)
(1187) Effects of herbal supplements on the immune system in
relation to exercise by Megna M1, Amico AP, Cristella G, Saggini R, Jirillo E,
Ranieri M.(PubMed)
(1188) Salidroside stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis and
protects against H₂O₂-induced endothelial dysfunction by Xing
S1, Yang X1, Li W1, Bian F1, Wu D1, Chi J1, Xu G1, Zhang Y1, Jin S1.(PubMed)
(1189) Salidroside improves homocysteine-induced endothelial
dysfunction by reducing oxidative stress by Leung SB1, Zhang H, Lau CW, Huang
Y, Lin Z.(PubMed)
(1190) Review Chemistry and pharmacology of Rhaponticum
carthamoides: A review Ladislav Kokoska a,*, Dagmar Janovska(Elsevier)
(1191) [The use of a decoction of the rhizome of Leuzea carthamoides for the treatment of
alcoholics with depressive states].[Article in Russian] by Ibatov
(1192) Long-term effects of the rhapontic rhubarb extract ERr 731®
on estrogen-regulated targets in the uterus and on the bone in ovariectomized
rats by Keiler AM1, Papke A, Kretzschmar G, Zierau O, Vollmer G.(PubMed)
(1193) Treatment of menopausal symptoms by an extract from the roots
of rhapontic rhubarb: the role of estrogen receptors by Vollmer G1,
Papke A, Zierau O.(PubMed)
(1194) Chemistry and pharmacology of Rhaponticum carthamoides: a
review by Kokoska L1, Janovska D.(PubMed)
(1195) A study on the effect of ethanol extract of Radix
rhapontici on erythrocyte immune function in rats by Yan X1, Zhao H, Guan Y, Song Y, Meng
(1196) Anticarcinogenic activity of alpha-difluoromethylornithine,
ginseng, eleutherococcus, and leuzea on radiation-induced carcinogenesis in
female rats by Bespalov VG1, Alexandrov VA, Semenov AL, Kovan'Ko EG,
Ivanov SD.(PubMed)
(1197) Subtype-specific activation of estrogen receptors by a
special extract of Rheum rhaponticum (ERr 731), its aglycones and
structurally related compounds in U2OS human osteosarcoma cells by Möller F1, Zierau O, Jandausch A,
Rettenberger R, Kaszkin-Bettag M, Vollmer G.(PubMed)
(1198) Antimycobacterial effect of extract and its components from
Rheum rhaponticum by Smolarz HD1,
Swatko-Ossor M, Ginalska G, Medyńska E.(PubMed)
(1199) Investigation of the antimicrobial activity of Rhaponticum (Rhaponticum carthamoides D.C. Iljin) and shrubby
cinquefoil (Potentilla fruticosa L.).[Article in English, Lithuanian] by
Jurkštienė V1, Pavilonis A, Garšvienė D, Juozulynas A, Samsonienė L,
Daukšienė D, Jankauskienė K, Simonienė-Kazlauskienė G, Stankevičius E.(PubMed)
(1200) Evaluation of molecular chaperons Hsp72 and neuropeptide Y
as characteristic markers of adaptogenic activity of plant extracts by Asea A1,
Kaur P, Panossian A, Wikman KG.(PubMed)
(1201) [Cerebroprotector activity of Rhaponticum carthamoides extract in rats with
brain ischemia].[Article in Russian] by Plotnikov MB, Logvinov SV, Pugachenko
NV, Maslov MIu, Aliev OI, Vasil'ev AS, Suslov NI, Potapov AV.(PubMed)
(1202) [Lipid peroxide, membrane fluidity of smooth muscle cells
and atherosclerosis].[Article in Chinese] by Lu YC1(PubMed)
(1203) [Cardioprotective and antiarrhythmic properties of
preparations from Leuzea carthamoides, Aralia mandshurica, and
Eleutherococcus senticosus].[Article in Russian] by Maslov LN, Guzarova NV.(PubMed)
(1204) Effects of rhaponticum carthamoides versus glycyrrhiza glabra
and punica granatum extracts on metabolic syndrome signs in rats by Dushkin M1,
Khrapova M, Kovshik G, Chasovskikh M, Menshchikova E, Trufakin V, Shurlygina A,
Vereschagin E.(PubMed)
(1205) The selective effect of N-feruloylserotonins isolated from Leuzea carthamoides on nociception and
anxiety in rats by Yamamotová A1, Pometlová M, Harmatha J, Rasková
H, Rokyta R.(PubMed)
(1206) Influence of the plant extract complex "AdMax" on
global gene expression levels in cultured human fibroblast(PubMed)
(1207) Dietary rhubarb (Rheum rhaponticum)
stalk fibre stimulates cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase gene expression and bile
acid excretion in cholesterol-fed C57BL/6J mice by Goel V1, Cheema
SK, Agellon LB, Ooraikul B, Basu TK.(PubMed)
(1208) Lack of interference of common phytoecdysteroids with
production of nitric oxide by immune-activated mammalian macrophages by
Harmatha J1, Vokác K, Kmonícková E, Zídek Z.(PubMed)
(1209) [Effects of Rhaponticum uniforum polysaccharide on immune
response of mice after antigen stimulation and their possible
mechanisms].[Article in Chinese] by Li FS1, Yang G, Xian F, Liu H.(PubMed)
(1210) Photoprotective and antioxidant effects of Rhubarb:
inhibitory action on tyrosinase and tyrosine kinase activities and TNF-α, IL-1α
and α-MSH production in human melanocytes by Silveira JP1, Seito LN,
Eberlin S, Dieamant GC, Nogueira C, Pereda MC, Di Stasi LC.(PubMed)
(1211) [Estimation of the hypoglycemic effect of
phytoecdysteroids].[Article in Russian] by Syrov VN, Iuldasheva NKh, Égamova
FR, Ismailova GI, Abdullaev ND, Khushbaktova ZA.(PubMed)
(1212) [Effect of Rhaponticum carthamoides extract on
hemorheological properties of blood in rats with arterial hypertension].[Article in Russian] by
Plotnikov MB1, Aliev OI, Vasil'ev AS, Maslov MIu, Dmitruk SE, Krasnov
(1213) Trans-resveratrol alone and hydroxystilbenes of rhubarb
(Rheum rhaponticum L.) root reduce liver damage induced by chronic ethanol
administration: a comparative study in mice by Raal A1, Pokk P,
Arend A, Aunapuu M, Jõgi J, Okva K, Püssa T.(PubMed)
(1214) The selective effect of N-feruloylserotonins isolated from Leuzea carthamoides on nociception and
anxiety in rats by Yamamotová A1, Pometlová M, Harmatha J, Rasková
H, Rokyta R.(PubMed)
(1215) Naturally appearing N-feruloylserotonin isomers suppress
oxidative burst of human neutrophils at the protein kinase C level by Nosáĺ R1,
Perečko T, Jančinová V, Drábiková K, Harmatha J, Sviteková K.(PubMed)
(1216) Suppression of oxidative burst in human neutrophils with
the naturally occurring serotonin derivative isomer from Leuzea carthamoides by Nosal R1,
Perecko T, Jancinova V, Drabikova K, Harmatha J, Svitekova K.(PubMed)
(1217) Wu Wei Zi(Complementary and
Alternative Healing University)
(1218) Antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects of Schisandra chinensis pollen extract on
CCl4-induced acute liver damage in mice by Cheng N1, Ren N, Gao H, Lei X, Zheng J,
Cao W.(PubMed)
(1219) Schizandrin, an antioxidant lignan from Schisandra chinensis, ameliorates Aβ1-42-induced
memory impairment in mice by Hu D1, Cao Y, He R, Han N, Liu Z, Miao
L, Yin J.(PubMed)
