
Sunday 28 April 2019

The 33 Health Benefits of Carrot, Studies Suggested

By Kyle J. Norton

Carrot, a root vegetable with orange color is a subspecies of Daucus carota, belongings to the family Apiaceae, native to Asian and Europe.

1. Carbohydrates
2. Sugars
3. Fibre
4. Fat
5. Protein
6. Vitamin A
7. Thiamine (VittaminB1)
8. Riboflavin (Vittamin B2)
9. Niacin (Vittamin B3)
10. Vitamin B6
11. Folate (Vittamin B9)
12. Vitamin C
13. Vitamin K
14. Calcium
15. Iron
16. Magnesium
17. Molybdenum
18. Phosphorus
19. Potassium
20. Sodium
1. The Science of Root Vegetables: Carrot and its Bioactive Compounds in Prevention and Treatment of Breast cancer
2. Food therapy: Dietary Carrot In Attenuated Onset and Treatment of Prostate Cancer 
3. Food Therapy: Carrots In Attenuated Risk, Progression and Treatment of Lung Cancer 
4. Food Therapy: Wild Carrot, Single and Hidden Root Vegetable for Treatment of Skin Cancer, Endorsed By Online Published Medical Literature
5. Men’s Health: Protect Prostate Cells Viability Against Prostate Cancer with A Single Vegetable, Medical Literature Recommended
6. Food Therapy: Wild Carrot, Single and Hidden Root Vegetable for Treatment of Skin Cancer, Endorsed By Online Published Medical Literature
7. Food Therapy: Carrot. A Potent and Functional Vegetables in Ameliorated Risk and Treatment of Vulvar Cancer
8. Food Therapy: Carrots Prevent Leukemia
9. The carrot to Maintain A Healthy Skin, Naturally and Permanently, PubMed Studies Find 
10. The carrot to Prevent the Onset of Inflammatory Related Diseases Naturally, Medline Model Studies Show
11. Carrots EnhanceYour Immunity Naturally, US National Library of Medicine Studies Suggest
12. Carrots in Decreased Risk of Stroke, Naturally and Effectively, MEDLINE Studies Suggest
13. Carrots' carotenoids, the Secret Ingredients In Protection of Your Heart, Studies Provided by National Institutes of Health
14. Carrot, The Tasty Food That Gobbles Up Pathogenic Microorganisms, Scientists Revealed
15.  The Veggie and Plant That Suppress Oxidative Stress in Induction of Atherosclerosis, Cancers, Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Post-ischemic Perfusion Injury, Myocardial Infarction, Cardiovascular Diseases,... and Stroke
16. The Root Vegetable That Prevents Macular Degeneration (AMD), Biomedical Literature Suggest
17. Carrot and Its Bioactive Chemical Compounds in Reduced Risk and Treatment of Colon Cancer
18. Carrot, The Functional Food Which Reduces Gastric/Stomach Cancer Risk By 26%
19. Carrot Stops Colon Cancer Cells From Spreading
20  How to Boost Your Bone Health
21. Carrot, the Potent Liver Protective Functional Food
22. Carrots, The Potent functional Food Which Protects the Brain Against Onset of Neuro-degenerative Disorders, Scientists Reveal
23. Carrots, The Veggie Which Normalizes Your High Blood Pressure With No Side Effects, Suggested By MEDLINE Studies
24. Carrot and its Bioactive Compounds In Reducing Risk, Progression and Treatment of Gastric Cancer
25, How to Protect Your Body From Heavy Metals and Chemical Toxicity, Effectively
26. Carrots, the Veggie Which Normalizes Levels of Blood Glucose in Patient with Hyperglycemia
27. Carrots, the Veggies with Anti Cancer Potential, Researchers Find
28. Carrot, The Vegetable Which Promotes Weight Loss and Prevents the Onset of Obesity
29. How to Have the Optimal Oral Health Naturally
30. Carrots, the Vegetable Which Protects Your Eyes Against Glaucoma, Scientists Find
31. Carrots Juice, The Potential Functional Drink in the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease
32.  Carrot Juice, the Potent Anti Hypertension Functional Food
33. Carrot, the Functional Food Which Normalizes the Levels of Cholesterol, Researchers Suggest

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Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)

Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.

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