(1220) Schisantherin A recovers Aβ-induced neurodegeneration with
cognitive decline in mice by Li X1, Zhao X1, Xu X1,
Mao X1, Liu Z1, Li H1, Guo L1, Bi K2,
Jia Y3.(PubMed)
(1221) Schisandrin B prevents doxorubicin induced cardiac
dysfunction by modulation of DNA damage, oxidative stress and inflammation through inhibition of
MAPK/p53 signaling by Thandavarayan RA1, Giridharan VV2,
Arumugam S3, Suzuki K4, Ko KM5, Krishnamurthy
P6, Watanabe K3, Konishi T7.(PubMed)
(1222) Schizandrin, an antioxidant lignan from Schisandra chinensis, ameliorates Aβ1-42-induced
memory impairment in mice by Hu D1, Cao Y, He R, Han N, Liu Z, Miao
L, Yin J.(PubMed)
(1223) Deoxyschizandrin isolated from the fruits of Schisandra chinensis ameliorates Aβ₁₋₄₂-induced
memory impairment in mice by Hu D1, Li C, Han N, Miao L, Wang D, Liu
Z, Wang H, Yin J.(PubMed)
(1224) A comparison of the anti-Staphylococcus
aureus activity of extracts from commonly used medicinal plants by Snowden R1,
Harrington H, Morrill K, Jeane L, Garrity J, Orian M, Lopez E, Rezaie S,
Hassberger K, Familoni D, Moore J, Virdee K, Albornoz-Sanchez L, Walker M,
Cavins J, Russell T, Guse E, Reker M, Tschudy O, Wolf J, True T, Ukaegbu O,
Ahaghotu E, Jones A, Polanco S, Rochon Y, Waters R, Langland J.(PubMed)
(1225) Anti-HIV-1
activity of lignans from the fruits of Schisandra rubriflora by Xiao WL1,
Wang RR, Zhao W, Tian RR, Shang SZ, Yang LM, Yang JH, Pu JX, Zheng YT, Sun HD.(PubMed)
(1226) Compositions and biological activities of essential oils of
Kadsura longepedunculata and Schisandra sphenanthera by Song L1,
Ding JY, Tang C, Yin CH.(PubMed)
(1227) [Effects of schisandra on the function of the
pituitary-adrenal cortex, gonadal axis and carbohydrate metabolism in rats undergoing experimental
chronic psychological stress, navigation and strenuous exercise].[Article in
Chinese] by Sun LJ1, Wang GH, Wu B, Wang J, Wang Q, Hu LP, Shao JQ,
Wang YT, Li J, Gu P, Lu B.(PubMed)
(1228) In vivo to in vitro effects of six bioactive lignans of
Wuzhi tablet (Schisandra sphenanthera
extract) on the CYP3A/P-glycoprotein-mediated absorption and metabolism of tacrolimus by Qin XL1,
Chen X, Wang Y, Xue XP, Wang Y, Li JL, Wang XD, Zhong GP, Wang CX, Yang H,
Huang M, Bi HC.(PubMed)
(1229) The effects of lignan-riched extract of Shisandra chinensis
on amyloid-β-induced cognitive impairment and neurotoxicity in the cortex and
hippocampus of mouse by Jeong EJ1, Lee HK, Lee KY, Jeon BJ, Kim DH,
Park JH, Song JH, Huh J, Lee JH, Sung SH.(PubMed)
(1230) Schisandrin B exerts anti-neuroinflammatory activity by
inhibiting the Toll-like receptor 4-dependent MyD88/IKK/NF-κB signaling pathway
in lipopolysaccharide-induced microglia by Zeng KW1, Zhang T, Fu H,
Liu GX, Wang XM.(PubMed)
(1231) Preventive effect of gomisin J from Schisandra chinensis on angiotensin II-induced hypertension via an increased nitric oxide
bioavailability by Ye BH1, Lee SJ1, Choi YW2,
Park SY1, Kim CD1.(PubMed)
(1232) Antihypertensive effect of gomisin A from Schisandra chinensis on angiotensin II-induced hypertension via preservation of nitric oxide
bioavailability by Young Park J1, Wook Yun J, Whan Choi Y, Ung Bae
J, Won Seo K, Jin Lee S, Youn Park S, Whan Hong K, Kim CD.(PubMed)
(1233) Pharmacology of Schisandra chinensis Bail.: an overview of
Russian research and uses in medicine by Panossian A1, Wikman G.(PubMed)
(1234) Effects of Schisandra chinensis extracts on cough and pulmonary inflammation in a cough hypersensitivity guinea pig model
induced by cigarette smoke exposure by Zhong S1, Nie YC1, Gan ZY1,
Liu XD1, Fang ZF1, Zhong BN1, Tian J1,
Huang CQ1, Lai KF2, Zhong NS1.(PubMed)
(1235) Effects of the Schisandra fructus water extract on cytokine
release from a human mast cell line. by Kang OH1, Chae HS, Choi JH,
Choi HJ, Park PS, Cho SH, Lee GH, So HY, Choo YK, Kweon OH, Kwon DY.(PubMed)
(1236) [Effects of extracts from ziziphi spinosae semen and
schisandrae chinensis fructus on amino acid neurotransmitter in rats with insomnia induced by PCPA].[Article in Chinese]
by Gao JR, Ji WB, Jiang H, Chen JF.(PubMed)
(1237) Gomisin N isolated from Schisandra chinensis augments
pentobarbital-induced sleep behaviors through the modification of
the serotonergic and GABAergic system by Zhang C1, Mao X1,
Zhao X1, Liu Z1, Liu B1, Li H1, Bi
K2, Jia Y3.(PubMed)
(1238) Panax ginseng, Rhodiola rosea and Schisandra chinensis
by Chan SW1.(PubMed)
(1239) Herbal composition for promoting hormonal balance in
women and methods of using same US 6242012 B1
(1240) The mechanism of vasorelaxation induced by Schisandra
chinensis extract in rat thoracic aorta by Park JY1, Shin HK, Lee YJ, Choi YW,
Bae SS, Kim CD.(PubMed)
(1241) Shengmai San reduces hepatic lipids and lipid
peroxidation in rats fed on a high-cholesterol diet by Yao HT1, Chang YW, Chen
CT, Chiang MT, Chang L, Yeh TK.(PubMed)
(1242) Schisandrin B prevents doxorubicin induced cardiac
dysfunction by modulation of DNA damage, oxidative stress and inflammation
through inhibition of MAPK/p53 signaling by Thandavarayan RA1, Giridharan VV2,
Arumugam S3, Suzuki K4, Ko KM5, Krishnamurthy P6, Watanabe K3, Konishi T7.(PubMed)
(1243) Schisandra Lignans Was Related with Its Antioxidative
Actions in Liver Cells by Pu HJ1, Cao YF, He RR, Zhao ZL, Song JH, Jiang B,
Huang T, Tang SH, Lu JM, Kurihara H.(PubMed)
(1244) Therapeutic efficacy of Wuzhi tablet (Schisandra
sphenanthera Extract) on acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity through a
mechanism distinct from N-acetylcysteine by Fan X1, Chen P1, Jiang Y1, Wang Y1,
Tan H1, Zeng H1, Wang Y1, Qu A1, Gonzalez FJ1, Huang M1, Bi H2.(PubMed)
(1245) Effects of triterpenoid from Schisandra chinensis on
oxidative stress in alcohol-induced liver injury in rats by Li B1, Zhu L, Wu T,
Zhang J, Jiao X, Liu X, Wang Y, Meng X.(PubMed)
(1245a) treating PCO naturally(American
Botanical Council)
(1246) [Clinical study of area of Jiangsu
province of polycystic ovarian syndrome correlation distribution of traditional
Chinese medicine syndrome type and improper diet]. [Article in Chinese] by Feng
Y, Gao YP.(PubMed)
(1247) [Preliminary study on relationship
of disease-syndrome-symptom of ovulatory disorder infertility based on factor
analysis]. [Article in Chinese] by Li M, Ma K, Shan, J.(PubMed)
(1247a) A Comprehensive Treatment of
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) bny by Liqin
(1247b) Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - a TCM
Perspective by Donna Dupre, L.Ac.
(1248) Spleen-yang-deficiency patients
with polycystic ovary syndrome have higher levels of visfatin by Fu H, Qiu Y, Xia M, Wei F, He H,
Yang L.(PubMed)
(1249) PCOS – A Chinese Medicine Diet and
Lifestyle Approach by Angela
(1250) An isocaloric low glycemic index
diet improves insulin sensitivity in women with polycystic ovary syndrome by
Barr S, Reeves S, Sharp K, Jeanes YM.(PubMed)
(1251) Habitual dietary intake, eating
pattern and physical activity of women with polycystic ovary syndrome by Barr
S1, Hart K, Reeves S, Sharp K, Jeanes YM.(PubMed)
(1252) Evaluating compliance to a low
glycaemic index (GI) diet in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) by
Egan N1, Read A, Riley P, Atiomo W.(PubMed)
(1253) Dietary composition in the treatment of
polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review to inform evidence-based
guidelines by Moran LJ1, Ko H, Misso M, Marsh K, Noakes M, Talbot M, Frearson
M, Thondan M, Stepto N, Teede HJ.(PubMed)
(1254) Dietary substitutions for refined
carbohydrate that show promise for reducing risk of type 2 diabetes in men and
women. Maki KC1, Phillips AK2.(PubMed)
(1255) improved Excessive refined
carbohydrates and scarce micronutrients intakes increase inflammatory mediators
and insulin resistance in prepubertal and pubertal obese children independently
of obesity by López-Alarcón M1, Perichart-Perera O2, Flores-Huerta S3,
Inda-Icaza P4, Rodríguez-Cruz M1, Armenta-Álvarez A1, Bram-Falcón MT1,
Mayorga-Ochoa M1.(PubMed)
(1256) the risk of Fast food fever:
reviewing the impacts of the Western diet on immunity. Myles IA1.(PubMed)
(1257) The Small Rice Bowl-Based Meal
Plan was Effective at Reducing Dietary Energy Intake, Body Weight, and Blood
Glucose Levels in Korean Women with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Ahn HJ1, Han KA,
Kwon HR, Min KW.(PubMed)
(1258) Effect of meal frequency on blood
glucose, insulin, and free fatty acids in NIDDM subjects. Bertelsen J,
Christiansen C, Thomsen C, Poulsen PL, Vestergaard S, Steinov A, Rasmussen LH,
Rasmussen O, Hermansen K.(PubMed)
(1259) Serum hyperglycemia might be not
related to fat composition of diet and vegetable composition of diet might
improve sugar control in taiwanese diabetic subjects by Hou YC1, Chang YL1, Kuo
SC1, Chiang CF1, Chiang CY1, Lin YF1, Weng PC1, Hu FC1, Wu JH1, Lai CH2.(PubMed)
(1260) Genetic variation in the beta
3-adrenoreceptor gene (Trp64Arg polymorphism) and its influence on
anthropometric parameters and insulin resistance under a high monounsaturated
versus a high polyunsaturated fat hypocaloric diet by de Luis DA1, Aller R,
Izaola O, Conde R, Eiros Bouza JM.(PubMed)
(1261) Protein: metabolism and effect on
blood glucose levels by Franz MJ1.(PubMed)
(1262) DASH diet, insulin resistance, and
serum hs-CRP in polycystic ovary
syndrome: a randomized controlled clinical trial by Asemi Z1,
Esmaillzadeh A2.(PubMed)
(1263) Diets containing traditional and novel
green leafy vegetables improve liver fatty acid profiles of spontaneously
hypertensive rats by Johnson M, Pace RD, Dawkins NL, Willian KR1.(PubMed)
(1264) Liver protein profiles in insulin
receptor-knockout mice reveal novel molecules involved in the diabetes
pathophysiology by Capuani B1, Della-Morte D2, Donadel G1,
Caratelli S1, Bova L1, Pastore D1, De Canio M3,
D'Aguanno S4, Coppola A1, Pacifici F1, Arriga
R1, Bellia A5, Ferrelli F1, Tesauro M5,
Federici M5, Neri A6, Bernardini S7, Sbraccia
P5, Di Daniele N5, Sconocchia G8, Orlandi A9,
Urbani A3, Lauro D10.(PubMed)
(1265) Liver-enriched
transcription factor CREBH interacts with peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptor α to regulate metabolic hormone FGF21 by Kim H1, Mendez R,
Zheng Z, Chang L, Cai J, Zhang R, Zhang K.(PubMed)
(1266) Antiobesity activities of indole-3-carbinol in high-fat-diet-induced obese mice by
Chang HP1, Wang ML, Chan MH, Chiu YS, Chen YH.(PubMed)
(1267) Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism
by indole-3-carbinol and its metabolite
3,3'-diindolylmethane in high-fat diet-induced C57BL/6J mice by Poornima J1,
Mirunalini S.(PubMed)
(1268) Indole-3 carbinol(Natural
science comprehensive database)
(1269) The effects of legumes on metabolic features, insulin resistance and hepatic function tests
in women with central obesity: a randomized controlled trial by Alizadeh M1,
Gharaaghaji R2, Gargari BP3.(PubMed)
(1270) Dietary Patterns Are Associated with
Metabolic Risk Factors in South Asians Living in the United States by Gadgil MD1, Anderson CA2,
Kandula NR3, Kanaya AM4.(PubMed)
(1271) Chi Xiao Tou(Complementary and
Alternative Healing University)
(1272) Pig feeds rich in rapeseed products and organic selenium increased omega-3 fatty acids
and selenium in pork meat and backfat by Gjerlaug-Enger E1,
Haug A2, Gaarder M3, Ljøkjel K4, Stenseth RS5,
Sigfridson K6, Egelandsdal B7, Saarem K3, Berg
(1273) A review of fatty acid profiles and
antioxidant content in grass-fed and grain-fed beef by
Daley CA1, Abbott A, Doyle PS, Nader GA, Larson S.(PubMed)
(1274) Effect of feeding systems on omega-3
fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acid and trans fatty acids in Australian beef cuts:
potential impact on human health by Ponnampalam EN1, Mann NJ,
Sinclair AJ.(PubMed)
(1275) Evaluation of Beneficial Metabolic
Effects of Berries in High-Fat Fed C57BL/6J Mice by Heyman L1, Axling U1,
Blanco N2, Sterner O2, Holm C1, Berger K1.(PubMed)
(1276) Polyphenol-rich bilberry
ameliorates total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol when implemented in the diet
of Zucker diabetic fatty rats. Brader L1, Overgaard A1, Christensen LP2,
Jeppesen PB1, Hermansen K1.(PubMed)
(1277) Dietary anthocyanin-rich bilberry
extract ameliorates hyperglycemia and insulin sensitivity via activation of
AMP-activated protein kinase in diabetic mice by Takikawa M1, Inoue S, Horio F,
Tsuda T.(PubMed)
(1278) Effects of ellagitannin-rich
berries on blood lipids, gut microbiota, and urolithin production in human
subjects with symptoms of metabolic syndrome by Puupponen-Pimiä R1,
Seppänen-Laakso T, Kankainen M, Maukonen J, Törrönen R, Kolehmainen M, Leppänen
T, Moilanen E, Nohynek L, Aura AM, Poutanen K, Tómas-Barberán FA, Espín JC,
Oksman-Caldentey KM.(PubMed)
(1279) Different berries and berry
fractions have various but slightly positive effects on the associated
variables of metabolic diseases on overweight and obese women by Lehtonen HM1,
Suomela JP, Tahvonen R, Yang B, Venojärvi M, Viikari J, Kallio H.(PubMed)
(1280) The effect of bitter melon
(Mormordica charantia) in patients with diabetes mellitus: a systematic review
and meta-analysis by Yin RV1, Lee NC1, Hirpara H1, Phung OJ1.(PubMed)
(1281) Hypoglycemic effect of bitter
melon compared with metformin in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients by
Fuangchan A1, Sonthisombat P, Seubnukarn T, Chanouan R, Chotchaisuwat P, Sirigulsatien
V, Ingkaninan K, Plianbangchang P, Haines ST.(PubMed)
(1282) Beneficial role of bitter melon
supplementation in obesity and related complications in metabolic syndrome by
Alam MA1, Uddin R2, Subhan N3, Rahman MM1, Jain P1, Reza HM1.(PubMed)
(1283) Protective effect of Momordica
charantia fruit extract on hyperglycaemia-induced cardiac fibrosis by Abas R1,
Othman F2, Thent ZC2.(PubMed)(1284) Influence
of a Specialized Trigonella foenum-graecum Seed Extract (Libifem), on
Testosterone, Estradiol and Sexual Function in Healthy Menstruating Women, a
Randomised Placebo Controlled Study by Rao A1, Steels E, Beccaria G, Inder WJ,
Vitetta L., (PubMed)
(1285) Effect of Trigonella
foenum-graecum (fenugreek) extract on blood glucose, blood lipid and
hemorheological properties in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats by Xue WL1,
Li XS, Zhang J, Liu YH, Wang ZL, Zhang RJ.(PubMed)
(1286) Dietary fiber in management of
diabetes by Vinik AI1, Jenkins DJ.(PubMed)
(1287) Dietary fiber in the management of
diabetes by Nuttall FQ1.(PubMed)
(1288) Role of guar and dietary fibre in
the management of diabetes mellitus by Cohen M, Leong VW, Salmon E, Martin FI.(PubMed)
(1289) Nutrition, hormones, and breast
cancer: is insulin the missing link? by Kaaks R1.(PubMed)
(1290) Effects of hyperandrogenemia and
increased adiposity on reproductive and metabolic parameters in young adult
female monkeys by McGee WK1, Bishop CV2, Pohl CR3, Chang RJ4, Marshall JC5, Pau
FK6, Stouffer RL7, Cameron JL8.(PubMed)
(1291) Role of guar and dietary fibre in
the management of diabetes mellitus by Cohen M, Leong VW, Salmon E, Martin FI.(PubMed)
(1292) induced Short-term and long-term
effects of excessive consumption of saturated fats and/or sucrose on metabolic
variables in Sprague Dawley rats: a pilot study by Pranprawit A1, Wolber FM,
Heyes JA, Molan AL, Kruger MC.(PubMed)
(1293) Effects of sugar solutions on hypothalamic
appetite regulation by Colley DL1, Castonguay TW2.(PubMed)
(1294) Sugar-sweetened product
consumption alters glucose homeostasis compared with dairy product consumption
in men and women at risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus by Maki KC1, Nieman KM2,
Schild AL2, Kaden VN2, Lawless AL2, Kelley KM2, Rains TM2.(PubMed)
(1295) The wrong white crystals: not salt
but sugar as aetiological in hypertension and cardiometabolic disease.
DiNicolantonio JJ1, Lucan SC2.(PubMed)
(1296) Effects of diets high in simple
sugars on urinary chromium losses by Kozlovsky AS, Moser PB, Reiser S, Anderson
(1297) Artificial sweeteners induce
glucose intolerance by altering the gut microbiota by Suez J1, Korem T2, Zeevi
D2, Zilberman-Schapira G3, Thaiss CA1, Maza O1, Israeli D4, Zmora N5, Gilad S6,
Weinberger A7, Kuperman Y8, Harmelin A8, Kolodkin-Gal I9, Shapiro H1, Halpern
Z10, Segal E7, Elinav E1.(PubMed)
(1298) Non-caloric artificial sweeteners
and the microbiome: findings and challenges by Suez J1, Korem T,
Zilberman-Schapira G, Segal E, Elinav E.(PubMed)
(1299) n Unintended Consequence Of Diet
Soda: Disrupting Friendly Bacteria And Raising Blood Sugar" by Faye
(1300) Soft drink, 100% fruit juice, and
vegetable juice intakes and risk of diabetes mellitus by Eshak ES1, Iso H,
Mizoue T, Inoue M, Noda M, Tsugane S.(PubMed)
(1301) Intake of fruit juice and
incidence of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis by Xi B1,
Li S1, Liu Z1, Tian H1, Yin X1, Huai P2, Tang W3, Zhou D4, Steffen LM3.(PubMed)
(1302) Energy drinks: a new health hazard
for adolescents by Pennington N1, Johnson M, Delaney E, (PubMed)
(1303) Health risks of energy drinks:
what nurses and consumers need to know by Guilbeau JR1.(PubMed)
(1304) Osteoporosis and Chinese Diet by
Jacqueline (Australia)(Chinese
holistic Health Exercise)
(1305) Chinese Medical Theory and
Dairy Foods(Ask my
(1306) TCM Dietary Recommendations(Okanagan
Acupuncture Centre)
(1307) The almond milk: a new approach to the management
of cow-milk allergy/intolerance in
infants by Salpietro CD1, Gangemi S, Briuglia S, Meo A, Merlino MV,
Muscolino G, Bisignano G, Trombetta D, Saija A.(PubMed)
(1308) Development of a non-dairy probiotic
fermented product based on almond milk and
inulin by Bernat N1, Cháfer M2, Chiralt A2,
González-Martínez C2.(PubMed)
(1309) Differential effects of walnuts vs
almonds on improving metabolic and endocrine parameters in PCOS by Kalgaonkar S1,
Almario RU, Gurusinghe D, Garamendi EM, Buchan W, Kim K, Karakas SE.(PubMed)
(1310) Effects of Probiotic Supplementation on
Pancreatic β-cell Function and C-reactive Protein in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A
Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial by Shoaei T1,
Heidari-Beni M1, Tehrani HG2, Feizi A3,
Esmaillzadeh A1, Askari G1.(PubMed)
(1311) Abdominal obesity, insulin resistance, and the metabolic
syndrome: contribution of physical activity/exercise by Ross R1, Després JP.(PubMed)
(1312) Adiponectin and markers of metabolic syndrome in obese children and adolescents:
impact of 8-mo regular physical
exercise program by Nascimento H1,
Costa E1, Rocha S1, Lucena C2, Rocha-Pereira P3,
Rêgo C4, Mansilha HF5, Quintanilha A6, Aires L2,
Mota J7, Santos-Silva A1, Belo L1.(PubMed)
(1313) Ezetimibe combined with standard diet
and exercise therapy improves insulin resistance
and atherosclerotic markers in patients with metabolic syndrome by Ohbu-Murayama K1, Adachi
H2, Hirai Y1, Enomoto M1, Fukami A1,
Obuchi A1, Yoshimura A1, Nakamura S1, Nohara Y1,
Nakao E1, Umeki Y1, Fukumoto Y1.(PubMed)
(1314) [Obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome:
reproductive issues].[Article in French] by Dewailly D1.(PubMed)
(1315) Metabolic effects of obesity on
reproduction by Pasquali R1, Gambineri A.(PubMed)
(1316) Fibrosis in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Mechanisms and Clinical
Implications by Angulo P1, Machado MV2, Diehl AM2.(PubMed)
(1317) Metabolic syndrome and nonalcoholic
fatty liver disease: Is insulin
resistance the link? by Asrih M1, Jornayvaz FR2.(PubMed)
(1318) Liver, Wood(The 5 Organs Network of
Chinese Medicine - Liver)
(1319) Carbohydrate responsive element binding protein
(ChREBP) and sterol regulatory element binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c): two key
regulators of glucose metabolism and lipid synthesis in liver by Dentin R1, Girard J,
Postic C.(PubMed)
(1320) Nonalcoholic
fatty liver disease in women with polycystic ovary syndrome by Cerda C1, Pérez-Ayuso
RM, Riquelme A, Soza A, Villaseca P, Sir-Petermann T, Espinoza M, Pizarro M,
Solis N, Miquel JF, Arrese M.(PubMed)
(1321) [Protective mechanism of complex
vitamin B and GSH on fatty liver]. [Article in Chinese] by Sun Y1, Dong Y, Wu
J, Han Y.(PubMed)
(1322) Modulation of lecithin activity by
vitamin-B complex to treat long term consumption of ethanol induced oxidative
stress in liver by Das SK1, Vasudevan DM.(PubMed)
(1323) Diets containing traditional and
novel green leafy vegetables improve liver fatty acid profiles of spontaneously
hypertensive rats by Johnson M, Pace RD, Dawkins NL, Willian KR1.(PubMed)
(1324) Vegetable, fruit and antioxidant
nutrient consumption and subsequent risk of hepatocellular carcinoma: a
prospective cohort study in Japan by Kurahashi N, Inoue M, Iwasaki M, Tanaka Y,
Mizokami M, Tsugane S.(PubMed)
(1325) Liver and Gallbladder Pattern
Differentiation in Chinese Medicine(Sacred
Lotud. Chinese medicine)
(1326) Personality profile in patients with
polycystic ovary syndrome by Ozcan Dag Z1, Oguzturk O, Isik Y, Turkel Y, Bulcun
(1326a) Serum anti-Müllerian hormone and
ovarian morphology assessed by magnetic resonance imaging in response to
acupuncture and exercise in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: secondary
analyses of a randomized controlled trial by Leonhardt H1, Hellström M, Gull B,
Lind AK, Nilsson L, Janson PO, Stener-Victorin E.(PubMed)
(1327)[A meta-analysis on acupuncture
treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome]. [Article in Chinese] by Ren LN, Guo
LH, Ma WZ, Zhang R.(PubMed)
(1328) Combination of acupuncture and
chinese medicinal herbs in treating model rats with polycystic ovary syndrome
by Ma RJ1, Zhou J, Fang JQ, Yang DH, Qu F.(PubMed)
(1329) [Observation on therapeutic effect
of acupuncture combined with chinese herbs on polycystic ovary syndrome of
kidney deficiency and phlegm stasis type]. [Article in Chinese] by Shi Y1, Feng
HJ, Liu HR, Zhu D.(PubMed)
(1330) Polycystic ovary syndrome: effect
and mechanisms of acupuncture for ovulation induction by Johansson J1,
Stener-Victorin E.(PubMed)
(1331) The relationship between perceived
stress, acupuncture, and pregnancy rates among IVF patients: a pilot study by
Balk J1, Catov J, Horn B, Gecsi K, Wakim A.(PubMed)
(1332) Auricular electro-acupuncture as
an additional perioperative analgesic method during oocyte aspiration in IVF
treatment by Sator-Katzenschlager SM1, Wölfler MM, Kozek-Langenecker SA, Sator
K, Sator PG, Li B, Heinze G, Sator MO.(PubMed)
(1333) [Effect of electro-acupuncture on
clinical outcomes and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in in vitro
fertilization and embryo transplantation]. [Article in Chinese] by Hong YL1,
Tan Y, Yin YY, Zou YJ, Guo YH, Nie XW.(PubMed)
(1334) [Infertility in polycystic ovary
syndrome treated with acupuncture and clomiphene: a randomized controlled
trial]. [Article in Chinese] by Jiang D, Zhang Y, Wu X, Wu S.(PubMed)
(1335) An exploratory study of the effect
of acupuncture on self-efficacy for women seeking fertility support by Kovárová
P1, Smith CA, Turnbull DA.(PubMed)
(1336) Acupuncture for infertility: is it
an effective therapy? by Huang DM1, Huang GY, Lu FE, Stefan D, Andreas N,
Robert G.(PubMed)
(1337) Chemopreventive
potential of chlorophyllin: a review of the mechanisms of action and molecular
targets by Nagini S1, Palitti
F, Natarajan AT.(PubMed)
(1338) Dietary chlorophyllin abrogates TGFβ
signaling to modulate the hallmark capabilities of cancer in an animal model of
forestomach carcinogenesis by Thiyagarajan P1, Kavitha K, Thautam A,
Dixit M, Nagini S.(PubMed)
(1339)Pheophytin a and chlorophyll a identified from environmentally
friendly cultivation of green pepper )enhance interleukin-2 and interferon-γ in
Peyer's patches ex vivo by Pyo MY1, Park BK, Choi JJ, Yang )M, Yang
HO, Cha JW, Kim JC, Kim IS, Lee HB, Jin M.(PubMed)
(1340) [The protective effect of chlorophyllin against oxidative damage and its
mechanism].[Article in Chinese] by Zhang YL1, Guan L, Zhou PH, Mao LJ, Zhao
ZM, Li SQ, Xu XX, Cong CC, Zhu MX, ZhaoJY.(PubMed)
(1341) Effects of sodium copper
chlorophyllin on mesenchymal stem cell function in aplastic anemia mice by Yin LM1, Jiang HF,
Wang X, Qian XD, Gao RL, Lin XJ, Chen XH, Wang LC.(PubMed)
(1342) [Antihypoxic effect of chlorophyllypt
and the method for its clinical use in maternal and fetal tissue hypoxia].[Article
in Ukrainian] by Shramkevych AF, Sol's'kyĭ IaP, Rozumenko MB.(PubMed)
(1343) Amelioration of radiation induced
hematopoietic syndrome by an antioxidant chlorophyllin through increased stem cell activity and modulation of haematopoiesis by
Suryavanshi S1, Sharma D1, Checker R1, Thoh M1,
Gota V2, Sandur SK3, Sainis KB1.(PubMed)
(1344) Inhibitory effect of chlorophyllin on the Propionibacterium acnes-induced
chemokine expression by Kang MS1, Kim JH, Shin BA, Lee HC, Kim YS,
Lim HS, Oh JS.(PubMed)
(1345) Supplementation by thylakoids to a high
carbohydrate meal decreases feelings of hunger, elevates CCK levels and
prevents postprandial hypoglycaemia in overweight women by Stenblom EL1,
Montelius C, Östbring K, Håkansson M, Nilsson S, Rehfeld JF,
Erlanson-Albertsson C.(PubMed)
(1346) The Benefits of Chlorophyll (Dr.Janet
Starr Hull)
(1347) Detoxification with Chlorella by Joy
Healey BA(OU), DipION, MCTha, Qualified Nutritionist
(1348) [Probiotics for the treating acute diarrhea and preventing antibiotic-associated diarrhea in children].[Article
in Spanish] by Pérez C1. (PubMed) (1349) The role of
prebiotics and probiotics in pediatric diseases by Cardile S1,
Alterio T, Arrigo T, Salpietro C.(PubMed)
(1350) Antibiotic
resistance: the pros and cons of probiotics by Courvalin P1.(PubMed)
(1351) Antibiotic
resistance and molecular
characterization of probiotic and clinical Lactobacillus strains in relation to
safety aspects of probiotics by Klein G1.(PubMed)
(1352) Prebiotics, probiotics, synbiotics, and the immune system: experimental data and
clinical evidence by Frei R1, Akdis M, O'Mahony L.(PubMed)
(1353) Probiotics,
prebiotics, and synbiotics: impact on the gut immune
system and allergic reactions by
Gourbeyre P1, Denery S,
Bodinier M.(PubMed)
(1354) Therapeutic modulation of gut
microbiota: current clinical applications and future perspectives by Ianiro G, Bibbò S, Gasbarrini A, Cammarota G1.(PubMed)
(1355) Probiotics in the gastrointestinal diseases of the elderly by Malaguarnera G1,
Leggio F, Vacante M, Motta M, Giordano M, Bondi A, Basile F, Mastrojeni S,
Mistretta A, Malaguarnera M, Toscano MA, Salmeri M.(PubMed)
(1356) A critical appraisal of probiotics (as drugs or food supplements) in gastrointestinal diseases by Passariello A1, Agricole P, Malfertheiner P.(PubMed)
(1357) Probiotics as beneficial agents on the management
of diabetes mellitus: a systematic review by Razmpoosh E1, Javadi M1,
Ejtahed HS2,3, Mirmiran P2.(PubMed)
(1358) Probiotics in Reducing the Risk of Gestational
Diabetes by Isolauri E1, Rautava S, Collado MC, Salminen S.(PubMed)
(1359) Childhood obesity: immune response and
nutritional approaches by Magrone T1, Jirillo E1.(PubMed)
(1360) [Role of probiotics in obesity
management].[Article in Spanish] by Prados-Bo A1, Gómez-Martínez S1,
Nova E1, Marcos A2.(PubMed)
(1361) The role of probiotics on each component of the metabolic
syndrome and other cardiovascular risks by Miglioranza Scavuzzi B1, Miglioranza LH, Henrique FC,
Pitelli Paroschi T, Lozovoy MA, Simão AN, Dichi I.(PubMed)
(1362) Prebiotic effects: metabolic and health
benefits by Roberfroid M1, Gibson GR, Hoyles L, McCartney AL,
Rastall R, Rowland I, Wolvers D, Watzl B, Szajewska H, Stahl B, Guarner F,
Respondek F, Whelan K, Coxam V, Davicco MJ, Léotoing L, Wittrant Y, Delzenne
NM, Cani PD, Neyrinck AM, Meheust A.(PubMed)
(1363) Antioxidant status and hormonal profile reflected
by experimental feeding of probiotics by Ghoneim MA1, Moselhy SS.(PubMed)
(1364) A breakthrough in probiotics: Clostridium butyricum
regulates gut homeostasis and anti-inflammatory response in inflammatory bowel disease by Kanai T1, Mikami Y, Hayashi A.(PubMed)
(1365) Anti-inflammatory and Intestinal Barrier-protective
Activities of Commensal Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria in Thoroughbreds: Role of Probiotics in Diarrhea Prevention in Neonatal
Thoroughbreds by Tanabe S1, Suzuki T1, Wasano Y1,
Nakajima F2, Kawasaki H2, Tsuda T2, Nagamine N2,
Tsurumachi T2, Sugaya K2, Akita H2, Takagi M3,
Takagi K4, Inoue Y5, Asai Y5, Morita H6.(PubMed)
(1366) Probiotics as efficient immunopotentiators:
translational role in cancer prevention by Shida K, Nomoto K1.(PubMed)
(1367) A potential role of probiotics in colorectal cancer prevention: review of possible
mechanisms of action by Chong ES1.(PubMed)
(1368) Anti-infective
activities of lactobacillus strains in the human intestinal microbiota: from probiotics to gastrointestinal anti-infectious biotherapeutic agents
by Liévin-Le Moal V1, Servin AL.(PubMed)
(1369) Efficacy and safety of probiotics as adjuvant agents for Helicobacter
pylori infection: A meta-analysis
by Lv Z1, Wang B1, Zhou X1, Wang F1,
Xie Y1, Zheng H2, Lv N1.(PubMed)
(1370) Effects of Probiotic Supplementation on
Pancreatic β-cell Function and C-reactive Protein in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A
Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial by Shoaei T1,
Heidari-Beni M1, Tehrani HG2, Feizi A3, Esmaillzadeh
A1, Askari G1.(PubMed)
(1372) Flaxseed consumption may reduce blood pressure:
a systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled trials by Khalesi S1, Irwin C2, Schubert
(1373) Favorable effects of flaxseed supplemented diet on liver and kidney
functions in hypertensive Wistar rats by Al-Bishri WM1.(PubMed)
(1374) Beneficial effects of alpha linolenic acid rich flaxseed oil on growth performance and hepatic cholesterol metabolism in high fat diet fed rats
by Vijaimohan K1, Jainu M, Sabitha KE, Subramaniyam S, Anandhan C,
Shyamala Devi CS.(PubMed)
(1375) Flaxseed oil intake reduces serum small dense
low-density lipoprotein concentrations in Japanese men: a randomized, double
blind, crossover study by Kawakami Y1, Yamanaka-Okumura H2,
Naniwa-Kuroki Y3, Sakuma M4, Taketani Y5,
Takeda E6.(PubMed)
(1376) Flaxseed
oil-trastuzumab interaction in breast cancer by Mason JK1, Chen J,
Thompson LU.(PubMed)
(1377) Flaxseed and its lignan and oil components:
can they play a role in reducing the risk of and improving the treatment of
breast cancer? by Mason JK1,
Thompson LU.(PubMed)
(1378) Beneficial effects of flaxseed oil and fish oil diet
are through modulation of different hepatic genes involved in lipid metabolism
in streptozotocin-nicotinamide induced diabetic rats by Devarshi PP1,
Jangale NM, Ghule AE, Bodhankar SL, Harsulkar AM.(PubMed)
(1379) Flaxseed oil reduces oxidative stress and enhances
brain monoamines release in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats by Badawy E1,
Rasheed W1, Elias T2, Hussein J1, Harvi M1,
Morsy S1, Mahmoud YE1.(PubMed)
(1380) Manipulation of flaxseed inhibits tumor necrosis factor-alpha
and interleukin-6 production in ovarian-induced osteoporosis by Abdelkarem HM1, Abd
El-Kader MM, Kasem SA.(PubMed)
(1381) Can manipulation of the ratios of essential fatty acids
slow the rapid rate of postmenopausal bone loss? by Kettler DB1.(PubMed)
(1382) A combination of flaxseed
oil and astaxanthin alleviates
atherosclerosis risk factors in high fat diet fed rats by Xu J, Gao H, Zhang L, Chen C, Yang W, Deng Q,
Huang Q, Huang F1.(PubMed)
(1383) Lignan content of the flaxseed influences its biological effects in
healthy men and women by Almario RU1,
Karakas SE.(PubMed)
(1384) Effects of dietary phytoestrogens in postmenopausal women
by Dalais FS1, Rice GE, Wahlqvist ML, Grehan M, Murkies AL, Medley
G, Ayton R, Strauss BJ.(PubMed)
(1385) Phytoestrogens for vasomotor menopausal symptoms by Lethaby AE1, Brown J,
Marjoribanks J, Kronenberg F, Roberts H, Eden J.(PubMed)
(1386) [Oral flaxseed
oil (Linum usitatissimum) in the
treatment for dry-eye Sjögren's syndrome patients].
[Article in Portuguese] by Pinheiro MN Jr1, dos Santos
PM, dos Santos RC, Barros Jde N, Passos LF, Cardoso Neto J.(PubMed)
(1387) Potential of magnetic resonance spectroscopy in assessing
the effect of fatty acids on inflammatory bowel disease in an animal model by
Varma S1, Eskin MN, Bird R, Dolenko B, Raju J, Ijare OB, Bezabeh T.(PubMed)
(1388) Flaxseed oil and inflammation-associated bone
abnormalities in interleukin-10 knockout mice by Cohen SL1, Moore
AM, Ward WE.(PubMed)
(1389) Laxative effects of partially defatted flaxseed meal on normal and experimental
constipated mice by Xu J1, Zhou X, Chen C, Deng Q, Huang Q, Yang J,
Yang N, Huang F.(PubMed)
(1390) Flax and flaxseed
oil (Linum usitatissimum): a
review by the Natural Standard Research Collaboration by Basch E1, Bent S, Collins J, Dacey C,
Hammerness P, Harrison M, Smith M, Szapary P, Ulbricht C, Vora M, Weissner W;
Natural Standard Resource Collaboration.(PubMed)
(1391) Effect of flaxseed
oil fortified with vitamin E and
phytosterols on antioxidant defense capacities and lipids profile
in rats by Deng Q1, Yu X, Xu J, Liu C, Huang F, Huang Q, Yang J.(PubMed)
(1392) Dietary flaxseed
oil and fish oil modulates
expression of antioxidant and inflammatory genes with
alleviation of protein glycation status and inflammation in liver of
streptozotocin-nicotinamide induced diabetic rats by Jangale NM1,
Devarshi PP, Dubal AA, Ghule AE, Koppikar SJ, Bodhankar SL, Chougale AD,
Kulkarni MJ, Harsulkar AM.(PubMed)
(1393) [Antioxidant activity
of flaxseed oil].[Article in
Russian] by Prozorovskaia NN, Rusina IF,
Lupinovich VL, Beketova NA, Sorokin IV, Ipatova OM, Levachev MM.(PubMed)
(1394) [Antiradical activity and
resistance of flaxseed oil enriched with the antioxidants to oxidative changes].[Article in
Russian] by Guseva DA, Prozorovskaia NN, Rusina IF, Ipatova OM.(PubMed)
(1395) Flaxseed oil supplementation alters the expression
of inflammatory-related genes in
dogs by Purushothaman D1,
Brown WY1, Vanselow BA2, Quinn K2, Wu SB3.(PubMed)
(1396) Effect of L. usitatissimum (Flaxseed/Linseed) Fixed Oil against
Distinct Phases of Inflammation by Kaithwas G1, Majumdar DK.(PubMed)
(1397) Flaxseed oil prevents trans-10, cis-12-conjugated
linoleic acid-induced insulin resistance in mice by Kelley DS1,
Vemuri M, Adkins Y, Gill SH, Fedor D, Mackey BE.(PubMed)
(1398) Supplementation of herbal plants differently modulated
metabolic profile, insulin sensitivity, and oxidative stress in
transition dairy cows fed various extruded oil seeds by Hashemzadeh-Cigari F1,
Ghorbani GR2, Khorvash M2, Riasi A2,
Taghizadeh A3, Zebeli Q4.(PubMed)
(1399) Dietary flaxseed
oil reduces adipocyte size,
adipose monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 levels and T-cell infiltration in
obese, insulin-resistant rats by Baranowski M1, Enns J, Blewett H,
Yakandawala U, Zahradka P, Taylor CG.(PubMed)
(1400) Obesity, the
metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes in developing countries: role of
dietary fats and oils by Misra A1, Singhal N, Khurana L.(PubMed)
(1401) Responses to oleic, linoleic and α-linolenic acids in
high-carbohydrate, high-fat diet-induced metabolic syndrome in rats by Poudyal H1,
Kumar SA, Iyer A, Waanders J, Ward LC, Brown L.(PubMed)
(1403) In vitro anti-inflammatory activity of phenolic rich
extracts from white and red common beans. by
García-Lafuente A1, Moro C2, Manchón N2,
Gonzalo-Ruiz A3, Villares A2, Guillamón E2,
Rostagno M2, Mateo-Vivaracho L2.(PubMed)
(1404) Phytic acid and calcium affect the in vitro rate of navy
bean starch digestion and blood glucose response in humans by Thompson LU,
Button CL, Jenkins DJ.(PubMed)
(1405) The effect of phytic acid on in vitro rate of starch
digestibility and blood glucose response by Yoon JH, Thompson LU, Jenkins DJ.(PubMed)
(1406) Feasibility of Increased Navy Bean Powder Consumption for
Primary and Secondary Colorectal Cancer Prevention by Borresen EC1, Gundlach
KA2, Wdowik M3, Rao S4, Brown RJ5, Ryan EP6.(PubMed)
(1407) Phaseolus beans: impact on glycaemic response and chronic
disease risk in human subjects by Hutchins AM1, Winham DM, Thompson SV.(PubMed)
(1408) Cooked navy and black bean diets improve biomarkers of
colon health and reduce inflammation during colitis by Zhang C1, Monk JM1, Lu JT1, Zarepoor L1, Wu W1,
Liu R1, Pauls KP2, Wood GA3, Robinson L4, Tsao R1, Power KA1.(PubMed)
(1409) White and dark kidney beans reduce colonic mucosal damage
and inflammation in response to dextran sodium sulfate by Monk JM1, Zhang CP1, Wu W2, Zarepoor L1, Lu JT1,
Liu R2, Pauls KP3, Wood GA4, Tsao R2, Robinson LE5, Power KA6.(PubMed)
(1410) In vitro antioxidant activity of extracts from common
legumes by Zhao Y1, Du SK2, Wang H1, Cai M1.(PubMed)
(1411) In vitro anti-inflammatory activity of phenolic rich
extracts from whiteand red common beans by García-Lafuente A1, Moro C2, Manchón N2, Gonzalo-Ruiz A3,
Villares A2, Guillamón E2, Rostagno M2, Mateo-Vivaracho L2.(PubMed)
(1412) Bean amylase inhibitor and other carbohydrate absorption
blockers: effects on diabesity and general health by Preuss HG1.(PubMed)
(1413) Lowering the glycemic index of white bread using a white
bean extractby Udani JK1, Singh BB, Barrett ML, Preuss HG.(PubMed)
(1414) Blocking carbohydrate absorption and weight loss: a
clinical trial using a proprietary fractionated white bean extract by Udani J1,
Singh BB.(PubMed)
(1415) Blocking carbohydrate absorption and weight loss: a
clinical trial using Phase 2 brand proprietary fractionated white bean extract
by Udani J1, Hardy M, Madsen DC.(PubMed)
(1416) B vitamins(Wikipedia)
(1417) Plasma folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, homocysteine, and
risk of breast cancer by Zhang SM1, Willett WC, Selhub J, Hunter DJ,
Giovannucci EL, Holmes MD, Colditz GA, Hankinson SE.(PubMed)
(1418) Folate and risk of breast cancer: a meta-analysis by
Larsson SC1, Giovannucci E, Wolk A.(PubMed)
(1419) A prospective study of one-carbon metabolism biomarkers and
risk of renal cell carcinoma by Gibson TM1, Weinstein SJ, Mayne ST, Pfeiffer
RM, Selhub J, Taylor PR, Virtamo J, Albanes D, Stolzenberg-Solomon R.(PubMed)
(1420) One-carbon metabolism biomarkers and risk of colon and
rectal cancers by Weinstein SJ1, Albanes D, Selhub J, Graubard B, Lim U, Taylor
PR, Virtamo J, Stolzenberg-Solomon R.(PubMed)
(1421) The potential role of thiamine (vitamin B1) in diabetic
complications byThornalley PJ1.(PubMed)
(1422) Prevention of incipient diabetic nephropathy by high-dose
thiamine and benfotiamine by Babaei-Jadidi R1, Karachalias N, Ahmed N, Battah
S, Thornalley PJ.(PubMed)
(1423) Regulation of intracellular glucose and polyol pathway by
thiamine and benfotiamine in vascular cells cultured in high glucose by Berrone
E1, Beltramo E, Solimine C, Ape AU, Porta M.(PubMed)
(1424) Vitamin-responsive disorders: cobalamin, folate, biotin,
vitamins B1 and E by Baumgartner MR1.(PubMed)
(1425) [Vitamin and mineral supply of patients with cardiovascular
diseases]. [Article in Russian] by Oglobin NA, Vrzhesinskaia OA, Kodentsova VM,
Zubenko AD, Mal'tsev GIu, Pereverzeva OG, Spirichev VB.(PubMed)
(1426) Genetic implication of a novel thiamine transporter in
human hypertension by Zhang K1, Huentelman MJ2, Rao F1, Sun EI3, Corneveaux
JJ2, Schork AJ1, Wei Z1, Waalen J4, Miramontes-Gonzalez JP1, Hightower CM1,
Maihofer AX5, Mahata M1, Pastinen T6, Ehret GB7; International Consortium for
Blood Pressure Genome-Wide Association Studies, Schork NJ8, Eskin E6,
Nievergelt CM5, Saier MH Jr3, O'Connor DT9.(PubMed)
(1427) Effects of combined dietary chromium(III) propionate
complex and thiamine supplementation on insulin sensitivity, blood biochemical
indices, and mineral levels in high-fructose-fed rats. Król E1, Krejpcio Z,
Michalak S, Wójciak RW, Bogdański P.(PubMed)
(1428) [Characteristics of nutrition and vitamin supply in girls
with metabolic syndrome]. [Article in Russian] Kleshchina IuV, Eliseev IuIu.(PubMed)
(1429) Dietary riboflavin deficiency decreases immunity and
antioxidant capacity, and changes tight junction proteins and related signaling
molecules mRNA expression in the gills of young grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon
idella) by Chen L1, Feng L2, Jiang WD2, Jiang J2, Wu P2, Zhao J1, Kuang SY3,
Tang L3, Tang WN3, Zhang YA4, Zhou XQ5, Liu Y6.(PubMed)
(1430) Mucosal-associated invariant T-cells: new players in
anti-bacterial immunity by Ussher JE1, Klenerman P2, Willberg CB2.(PubMed)
(1431) [The effect of a water-soluble vitamins on the activity of
some enzymes in diabetes]. [Article in Russian] by Petrov SA1, Danilova AO1,
Karpov LM1.(PubMed)
(1432) Improvement of migraine symptoms with a proprietary
supplement containing riboflavin, magnesium and Q10: a randomized,
placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicenter trial by Gaul C1, Diener HC,
Danesch U; Migravent® Study Group.(PubMed)
(1433) Effectiveness of riboflavin in pediatric migraine
prevention by Sherwood M1, Goldman RD.(PubMed)
(1434) [Antipruriginous action of vitamin B2 in various skin
diseases]. [Article in Italian] by SEBASTIANI F.(PubMed)
(1435) Dietary contributors to hypertension in adults reviewed by
McCartney DM1, Byrne DG, Turner MJ.(PubMed)
(1436) Ameliorating effect of coenzyme Q10, riboflavin and niacin
in tamoxifen-treated postmenopausal breast cancer patients with special
reference to lipids and lipoproteins by Yuvaraj S1, Premkumar VG, Vijayasarathy
K, Gangadaran SG, Sachdanandam P.(PubMed)
(1437) Nicotinamide Riboside Ameliorates Hepatic Metaflammation by
Modulating NLRP3 Inflammasome in a Rodent Model of Type 2 Diabetes by Lee HJ1,
Hong YS, Jun W, Yang SJ.(PubMed)
(1438) Nicotinic acid/niacinamide and the skin by Gehring W1.(PubMed)
(1439) Pantothenic acid deficiency as the pathogenesis of acne
vulgaris. Leung LH1.(PubMed)
(1440) Pantothenic acid deficiency as a factor contributing to the
development of hypertension by Schwabedal PE, Pietrzik K, Wittkowski W.(PubMed)
(1441) Pantothenic acid deficiency in experimental renal
hypertension in dogs by LEWIS LA, PAGE IH(PubMed)
(1442) The role of oxidative stress and antioxidants in male
fertility by Walczak-Jedrzejowska R1, Wolski JK2, Slowikowska-Hilczer J1.(PubMed)
(1443) Effect of pantothenic acid deficiency on insulin
sensitivity and response to ACTH of intact and diabetic rats by HAZELWOOD RL,
(1444) Protective effect of vitamin B5 (dexpanthenol) on cardiovascular
damage induced by streptozocin in rats by Demirci B, Demir O, Dost T,
Birincioglu M.(PubMed)
(1445) Pyridoxine deficiency and peripheral neuropathy associated
with long-term phenelzine therapy by Heller CA, Friedman PA.(PubMed)
(1446) Hyperhomocysteinemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus:
cardiovascular risk factors and effect of treatment with folic acid and
pyridoxine by Baliga BS1, Reynolds T, Fink LM, Fonseca VA.(PubMed)
(1447) Vitamin B status in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
with and without incipient nephropathy by Nix WA1, Zirwes R2, Bangert V2,
Kaiser RP3, Schilling M4, Hostalek U5, Obeid R6.(PubMed)
(1448) Biotin requirements for DNA damage prevention by Zempleni
J1, Teixeira DC, Kuroishi T, Cordonier EL, Baier S.(PubMed)
(1449) Genome instability(Wikipedia)
(1450) Hair loss in long-term or home parenteral nutrition: are
micronutrient deficiencies to blame? by Daniells S1, Hardy G.(PubMed)
(1451) Acrodermatitis due to nutritional deficiency by Gehrig KA1,
Dinulos JG.(PubMed)
(1452) Natural supplements for improving insulin sensitivity and
glucose uptake in skeletal muscle by Kouzi SA1, Yang S1, Nuzum DS1,
Dirks-Naylor AJ1.(PubMed)
(1453) The prevalence and correlates of taking folic acid and
vitamin supplements among adults aged ≥ 45 years with CVD by Zhao G1, Ford ES,
Li C, Mokdad AH.(PubMed)
(1454) Can folic acid and vitamin B lower CVD risk in high-risk
women? [No authors listed](PubMed)
(1456) Influence of folic acid supplementation on coagulation,
inflammatory, lipid, and kidney function parameters in subjects with low and
moderate content of folic acid in the diet by Mierzecki A, Makarewicz-Wujec M,
Kłoda K1, Kozłowska-Wojciechowska M, Pieńkowski P, Naruszewicz M.(PubMed)
(1457) Folic acid improves endothelial dysfunction in type 2
diabetes--an effect independent of homocysteine-lowering by Title LM1, Ur E,
Giddens K, McQueen MJ, Nassar BA.(PubMed)
(1458) Combined supplementation of folic acid and vitamin E
diminishes diabetes-induced embryotoxicity in rats by Gäreskog M1, Eriksson UJ,
Wentzel P.(PubMed)
(1459) Elevated homocysteine as a risk factor for the development
of diabetes in women with a previous history of gestational diabetes mellitus:
a 4-year prospective study by Cho NH1, Lim S, Jang HC, Park HK, Metzger BE.(PubMed)
(1460) Folate deficiency is associated with oxidative stress,
increased blood pressure, and insulin resistance in spontaneously hypertensive
rats by Pravenec M1, Kozich V, Krijt J, Sokolová J, Zídek V, Landa V, Simáková
M, Mlejnek P, Silhavy J, Oliyarnyk O, Kazdová L, Kurtz TW.(PubMed)
(1461) Depressed cell-mediated immunity in megaloblastic anemia
due to folic acid deficiency by Gross RL, Reid JV, Newberne PM, Burgess B,
Marston R, Hift W.(PubMed)
(1462) Vitamin B12 and cognitive function: an evidence-based analysis
by Health Quality Ontario.(PubMed)
(1463) Among vitamin B12 deficient older people, high folate
levels are associated with worse cognitive function: combined data from three
cohorts by Moore EM1, Ames D2, Mander AG3, Carne RP4, Brodaty H5, Woodward MC6,
Boundy K7, Ellis KA8, Bush AI9, Faux NG10, Martins RN11, Masters CL12, Rowe
CC13, Szoeke C14, Watters DA4.(PubMed)
(1464) Association of vitamin B12 with obesity, overweight,
insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, and body fat composition; primary
care-based study by Baltaci D1, Kutlucan A, Turker Y, Yilmaz A, Karacam S,
Deler H, Ucgun T, Kara IH.(PubMed)
(1465) Insulin resistance and endothelial function are improved
after folate and vitamin B12 therapy in patients with metabolic syndrome:
relationship between homocysteine levels and hyperinsulinemia by Setola E1,
Monti LD, Galluccio E, Palloshi A, Fragasso G, Paroni R, Magni F, Sandoli EP,
Lucotti P, Costa S, Fermo I, Galli-Kienle M, Origgi A, Margonato A, Piatti P.(PubMed)
(1466) Vitamin B12 insufficiency induces cholesterol biosynthesis
by limiting s-adenosylmethionine and modulating the methylation of SREBF1 and
LDLR genes by Adaikalakoteswari A1, Finer S2, Voyias PD1, McCarthy CM1, Vatish
M3, Moore J4, Smart-Halajko M5, Bawazeer N1, Al-Daghri NM6, McTernan PG1, Kumar
S1, Hitman GA5, Saravanan P7, Tripathi G1.(PubMed)
(1467) Vitamin B12 deficiency and hyperhomocysteinemia as
correlates of cardiovascular risk factors in Indian subjects with coronary artery
disease by Mahalle N1, Kulkarni MV, Garg MK, Naik SS.(PubMed)
(1468 1469)
(1470) Contemporary view of the clinical relevance of magnesium
homeostasis by John Ayuk and Neil JL Gittoes(Biochemistry)
(1471) Magnesium by Wester PO.(PubMed)
(1472) Magnesium(Wikipedia)
(1473) Magnesium protects cognitive functions and synaptic
plasticity in streptozotocin-induced sporadic Alzheimer's model by Xu ZP1, Li
L1, Bao J1, Wang ZH1, Zeng J1, Liu EJ1, Li XG1, Huang RX1, Gao D1, Li MZ1,
Zhang Y2, Liu GP1, Wang JZ1.(PubMed)
(1474) Effects of nutrients (in food) on the structure and
function of the nervous system: update on dietary requirements for brain. Part
1: micronutrients by Bourre JM1.(PubMed)
(1475) The paradox of the contrasting roles of chronic magnesium
deficiencyin metabolic disorders and field cancerization by Rubin H1.(PubMed)
(1476) Hormonal imbalance and disturbances in carbohydrate
metabolismassociated with chronic feeding of high sucrose low magnesium diet in
weanling male wistar rats by Garg M1, Mehra P, Bansal DD.(PubMed)
(1477) Dietary magnesium deficiency affects gut microbiota and
anxiety-like behaviour in C57BL/6N mice by Pyndt Jørgensen B1, Winther G2, Kihl
P1, Nielsen DS3, Wegener G2, Hansen AK1, Sørensen DB1.(PubMed)
(1478) [Magnesium deficiency and anxiety-depressive syndrome in
elderly patients with chronic heart failure].[Article in Russian] by Uteva AG,
Pimenov LT.(PubMed)
(1479) Magnesium supplementation improves indicators of low
magnesiumstatus and inflammatory stress in adults older than 51 years with poor
qualitysleep by Nielsen FH1, Johnson LK, Zeng H.(PubMed)
(1480) Magnesium involvement in sleep: genetic and nutritional
models by Chollet D1, Franken P, Raffin Y, Henrotte JG, Widmer J, Malafosse A,
Tafti M.(PubMed)
(1481) Protective role of magnesium in cardiovascular diseases: a
review by Chakraborti S1, Chakraborti T, Mandal M, Mandal A, Das S, Ghosh S.(PubMed)
(1482) Role of magnesium in insulin action, diabetes and
cardio-metabolic syndrome X by Barbagallo M1, Dominguez LJ, Galioto A, Ferlisi
A, Cani C, Malfa L, Pineo A, Busardo' A, Paolisso G.(PubMed)
(1483) Hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and insulin resistance:
the role of intracellular magnesium by Paolisso G1, Barbagallo M.(PubMed)
(1484) Magnesium metabolism in type 2 diabetes mellitus, metabolic
syndrome and insulin resistance by Barbagallo M1, Dominguez LJ.(PubMed)
(1485) Magnesium deficiency and metabolic syndrome: stress and
inflammation may reflect calcium activation by Rayssiguier Y1, Libako P,
Nowacki W, Rock E.(PubMed)
(1486) Magnesium, inflammation, and obesity in chronic disease by
Nielsen FH1.(PubMed)
(1487) [Obesity and hypertension: the role of magnesium]. [Article
in Italian] by Corica F1, Allegra A, Buemi M, Ientile R, Corsonello A,
Bonanzinga S, Macaione S, Ceruso D.(PubMed)
(1488) Serum magnesium concentrations in polycystic ovary syndrome
and its association with insulin resistance by Sharifi F1, Mazloomi S,
Hajihosseini R, Mazloomzadeh S.(PubMed)
(1489) Fasting plasma magnesium concentrations and glucose
disposal in diabetes by Yajnik CS, Smith RF, Hockaday TD, Ward NI.(PubMed)
(1490) Dietary magnesium deficiency induces heart rhythm changes,
impairs glucose tolerance, and decreases serum cholesterol in post menopausal
women by Nielsen FH1, Milne DB, Klevay LM, Gallagher S, Johnson L.(PubMed)
(1491) The absorbability by rats of various triglycerides of
stearic and oleic acid and the effect of dietary calcium and magnesium by
Mattson FH, Nolen GA, Webb MR.(PubMed)
(1492) Serum and salivary magnesium levels in migraine and
tension-type headache. Results in a group of adult patients by Sarchielli P1,
Coata G, Firenze C, Morucci P, Abbritti G, Gallai V.(PubMed)
(1493) Serum and salivary magnesium levels in migraine. Results in
a group of juvenile patients by Gallai V1, Sarchielli P, Coata G, Firenze C,
Morucci P, Abbritti G.(PubMed)
(1494) Interrelationship of magnesium and estrogen in
cardiovascular and bone disorders, eclampsia, migraine and premenstrual
syndrome by Seelig MS1.(PubMed)
(1495) Evaluating the effect of magnesium and magnesium plus
vitamin B6 supplement on the severity of premenstrual syndrome by Fathizadeh
N1, Ebrahimi E, Valiani M, Tavakoli N, Yar MH.(PubMed)
(1496) Magnesium in depression by Serefko A1, Szopa A, Wlaź P,
Nowak G, Radziwoń-Zaleska M, Skalski M, Poleszak E.(PubMed)
(1497) Magnesium supplementation improves indicators of low
magnesium status and inflammatory stress in adults older than 51 years with
poor quality sleep by Nielsen FH1, Johnson LK, Zeng H.(PubMed)
(1498) Magnesium, stress and neuropsychiatric disorders by Galland
(1499) Consequences of magnesium deficiency on the enhancement of
stress reactions; preventive and therapeutic implications (a review) by Seelig
1. The Holistic Prevention, Management of PCOs analysed through Conventional Medicine Research and Studies(Part I) - The Prevention
2. The Holistic Prevention, Management of PCOs analysed through Conventional Medicine Research and Studies (Part II)- The Conventional Supplement page
3. The Holistic Prevention, Management of PCOs analysed through Conventional Medicine Research and Studies(Part III) - The Weight loss approach
5. The Holistic Prevention, Management of PCOs analysed through Conventional Medicine Research and Studies(Part V) - The TCM approach
7. The Holistic Prevention, Management of PCOs analysed through Conventional Medicine Research and Studies(References page of 700 -1499)
1. The Holistic Prevention, Management of PCOs analysed through Conventional Medicine Research and Studies(Part I) - The Prevention
2. The Holistic Prevention, Management of PCOs analysed through Conventional Medicine Research and Studies (Part II)- The Conventional Supplement page
3. The Holistic Prevention, Management of PCOs analysed through Conventional Medicine Research and Studies(Part III) - The Weight loss approach
5. The Holistic Prevention, Management of PCOs analysed through Conventional Medicine Research and Studies(Part V) - The TCM approach
7. The Holistic Prevention, Management of PCOs analysed through Conventional Medicine Research and Studies(References page of 700 -1499)